Ubuntu :: Can't Change My DNS Servers / What To Do?

Jan 16, 2011

I changed my MAC address in /etc/network/interfaces. To make it work I had to change eth0 to eth1. The Internet connection works fine but network-admin is now gone. The icon is gone and the command line says: The program 'network-admin' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install gnome-network-admin.

I've tried changing the DNS servers by hand in /etc/resolv.conf three different ways:

sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf

gksudo "gnome-open %u"

gksudo nautilus

But every time I restart it resets back to my ISPs DNS servers. I'm afraid if I try to install network-admin again it's going to really mess everything up (just a feeling).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Domain Name Instead Of Ip?

Dec 28, 2010

I have the lastest version of ubuntu server up and running along with a website shopping script working perfectly. Now I need to change the url in the address bar so that it stops displaying my ip address and shows instead my choice of domain name for whatever page has been opened. I have a number of domains available and each are redirecting traffic to my home server, but the address bar url alters to my ip address whichever I use. How then do I go about this change? Obviously this is to do with dns resolving stuff which I have no experience of. Can someone put down in as few steps as possible what I need to do?

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Ubuntu Servers :: In LDAP How To Change Organization

Jan 20, 2010

I've got 8.10 of Ubuntu and currently running openLDAP and have SAMBA domain using this along with the PAM changes on all machines to authenticate the logins.Now I've got a situation where I need to change the organization it currently is dc=mycomp, dc=local and I need to change the "local" part.

I thought that I could slapcat it out then change all dc=local to dc=blech and then reload the LDAP database. Then go around and change all the ldap configuration points to match.I don't think its as simple as change the base dn and everything below that will update.

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Ubuntu Servers :: KVM - How To Change Storage Directory

Jan 24, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 with Kvm. I've used a howto to configure my network. Seems to work fine, I've installed the Virtual Machine manager, when I go to create my Virtual Machine, I see the the image is automatically created in /var/lib/libvirt/images. I have a totally separate path for my images. How to I configure a different image directory

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Won't Change From Default?

Mar 7, 2010

no matter what I do I cannot get my fresh install of apache to change off the default


Originally Posted by apache

It works! This is the default web page for this server. The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.

this is really annoying, my config file at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf is as follows (it is mainly the original with a few commented changes)

# Based upon the NCSA server configuration files originally by Rob McCool.
# This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the


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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Change Proxy After Install

Mar 29, 2010

In the 9.1 server install you can specify a proxy server for updates. How do you change the proxy after the install?There must be a config file somewhere but where?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change The Color In The Background?

May 14, 2010

What do i need to do to change the color in the background of my web server?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Rm Directory? Or Change Permissions?

May 27, 2010

i'm having issues with a folder which I cannot write to or seem to do anything else with? i figured i'd delete it and start again but i can't even do that!!

server@server:~$ sudo chown server /media/server/swap/downloads/incomplete/
chown: changing ownership of `/media/server/swap/downloads/incomplete/': Operation not permitted


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Ubuntu Servers :: 2 Php.ini Files, And Dont Know What One To Change?

Jun 12, 2010

trying to send email from php I'm hosting a website from my pc. LAMP is installed, and php and mysql is running fine. i want the web site to send automated e-mails i found the code mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); but its not working. I'm pretty sure i need to configure the php.ini file, but the problem is I have 2 php.ini files, and I dont know what one to change, or why I have 2

the two files with path are :

why is there two?
what one do I need to change?

(i have other questions, but first things first)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Sendmail Www-data?

Jul 21, 2010

The sendmail was setup in default condition. While testing some php application using @mail function, it uses the sender name as "www-data@xxx.com". How to replace the "www-data"?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Change Cgi-bin Path In Apache

Aug 11, 2010

Installed Apache and the default web root was /var/www I wanted to change the cgi-bin to somewhere within the /var/www but I cannot. It only works at /usr/lib/cgi-bin. I am trying to work out the Python CGI to be precise. It works at /usr/lib/cgi-bin but gives a 404 at other places like /home/aj/public_html/cgi-bin or /var/www/cgi-bin.I even tried it with putting a webroot directory in my home directory with a cgi-bin in it and made the changes accordingly in the conf. but the only way it works is when cgi-bin settings point to /usr/lib/cgi-bin otherwise it gives 404.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Monitor Resolution 10.04?

Oct 19, 2010

Installed server 10.04 using an old Sony 19" multi scan 400ps CRT monitor. The command line font is less than 1/8" high: something on the order of a large 4pt or small 5pt font. Made several attempts to locate the correct info using the man functions and searching the archives, but so far have not been unable to find the needed information. The eye strain is about to make me eligible for a white cane with a red tip.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Possible To Change Hostname Of Machine In GUI

Nov 27, 2010

I have a problem with server bcs of the machine name. I'm wondering how to change the server name to it's IP. bcs now it has name "chrochne". I've found hostname in /etc/host and in /etc/hostname. But I'm afraid of changing it in this files. I'm using webmin and virtualmin to admin the server so can I change the name somewhere in the GUI?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Keyboard Language To 10.04.1?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm doing thesis about Open source CMS -programs and I'm using Ubuntu server 10.04.1 for that.

I have used same server edition at school but I have now big problem with changing the keyboard language. Because VMware used the easy install I couldn't change the language during the installation. I have used command sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, but I can't select the right language there.

So is there any other way to change the keyboard language to Finnish?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change To Static Ip Address?

Mar 7, 2011

Im running ubuntu server 10.10 on my wirtual mashine at home. For now i have few service installed and configured:apache with phpand mysql support,ftp,phpmyadmin.. My ip address is not static, i tryed to configure by following some guide but without success.

First i edit this in /etc/network/interfaces (changing dhcp to static

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Tomcat6 Root Directory In 9.10?

Jan 6, 2010

I have newly installed Ubuntu server 9.10 in my server machine.And it has tomcat6 in itself.My friend have built a Java software in Fedora ,and he wants to move it to the new server.But problem is the directory structure is different between two systems.He has to either change his directory setting in his software or change the default tomcat6 ROOT directory. But I have not find any configuration file can do this job(change the tomcat default ROOT directory ).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bootable Flag Doesn't Change

Feb 15, 2010

A week or two ago I installed Ubuntu Server 9.10 on a Intel DG945SEJT-based machine with two WD RE2-drives. I used unetbootin-windows-408.exe to to prepare a USB stick with the 32 bit version of the server version of Ubuntu. The installation went smooth without any problems.

Now when I'm trying to do the exact same thing to an almost identical server (larger HDD:s) I can't change the bootable flag to "on" on the physical raid partitions I create to host /.

I use the the following partition scheme: 10 GB /, 4 GB swap and the rest as /home. They're all on software-RAID1. Last time I did this (and many times before that) I was able to set the flag to "on".

When I press enter it just shows "updating filsystem.." etc. for some second but then nothing happens, the parameter is still on "off". This causes the whole installation to fail in the end due to an error when installing GRUB -> "can not install grub in /dev/sda "fatal error"".

My only conclusion is that the installer downloads some new files from the internet which causes this problem, as I said - nothing else is different except the harddrives (WD RE4-GP).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Error: 550 Failed To Change Directory

Feb 26, 2010

I have created a folder in my /var/www/ as /var/www/borneo and when I try to install a smf forum I get this error: 550 Failed to change directory. I have installed vsftpd for the ftp.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Some Directory Permissions - Can't Determine Exactly

Mar 13, 2010

when I try to access [URL]... I get an exception:


I believe I need to change some directory permissions, but I can't determine exactly what.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change The Display Resolution Version 9?

Jun 1, 2010

Would someone please point me in the direction of how to change the display resolution on Ubuntu server version 9? I am talking about the actual VGA port on the back of the server. I am NOT talking about anything related to XWindows or a SSH session. This is a text based display. When I installed Ubuntu Server 9 on my server I picked a larger display resolution than I really want.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Ssh_config Can't Change Port Number?

Jun 4, 2010

I've got 10.04 on a headless server on a home network. I've edited /etc/ssh ssh_config and changed line 39 from:

# Port 22


Port 30000

I then

user@server$: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh reload
from the host
user@desktop$: ssh servername -p 30000
ssh: connect to host servername port 30000: Connection refused

What am I doing wrong? I've also tried completely restarting the computer.

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Ubuntu Servers :: CANNOT Change Password, Kerberos + LDAP?

Jul 29, 2010

I have installed servers(10.04 LTS Server) with Kerberos + LDAP, now I can ssh to all those servers and login with kerberos principle. But when I want to change password, I got such error:

Current Kerberos password:
Enter new Kerberos password:
Retype new Kerberos password:
Password change rejected: Password not changed.
Kerberos database constraints violated while trying to change password.

passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
passwd: password unchanged
I have search this issue but cannot any useful information. Would someone give me a direction?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2 Change Root Forbidden 403?

Aug 13, 2010

Long story Short, I had to reinstall 9.10 (after a failed 10.04 upgrade) and therefore fresh install of everything.

I installed Apache2 as per [URL] and all works fine.

Changing the root in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default to a folder in my home directory /home/user/subfldr1/www results in a forbidden 403 error.

I've tried changing group owner, given 777 permissions, read and tried all sorts of solutions, but nothing seems to be working.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Change File Permissions On Server

Aug 25, 2010

I'm working on a remote Ubuntu 9.10 server, which is accessed via VPN. I installed Joomla, but had difficulty uploading new components, which I traced to a file permissions problem. I used FileZilla to FTP onto the site and tried to make the chmod changes I needed, but the commands kept failing. Eventually, I contacted the sys admin and told him I thought that there was an ownership problem with the directories. He checked and told me that I was logging in with exactly the same user name and password that he was using (it's not a live system currently) and that he could make chmod changes without any problems. Because all my attempts were still failing, he eventually did the following:

chown -R administrator:administrator /var/www

/var/www is where all the Joomla files are stored and Administrator is the user name.Now I find that when I run a chmod command in FileZilla, the server reports that it worked (see below):

Status:Retrieving directory listing...
Command:CWD /etc


However, if I go back and check the tmp folder permissions, I find that they are still set to 777.This still looks like an ownership problem to me, but I don't understand why the server seems to think that the chmod changes are working, when they aren't.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change The Default Player On Server

Feb 3, 2011

I finally got the server running. All seems OKAY, however I want to change the default player on my server. As of now, when I upload a file, it plays but has no "play/pause/stop/mute/fullscreen" buttons. How do I get those? I've tried installing FFMPEG, MPlayer and a few others to no avail. Please suggest a tried&true method of allowing for this. I need it to be able to at least play audio(mp3) and video(mp4,wmv,avi,flv)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change HTTP Port To Say 8080

Feb 8, 2011

I will be setting up a web server at my house. It will be a simple page for my family to keep in touch and maybe some other stuff. Here is the problem: I believe my ISP blocks port 80. So when setting up the firewall and it list the normal port 80 am I able to edit to say 8080? I have a ddns already setup for my router and I am waiting for an email back from DynDNS.com on setting up a new domain to forward to my already setup hostname. I just need to get everything redirected to another port beside 80.

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Ubuntu Servers :: LDAP Passwd Change Error ?

Mar 15, 2011

I recently set up a LDAP server, and have a server using it to authenticate users.

That works completely, but when a user tries to use passwd to change his password this happens.


And this is in /var/log/auth.log


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Ubuntu Servers :: Installs Of The GUI's Somehow Change To The Desktop Kernel?

Apr 4, 2011

In Ubuntu Server 10.04, the kernel naming convention went sort of like "vmlinuz-" for servers and "vmlinuz-" for desktops... Kernel numbers changing for the kernel version, but last signifying whether it was a desktop or a server version of the kernel... Right? At least as much as I've noticed with my 64bit installs.

I recently got a 32bit test server up on Ubuntu 10.10 and I think I'm either confused, maybe things might be different in 10.10 versions or my prior assumptions were wrong? On this test machine, I installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 32bit. After the install, I upgraded packages, then I installed kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop (in that order). I know the implied resource and security issues-- but this was a test machine to work something out. My observation on this machine is that I cannot find a kernel image on it with "...-server". All the versions of kernel images are "...-generic" All my previous installs of Ubuntu Server have been 64bit installs... and I just assumed all server kernels had "...-server" as the naming convention.

- Is this different for 10.10?
- Is this a difference in the 32bit server/64bit server kernel?
- Did my installs of the GUI's somehow change to the desktop kernel? If so, all my testing in now invalidated- as I'm supposed to be testing on the "server kernel."

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Wireless Automatic Connection?

Jun 12, 2011

I have just managed to get my wireless working with Ubuntu Server 10.04. However, I was wandering if anyone knows how to change the auto connection settings? I would either like to tell it which network to connect to (at the moment it automatically connects to the wrong one) or disable automatic connection.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Sudden Change In Server Behavior

Jul 4, 2011

I have been running two Ubuntu 10.10 servers for some time now. My main server is and backup server is 10.111.66. The main server is to host my website and ssh remote access (Key auth). The backup server pulls via ssh key auth what is in my /var/www (among other folders) to the backup home dir (encrypted). For some reason today I checked the uptime and it was 7 hours on both servers. All my other computers on the same power supply have a uptime of over a month. For some reason I now cant access backup via ssh from main's key (I could before) and I can not get to the home dir, see below:

carlos@UbuntuSvrDell2400:~$ sh "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop"
Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop: 1: [Desktop: not found


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