Ubuntu :: Can't Close Windows In 11.04?

Apr 29, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04. But I have a problem. I am not able to close the apps or programs I open. The bar with the close, minimize and ( fill screen botton, what ever ) is gone! I'm not quite sure what I did.. I enabled the Cube in compiz, and the wobbily windows, and then the bar dissapeared. I put everything back to what it was, but the top bar on the widows is gone.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Color Of The Close Button On Windows?

Dec 1, 2010

I just want to change the color of the close button on windows of the Ambiance theme from the orange to blue. I copied the theme from usr/share into my .themes folder so I don't mess with the original, and then I just changed the name to Blue Ambiance and changed the appropriate .png files I found in the metacity folder to blue.When I select this new them in my appearance menu though nothing changes.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Upper Right Window Buttons (min,max,close) On All Windows?

Mar 28, 2010

Some how lost upper right window buttons (min,max,close) on all windows.

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Ubuntu :: Get The Screen Corner Clickable To Close Maximized Windows?

Jun 22, 2010

Before I go any further let me make it perfectly clear that this post is not in regards to Shuttleworth's recent decision to move the "titlebar buttons". I honestly don't care and in fact it saves me time since I've always moved the close button to the left side and then removed the minimize and maximize buttons anyway.This problem is made even more annoying because I thought we were all done with it. I've been back and forth between distros, KDE, and GNOME since 2000. . . I would run head first into this issue often out of nowhere. . . I feel like I'm back in 2003 again.

According to Fitt's Law, corners and edges have infinite width as far as the user is concerned, one of the reasons I have loved GNOME for so long now is because of the use of corners, so imagine my surprise when I can no longer simply throw my mouse cursor up into the corner and simply CLOSE the maximized window that I'm currently using, instead it drags the window. This is obnoxious and useless. I can already grab at any other part of the top edge of the screen outside of the far corner in order to drag a window, why is this happening again? It is SO frustrating particularly since GNOME is supposed to be so damned concerned with usability.

I think this change might have something to do with that monstrosity known as gnome-shell. I guess they were figuring that with the proposed 2.30/3.0 switch over to this new window manager, they could simply do whatever they like with metacity. . . or maybe gnome-shell USES the same configurations as metacity (seems plausible), all that I know is that this truly pisses me off.It may seem trivial but it's a daily use factor for me and I have no way of changing the behavior. I just want to be able to throw my mouse in a corner and click, it never seemed that big of an issue in the past, I don't see why the developer(s) saw the need to change this.

And to forestall all those that would ask me to switch from metacity to compiz or vice-versa, it's with both and I am NOT going to use compiz's own digusting window manager themes, I like my metacity themes.My other choices are KDE, enlightenment, openbox or Xfce, Well the first two are travesties since I'm used to my GNOME applications and they don't look good in those DE's, the third looks like crap (to me) and Xfce has corner close button functionality only per theme (some themes do and some don't)

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Ubuntu :: Emerald Theme - Some Windows Missing Min/max/close Buttons

Sep 18, 2010

I've been using 10.04 for a few months here and installed the truglass 0.5 theme for quite some time. I've been putting up with one downfall of it, which is on certain windows the min/max/close buttons do not show. I can hover over where they should be to actually use them, but they are not visible on all windows. They always come up with firefox, unless I hit a pop-up and a new window comes up. Any nautilus window doesn't have them unless focus on that window is lost. Any ideas on how I can solve this? See attached screenshot.

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Ubuntu :: Guest On Windows 7 With VirtualBox Freeze After Close Terminal

May 18, 2011

The following is my virtualbox ubuntu config. Virtualbox is the latest version.

Ubuntu 11.04
Base Memory 2G
Video Memory 64MB
3D acceleration: YES

The problem only happens after I close terminal. The individual program or software works fine. But as long as I use terminal, and close it, then the desktop environment freeze.

Is there anyone encountering the same problem, and how can I resolve it ?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Crashing Randomly And It Takes Ages To Be Able To Close It Down

May 19, 2011

So basicly I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 and I am experiencing something I always experience when I install Ubuntu. I will be using a window and then when I switch to another window it will randomly crash and it takes me ages to be able to close it down, sometimes I can never close the window down. This has stopped me from being able to use any version of Ubuntu on my computer which is disappointing because I really love Ubuntu.

I have no idea how to fix this issue at all, I have downloaded drivers for Linux from the Nvidia website but I get a window saying it cant be opened, and no surprise after many efforts I can't even close that window. Its a .run file so I don't know if I have to run it via terminal? I am fed up of not being able to use Ubuntu because these windows freezing is making it unbearable to use.

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Ubuntu :: Close - Maximize - And Minimize Windows And The Application Title Bar Disappear

Jul 3, 2010

I am using GNOME Ubuntu 64 bit Lucid Lynx with Cairo Dock, Compiz Fusion, Screenlets

Sometimes when I start up linux the buttons to close, maximize, and minimize windows and the Application title bar disappear. Restarting usually fixes the problem.

Do you have any ideas why this would happen? Is there a command that will restart gnome without having to restart the computer?

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Software :: JACK Windows Will Not Close Or Resize - No Exit Button

May 24, 2010

Why don't JACK windows behave in the standard way windows have, on every piece of software. for all OS's for many years? I haven't had the opportunity to test Jack audio in/out yet because of these problems. However, Jack does appear to start and indicates it is connected. After the Jack control panel loads normaly and appears to be connected, if I open the patchbay or messages panels, they cant be closed as individual windows. To close them I must QUIT Jack, and reopen, and reconnect. There is no exit button on the upper right corner of these windows.

If I right-click on these windows, the close option is shaded, preventing it's use. The Jack control panel does not appear to have drop-down menus to close them, either. If I accidentally do click the button in the upper right corner, which is habitual, the window will maximize to a scale that is somewhat larger than the size of the desktop on my screen, making resizing by dragging edges (top, bottom, corner) impossible. If I right click on the Jack Window's title bar (top) I can resize the window to my preference by clicking this option on the drop-down menu. It took me three or four weeks to find this option.

Also, I've seen some posts regarding Jack problems related to Firefox. Does Jack actually start Firefox when it opens or is connected? My system can't afford to have background processes or applications. System resources are too limited. I don't understand the difficulties involved with making Jack windows function as others do. It seems to my uneducated self, for example, that if the development of Jack had been done on some "visual" high level language, (Like C/C++ or Java, for example) making the windows function like others packages would simply be a matter of dragging GUI elements and defining their functions.

Here's a list of my system:
Old Single processor Intel box, P4, 3.0 GHz, with one Gig DDR memory
A old Sound Blaster 16 sound card. (works okay with linux)
(all hardware seems to be fully functional in all other Linux programs)
Linux Mint, (version 8) derived from Debian.
Ubuntu Studio, (version 10.4) also Debian.
Jack (version 0.3.4) on both distros. (Mint updated through repository< I believe, but I culd be wrong)
Firefox (version 3.5.9)

I prefer GUI solutions, but can generally get along okay with a terminal or file editor window. When it's absolutely necessary. The windows behave the same if I have another audio program running or not. The system works fine with ALSA drivers (MIDI.)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Separate X-screen Suddenly Misses Minimize - Close - Buttons On Windows

May 1, 2011

I did a clean install of 11.04 and I have experienced that my separate X-screen does not have the program-name bar with the minimize, close-buttons etc. It's my third monitor is a separate X and it does not really work since I cant close programs, maximize windows or move them around. I cant even write anything on it. The first two monitors work great as one X-screen, just as they did in 10.10. Ubuntu Classic, no Unity. Two monitors (one X) on a ATI HD6970 One monitor (the X-screen that doesn't work properly) on a ATI HD4870

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General :: Explorer Windows Close/minimize Buttons Disappeared In Genome?

Oct 23, 2010

Windows close and minimize buttons have disappeared in Genome. In other desktops like KDE and cfxe they are present BUT I am using Gnome.My distro is Ubuntu ultimate 2.7 64bit.

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Fedora :: Incomplete XFCE Install - Windows Don't Have Minimize - Resize And Close Icons On Top Bar

Jul 8, 2011

I installed XFCE on a machine built with the FC 15 LXDE based live CD using yum groupinstall XFCE. I got a usable XFCE session, but after a period of use, some things have gone missing. The windows don't have minimize,resize and close icons on the top bar. The settings selection for "Window Manager Tweaks" doesn't start any program. The programs that are open in the users session are not saved, even though that option is checked. Can this be explained by corruption of a single file somewhere? Or should I re-install XFCE again.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Move Windows By Dragging Their Title Bars - Cannot See Close "X" Button In The Title Bar

Feb 8, 2010

Everything worked 100% great untill I change color depth to 16 bits.I do not want 24 Bits, I want 16 Bits. I have good reasons. Never had this problem in Gutsy 7.10 ...I deeply regret in upgrading to 9.10 ...

My video card:

Gforce 7950 GX2

Changes to xorg.conf file: Firstly, I saved it at 16 color depth with the sudo nvidia-settings and by clicking on the save to xorg.conf file Button. Rebooted computer....... It worked, saved file, and I got the following bugs:

*Cannot move windows by dragging their title bars.
*Cannot see close "X" Button in the title bar.
*Cannot see Minimize Button in the title bar.
*Cannot see Maximize Button in the title bar.

Went back to 24 bits and problem got resolved. Then i tryed: I did sudo gedit xorg.conf I changed all the 24's with 16's ... Rebooted computer....... It works GOOD... BUT: I got the same bugs from before. I will retype them below

*Cannot move windows by dragging their title bars.
*Cannot see close "X" Button in the title bar.
*Cannot see Minimize Button in the title bar.
*Cannot see Maximize Button in the title bar.

My xorg.conf file:

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@palmer) Sun Feb 1 20:21:04 UTC 2009
Section "ServerLayout"


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Ubuntu :: How To Close Rhythmbox

Oct 11, 2010

With 10.10 rhythmbox is integrated in the sound applet, but how can I close it without going to the file menu?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Close Just One Folder

Feb 24, 2011

Is there a way of closing just 1 folder. I open documents folder then open a folder that's in documents then open a folder that's in the 2nd folder, if I want to close any of those folders it closes all of them. I know I can right click on a folder and select open in a new window which I then can close without closing all folders,is there a setting that let's you always open folders in a new window by double clicking on the folder?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Max/Min/Close Bar Missing?

Apr 29, 2011

This is probably a really simple fix but tbh since I installed unity I'm stumped.

I didnt like the unity desktop so I've gone back to the classic desktop but I have no bar above my windows with the max/min/close option.

To add to that issue, sometimes windows open with their menus under the panel at the top of the screen so there is no way to move or close them

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Ubuntu :: How To Close Laptop Lid

May 30, 2011

In Ubuntu 10.10 Gnome . When I close the laptop lid I seem to get only two choices - hibernate or suspend. What i want is when i close the laptop lid I want nothing to happen.

There are real issues I'm having with network-Manager stopping and not starting when i go into suspend. it's a major hasle therefore I want to prevent any suspend or hibernate.

How do i do it so closing the lip just closes the lid and nothing else?

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Ubuntu :: Add Overlay - How To Close

Jul 25, 2011

[url] I ended up copying the text to read the article.

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Ubuntu :: VM Application Doesn't Close?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu in a virtual machine inside win7. I've installed the game FreeCol, played a bit and when i try to quit the game doesn't close. I can continue playing but i'm basically trap in the application. Is there any keyboard command i can use to force quiting the application? Or any other idea on how to proceed? Could it be a limitation of the virtualization?

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Ubuntu :: Close The Unresponsive Programs?

Feb 23, 2010

when my PC hangs my terminal do not open and it is not possible to go to System->Administration->System Monitor and close the unresponsive programs. Is there any way to close the unresponsive programs?

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Ubuntu :: MPlayer Blank And Will Not Close?

Apr 5, 2010

I opened MPlayer, two boxes opened, both a blank and will not close. System manager does not show it and "ALT-F2" typed xkill and clicked on bottom tray button does nothing. I opened second MPlayer and it closed but not first one.

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Ubuntu :: Close A Terminal From A Script?

Apr 13, 2010

If I want to open a terminal, run a script in it and have that script close that specific terminal wherein I ran the script, how do I do that? The exit command doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 - Computer Not Sleeping When Close Lid

May 1, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.4 and when I close my laptop, it does not go to sleep. The hard drive is still on and the computer is still working even after I have closed it.

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Ubuntu :: Anything Close An Aero Theme For 9.10?

May 26, 2010

Is there anything close an Aero theme for Ubuntu 9.10? I'd look for myself, but I have no idea where to get themes.

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Ubuntu :: Control-W Fails To Close Tab?

Jun 16, 2010

If I Ctl-W, it sometimes closes a tab and other times it has no effect. This relates to browser windows. If I select the command from the menu in FF, it always works and then the next Ctl-W works. The first Ctl-W closes a tab too. There is no obvious pattern, sometimes a sequence of Ctl-Ws will close a series of tabs.

Tried a new keyboard, but that didn't make any difference. Other browsers, even in a VMware window running Win 7, shows the same behavior. However, once a long sequence of tabs were closed without any problem with Safari in Win 7.

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Ubuntu :: Close A Session From The Terminal?

Jul 19, 2010

I need to close my session but the exit button is no longer here. I can restart the computer (ctrl+alt_del), but not only the session. I opened a session with the gnome desktop but everytime is messed up and I want to come back to the UNE desktop. How can I do that from a terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Resolution Changes When Close / Open Lid?

Aug 7, 2010

I'm having some strange issues with my HP Probook. The resolution changes (lower) after I close and open the lid again. Only a restart will fix this problem. Sometimes happens even when I normally turn the computer on, only a restart will fix it...

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Ubuntu :: Make K3b Close A Data DVD+RW?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm trying to backup my data files to a DVD+RW and for some reason even though I set k3b to "No Multisession" k3b doesn't close the DVD. What do I have to do to make k3b burn a data DVD+RW and close the stupid thing instead of leaving it open for more data?

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Ubuntu :: Taskbar Keeps Going Off Soon Close Terminal

Jan 2, 2011

i started up my computer today and i didnt have a task bar so i opened terminal and ran xfce4-panel and my task bar comes back on but i get this on terminal

(xfce4-cpugraph-plugin:2229): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_container_set_border_width: assertion `GTK_IS_CONTAINER (container)' failed
(xfce4-mixer-plugin:2230): libxfce4mixer-CRITICAL **: xfce_mixer_get_track: assertion `GST_IS_MIXER (card)' failed
(xfce4-mixer-plugin:2230): xfce4-mixer-plugin-CRITICAL **: xfce_mixer_plugin_set_card: assertion `GST_IS_MIXER (card)' failed
(xfce4-mixer-plugin:2230): xfce4-mixer-plugin-CRITICAL **: xfce_mixer_plugin_set_track: assertion `GST_IS_MIXER_TRACK (track)' failed

and if i close terminal my taskbar will come back off

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Ubuntu :: ESC Key To Close Any Active Window?

Jan 22, 2011

I'd like to set my ESC key to close any active window. Is it possible ?

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