Ubuntu :: Can't Access Desktop In Lucid

Apr 30, 2010

Today i installed the latest version of ubuntu. While working, the monitor went to standby and a popup window came, saying that in running in low graphics mode.Later i tried to create a new folder on desktop, but it seems like it friezed (only the desktop, everything else is working).How to solve this problem with the desktop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Desktop Access "Your Desktop Is Only Reachable Over The Local Network. Others Can Access Your Computer Using The Address Or Tabatha.local"

Feb 19, 2010

Running Ubuntu 9.10. In the Remote Desktop config dialog I get: "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address or tabatha.local." I understand this means only the loopback ip address is available. All my other machines show their true local ip address (e.g., in this dialog. Thus I cannot log on to this desktop from other machines.

When I try to do a remote logon from another Ubuntu 9.10 box (or from an XP box using a VNC viewer), I get: "Connection to has been closed." What steps are needed to make this machine show its actual ip address? All file sharing between the various machines is working properly and all windows shares back and forth between XP and 'nix, and among the the vaious XP boxes and linux boxes are available as designed.

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Ubuntu :: Access Files Of My Windows Desktop From System Desktop?

Feb 25, 2010

How can I access files of my Windows desktop from Ubuntu desktop while using Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Remotely Access Desktop / When Desktop Is Asking For Keyring Password

Nov 20, 2010

I can't remotely access my desktop when the desktop is asking for a keyring password. Why does this happen? it means that remote access is useless because you would need to enter the password locally before you can vnc to it. I do not wish to disable the default keyring but is there a way of making vnc work so I can enter the password.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Folder Because Of Lucid Upgrade

May 2, 2010

Just upgraded to Lucid from Karmic, but I've got two problems:

1: After install I restarted, but it just showed the boot loader for 1 second and then black screen!

I then thought I would just reinstall Ubuntu so I used the Live CD to access the folders on the computer to get a backup.

2: But some of the folders in the Documents folder has got a white cross over it and when I try to open them I get the message: "The folder contents could not be displayed."

What I want is just to get the files (some of them is a bit important) and make a quick reinstall so if somebody knows a way to open the folders and make a backup it would be GREAT.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Lucid - How To Access OS X Partition

May 4, 2010

I have installed 10.04 on my MacBook Pro 6,2, and am trying to access some files stored in my User directory on the OS X partition of the laptop. I get a permission-denied error, but I figured this was a similar issue to the one mentioned in the stickied "How to Install Ubuntu 9.04 on Intel-Based Macs" thread.However, the suggest fix,Code:sudo usermod -u 501 -g 20 richarddoesn't exactly work for me. I tried this, but found myself suddenly logged out of my main account. On the log-in screen, only my second account showed up. Luckily, I was able to log into that, and re-usermod my main account back to it's original userid number.I am guessing that my strange error had to do with the abnormal (for ubuntu, at least) userid?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Android Phone Lucid

Jun 7, 2010

I just got an Evo 4g(great phone) but when I attach it to my computer via USB I can't access the memory card. Linux recognizes it as an Evo and shows it as a USB drive but nothing happens when I try to open it as a folder.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Win 7 Shares From Lucid

Aug 4, 2010

I am trying to access a shared printer connected to my Win7 PC from a laptop running Lucid Lynx. I have Samba installed and configured okay (I think) and I can browse the Ubuntu laptop from Windows but when I try to access shares on the Win7 machine I get a message NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL.

I've reviewed the security settings on the Win7 machine and tried turning off the firewall. I can see the Win7 computer on my network and ping it from the Ubuntu laptop but I cannot access shared folders or the printer.

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Ubuntu :: Get Text Next To The Icons On Lucid's Desktop?

May 19, 2010

We've done that in Karmic. Is there any way to get text next to the icons on Lucid's desktop?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Desktop Just Randomly Logs Me Off

Mar 6, 2011

So this has been happening a lot lately. My Lucid desktop just randomly logs me off. I notice that when it happens my RAM is usually over 85% in use as cache. Is this normal? When I first turn on my PC cache is most of the time at about 15-20% but that is expected. I was thinking that maybe some program that runs in the background has a major memory leek, which I would expect in C. This never used to happen and one day it just started, it now does it about 5-6 times a week.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Desktop Icon Alignment?

May 29, 2011

I've been searching around for a way to do this, but none of the solutions I find seem applicable to Lucid. Is there, like, a Terminal command to change the alignment of desktop icons?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Lynx Added A User That Cannot Access USB Drive?

Jun 8, 2010

I added my wife to my system and gave her adm admin access. I compared my access to her's and it is the same. Yet, when I log on as her, the 1TB USB drive does not show up in Places.
I tried mounting it and it said it was already mounted in /media/FantomDid find with "ls" command that is indeed mounted there, but since it doesn't show in Places, it cannot be accessed.Been searching and hunting and cannot find out why this is. If I would have made up her userid from the start, I wouldn't have this problem, but since Ijust added her,I cannot find a way to get her UID to "see" the Fantom USB drive

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Networking :: VSFTPD 2.2.2 On Ubuntu Lucid Denying Remote Access

Apr 28, 2011

My apologies if this is the wrong board for this thread, but seeing how the issue appears to be related to where I'm connecting from, I thought this would be the place to look.To start off, I've been running VSFTPD on the box for a good year or so now. Until recently, everything seemed to be working fine, but during the past few days I've run into issues with it and have been having trouble pin-pointing the problem. I've gone as far as reinstalling VSFTPD and rechecking every line in the conf file to no avail.The issue presents itself when I try to login to the FTP server remotely. The moment I put my user name in, I get disconnected without any error message, simply connection closed. That isn't the case when I'm connecting locally from the server.If I try to connect remotely using eth0 (internal network), it works fine again... but if I try eth1 (external network)... it fails. I'm thinking it might be related to PAM, but so far have been unable to figure out what I need to change in the configuration there. Additionally, the PAM log file doesn't show any activity if I'm connecting through eth1, but displays it if connecting through eth0.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost My Desktop After Second Restart Of Lucid

May 1, 2010

Working with an old desktop that had been running 8.04 Update failed so I installed from a LiveCD. Dual boot with XP. System runs great off of the CD. After installation of 10.04 and a restart, the system worked well. Tried lots of stuff off the Gnome menus. Restarted and booted XP. That worked too.

On my next restart I selected Ubuntu from the grub menu and the system gave me the sign in requester. I signed in but the desktop never appeared. All I got was the background and a mouse pointer.

Right clicking the mouse brings up a 7 item menu that includes items for creating a folder, creating a file, ....., choose a new background. The menu works. If I click create a file an icon for a new file appears on the screen. Clicking on the icon brings up a window running gedit. Choosing the new background item brings up a window with candidate new backgrounds. I have no idea how to get the gnome desktop back. The sign in screen has a bar at the bottom that shows Gnome is the default session setting. Booting into XP continues to work.

I've tried changing the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= line in the /etc/default/grub to add nomodeset. That didn't help.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Effect Won't Enable After Updates In Lucid?

May 6, 2010

The reason why I'm pissed because so many people out there that use Linux aways say Microsoft sucks. But I have more problems with Linux, at least with Microsoft problems I can solve. Now since I got that out of my system, here's my issue.

I just installed LTS 10.04 everything was working fine, I have an ATI 5700 card installed so I installed the ATI drivers not the open stuff. After install the drivers worked perfectly no problems. After several days of using the computer, I said I'll run some updates. I did so and rebooted my computer and BOOOM now my ATI drivers do not work. I can't enable desktop effects, can't use cube etc. Not only that but if I go to the prior build it won't work there either. If this was windows 7, I would just reinstall and it would work.

Luckily for me I made a image of my Ubuntu 10.04 and did a restore and everything went back to normal because I restored the image prior to the update. Now just for kicks I ran the updates again to be sure the updates did indeed break the vid drivers. Yep, after the updates ran, reboot, BOOM broke again. What gives? Is it the kernel updates? If so then I guess I'll run updates without updating the kernel. By the way I did try to install the drivers that come with Ubuntu but that work either. I guess I have to do the restore again. I rather use the ATI drivers vs the open stuff.

Questions are the updates unstable? If it is then why release? Can anyone provide any solutions? Should I run updates but skip Kernal changes? If not then what is blowing up the drivers?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid: Home Folder Displayed On Desktop?

Jun 11, 2010

Using Ubuntu Lucid 10.04System froze, and after reboot, my homefolder is displayed on my desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Freezes On Lucid - Can't Minimize Or Maximize

Jun 23, 2010

experiencing a lot of desktop freezes on Lucid. it goes fine for a while then i cannot minimize or maximize Sometimes i can open a new window from the top but often not

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded Kubuntu Lucid AMD64 Desktop With KDE 4.5?

Aug 21, 2010

I have upgraded my Kubuntu Lucid AMD64 desktop with KDE 4.5 using the kubuntu ppa backports. I am impressed with the overall visual and performance improvements. However I am facing the following issues after upgradation -

1. When I execute any application as root user (using kdesudo <app name>) they load with a primitive GUI. I have attached a copy of the dolphin application loaded as root user (kdesudo dolphin). Not sure how to restore the latest GUI for them. I tried running systemsettings as root user and tried to customize the theme little bit. But not much has changed

2. One new short cut for ExpoBlending has comeup in section Graphics. I am unable to execute it, since it has multiple missing dependencies, neither able to uninstall it.

3. I installed kpart-webkit and configured it using keditfiletype utility. Now while browsing certain websites such as facebook(after loading farmville application in facebook), I can see few dummy popup windows. Attached file contains one such screenshot.

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Ubuntu :: Strip Lucid Desktop Installation To MinimalCD?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm trying to get a minimalCD installation on a flashdrive but the installation never finishes... (i've left the installation runnin overnight for over 12hrs and only 90 percent got completed; whenever trying to retrive packages from the internet the process slows down to a crawl; i've tried ext4, ext3, ext2 and resierfs)normal Desktop insatallation works fine; so I was wondering if there is anyway to strip all the packages off a normal installation to get it to minimal installation, and than start installing the pacakges i need?

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General :: Block Access To A Website On Lucid?

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to block a few websites on a lucid lynx, I tried editing /etc/hosts and that blocks access via url but the site still open if I enter the ip on the browser, how can I block ip access also? (without using any extra software besides what linux 10.04 have by default)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Upgrade - Can't Access Huey - Dispcal Error

May 1, 2010

Upgraded a 9.10 installation to 10.04 and now, on trying to execute Dispcal I get

dispcal: Error - new_disprd() failed with 'Instrument Access Failed'

The lights on the Huey flash as if calibration is about to start, but then I get the error. The Huey is connected as it always has been, via a USB hub. No change there. I have also re-installed the Argyll package. A disconnect and reconnect of the Huey prompts this.


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Ubuntu :: Lucid On Samsung NB30 - Slow Noisy Disk Access

May 2, 2010

I have installed Kubuntu Lucid on my Samsung NB30 netbook. Got everything working, but the disk access seems extremely slow and noisy. Whenever larger files are being processed (software installation), the disk makes a kind of rattling sound - looks like the head is moving back and forth between two or more locations. The disk seems o.k. so far - no io errors under Linux and Windows XP boots without problems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install From Lucid CD And Home Folder Access

May 17, 2010

I have a 160gb Hard Drive, I partitioned like this:
1. First partition 16GB, ext4, mounted / I have my Lucid filesystem on this partition and boot flagged.
2. Second partition 112GB (extended- 110gb as /home, and 2gb as swap memory)

My disk list:
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 1946 15631213+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 1947 15647 110053282+ 5 Extended
/dev/sda5 1947 2274 2634628+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda6 2275 15647 107418591 83 Linux

I have my system upgraded from Karmic 9.04 (automatic distro upgraded), but I have too many problems with this upgrade, (nvidia video card not working properly, I can't mount my mp3 player (sansa), and another issues with sounds, etc.) Since I have a separate /home partition, and separate / partition, I would like to do a fresh install of lucid on my first partition (/dev/sda1), thinking of maybe it will fix all my problems with a fresh install from a Lucid CD,

My questions are:
1. If I do a fresh install on /, will I be able to access my home folder on the extended partition?.
2. If I do a fresh install on /, the Lucid installer will recognise my /home partition, or will install everything again?. (meaning another home folder), I don't want 2 home folder,
3. Am I going to have a permission problems between the fresh install and all my stuff in /home partition?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Super-pathetic Samba Access Speed Lucid 10.04?

Oct 10, 2010

I have Samba share setup on my Laptop running Lucid Lynx, for my home network,wireless The copy speed for my movies, when I access them from Windows laptop is too pathetic. Took 22 min to copy around ~1.6GB of data, giving me a speed of only 1.2 MB/s

Haven't seen nething that bad What settings do I have on my server which can improve the copy speed ??Smb.conf is pretty simple and default

workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = scooby-laptop
server string = "ScoobyDo server (Samba, Ubuntu)"
dns proxy = no
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access Windows Shares On An All Lucid Network

Oct 26, 2010

I marked this solved when I discovered, after much reconfiguring, I had a faulty Netgear router - I just thought I'd save you reading all this to find the answer.I have 3 machines at home all running Lucid. All have Samba and shared folders but I can't access files on any machine from any other. This worked ok when they were running Karmic. I'm also unable to set up printing across the network from the two machines without local printers. The main machine has 2 printers connected via USB, the others are using WiFi. I'm not using firewalls on any machine.

On any machine I go to Places, Network and Nautilus opens at network:/// and shows me 'Windows Network' I open that and see the Workgroup folder which I open and see the folder is empty. (I did see the 3 machines before I completely removed Samba and re-installed a few minutes ago)

On one of the remote machines I go to Add Printer, Select Device, Network Printer, Windows Printer via Samba, Browse but I can't see the machine with the printers attached in the Workgroup. Another clue is that when I look at the printer properties, policies on the main machine all 3 boxes are ticked, Enabled, Accepting jobs (but it says Not published) and Shared.

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Ubuntu :: How To Have Desktop Effects Without Installing FGLRX - Lucid Daily

Apr 24, 2010

I have a Dell Studio 1537 Laptop with what lspci calls an "ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3400" graphics card. Today I downloaded a daily image of Lucid, threw it on a USB drive, and booted it up. As I go to install the restricted driver for my graphics card, I notice that clicking on a panel item triggers the star burst effect. Come to find out that I can set desktop effects to "extra" and get smooth wobbly windows and everything.

Why are desktop effects working? I've always had to install FGLRX before, did the open source driver somehow get 3D support? Am I missing something? I almost feel like Compiz is performing better-- smoother, less tearing, etc.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid - Lost Desktop Icons And Right Click Menu?

May 1, 2010

I have checked quite a few post without coming up with an answerIhave Lucid 32bit release installed with compiz visual effects normal.I have lost the mounted drive icons from the desktop as well as the ability to save to the desktop or a right click menu on the desktop.
Any file saved to the desktop folder does not appear on the desktop.I have reinstalled compiz, the nvidia driver and tried all manner of settings but just can't crack this one

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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Launchers In Lucid No Longer Work

May 4, 2010

There must be something turned on in the security settings keeping Desktop Launchers from working.I have verified that the launchers have execute bit turned on in the permissions, yet when try to start one, I get an alert window saying this is an Untrusted application launcher.How do I disable this feature, or in the alternative, make them trusted?

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Installation :: Can I Update Ubuntu Karmic To Lucid With Desktop CD Rather Than Alternate

May 9, 2010

Well the title says it all.. i don't want to lose all of my settings with a fresh install and I only have the desktop CD, so can you do the upgrade with it?

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Ubuntu :: Enable Remote Desktop By Command Line In 10.4 Lucid

Jun 26, 2010

how to enable remote desktop by command line in 10.4 lucid? The command sudo gconftool-2 -s -t bool/desktop /gnome/remote_access/enabled true doesn't work, because when I open /system/pref/remote desktop, it is still not activated.

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