Ubuntu :: Can't Log In / Resolve This?

Aug 19, 2010

After trying a "fix" I found on another thread, nobody can log into my laptop! After each attempt, a single message shows up in /var/log/messages code...

This worked for me:
Use a Ubuntu Live CD to boot up, and choose a command-line (shell) option.
With this, set your $HOME directory (/home/username) permissions to something appropriate (I used 755) and make sure all directories can be listed with the "ls" command. Then remove nautilus with code...

The only thing I did differently was I booted into recovery mode from the grub menu rather than from live CD.

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Ubuntu One :: Can't Connect / Resolve This?

Jan 24, 2010

When trying to log in I get the notice:

"OpenID authentication failed: Nonce already used or out of range"

I managed to use Ubuntu One once today. After that this started.

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Ubuntu :: Can Not Run Gdesklets In 10.04 / Resolve This?

Apr 30, 2010

I can not run gdesklets in ubuntu 10.04.
When I do gdesklets check I got this message:

ERROR:/build/buildd/pyorbit-2.24.0/src/pyorbit-utils.c:39:_pyorbit_escape_name: assertion failed: (keyword_mod != NULL)
- ORBit ...Aborted

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Ubuntu :: Can't Open .run / Resolve This?

Jun 24, 2010

I have that serious problem,when I can't install my newest graph drivers,because i can't run them.

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Ubuntu :: Static Ip - Can't Resolve Dns

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to set a static ip in Ubuntu 10.04 so I can use NX client on my Vista box.

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

However, when I try to use the Internet I can't get out. That seems like a dns issue to me, when I ping google from a terminal I get: unknown host [URL]

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Ubuntu :: CD Won't Boot / Resolve This?

Sep 24, 2010

I have been using 8.04 for a year & it's been wonderful. Recently I saw the invitation on 'update manager' to upgrade to 10.04 & went ahead wih the download, but when the system tried to reboot the problems started &, I see from the forums, this seems to be a widespread problem. You get as far as UBUNTU & 5 dots then nothing. I have read as much as I can, understood a little but got nowhere so I thought I'd recover my files (hopefully) with the 8.04 CD using photorec & then reinstall my 8.04. Problem is the CD will not boot. I've used 'help' & installed the boot helper but I get the BusyBox message and don't know what command to put in.

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Ubuntu One :: U1 Not Syncing / Resolve This?

Oct 11, 2010

I was able to get it to start an initial sync. I had to restart my computer and now all the green checks from my synced folder have disappeared and I cannot sync anything else.

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Ubuntu :: Not Able To Boot / Resolve This?

Mar 17, 2011

I have been using Ubuntu for many years.
I bought a new hard drive (has not arrived yet) and getting ready to install it when it arrives.
My computer/workstation has a number of hard drives installed inside that are all SATA drives.
The boot drive (Ubuntu only, I do not use Windows) is a 500GB USB notebook drive installed in an external case.

I have an 80GB internal drive with an old Ubuntu install. I decided to remove that drive (pulled the drive) to make room for the new drive.

But the new drive did not come in the mail, so I put the computer back together without the old 80GB drive (SATA 0).

To my surprise it would not boot to the 500GB USB drive?
Black screen with the blinking dash...

Removed every drive but the USB 500GB drive and the CD from the BIOS boot menu. Made the USB THE drive to boot to.
Black screen with the blinking dash...

Using a 10.10 LiveCD I can access that 500GB drive.
Thus, it is hooked up and works but does not boot. Gparted says there is a BOOT FLAG in the Linux partition of the 500GB drive.

My only conclusion was I altered the boot order for GRUB so I put the 80GB drive back in the computer.
I did not edit GRUB in any way, I simply physically pulled the drive when the computer was off.
Black screen with the blinking dash... code...

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Keeps Freezing Up On Me / Resolve This?

Jun 13, 2011

i don't know what's happening here, but my computer keeps freezing in ubuntu... i can't figure out what's triggering it, because it happens when i'm doing different things. the time between freezes is always different, sometimes hours, sometimes a whole day, and sometimes back-to-back after a reboot. the only way to get out is a hard reset. whatever sound is playing will just continue to loop. it's happened while watching (non-full screen) videos, while using eclipse (luckily had just saved work), and while just general browsing. i tried reinstalling 11.04 because it happened before, and for a little while i thought it was fixed, but in the past few days it has picked up again. the only thing i can think of that i have installed was some new drivers for my bcm43225 wireless because it was always slow.

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Ubuntu :: VCD Not Mounting / Resolve This?

Nov 5, 2009

I detected a strange problem in my box , whenever I tried to open a VCD which normally a .dat files , the CD cant get mounted , so after long time , when I try to eject it shows , probably no media in the drive .

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Ubuntu :: How To Resolve Error Message

Jan 17, 2010

I'm trying to run a simple program in Ubuntu OS, Netbeans application but I cannot resolve the error message. Can someone please assist.

/usr/bin/make -f nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/bee/NetBeansProjects/HelloWorld2'
/usr/bin/make -f nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/helloworld2


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Ubuntu :: Eclipse Not Starting / Resolve This?

Jan 22, 2010

Today, eclipse will not start for me. The initial splash screen comes up, then the attached window pops-up with not text in it...the only way to get rid of the window is to kill the eclipse process from the terminal/command-line.

I have completely purged and reinstalled java and eclipse, but am still having the same issue. Starting from the terminal also does not give any message besides the "(eclipse:15273): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times" warning. Any ideas or suggestions?

Btw, running Ubuntu 9.10 x86 and the most up-to-date eclipse that is in the repos.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Set Visual Effects / Resolve This?

Mar 5, 2010

I have acer 5738 laptop running on ubuntu 9.10...my problem is the visual effects are not being enabled.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Get TV-Fox Work / Resolve This?

Mar 9, 2010

I just installed the TV-Fox add-on for Firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/11200), but it doesn't seem to work. When I choose a Channel all it does is load for ages, saying 'waiting for video'. Are there any additional packages that need to be installed for this to work, or is it just not working in general?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Update - Could Not Resolve 'TOR'

Apr 21, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 along with Windows 7. I tried installing the TOR proxy thing long back, and today when I tried downloading a package it gave me that. Now even if I try updating my system, it says:-


W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/Release.gpg Could not resolve 'TOR'
W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/i18n/Translation-en_IN.bz2 Could not resolve 'TOR'
W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/restricted/i18n/Translation-en_IN.bz2 Could not resolve 'TOR'


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Ubuntu Networking :: Could Not Resolve Host Name?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm having an issue where some of my machines hostnames are no longer able to be resolved after setting up a mythbuntu backend to allow netboot. Also it seems that which machines hostnames get resolved is not consistent. (ie sometimes one gets resolved and sometimes it doesn't) I suspect that it has something to do with the changes I made to "/etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf" to get the netboot running.

I have a Verizon DSL modem/router as Up until playing with the "/etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf" I saw hostnames of all of my machines show up in its network map. Now, some of my machines still get network access but their hostnames are no longer resolved. What did I do wrong? Here is my dhcpd.conf file:

# Default LTSP dhcpd.conf config file.
subnet netmask {


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Ubuntu :: Install CD Keeps Failing / Resolve This?

May 2, 2010

I have been FRUSTRATINGLY trying to upgrade to 10.04 because I was impressed with it, however, as I have predicted, it was a headache. In all actuality, it is WORSE than a headache. Both my desktop and laptop are now decommissioned, (I have Windows 7 on the 2nd laptop, and since Ubuntu/GRUB hasn't installed completely, it won't boot--I have to fix that TOO) leaving me to depend on an old Pentium III in the closet to download and burn CD images, which is STILL failing. Unfortunately, I have burned 9.10 on a rewritable CD, which I erased long ago. I have NO computer now, other than the old Pentium III which was sitting in a closet. I am tired and want to go to sleep, but I am the kind of person who finishes things that were started.

My problem is that I have downloaded (and burned to a CD) Ubuntu 10.04 TWICE, because it's failed to install. I thought that the ISO was corrupted, so I downloaded it and installed it AGAIN. Same thing. I tried making a Live USB Flashdrive install--same old, same old. It's 12:00 MIDNIGHT (Pacific time) and I can't bear to stay up this long like some of you young ones can. Thank goodness for caffeine

I KNEW that I shouldn't have done this, but I went ahead and proceeded to "upgrade". Well, the actual upgrade (thru Ubuntu Update tool) failed, so I decided to do a clean install. Thought that the process, from start to finish, would take 30-40 minutes, but was I wrong! I have been stuck with this issue since 7 P.M.!

Well, to cut to the chase, is anyone else having issues with burning/installing from their own CDs? This Pentium III is only running Fedora Core 6 with 512MB of memory, so it can get a download/burn job done OK. I am using the K3b burner in Fedora and no errors regarding a corrupted ISO appear. Why then, won't it install, after downloading and burning two separate ISOs?

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Ubuntu :: Top Bar Transparency Not Working In 10.04 / Resolve This?

May 13, 2010

I recently installed Mac4lin on my 10.04 machine and the left part of the title bar isn't showing transparency, even after a restart. Here's what it looks like:


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Ubuntu :: Java Failed Yet Again / Resolve This?

May 19, 2010

I'm using "Xubuntu" on a bit dell laptop, i have installed everything i see to do with Java in the software center and in the synaptic package manager and no Java sites work sill i have downloaded every package from adobe for Linux and after extracting them to my desktop and clicking on them it dose nothing Ive tried a few lines in the terminal but always have a destination error..

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Won't Boot / Resolve This?

Jun 13, 2010

Yesterday i upgraded to the latest version, but after restart it froze on the splash screen, giving me a colorful collection of pixel-blocks full-screen...

Rebooted, chose recovery-mode and got this error-message:
(EE) open dev/Fb0: no such file or device
(EE)Radeon(0): [dr] RadeonDriGet version failed to open DRM

I am a total noob, and have installed Xubuntu as a sort of dual-boot backup on my winXP machine.

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Ubuntu :: U10.4 Fails To Boot Up / Resolve This?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a laptop with Windows 7 and Ubuntu installed in seperate partitions. When I boot up the computer I get options to boot either in windows 7 or Ubuntu. Yesterday I updated Ubuntu to 10.4 version. I have been having issues with grub rescue, which was rectified an hour ago. Now I can boot up into windows 7, but when I try to boot into Ubuntu, I get a GRUB screen as below code...

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Ubuntu :: PHP5 Not Working Out / Resolve This?

Aug 5, 2010

Ok so I have:

a)apt-get install apache2

b)apt-get install php5

c)placed a php test file into my var/www folder

d)go to in my browser and all I see is a blank page, when I should see the php info page.

So what the heck is wrong here? I figure it's just something I'm too noob to know, yet I can't find anything about it on the net...

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Installation :: Ubuntu 10.04 Won't Boot / Resolve This?

Aug 10, 2010

I've never used Ubuntu before and I was having some trouble booting. I've tried both installing with Wubi and also the full installation, but using either method I get the same result:

After selecting Ubuntu on the boot menu it says its finishing installing and then my laptop precedes to practically "shut off." The screen goes blank and the light on my optical mouse goes off. Only the fan runs and it begins to go very quickly. At one point I even left it on for several hours like this to make sure I wasn't being too impatient, but nothing happened.

Currently I have a Toshiba Satellite A505-S6033 with an i7 processor and 4GB of ram. I also only have one hard drive which may have complicated my problem.

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One :: Ubuntu Stopped Syncing / Resolve This?

Sep 8, 2010

Ubuntu one on my computer has stopped syncing sometime in the past week. It was working fine last week. I downloaded an album from the music store & it never showed up locally. I had to go to the website in Firefox to get the files.

In the UbuntuOne preferences it says it's connected. It shows my correct account information. Limit bandwidth usage is not checked. At the top it says "Synchronization in progress..." but it isn't doing anything.
For the record, the u1sdtool output says code...

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Cannot Resolve Names Using DNS

Sep 16, 2010

A while ago I downloaded a VMWare VM for 7.10. I then upgraded it to 8.10 and it was working just fine. I just did the upgrade to 10.04 and I'm having problems with my networking. The really odd thing is that I can ping machines on my local network and out on the Internet by IP address but it will not resolve names using DNS.

I've got the network set up for DHCP. I also tried DHCP address only and manually entered my DNS server addresses but still no luck on resolving names with DNS. At the end of the day, I don't really care if I get this fixed or just get a new VMWare VM. (I can't create one because I only have the player.)

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Ubuntu One :: Bookmarks Not Syncing / Resolve This?

Sep 18, 2010

I just installed the Firefox add-on to sync my bookmarks between two machines, but it doesn't seem to be working. Is there another step I need to take besides checking the bookmark option and installing the Firefox add-on?

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Ubuntu :: Rhythmbox Won't Open / Resolve This?

Oct 21, 2010

I think this started after upgrading to 10.10. Rhythmbox won't open for some reason. It opens up for a second and closes. I only tried it because Banshee wasn't playing any songs. When I try to open a song it just closes the whole program. A few programs won't open for me actually, at all, including Liferea Feed Reader which I installed recently.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Error : No Such Device / Resolve This?

Nov 27, 2010

When I start my laptop I get this message. error: no such device: 795a9b9c-b3fe-4562-9921-f7a502fdc566 grub rescue> I hadn't done anything that would have caused this.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Won't Start / Resolve This?

Jan 3, 2011

I have recently re-installed Ubuntu and this time GRUB won't show up and will automatically start Windows. How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Grey Desktop / Resolve This?

Jan 27, 2011

Well, the problem here seems to have started after I installed Gnome color changer and followed some directions on gnome-looks.org to install a certain theme (This one). Well after a while of messing around, and this not happening (I was never able to install the skin), I rebooted. When the desktop loaded, the background was covered by a big gray rectangle that covers the desktop. I say it covers because I can still see the original wallpaper through the transparent panels. Also, when I try to change the wallpaper, the computer becomes unresponsive and I have to force it to restart.

Anybody have any idea what it could be?

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