Ubuntu :: Changing Ownership From Root

Nov 7, 2010

I have an external usb hard drive, vfat, mounted as /media/USB STORAGE. It has on it's own(?) changed it's ownership to root. I need to change it back. I have tried 'sudo chown -R pbhill : pbhill /media/USB STORAGE' and get the message that no such file or directory exists. I can access it read only, so I know it exists. Am I using the correct command?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Ext Hd Ownership From Root To User

Apr 17, 2010

I just got a 1.5 terrabyte Western Digital My Book 1110 external usb 2 drive. I used Gparted to reformat the drive to ext3. The problem I have is I can't change the file permissions for the drive because it says the drive is owned by root. I can't back up my files into the drive because it won't allow me to. I am using Jaunty Jackalope and got this drive to back up my files so I can feel comfortable in upgrading to Karmic Koala in case there are major problems with the upgrade.

I know someone out there in the community can tell me the commands to use in the terminal to let me gain ownership of this external drive from root so I can copy my files into it. the entire drive itself is seen as /dev/sdb One meg of the drive is unallocated and the part of the drive that I reformated is seen as /dev/sdb1 my personal files are owned by the name of dave

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General :: Changing File And Folder Ownership From Root?

Oct 11, 2010

I created a folder structure as root and now need to transfer ownership to an ordinary user.

This question is linked to this one - [URL]

I have a folder /srv/app-share that needs to be visible/writeable to user1

I tried (as root):

root@server [/]# chown -R user1:user1 /srv/

But that did not work.

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General :: Renaming External Files Changing Ownership Instead Of Root

Mar 28, 2011

i have inherited a mixed bag of sorts: several xp users updating an access mdb with the BE on a lamp stack shared via samba. i have a backup device which gets mounted at: /media/disk... each client record (has) a folder by the companyname on the samba share, and all relative documents are placed there. when the backup script runs, it just copies newer or missing files.

someone has been renaming folders, and not matching the folder name to the related companyname from the mdb. so...the backup script captures and duplicates the data in the renamed folders. some client records also have periods in the name (not required from a data pov), such as 'Company Ltd.' instead of 'Company Ltd'. i can produce a list of company names as the folders should be found easily enough, but get a little stuck with the linux scripting.

i can easily remove and further prevent any unwanted punctuation in the company name on the client record, and create the correct folder name on the samba share with vba, but would also like to:

-for each 'client activity' folder on the backup device
-rename the folder by removing punctuation marks
-delete the folder if is a dupe

i tried: ls -al | grep '&' - it properly returns only those lines with an ampersand in the folder name, but returns all folders when i try that with a '.'.

what would be the easiest method to do the renaming? i thought if there was a way to change ownership of the mounted device, then the vba code (easy to write) would be simple.

OK - i just ran chown -R on the external device, changing ownership to (me) instead of root. didn't want to because it took too long, but can now use the MoveFolder method of the filesystemobject from my app to do the renaming instead of some sort of bash script (which i was dreading).

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Ownership NTFS Volume?

Oct 4, 2010

(Ubuntu 10.04) I would like to change to change the ownership of one of my storage partitions from root to dad - I am currently reading through as much Ubuntu documentation as I can but the process is slow. If I gksudo nautilus and select the drive, right click/properties/Permissions the owner is set to root. If I try to change the group ownership from root to dad it looks like it momentarily does it but it stays at root.

using Pysdm as a gui for fstab - but so far I have only found out how to allow other users to mount the volume not own it. My fstab entry for this volume reads as /dev/sdb6 /media/backuphd2 ntfs-3g group=dad,users,user,owner 0 0 - it looks to me that in terms of ownership, root = 0 0 Can I find out what the ownership of dad is in terms of numbers (e.g. owner 0 1 or owner 1 1) and then change the fstab entry?

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Ubuntu :: Changing File And Ownership Permissions?

Jan 1, 2011

I installed Ubuntu from the alternate cd a few days ago to save space and resources on a very old laptop. (install command line, then add what I wanted) But I have struck an interesting problem with file permissions. Various programs like synaptic, leafpad, pcman, Banshee, all require I enter the root password to execute them (or sudo command from terminal). I want to change synaptic from root ownership to sudo and leafpad etc to execute without using the sudo command in terminal. I could get comments on the commands before I execute them in terminal and if I am introducing a security problem, as I am still learning bash. $ sudo chown sudo:sudo synaptic

I would still be asked for my sudo password before being able to open synaptic? As in standard Ubuntu instead of root password.$ sudo chmod 777 leafpad pcman Banshee All users could open these programs from the menu? I have my admin account and a general account which I use for everyday things like surfing the net and listening to music.

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Programming :: Changing Ownership Of File

Aug 4, 2010

I am running a shell script as the user "redhatuser01" and this script creates a files in the home directory of another user "redhatuser02" (/home/redhatuser02/sample.txt) but the ownership of this file is currently "redhatuser01". How can i change the "ownership of this file to the user "redhatuser02"? (My constraint is that I cannot sudo as redhatuser2 and create the file).

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Fedora :: Changing Ownership Group Permissions Failing?

Jan 16, 2010

just trying to learn linux here and have some comfusing moments.it is my understanding that if you own directories and files you maychange the group, ownership, and permissions on all of these as you desire.however, in my case I cannot make any changes in my setup on group, ownershipor permissions on any of my files or directories.get error message <operation not permitted>. I know as root you ar supposed tobe able to do anything you desire, however in my case I can go in as root andtry the same commands with the same results. it is as if I am locked out ofsystem as far as any changes are concerned.on my jump drive I have:

total 83832
drwxr-xr-x 26 jevans root 16384 1969-12-31 19:00 .
drwxrwxr-x 9 jevans jevans 4096 2010-01-15 12:51 ..


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General :: Changing Ownership Of 'file Name' : Operation Not Permitted

Oct 14, 2010

I`ve been given a project to design a program that will interface with a hardware device through the parallel port.And so far it`s not going go. I managed to write the programe an compiled it, but when runing it the compiler says: 'changing ownership of'and then the file name then it continues to say, 'operation not permitted'.

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Ubuntu :: File Permissions / Ownership - Even Root Cannot Change

Aug 30, 2010

I have been VERY lucky and managed to restore from a formatted ext3 /home/ partition. I used testdisk to reset the original partition which had had nothing done to it since formatting(!). However some of the file permissions are a altered and I cannot change them. I have tried "su chmod" and even temporarily enabled the root account itself and tried to alter the ownership/permissions from root 'proper' without it helping.

Here is an example of the output of ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 martyn martyn 4096 (date) (time) sponsors
?-----S--T 63231 92820383 44090688 4286824785 (date) (time) order.xls

The first line looks like a normally formed output and indeed is readable. The second line looks corrupted and I don't have a clue how I can reclaim this - or even if it is possible. Should I count my blessings most of my files are intact and leave those be?

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General :: Restrict Device Ownership To Root Only / Why Is So?

Jul 6, 2011

NSA's Guide to the Secure Configuration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 recommands restricting device ownership to root only.

So my question is why should we restrict device ownership to root? And what does device ownership mean anyway in Linux?

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General :: Root To Change The Ownership Of A File?

Jun 17, 2011

Why would I need to be root to change the ownership of a file? Example: I'm logged in as dwadmin and I've created a file:

-rw-rw---- 1 dwadmin dgw 0 Jun 17 07:46 testing.txt

I want to change the ownership to another user, but am getting the following error: chown 511 testing.txt chown: changing ownership of `testing.txt': Operation not permitted

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Slackware :: Root User Can Not Change The Ownership Of A Hard Drive?

Apr 22, 2010

I have Slackware 12.2 installed on my computer, as well as a Windows Xp. I have a hard drive named '/fat-d', which is formatted to be 'fat' and is normally used under XP. This drive can also be accessed under Slackware, both as root and the normal user.I can not write to the directory '/fat-d' when I am not root, it is normal since 'ls -l' shows that its owner is root and other users have no permission to write. The problem is that, when I tried (as root) to change the owner to the normal user:# chown [normal_user_name] /fat-dI got an error: chown: changing ownership of '/fat-d/':Operation not permittedBut how can the root have no permission to change the owner?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Change The Ownership Of All Home Stuff To Root Instead Of My Normal Username?

Dec 21, 2010

how I managed this, but somehow during a reinstall I changed the ownership of all my home stuff to root, instead of my normal username. So now nothing loads, unless I sudo it. I had to use sudo just to open firefox.

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Debian :: Default Ownership Of Folders And Files - Should Own By A User Without Root Permissions

Feb 12, 2011

Being new to Linux, i've just about got used to the Debian setup procedure now, but had a quick question on the default ownership of files and folders. On my default Debian installation, almost all the folders and files are owned by root:root. Is this the correct advised configuration or should the folders and files be owned by a user without root permissions - eg user:user?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Changing Document Root On Apache2?

Mar 14, 2010

how can I change the document root from /var/www to another folder? I cannot find anything in the apache2.conf or httpd.conf.

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Ubuntu :: Apache2 Redirect After Changing 'Document Root' From /var/www?

Apr 2, 2010

In /etc/apache2/sites-available/default, I changed my 'Document Root' and 'Directory' from /var/www to /var/www/newdir.have an index.php file in /var/www/newdir I use to authenticate, but when I try to redirect back to index.html in /var/www, i get a 404 error.Anyone have info / know where the link to this discussion is

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Ubuntu :: 403 Error After Changing Apache Document Root

Sep 19, 2010

I've had apache installed for a couple of years with no problem but this morning I thought I would change the apache document root to my secondary disk so that my WAMP setup in my Windows partition and LAMP could share the same files. I've edited the etc/apache2/sites-available file to point it to the new location of my document root but I am getting a 403 - forbidden "You don't have permission to access / on this server." error when I try to load files through the browser. I'm not sure if this is a permissions issue or the way I've edited the sites-available config.

Here is the new sites available config:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /media/Data/webroot
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None .....

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General :: Changing User To Root?

Sep 17, 2010

I tried to make my account root by editing etc/group:


But it didn't succeed.What can I do more?

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General :: Root Process Whose Pid Is Changing All Time / Why Is So?

Mar 17, 2011

It's pid is increasing all the time...
I'm writing a program to display all the process's info, this process really bother me.
Oh..the Chinese words are sleeping..., can't use, can't use

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Changing Permissions From Root To User

Jun 6, 2010

I recently got a new external drive and backed all my files up on the new external: movies, music, docs, etc. Now all my files have permission rights to the root only. I was able to change this by open up nautilis from a terminal in root and change the permission on the whole drive to my current user so I can access the files, copy & delete the files. I wanted to change some music file information in Kynamo this morning and was not able to since all the individual files still belong to the root. How can I change this permission issue without having to change each individual file?

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General :: Changing File Permissions Works As Root But Not As Sudo

Nov 22, 2010

I have a really strange problem. I have a few files in a large directory that I want to make readable by everyone. So I try this:

sudo find readme* -not -perm -o+r -exec chmod +r {} ;

and get this:

sudo: unable to execute /usr/bin/find: Success

I don't know why it says Success, because the permissions were not changed. I verified by typing this:

find readme* -not -perm -o+r -exec ls -l {} ;

and get something like

-rw------- 1 root root 536871076 Nov 22 14:06 readme_20101122200429
-rw------- 1 root root 536871892 Nov 22 14:08 readme_20101122200642
-rw------- 1 root root 293458128 Nov 22 14:10 readme_20101122200859

as a last resort, I tried:

sudo chmod +r *

and got:

sudo: unable to execute /bin/chmod: Success

and again Success really means fail. So, I gave up and logged in as root and tried:

find readme* -not -perm -o+r -exec chmod +r {} ;

This time it worked. Why?

EDIT: /etc/sudoers looks like:

## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
user1 ALL=(ALL) ALL

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Mount Root Filesystem After Changing Graphics Card

Jun 12, 2011

I have opensuse 11.3 installed, and my motherboard has the intel i845 chipset,
one day windows had enough of the intel graphics chip and would not let me have anything but 640x480 pixels, well you cant do much with that so I put an ati card in and disabled the intenal graphics. windows was happy enough but suse could not boot - more specifically could not mount the root filesystem, saying it had errors (did a very quick fsck), could not find the journal, and I had a bad superblock. the "failsafe kernel" was no better. If I take the ati card out suse boots fine. however I do swap frequently between windows and linux and changing graphics cards between boots is somewhat irritating.

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SUSE / Novell :: Changing /tmp From It's Own Partition Back To Root Partition?

Jun 8, 2010

I initially installed SuSe11.2 with /tmp mounted on separate partition on another physical disk( there are two physical disks). Now I want to attach disk with existing SuSe11.2 to another motherboard so I would like that /tmp becomes part of the root partition. Will deleting /tmp mount point in /etc/fstab create automatically new /tmp from root at next startup, or something else has to be done to achieve, that in future, /tmp resides on root partition instead? In this way it would be much easier to move the disk with SuSe11.2 to another motherboard.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Settings Always Changing / EMESENE Always Changing

Sep 1, 2011

is everytime i reboot , my keyboard is reset to USA. im in canada & it pisses me off each time i need to change it also.all my options on EMESENE is the same issue always RESET.it's like if nothing keeps the changes once rebooted.

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Ubuntu :: Taking Ownership Of New Partition?

Feb 10, 2010

The previous writer gave instructions for editing fstab. He said to enter something like the following line in fstab:

/dev/hdb1 /media/harddrive ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,users,user_xattr,user 0 0

My partition is: /dev/sda7.
I created a folder in media: /media/8g
The file system is: ext2 (Do I need the "defults" instruction? What does this do?)
errors=remount-ro (I think I understand this)


He also said, after this was all done, to enter the command: sudo mount /media/[my new partition]

Since it's already mounted? What does this command accomplish?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Ownership Of Folder?

Feb 19, 2010

I've tried using chown to change the owner on one of my folders - but to no luck? This is what I run on the terminal - and there's no output. And when i view the permissions of the folder it's still set to root?[URL]

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Ubuntu :: Change The Ownership Of A Folder?

Jun 30, 2010

how to change the ownership of a folder and everything within it through the Terminal. chown, in this case, isn't going to work.

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Ubuntu :: Way To Change Ownership Of File

Jul 7, 2010

I need to install a script into my Gimp folder which is owned by root. I tried "chown my name usr/ share/ gimp2.0/scripts" in terminal, but it tells me folder does not exist. I know I'm missing something, but I haven't done this in a while, so I'm not sure what it is.

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Box Not Starting Due To Ownership?

Jun 7, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu 10.04 on a new system and installed Virtual box to run a virtal Windows environment. I also added an additional 2 Tb hard disk to the system that will be used to store the virtual machine(s). I managed to add the hard drive in ubuntu and it is recognized as DriveD_ in the Media folder (don't ask me how i did it ... trial and error). I am the owner of this folder. In the media folder there is also a folder named DriveD, and this is an empty folder. The owner of this folder is Root. When I start Virtualbox, Windows starts up normally, and recognizes the second drive D (which I partitioned and formatted before). After closing the Windows, Virtual box and Unbuntu, the mystery begins. When I start Ubuntu, the DriveD_ folder is not visible and I cannot start the Windows virtual machine (error message: VD: error VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND opening image file). When using Tux Commander, I do not see DriveD_. When I use Nautilus to go to the same Media folder, both folders are visible (DriveD and DriveD_). When I open Drive_, the Virtual machine files are present. After doing this, I can start Virtual Box and start Windows normally. I think it has someting to do with the ownership of the second hard drive that I added (maybe I made a mistake attaching it in ubuntu?) Has anyone experienced this before?

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