Ubuntu :: Changing File And Ownership Permissions?
Jan 1, 2011
I installed Ubuntu from the alternate cd a few days ago to save space and resources on a very old laptop. (install command line, then add what I wanted) But I have struck an interesting problem with file permissions. Various programs like synaptic, leafpad, pcman, Banshee, all require I enter the root password to execute them (or sudo command from terminal). I want to change synaptic from root ownership to sudo and leafpad etc to execute without using the sudo command in terminal. I could get comments on the commands before I execute them in terminal and if I am introducing a security problem, as I am still learning bash. $ sudo chown sudo:sudo synaptic
I would still be asked for my sudo password before being able to open synaptic? As in standard Ubuntu instead of root password.$ sudo chmod 777 leafpad pcman Banshee All users could open these programs from the menu? I have my admin account and a general account which I use for everyday things like surfing the net and listening to music.
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Jan 16, 2010
just trying to learn linux here and have some comfusing moments.it is my understanding that if you own directories and files you maychange the group, ownership, and permissions on all of these as you desire.however, in my case I cannot make any changes in my setup on group, ownershipor permissions on any of my files or directories.get error message <operation not permitted>. I know as root you ar supposed tobe able to do anything you desire, however in my case I can go in as root andtry the same commands with the same results. it is as if I am locked out ofsystem as far as any changes are concerned.on my jump drive I have:
total 83832
drwxr-xr-x 26 jevans root 16384 1969-12-31 19:00 .
drwxrwxr-x 9 jevans jevans 4096 2010-01-15 12:51 ..
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Aug 4, 2010
I am running a shell script as the user "redhatuser01" and this script creates a files in the home directory of another user "redhatuser02" (/home/redhatuser02/sample.txt) but the ownership of this file is currently "redhatuser01". How can i change the "ownership of this file to the user "redhatuser02"? (My constraint is that I cannot sudo as redhatuser2 and create the file).
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Aug 30, 2010
I have been VERY lucky and managed to restore from a formatted ext3 /home/ partition. I used testdisk to reset the original partition which had had nothing done to it since formatting(!). However some of the file permissions are a altered and I cannot change them. I have tried "su chmod" and even temporarily enabled the root account itself and tried to alter the ownership/permissions from root 'proper' without it helping.
Here is an example of the output of ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 martyn martyn 4096 (date) (time) sponsors
?-----S--T 63231 92820383 44090688 4286824785 (date) (time) order.xls
The first line looks like a normally formed output and indeed is readable. The second line looks corrupted and I don't have a clue how I can reclaim this - or even if it is possible. Should I count my blessings most of my files are intact and leave those be?
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Sep 15, 2010
Is it possible to let users create the directory or files but only user "yat" can delete them.suppose other users are geller ross joe from group FH , who have privileges. whenever these users create file or dir , they should not able delete it.BottomLine: Group users should create file but should not be able to delete them.By the way using sgid bit didnt help .
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Oct 11, 2010
I created a folder structure as root and now need to transfer ownership to an ordinary user.
This question is linked to this one - [URL]
I have a folder /srv/app-share that needs to be visible/writeable to user1
I tried (as root):
root@server [/]# chown -R user1:user1 /srv/
But that did not work.
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Oct 14, 2010
I`ve been given a project to design a program that will interface with a hardware device through the parallel port.And so far it`s not going go. I managed to write the programe an compiled it, but when runing it the compiler says: 'changing ownership of'and then the file name then it continues to say, 'operation not permitted'.
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Oct 16, 2010
Finally I managed to install my printer/scanner drivers.The last thing I need to do is to add the following two lines to 40-libsane.rules (which is a read only file):# Brother scanners ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes".How can I change permissions for this file or add these lines without changing permissions?
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Jan 25, 2010
I use a USB drive to store most of my personal and work files, and I use it both at home and at work (two different machines, both running Ubuntu). The drive is encrypted, and is accessed using TrueCrypt (the entire drive is encrypted as a device rather than an encrypted file on the device). The TrueCrypt device is formatted as ext3/ext4.
I have a problem with certain file permissions being changed to read-only (rw-r--r--) after mounting the drive. This happens after I have used it on one computer, and then I mount it on the other. Even though I have been setting write permissions to all (chmod -R a+rw *) to get around this problem, when I mount on the other machine the write access is gone. I don't want to keep manually changing permissions; I would like the file permissions to stay as I set them.I'm using the same version of TrueCrypt at work and at home. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 at work, and 9.10 at home.I do have different usernames on these computers, and I suspect that is the problem (but don't see why this would change file permissions for all users).
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Apr 8, 2011
I have two computers (one at work, one laptop) that I use daily. Both are running Ubuntu 10.04. I frequently use a usb stick to transfer files from one to the other. Somehow, every time I do this, all files get turned into executables (as if I did a chmod a+x on them...)
This happens every time I use the usb stick. I've reformatted the stick, but still this problem persists... anyone have any ideas on what is going on? It is really getting annoying to have to zip up folders so this doesn't happen...
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Sep 17, 2009
I am trying to automate ftp to transfer files from windows to Linux server automatically and my script looks like this .
@echo off
SET CUSTOM=/apps12i/oracle/KIRAN/apps/apps_st/appl/custom/12.0.0/reports/US
echo user oracle> ftpcmd.dat
Any files we transfer through ftp from windows , their default permissions to be set 755 automatically . We are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 7) .
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Jul 12, 2010
Is there a way to have a directory automatically change the permissions of a file that is written to it? I have a program which saves files to a directory, and gives those files read-only permissions to members in the group. This is a problem, because other users of my computer need to be able to edit these files. The directory itself has rw permissions for group members.
I guess what I am looking for is a way for the directory permissions to "override" the permissions the program is trying to save the files as. For example, if the directory has "rw" permissions for the group, then any file saved to it will automatically get the same permissions, regardless of what the program writing the file is trying to do.
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Jan 4, 2010
I first installed linux as ubuntu version 9.04 straight off of a Computer Active CD and liked it so started to delve into file permissions and authorisations, simple stuff I suppose just so I could feel my way around things for a while. Using the built in Ubuntu software centre I downloaded and installed a prog which handles authorisations and I found that very helpful but then through the update manager I installed the latest distribution update (9.10) and now find that the authorisation software only lists a couple of things that I can get to and consequently every time I mount one of my hard disks I'm asked for my admin password even though I am logged in as administrator which is a hassle,
a small one but there all the same, as a newbie I realise it must be me not understanding something but I just dont know what, also in the previous version right clicking on the logging out panel gave you an option to remove the 60 second shutdown or restart delay and that has disappeared in the new version, again its really only just a nuisance thing but I find that sorting out this sort of thing will help me to understand the system
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Nov 7, 2010
I have an external usb hard drive, vfat, mounted as /media/USB STORAGE. It has on it's own(?) changed it's ownership to root. I need to change it back. I have tried 'sudo chown -R pbhill : pbhill /media/USB STORAGE' and get the message that no such file or directory exists. I can access it read only, so I know it exists. Am I using the correct command?
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Nov 22, 2010
I have a really strange problem. I have a few files in a large directory that I want to make readable by everyone. So I try this:
sudo find readme* -not -perm -o+r -exec chmod +r {} ;
and get this:
sudo: unable to execute /usr/bin/find: Success
I don't know why it says Success, because the permissions were not changed. I verified by typing this:
find readme* -not -perm -o+r -exec ls -l {} ;
and get something like
-rw------- 1 root root 536871076 Nov 22 14:06 readme_20101122200429
-rw------- 1 root root 536871892 Nov 22 14:08 readme_20101122200642
-rw------- 1 root root 293458128 Nov 22 14:10 readme_20101122200859
as a last resort, I tried:
sudo chmod +r *
and got:
sudo: unable to execute /bin/chmod: Success
and again Success really means fail. So, I gave up and logged in as root and tried:
find readme* -not -perm -o+r -exec chmod +r {} ;
This time it worked. Why?
EDIT: /etc/sudoers looks like:
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
user1 ALL=(ALL) ALL
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Apr 17, 2010
I just got a 1.5 terrabyte Western Digital My Book 1110 external usb 2 drive. I used Gparted to reformat the drive to ext3. The problem I have is I can't change the file permissions for the drive because it says the drive is owned by root. I can't back up my files into the drive because it won't allow me to. I am using Jaunty Jackalope and got this drive to back up my files so I can feel comfortable in upgrading to Karmic Koala in case there are major problems with the upgrade.
I know someone out there in the community can tell me the commands to use in the terminal to let me gain ownership of this external drive from root so I can copy my files into it. the entire drive itself is seen as /dev/sdb One meg of the drive is unallocated and the part of the drive that I reformated is seen as /dev/sdb1 my personal files are owned by the name of dave
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Oct 4, 2010
(Ubuntu 10.04) I would like to change to change the ownership of one of my storage partitions from root to dad - I am currently reading through as much Ubuntu documentation as I can but the process is slow. If I gksudo nautilus and select the drive, right click/properties/Permissions the owner is set to root. If I try to change the group ownership from root to dad it looks like it momentarily does it but it stays at root.
using Pysdm as a gui for fstab - but so far I have only found out how to allow other users to mount the volume not own it. My fstab entry for this volume reads as /dev/sdb6 /media/backuphd2 ntfs-3g group=dad,users,user,owner 0 0 - it looks to me that in terms of ownership, root = 0 0 Can I find out what the ownership of dad is in terms of numbers (e.g. owner 0 1 or owner 1 1) and then change the fstab entry?
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Jan 18, 2010
After burning files to DVD+RW, the owner is changed to root, and all permissions are read only. I want to periodically open these files, update them, and save to the DVD again, but I no longer have permission and cannot change the permissions since I am no longer the owner. I tried sudo commands, but get responses "Read only file system". I have erased and reformatted the DVD and started over but get the same results.
I have Ubuntu 9.04, and have tried Brasero and Nautilus and get the same problem. Am I using the wrong kind of DVD/CD?
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May 28, 2011
I have an Ubuntu development server and a Windows 7 workstation. I use Windows Gvim to edit files on the linux server, over a samba connection.Saving files from Windows change the Linux permissions in weird way depending on the Windows app I'm using and also depending on whether there's a file extension or not.Here are some testsNo extension; Notepad2: 644 to 764
matt@mattserver ~ % ls -l testfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 matt matt 0 2011-05-28 07:09 testfile
--- Save from Windows Notepad2 over network ---
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Apr 19, 2011
I finally replaced my Windows with Linux.. However, I need to run applications and modify files that are on NTFS mounts. I am unable to change ownership, permissions, and groups on these files so I may modify them without having to copy. I have several times attempted to chmod, chgrp, chown, etc.. while logged-in as root user; however it is to no avail. The owner and permissions are still geared towards root. can I change ownership and permissions on NTFS files so I can modify them without having to convert/copy them over to ext4 or different file system?- Matbtw: I am using OpenSuse 11.4 and running Windows apps with VirtualBox (with Vista installation image). I still have Win7 on my computer (non-emulated) and I would like to keep some files on those NTFS partitions so when I occasionally need to boot into Win7 I can modify those files because Windows blows and doesn't support Linux.
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Jun 4, 2011
I use Linux but have a computer with windows I use for gaming. It died and put the hard drive into another computer and used knoppix to recover my files. I looked at the ownership of the windows files and the owner is knoppix. Now I am concerned that ownership will not work on my new Windows computer (when I finish building it, that is). Since I don't get into Windows much I have no idea what those permissions should be.
If I copy them with owner knoppix can I even access them in Windows to change the ownership to whatever Windows will accept? If I change the ownership before putting them on a CD with knoppix, can I write the CD? I will have to use the hard drive on the new windows box so will not have access to the files later (unless I also copy them to my Linux computer for safekeeping). At least I know the ownership changes to make with Linux.
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Aug 9, 2009
My system (CentOs5.3) became erratic after i tried to change wholesale the ownership of the /FS. is it possible to change ownership or rwx permissions of files in linux? what is the safeguard available to preserve the consistency of the program files in linux against such an attempt by su?
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Oct 14, 2009
I am writing a script that is checking the ownership and permissions of a directory. If the directory in question does not have the correct ownership and permissions, the script will run the appropriate commands to give it the correct settings. The if...then...else syntax. The idea here is the following:
If <directory> no eq = <ownership root:root> && <permissions 755>
then chown root:root <directory> && chmod 755 <directory>
else exit
What would the correct syntax be for the If line of the loop in question?
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Aug 1, 2010
I run the servers hosting an intranet, a couple of services and an external websites for my club at university. I'd like to back up all the config files to some version control system to keep track of changes, in case one of my colleagues breaks something. The idea is to keep snapshots and then just roll back the required file in case something happens.
Now to the main issue: How does a version control system handle file permissions and ownership? Does it keep them? Does it set the permissions of the user who committed the last change? These are important questions as we have multiple daemons with different users...
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Jan 16, 2010
I caught my two oldest boys at various times playing games instead of doing their school work.I said enough is enough. I will lock them out of the games. I don't think you need to be in the games group to play games
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Mar 28, 2011
i have inherited a mixed bag of sorts: several xp users updating an access mdb with the BE on a lamp stack shared via samba. i have a backup device which gets mounted at: /media/disk... each client record (has) a folder by the companyname on the samba share, and all relative documents are placed there. when the backup script runs, it just copies newer or missing files.
someone has been renaming folders, and not matching the folder name to the related companyname from the mdb. so...the backup script captures and duplicates the data in the renamed folders. some client records also have periods in the name (not required from a data pov), such as 'Company Ltd.' instead of 'Company Ltd'. i can produce a list of company names as the folders should be found easily enough, but get a little stuck with the linux scripting.
i can easily remove and further prevent any unwanted punctuation in the company name on the client record, and create the correct folder name on the samba share with vba, but would also like to:
-for each 'client activity' folder on the backup device
-rename the folder by removing punctuation marks
-delete the folder if is a dupe
i tried: ls -al | grep '&' - it properly returns only those lines with an ampersand in the folder name, but returns all folders when i try that with a '.'.
what would be the easiest method to do the renaming? i thought if there was a way to change ownership of the mounted device, then the vba code (easy to write) would be simple.
OK - i just ran chown -R on the external device, changing ownership to (me) instead of root. didn't want to because it took too long, but can now use the MoveFolder method of the filesystemobject from my app to do the renaming instead of some sort of bash script (which i was dreading).
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Mar 15, 2010
I have a problem with my external hdd, I mounted it manually and in the mount table it says ive got rw permissions. But when i try to change permissions it says:
chmod: changing permissions of `whatever': read-only filesystem.
This is my mount table:
[root@localhost ExtHDD]# mount
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 on / type ext3 (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
none on /sys type sysfs (rw)
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Feb 12, 2011
Being new to Linux, i've just about got used to the Debian setup procedure now, but had a quick question on the default ownership of files and folders. On my default Debian installation, almost all the folders and files are owned by root:root. Is this the correct advised configuration or should the folders and files be owned by a user without root permissions - eg user:user?
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Aug 11, 2010
How do I change folder permissions without changing the permissions of the files within the folder?
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Apr 8, 2010
I have a Samba share set up on a SUSE server and users connect to the share via Windows XP workstations. On SUSE, if I create a file and grant ownership to "administrator" and give it 770 permissions for example, when someone goes in to modify that file, they become the owner as soon as they save it, and the permissions change to 470 (r--rwx---+) with an access control list. I want to maintain ownership of the file myself and I don't understand why someone changing the file is changing the permissions on it...This is driving me insane because every time someone saves something I have to go in and chmod 770 it before they can save it again.
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