Ubuntu :: Unable To Use Win Key On Laptop

May 19, 2010

i am not able to use win key on my ibm t60 laptop with ubuntu 10.04. i have a file in my home directoy called .xstartup and has the following lines in it

# Make the Windows key a useable mod key:


when i get into system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts i am not able to assign the the win/super key to launch the main menu.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mount Hdd In Laptop 8.10?

Jul 28, 2010

yeah it gives me this error:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Start 10.04 On Laptop?

Jul 11, 2010

I was trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my Sony VAIO Laptop, for the full specs, it's here. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, I downloaded the latest version of Wubi. I copied the Wubi executable to the directory where I downloaded the ISO file of Ubuntu 10.04 (32-bit). Everything went fine, I was able to install it properly. Then I after restarting my computer and selecting Ubuntu on the Boot Menu, the only thing that I can see is just a blank screen. I tried hard rebooting a lot of times and still, nothing happens.

what is the possible solution to the "blank screen" issue that I'm experiencing?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Ssh To A Unix Box From Laptop?

Oct 2, 2010

I was able to ssh to a unix box from my laptop (I generated public and private keys and copied the public keys to the remote machine). Is it normal that I cannot ssh from the unix machine to my laptop? I expected that I could log in from both machines to the other. I am running ubuntu on my laptop and the other machine has redhat.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install On Laptop

Apr 30, 2011

I cant install ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop. I downloaded the ubuntu iso from its official site. I tried several ways to install it like :within windows, through usb, through burning the iso but neither of them worked. When i boot from usb or CD there's just a black screen after the choosing one of the options (i.e. try ubuntu,install ubuntu,etc) and nothing happens. So I had to shut it down by holding the switch after about 20 minutes. But it works on PC without a problem. I have installed it on my PC. If i install it within windows, it completes the installation and then whan I reboot it , it says completing remaining installation and the black screen appears.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install 11.04 On Laptop?

Jul 5, 2011

I am trying to install 11.04 on an older Averatec laptop. (AMD Athlon XP-M 2200+, 512 MD DDR, 60 GB HD) I tried Live CD and alternative. They both freeze up during installation. Live CD is definitely good as I can open Ubuntu as a trial on another computer. Booting as a trial on the laptop also freezes up.

Tried boot parameters "nomodeset" and "acpi=off" without success. Reformated disk several times with dban which hasn't helped. Even tried xbuntu in case there wasn't enough memory. That froze up as well.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access BBC UK Content On Desktop But Can On Laptop?

Jan 14, 2010

Earlier when installing Karmic I requested assistance to enable me to listen & view BBC content in the United Kingdom. This involved me in loading :

Ubuntu restricted extras

which worked a treat.

I decided to install Karmic on an old desktop system with the intent of using it as a backup system for my data. Having installed this as a fresh install I again followed the earlier advice only to find that when I attempted to connect to the BBC I was asked to load flash. This happened no matter which station I attempted to listen or view.

As far as I can see everything has been installed exactly as on my laptop and therefore should naturally work as before. The only difference is the laptop is using 64 bit and the desktop 32. Since I now see that the desktop is also capable of 64 bit processing should installing the 64 bit Karmic help?

Using sysinfo does not give too much information. I am told that the CPU is an AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core processor 4400+, 1000.000 MHz & L2 cache 512. The graphic card is shown as VGA Compatible Controller and the Sound Card as a multimedia Audio Controller.

I am at a loss why I am being asked for flash on the desktop and not being able to have the same benefits as I have on my laptop running the same OS.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Detect Built In Camera On Laptop?

Mar 14, 2010

I have had this issue for a while now but never really messed with it enough to try and fix it..

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Resolve Host Tims-Laptop

Aug 11, 2010

i am having a problem in the terminal window. When i try to do various operations i get the following message before the operation starts.

sudo: unable to resolve host Tims-Laptop

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Play All The Music Off Desktop On Laptop?

Jun 22, 2011

laptop with ubuntu 11.04 on wireless. Desktop with xubuntu 11.04 wired to the router. I managed to share folders on my laptop by right clicking and hitting simply sharing the folder (after installing required package when prompt. However, so such option seems to exist on Xubuntu. I want to be able to play all the music off my desktop on my laptop , but it seems i can only get it working backwards. how to share folders in xubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Play A DVD On Laptop - Location Not Found

Sep 22, 2010

I am unable to play a DVD on my laptop. I have a DVD burner; and I always get the same message(s).error reading from DVD or "an error occured: location not found"I am actually trying to rip a few clips from some dvds i just have not gotten that far yet.so what do i have to do to play the dvds?and is there anything more i will have to do to rip them.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Uninstall From Laptop?

Apr 9, 2010

I installed Fedora11 on my hard drive in e: . However i formatted my computer and installed windows XP professional after which i am unable to boot in for linux OS and unable to format the drive as well .

Now i want to format that drive to install ubuntu in the same drive. Can anyone tell me how to proceed . HOw should i format the drive and install ubuntu .

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Access Internet Utilizing Laptop

Mar 12, 2010

To start off I do not have the ability to post in the Networking/Wireless thread. I attend DeVry university and in my school they recently rolled out "Bluesocket." Now that they have done this I am not able to access the internet utilizing my ubuntu laptop.I am able to connect to the network. When I open my web browser I am redirected to the "bluesocket" login page where I am able to successfully log in. The next step to accessing DeVry's internet service is to allow Bluesocket to do a scan using a Java applet. That scan is successful.

The results of the scan inform me that I am not being allowed to access the network resources because I don't have an antivirus or firewall program installed on my computer. I do not wish to have an antivirus or firewall program installed on my laptop to utilize DeVry's network resources. My question is what steps do I need to take to bypass/trick bluesocket?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Connect An External Monitor To Laptop Running 10.04?

May 13, 2010

I've been unable to connect an external monitor to my laptop running 10.04, even though the resolution and framerate are right. The monitor says something like "unsupported video settings".

In other news, I put the live cd into another computer which relies on a monitor and after the very first screen with the two logos at the bottom, the monitor decides to go to sleep. I try with another monitor and it just seems to have to feed. This is the more important problem, but I wonder if there isn't some built-in problem with 10.04.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access In Laptop With 10.10 Maverick 64bit?

Mar 6, 2011

I do not have access in my laptop with ubuntu 10.10 maverick 64bit installed. I deleted network manager when trying to set up a static I.P follow the guid on this page www.liberiangeek.net/2010/09/setup-permanent-static-ip-add I've googled around. The methods suggested to solve it have not been useful in my case. I tried to the method by a user on this forum

Originally Posted by lswb

Method 1) Start synaptic, click on Settings/repositories follow instructions to install from live CD. After installation click "reload" in synaptic and install upgrades if applicable.
Method 2, if you have a wired ethernet connection, interface name is eth0, using dhcp, which is the most common scenario, open a terminal and type these commands:

sudo ifconfig eth0 up
sudo dhclient eth0

If you have wireless it's a little more complicated, but if you have an unsecured network (no WEP or WPA) and your wireless interface name is say eth1, and your wifi network essid (name) is "mynetwork" it wo
uld be something like this:

sudo ifconfig eth1 down
sudo iwconfig eth1 mode managed essid "mynetwork"
sudo ifconfig eth1 up
sudo dhclient eth1

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Debian :: Unable To Set Up Wireless On My Laptop / Sort It?

Jun 4, 2011

I've just installed Squeeze on my laptop (Toshiba Satellite C660D - adapter is a Realtek 8188CE) and was following the instructions on debian.org to set up WiFi. I've changed the source list, done the firmware update and the modprobe, but when I get to step 5 where it says to verify that I have a wireless interface, the output from iwconfig just lists lo, eth0 and pan0, all with "no wireless extensions". Does anyone have any ideas what I should do now?

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Fedora :: Unable To Start Bluetooth On Laptop?

Nov 6, 2009

I have a dell studio 1555 laptop , i m facing the very strange problem with my bluetooth , my bluetooth is not working on my F11 , means to say i cant be enable the bluetooth on my box , i thing its a driver issue

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Fedora :: Unable Autosuspend For Laptop Webcams?

Jun 10, 2010

ignore powertop's recommendation. After searching around the web, that message about how to enable autosuspend is very out of date. This thread discusses the history of the powertop suggestion, and discusses using the driver or udev to autosuspend an eeepc webcam. It also includes this nugget:

In the mean time - the thread I linked to includes a helpful note from Xandros. They measured that enabling the camera on the 901 model cost ~3% of overall power. So autosuspending the camera won't extend your battery life that much, but every little bit helps. This page describes the user interface for dynamic power management in a device's sysfs directory. This caveat and another note from that page should be considered: 214For this reason, by default the kernel disables autosuspend (the 215power/level attribute is initialized to "on") for all devices other 216than hubs. Hubs, at least, appear to be reasonably well-behaved in 217this regard.


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Fedora :: Laptop Unable To Sleep - Suspend Pc

Apr 11, 2011

I have a HP laptop with an internal tv-tuner card, which i use once in a while, because i don't have a tv. The problem is, that the kernel module i installed to make this piece of hardware work, for some reason makes my laptop unable to sleep. So if i want to suspend my pc, i have to first unload the module, using


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General :: Unable To Adjust Brightness On Laptop?

Apr 24, 2011

I have acer Aspire 5742 with mint 9 {64/32 bit both} installed.. I cannot adjust brightness of my laptop in any of them.. The shortcut keys are working fine as increasing or decreasing through keys show icon increasing or decreasing brightness but it is not affecting brightness in anyway.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Laptop Unable To Connect To Wireless, Wired Networks?

May 28, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my Toshiba A200-12U laptop (with an Atheros AR5007EG wireless card), but networking is being problematic.I entered Network Configurations and tried to get 'Auto eth0' working -- I went to Edit > IPv4 settings and filled in 'Addresses' with the details of my connection:

Address: (the local IP of my router)


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Use NVIDIA Graphics Card On Acer Laptop

Jul 10, 2011

Am using ACER Aspire 5745G which has switchable graphics. I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal i updated everything after the installation. Now the issue is that when i go to NVIDIA X Server Settings, its giving me an error message:- " You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. " Error.jpg also tried searching in the forum but it was so confusing, as am Newbie i have no idea where to start.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install F 13 On Laptop Using Live Usb

Oct 2, 2010

1. Unable to install F 13 on my laptop using the fedora live usb i had. It worked from the Live CD though, but the 3d effects don't work.

2. Does F 14 have native support for NVIDIA 5100m card? This is the card present on my laptop its based of the Quadro 880 chip

I meddled a bit with the PAE kernel and tried to install the driver off the nvidia website and now the system does even boot..

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Fedora :: Unable To Play Media Sounds On HP Laptop - F14 KDE

Jan 24, 2011

I just installed Fedora 14 (running KDE) on my HP DV6Z-SE. It came pre-packaged with Windows 7 and I am running a dual-boot (I kept Windows for gaming purposes). Anyway, problem is I am unable to play media sounds. I've tried playing my music (all OGG Vorbis) on both DragonPlayer and VLC, to no avail. When I go to Phonon, I have two options for prefered devices, "Redwood HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 5600 Series] Digital Stereo (HDMI)" and "Internal Audio Analog Stereo".

When I test them, the Radeon one never plays sound, while the Internal Audio plays the test sound sometimes (rarely). I tried moving the latter up the preference order, but it changed nothing.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Use The Additional Laptop Buttons

Oct 29, 2010

I use opensuse 11.3/gnome on lenovo sl-510. I have the problem. The laptop doesn't reacts on some of additional buttons like wireless on/off or cover sensor. Xev doesn't reacts as well. Everything worked untill I removed and reistalled pulseaudio and some other packs.

The questions are:

1. what could I do to make a problem - did I killed some daemon of smth - I just can't remember;

2. how to fix it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot From Live USB On HP Laptop

Jul 26, 2011

A few weeks ago I installed Fedora Linux 64-bit on my HP dv4-1428ca laptop which was running Windows 7. At that time I created a Live USB using the fedora-live usb tool and it booted fine. A couple days ago I decided to try out openSUSE, so I downloaded the 64-bit live-cd image and tried to create a live usb using the SUSEStudio ImageWrite provided in the documentation. The tool kept giving me an error message, so I decided to try unetbootin instead. However, when I tried to boot the live usb on my HP laptop, it presented me with the message.

"SYSLINUX 4.04 EDD 2011-04-18 COPYRIGHT (C) 1994-2011 H. PETER ANVIN ET AL" with a blinking cursor and nothing else. I've tried a variety of alternative programs for creating live USB's (pendrivelinux, linux live usb creator, unebootin), and verified the checksum of the iso file for openSUSE 11.4 64-bit, and still was not able to get past the "SYSLINUX..." message on my HP laptop. However, the live USB does boot on the other computers in my house. Interestingly, if I create a live USB using the tool provided by Fedora, it will boot fine. However the Fedora Live USB tool cannot be used for other distros.

AMD Turion X2 Dual Core
4GB Ram
ATI Radeon 3200 Graphics
320 GB Hard Drive

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Networking :: Unable To Ping Laptop From Other Computers On The Network?

Apr 15, 2011

I have installed Micro Core onto a usb of mine and am running it on my laptop. I have been able to successfully obtain a connection and valid ip with my router. As you can see below my wireless connection seems valid computer-end and on my router's page it comes under the list of attached devices.Although this is all fine and dandy, I'm am unable to ping my router or any other computer on my network, I am also unable to ping my laptop from other computers on the network. Also by the looks of it I have having no trouble transmitting, but I am not receiving any packets.


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General :: Unable To Switch Screen Between Monitor And Laptop

Apr 7, 2011

I am using DELL Latitude E5510 laptop with docking station. The problem I am facing is I am not able to switch screen b/w monitor and laptop screen, I tried with fn+F8 key. Actually I have installed open SuSE11.3(Linux) operating system.

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General :: Unable To Net With Build In Wireless Card On Laptop?

Feb 6, 2011

I am getting obsessed with Linux OS up to the point of starting to swap MS OS.I opened WICD and it show (Wired network = 0 wired-default VVV and wireless network = C STR ESSID ENCRYPT BSSID MODE CHNL is this meaning that build in wireless card is or is not recognized? I will keep looking for info, although is hard to learn a new OS from scratch.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Unable To Configure Wireless On Laptop?

Oct 30, 2010

I have a desktop and a laptop. I have Netgear WGR614v9 Wireless Router connected to my desktop. Since my Laptop is pretty old I also bought a Netger Wireless Adapter for the sme model. Now when I connect the Wireless Adapter I am unable to connect to Wi-fi. I am new to Linux, after googling I ran "lsusb" command and it showed Netgear Wireless adapter and its version. Also in GUI when I open File Browser it also shows the Adapter detected but I am unable to connet the same to my router. Also the blue light on the adapter is not glowing.

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