Ubuntu :: Best Laptop For 9.10?

Jan 27, 2010

I am thinking of getting a laptop that runs Windows 7 and dual booting it with Ubuntu 9.10. I figure I need to learn Windows 7 to be better able to serve my clients, who sooner or later with end up with Windows 7. I am leaning towards an Acer as I'm pleased with their build quality. My budget is about $600. Also I want an Intel processor. I've never been impressed with AMD and Intel has always served me well. So any suggestions on to get?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Some Files From External USB Hard Drive Onto Laptop And Laptop Froze Up?

Mar 2, 2010

I was transferring some files from my external USB hard drive onto my laptop (running 64bit Karmic), and my laptop froze up for whatever reason.Everything on the screen stopped and the Scroll Lock and Caps Lock LEDs began flashing.Not knowing anything else to do, I hard booted off with the power switch.At this point, I was concerned if anything on either hard rive would be damagedI booted my laptop back up, and all seemed well until I trued to open my Documents folder.For some reason, Ubuntu will no longer open any folders at allI can't click on ComputerDocuments, Music, etc. When I do, a tab opens in the taskbar that says Opening folder. It stays on screen for about 20 seconds, and then goes away and the folder never opens.The weird part is if I open gEdit and try to load a file, I can see and get to everything.

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Ubuntu :: Connected HP Pav Laptop To Vizio TV - Displays Computer On Tv But Not On Laptop?

Jun 23, 2010

I connected my HP Pavillion laptop to a 1360x768 Vizio TV. On the TV it displays my laptop but on my laptop it has a black screen. How do I fix it so I can see my laptop screen on my laptop and on my TV at the same time?

I used to be able to do this with this TV as well as my friend's Samsung. I'm using a VGA connector. What should I do to have my laptop screen on my laptop and on my TV at the same time?

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Ubuntu :: Battery Not Recognized On Laptop (and It Recognizes Laptop As A Desktop)

Apr 15, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu (both 10.10 and 11.04 pre-release) on my laptop but my battery is not recognized and it is detected as a desktop system rather than a laptop. I have tried the cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state method but the directory doesn't exist. I have tried another guide to paste the battery info into this directory but it doesn't allow me to do that and says that the directory doesn't exist, even though I'm trying to make it. I tried it in root nautilus and even on an install of Lubuntu (with a root file manager) but it still failed to budge. I really don't know what to do as I have tried all the guides on the internet that I could find.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Screen Not Shutting Off When Laptop Lid Closed?

May 15, 2010

When I change the "When laptop lid is closed" option in Gnome Power Manager to either "Blank Screen" or "Do Nothing" (by manually using gconf-editor), the screen itself doesn't turn off when the lid is closed. Obviously not a huge deal, as I could just change the "idle before sleep" on certain occasions, but I liked that setting it to "Do Nothing" previously would actually turn off the screen when the lid was closed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded Laptop With Plugged In Usb Keyboard -> Laptop Keyboard Not Working?

Jun 29, 2010

I have upgraded my laptop to 10.04 while having my usb-keyboard plugged in.f I boot the laptop without a plugged in keyboard, the laptop keyboard is not working. It starts working as soon as I plug a usb-keyboard in though.Quite annoying if I take my laptop with me and the first thing after booting is to find a usb-keyboard to plug in Does anyone know where can I reconfigure this? [edit]I just found out, that the laptop keyboar seems to be in numlock mode... meaning that the keys [j,k,l] is mapped to [1,2,3] etc

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 - Laptop Too Hot And Has To Shut Down

Jan 5, 2010

Recently I built a new computer, making my old laptop redundant, so I thought I'd turn it into a portable studio computer with linux. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 with the low latency kernal and the ubuntustudio audio packages. And while the system still has many other kinks I need to work out, my main issue is heat. Even when I'm running the official Ubuntu kernal rather than real-time one, I'll use the laptop for basic browsing and messaging.

Suddenly Ubuntu crashes with a warning saying that my laptop is too hot and has to shut down. The only way I've found around this is to run the laptop from cold with an external fan blow right onto the computer. I can still hear the fan working and airflow is totally unrestricted. If it helps, the laptop is 4 years old and is a Acer Ferrari 4000. I never had these issues running XP on it for the past 3 1/2 years and I'm relatively new to running a Linux system.

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Ubuntu :: Getting A Light OS For Old Laptop?

Apr 12, 2010

I have the question if anyone here has a suggestion for a Linux-based operating system I can use to run on an old laptop, connected to an external monitor with a keyboard and a mouse (so that it kinda looks like a pc, i'm saving money okay ). The specs for the laptop are:
Acer Aspire, 512 mib RAM, 16 mib Graphical Card, AMD Sempron processor, 30 GIG storage. I have Ubuntu 9.04 running on it, but I find it a bit too slow, it takes at least 20 seconds before google chrome (which is faster than firefox, and firefox takes at least 40 seconds to start up) will start up, as well as openoffice.I just need to do the following things on this laptop:

- browse the webs
- make text documents
- be able to view flash
- be able to play video's and mp3

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Running Hot With 10.04?

May 3, 2010

this is not very exact and scientific but placing my hand under my laptop (HP Presario v6000 2gig Intel) is noticably hotter and this effect is only with 10.04 32bit fresh install from ubuntu download center - no other partitions. ps my fan worked fine with windows7.. prior installation.

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Ubuntu :: Unity On Laptop - Not UNE ?

May 11, 2010

Anyone tried to install Unity on Laptop i.e. normal desktop Ubuntu version.. Not the Netbook remix...

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Won't Run On Laptop Off CD

May 15, 2010

I made a Ubuntu 10.05 iso disk which boots perfectly into the 10.04 OS on my desktop but when it starts to boot after the footer icon of the stick man and key, the screen just shows horizontal white bars and the boot from the CD stops. That Toshiba A-135 has Ubuntu 7.04 on a 50GB partition and WIN XP Pro on the other 50Gb partition. Does anyone know why Ubuntu 10.04 boots and runs off the CD on my desktop but not on my Toshiba laptop?

PS-Ubuntu 9.10 ran fine off the CD on the same Toshiba laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use Win Key On Laptop

May 19, 2010

i am not able to use win key on my ibm t60 laptop with ubuntu 10.04. i have a file in my home directoy called .xstartup and has the following lines in it

# Make the Windows key a useable mod key:


when i get into system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts i am not able to assign the the win/super key to launch the main menu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot SSH To The Laptop

Jul 3, 2010

I have a laptop at home (A) and a PC in my office (B). I can SSH from A to B but not from B to A. Both A and B run Ubuntu 9.10 and have openssh-server installed. My laptop at home (A) is behind a router and I read somewhere that this could be the reason why my connection times out when I try ssh my_username_on_my_laptop@the_WAN_ip_address_of_my_ router.

The error I get is "ssh: connection to host the_WAN_ip_address_of_my_router port 22: Connection timed out". Therefore, I logged into my router and enabled the service "SSH(TCP/UDP:22)", typed my DHCP gateway ip address (also the DNS proxy ip address) into the entry for the LAN server ip address and made sure that the remote ip address is the_WAN_ip_address_of_my_router.

I'm sure I don't know the meaning of what I just wrote. I just looked that stuff up after having logged into the ip address of my router. A first question I have is whether I was supposed to use my personal ip address that I have inside the network at home (figured it out by staring at the output of ifconfig) in place of the DHCP gateway ip address (also the DNS proxy ip address) when filling out the LAN server ip address.

Then, of course, I wonder what is still going wrong. Sitting at B, I'm able to ping the_WAN_ip_address_of_my_router but I cannot ssh into my laptop (A) that is behind the router. The router allows me to change about 1000 settings but I have no clue what to do with them.

The following seems important in this context too: As I already said, I can ssh from A to B but not the other way round. Now, assume I change settings in the router. Can I test the usefulness of these settings by ssh-ing into B (from A), from which I then try to ssh into A (from B). Does this circular ssh-ing make sense?

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Ubuntu :: How To Remove 9.4 From Laptop

Jul 23, 2010

In my laptop their are two OS one is vista and the other one is ubuntu 9.4 and I want to remove ubuntu 9.4 so how can I do that.

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Ubuntu :: Where Is RAM And HDD Located In The Laptop

Aug 28, 2010

how do i know what type of RAM i am using? what is my limit?(if there is) and where is RAM and HDD located in the laptop in case i want to change them? i have a Sony Vaio VGN-FW230J

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Ubuntu :: 64 Bit Desktop Vs Laptop?

Aug 31, 2010

Think i am running LTs, which is for laptops right? Anyways, i am wondering what the advantages are of running the desktop version considering i am on a desktop. Whats the difference? And is there a way i can install the desktop version while still keeping all my files in tact, as well as my desktop configuration?

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Ubuntu :: How To Install 10.04 On Laptop

Sep 12, 2010

how to install ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop but im a little caught up between using the wubi or full install heres my dilemma.I like the wubi but it doesn't support hibernation and from doing some reading it is not as stable and has some loss in performance.

The main issue I have with doing the full install is I'm a little concerned that making new partitions may screw up the recovery partition which I find really useful which lets me easily reformat my laptop without having to deal with all the drivers.So my real question here is twofold. Is there a way to still hibernate in wubi? And is the full install that much more stable and faster?Second should the recovery partition be ok if i later decide to start fresh again in the future?

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Ubuntu :: OS Crashed On The Laptop?

Oct 12, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 on a Sony viao laptop. (not right now 'cause it won't start up). I've been tring to turn it on all evening with no luck. I turn the power on. The first bios screen show the read out and then the Ubuntu icon shows on black screen and then the screen goes black. At that last stage I would have expected to see the brown Ubuntu screen and then the log in screen but it doesn't show up.

Is my hard drive damaged from being shaken around? I carry my laptop in a backpack designed for that and place in my car trunk (carefuly, I don't throw it around like a ball) If the hard drive is damaged, the way do I see the first black Ubuntu srceen on start up? Does Ubuntu burn that on to the bois? I tried starting up from an Ubuntu instalation CD and a Puppy CD and got the excat same results as listed above.

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Ubuntu :: CanNot Log Onto Internet With Laptop ATT DSL?

Oct 29, 2010

I installed a new Hard-Drive in the laptop. Then installed Ubuntu 10.4 or what ever it is from a Disk that I ordered and that went fine.It shows all the wireless networks in the area including mine 7-8 of them.all Are password protected but one{not mine} but can not connect to mine as it is locked. But does connect to the neighbors since they are left wide I know of 4-5 others here within distance that are suckin theirs up so it is slow.And "Not Mine" "Two Wire462" The password does not work and it is right.I called AT&T They said the pass word it needs is not the pass word it is the ten numbers on the bottom of the 2 Wire Gateway.

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Ubuntu :: Battery Not Appear In Laptop

Nov 24, 2010

My battery Icon dosn't showup.

I did


I recieve back



And I also did


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Ubuntu :: Locked Out Of Laptop By 10.10?

Feb 10, 2011

Was able to use a dual boot (Windows 7 and Ubuntu Maverick Desktop version) with only minor microphone couldn't be accessed issue. Had the system lockup completely, even power on and power off or Magic AltSysRq combinations does not help. This happened once before but after parking the laptop for a day, it restarted without issue.

Just prior to my shutting the laptop down, response went to a crawl, the system took much longer to shut down but did. Upon restart (and since) the machine just hangs. I do not see the machine on my network.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Keeps On Crashing / Fix This?

Feb 19, 2011

My laptop, running Ubuntu 10.10, keeps on crashing. For a Windows user, this would be normal, but isn't it rare for Unix-based OSs to crash? Could there have been some corruption in the disk I installed it with?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Ssh Into My Laptop From Desktop

Mar 27, 2011

I can ssh into my desktop from my laptop but I cannot ssh into my laptop from my desktop. This is all on my home network. My laptop is wifi and my desktop is wired. When I try to ssh from my desktop to laptop I keep getting a connection refused error, doesnt matter what port I use either. For the heck of it I tried to ssh from my desktop into my desktop (that is correct, not a typo) and I got this error earlier today. Im kinda concerned.


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Ubuntu :: New Laptop And Want To Partition It?

Mar 29, 2011

I don't want to make a mess of the partitions like I did on my desktop when I put 8.04 on it, so need some help please. I have a 320g hard drive with win7 on it and a recovery partition for it also. What it came with. I would like to install v10.10 and have a home partition too. So I can upgrade later without losing my stuff. And keep win7 just to try out occasionally. I ran the install cd but didn't understand how to partition it with the install routine. I have a copy of gparted on cd but I haven't tried it yet, so I can use it if need be.

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Ubuntu :: My Laptop Cant Boot ?

Mar 31, 2011

I just installed ubuntu on my laptop the problem is after i press restart the cd comes out and it said to press enter which i did then the computer restarts and loads some kind of command prompt it asks me for user name than password i log in but after that i dont know what to do it dosent even boot to main screen.

I tried with ubutu desktop 64X and netbook still no luck...Im using sony vaio laptop its 64X 4gb ram 320 hardrive

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Not Boot From Cd In Laptop?

May 3, 2011

ubuntu 11.04 and 10.10 not boot in my lap top , but 10.04 boot well.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Causes Laptop To Hang

May 4, 2011

I performed a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop and it caused the system to freeze up completely. The freeze would happen anywhere between 10 and 30 seconds after a full boot.

My system specs:
Toshiba Tecra A4
1.6 GHz Pentium M
1024 MB of PC2-4200s DDR2 533MHz RAM

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Won't Go Into Standby?

May 8, 2011

Ever since I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10, my laptop won't go into standby. The screen goes black, but then refreshes with the login screen.

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Ubuntu :: Use A Laptop As A Monitor Only?

May 11, 2011

The problem I have is that my monitor broke but that is no fault of ubuntu and I intend to fix it at a later date. Because my monitor broke I'm left with a PC with ubuntu installed and an old laptop with vista, I was wondering if it is possible to connect the pc and laptop and use the laptop only for a monitor/screen?

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Ubuntu :: How To Close Laptop Lid

May 30, 2011

In Ubuntu 10.10 Gnome . When I close the laptop lid I seem to get only two choices - hibernate or suspend. What i want is when i close the laptop lid I want nothing to happen.

There are real issues I'm having with network-Manager stopping and not starting when i go into suspend. it's a major hasle therefore I want to prevent any suspend or hibernate.

How do i do it so closing the lip just closes the lid and nothing else?

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