Ubuntu :: Backuppc Not Backing Up Client?

Oct 28, 2010

I have been struggling to get backuppc running and finally today figured out what I was doing wrong. Backuppc is running on my Ubuntu 10.04 server. I have it backing up my mac, but I can 't get it work on my Ubuntu 10.04 desktop. I followed the same steps I used in getting it to work in my mac, so I can't really see why there is a discrepancy. This is the error log I'm getting now:

full backup started for directory /
Running: /usr/bin/ssh -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
Xfer PIDs are now 14404
Read EOF: Connection reset by peer
Tried again: got 0 bytes
Done: 0 files, 0 bytes

Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes) Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes) Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the prior one (got 0 and 0 files versus 0) The dreaded 4 bytes error. I was getting that problem before on my mac, but from what I've managed to find, this error usually shows up when you don't have ssh keys set up properly. Once I got that figured out, it started working on my mac. I can confirm that that part is set up because when I execute the following as the backuppc user on the server:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Creating A Account For Backuppc?

Feb 20, 2010

I'm trying to setup backuppc to access using apache. I followed this guide: [URL]. Apache2 is correctly running on my pc. I used this command: htpasswd /etc/backuppc/htpasswd user and, as the guide says, I tried to access http://localhost/backuppc but I get nothing there. Is anything else I should do to access backuppc?

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Ubuntu :: Install Backuppc Using The Synaptic Package Manager?

Jan 5, 2010

In a moment of temporary insanity I tried to install Backuppc using the synaptic package manager, but started to panic when the installer tried to set up an Apache web server on my PC (which I do not want). At that point I tried to cancel the installation, but got an error message. I then marked the package for complete removal in the package manager, but every time I click the apply I get an error message, "E: backuppc: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 2" and the package, which did not install correctly in the first place, refuses to go. When I ran the update manager today, to install the latest updates, the manager tried to continue with the Apache installation stage of the Backuppc installation. How do I get rid of it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Backuppc Error Exit Status 1?

Jun 28, 2010

"E: backuppc: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"whenever I upgrade my system I get the above message Anyone know how to fix it? or if it's anything important ?

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Server :: Sharing Files Across Network Using BackupPC On Ubuntu 9.10

Feb 20, 2010

I now have BackupPC up and running on ubuntu 9.10.I have a couple more issues. These relate to the fact that I am trying to use backuppc to backup files, but also to provide a central up to date store of network accessible files, so, for example, media files can be viewed over the network, rather than downloaded through the web interface. Thus I have the following problems:

1. Access the files through the network.I want to have /var/lib/backuppc as a browsable folder through the network. I have managed to change permissions on the folders so they are browseable, but i need to set the file permissions so i can open the files. How do I do this, and set it so that all future backup files are given accessible permissions?

2. A single store of files.I want one folder with all the incremental backups being copied into it, so to see the most up to date version of a file, I just browse to it in nautilus, or through shared folders from another pc on the network.At the moment, I have a 0 and a 1 folder, and I am sure I will end up with loads more. I just want a single folder, no matter how many times the backup is made.

3. Change the Naming Convention.Also is there a way to change the naming convention so the folders are given the normal names (so Documents rather than fDocuments)?

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Fedora :: Get BackupPC On A F12 64 Bit Machine As The Server?

May 4, 2010

I am trying to get going BackupPC on a fedora 12 64 bit machine as the server. I have got Apache running asn can see the test page. I can log on to the BackupPC web page at but that is about as far as it goes. The web page does not have anything on it that I can configure, or get any useful information on. There are a number of menu item missing Admin options, LOG file. Old Logs, Email summary, Config file, Host file, Current queues are all missing.

This according to the articel I have showing a BackupPC web page sceen. I have edited the /etc/hosts file to include the localhost and the backupserver IP address. I have also added these to the /etc/BackupPc/hosts file. The web page that is displayed not only has the missing menu items but the colour of th highlighted menu item is blue not green as in the typical pictures I have.

I have tried to use the article Back Up linux and Windows systems with backupPC from howtoforge as the basis. As I indicated I can get teh web page up but can not do anything. Clearly I have missed something.

Can anyone assist me to get this going. Is there a definative article somewhere that sets up BackupPC on Fedora 12?

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Debian :: The Backuppc Password Was Not Accepted?

Apr 5, 2011

BackupPC usually just works. It backs up the localhost and another PC, both running Debian Unstable. However it stopped backing up the remote machine after the 22nd March.This correlates with updating OpenSSH.All I get is "Unable to read 4 bytes from Server".As suggested on the backupPC website I ranCode:sudo -u backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_dump -v -f backupclientI was asked for the sudo password and then for a password for each directory that was to be backed up.The backuppc password was not accepted. The root password was.Could somebody point me towards a solution? Do I have to recreate the SSH keys?

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Server :: Automating A Restore With Backuppc?

Jan 28, 2011

here is the thing. I've deployed BackupPC in a server at work, and everything is working fine. Now, what I need to do this thing. I have a remote server with a website and a postgres db running. I've been able to set up everything to be backed up using rsync. But I would like to make the same process to restore the backup immediately in a local server trough rsync, that has to be ready just in case of failure of the remote server. What I've tried to do is to run the DumpPostUserCmd, so whenever a dump is performed in the remote server, I can have my local server updated. What I've find out is that when you perform a restore through the web interface, the command that performs it is (using ps ax in the backuppc server):

/usr/bin/ssh -q -x -l root myserver.wheretodotherestore.mydomain /usr/bin/rsync --server --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --relative --ignore-times --recursive . /path/to/restore

So, what I could find out is: /usr/bin/rsync is the command that the process runs in the server where I want to put the restore. Then the options, and finally, source and destination of the restoration. But, as you can see, the source is '.' but I cannot guess where to point that!

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Fedora Installation :: Connecting BackupPC With The Browser?

Aug 17, 2011

I installed Apache en BackupPC but could not connect with http://localhost/BackupPC. what is the procedure for connecting BackupPC with the browser.

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Server :: Setup SuEXEC So That CGI Scripts Are Ran As The Backuppc User?

Sep 1, 2010

CentOS release 5.4 (Final)

So im setting up backuppc but do not want Apache to run as the backuppc user. To get round this I need to setup suEXEC so that CGI scripts are ran as the backuppc user. This seems fine and I do have the module loaded,

1. I have configured my config files as said here
2. I have read that DOC_ROOT for suEXEC is set to /var/www I need to change this to /home/www - as a quick fix i have a symbolic link from /var/www to /home/www.

3. To confirm what DOC_ROOT is and check where the log file will be as suggested on many sites I run "/usr/sbin/suexec -V" but I get nothing back, it does not list any config.

4. Group and Owner for "/usr/share/BackupPC" is backuppc


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CentOS 5 :: Setup A Central Backup Server With BackupPC Installed On 5.6 X86_64

Jul 29, 2011

i`m trying to set up a Central Backup Server with BackupPC installed on CentOS 5.6 x86_64, My CentOS has Samba3x / Winbind integrated with Active Directory i found this nice Wiki http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/BackupPC , to get my BackupPC installed. after installing RPMForge's repo and settin` up the priorities to the repos, http://wiki.centos.org/PackageManagement/Yum/Priorities i get the following error regarding Samba3x Conflicts , i dont wanna miss up my Samba Configuration to install BackupPC, even --skip-broken option does not work for me


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General :: BackupPC Basic Setup (13)Permission Denied - Not Open Password File: /etc/Backup?

Feb 22, 2011

I am having problems gaining access to the BackupPC admin web page. The error:


[Tue Feb 22 16:43:59 2011] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: Could not open password file: /etc/BackupPC/htpasswd [Tue Feb 22 16:43:59 2011] [error] [client] access to /backuppc failed, reason: verification of user id 'myhtaccessuser' not configured

Why is this occuring, is there anyway of getting around this? I just cant remember originally on my old system how I set this up.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Backing Up A New DVD?

Mar 24, 2010

I've been putting my DVDs onto my home network for a while without any probelms until now.When I put in Doubt and try to rip it, the title tree (in both K9 and DVD::Rip) shows several titles of a large filesize and the same time duration (that of the film). About three of the multiple titles are exactly the same file size and duration and then there are about 3 more that differ slightly in both.

I think this must be some kind of anti-piracy measure. Obviously 6 files of 5 GBs wouldn't fit on a DVD so it must be some kind of error/trick. When I try to backup the DVD it doesn't work. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up With Rsynch?

May 21, 2010

I've got a lot of photos, home movies, documents, etc on my machine (currently running with ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64) and i've had issues in the past with hard drives failing. fortunately i've not lost anything substantial as all the important stuff was recovered from backups i had made with blank DVDs.my last desktop rebuild was about 2 years ago and i decided that using blank DVDs to back things up was no longer practical as they're too small and the amount of data i need to backup is too large.hard drive storage used to be quite expensive but they're getting cheaper and cheaper all the time. i bought 2 pretty large, identical drives for($70) each.my machine has 3 hard drives in it. the first is a small solid state drive with the operating system on it, the second has all my data on it (mount point is /data) and a third to backup the stuff i don't want to lose (mount point is /backup).i use the following script to automatically make another copy of all the stuff i want to backup onto a second drive.

rsync -av --progress --delete --log-file=/home/paul/.backup_logs/rsync.home.$(date


this is automatically run at 9pm every night as a root cron job.the 2 lines that begin with "rsynch" do the actual work of backing up my data. the 2 lines that begin with "chown" are just for convenience. they change the owner of the backup log to myself so i can easily delete them without being hindered by ownership issues (the script is run as ROOT so the logs are created, and therefore owned by ROOT).i originally used this article to help set it up in the first place.it explains the process with a good degree of clarity and i can recommend it to anyone who would like more info on this technique.i'm not too worried about losing my system as all the configuration files in the home directory are backed up.it doesn't take too much effort to rebuild the system but it's the personal data that is much harder to replace.

if the data drives fails i will be able to replace it and restore the data from the backup drive. if the backup fails i can just throw it away and make another backup. this whole strategy is designed to guard against a total drive failure. it offers no protection against accidental deletion of files except for the small window between the deletion and when the script is run (anything deleted from the data is also deleted from the backup the next time the script is run).i've only really experienced hard drive failiure 3 or 4 times.the last time the computer started doing all sorts of wierd stuff and i didn't understand the issues involved.

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up To A Ftp Account?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a couple of important directories that I want securely backed up to my ftp server. backup software that is opensource, and that could work on both linux and windows?

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up Through Live Cd?

Oct 27, 2010

I was updating my laptop from 10.04 to 10.10 and the fan stoped and the laptop overheated and shutdown in the middle of the update. So now I cannot use Ubuntu till I reinstall, but I was wondering if someone knew how to back up the homefolder through the live cd with permission to copy every file that is on their because the important files are the one I need permission for.

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up A Hard Drive?

Feb 9, 2010

How would one go about backing up a hard drive? I want my Windows hard drive to be backed up, so that I can restore it onto the hard drive if the hard drive was blanked.

If this hard drive is formatted and linux is installed on it, I want to be able to restore my current Windows partitions (Win 7 and Win XP) and probably the boot loader. I am sure this is possible, but what would be the best way to go about it?

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up Files Changes Permissions?

May 14, 2010

I did a clean install of 10.04 over the weekend and copied all of my backed up files from my external drive back to my internal drive. However, I've noticed that when I moved all my files back, they're all now marked as being executable. I've since fixed this, but I was wondering why this happened to begin with?

I use rsync to backup my files (grsync to be exact), but when I do so I copy files from my internal drive, which is formatted as ext4, to my external drive, which is formatted as NTFS (I keep my external drive as NTFS in case I need to hook it up to a Windows machine). Does the file system discrepancy have to do with why my permissions change when I backup/restore my files? Is there a way to prevent this? Or should I be backing up my files a different way?

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Ubuntu :: Clonezilla Live CD Not Backing Up

Sep 5, 2010

I having some problems backing up my disk with Clonezilla Live (the Ubuntu 10.04 version). When I try to backup my disk, I get this error:


C:bitmap count err, Free: 3596613
Checking free space...
(standard_in)1: Syntax error
Something went wrong!

This is after partclone checks the drive that it will put the backup on. It stops at 97.86%.

I always get this error every time I try to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up The Perfect System?

Oct 23, 2010

have you ever set up the perfect ubuntu , all the softwares,games,libs,customizations... and wanted to back it up so if anything happens in the future you could just go back to "perfect one" ?

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up A Gedit Configuration?

May 4, 2011

I have a heavily configured gedit on one of the machines on my network. I am looking for a way to back up all of the settings so that I can restore them later and/or move them to another machine on my network.

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Ubuntu :: Recently Understood The Value Of Backing Up?

Jun 15, 2011

I've recently had to reinstall Ubuntu and start fresh 'cos I messed thing up luckily enough I had a pen drive handy to transfer my important docs, but man it was a pain to get all the docs back in there right places - I don't fancy much doing it again! What I'm looking for is some software that'll back-up my home folder, yet I'm having a real difficult time finding something suitable. I'm looking for something that may:

Auto schedule backups Retain file permissions Options for excluding particular file extensions i.e. .avi, .mp3 etc Is there any software that'll do the job?

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up The Entire Installation?

Sep 6, 2010

I have installed a number of softwares on my system,and well a recent power surge costed me my system with all those softwares,SO is there a way for me to sort of compress or make a live disk of my installation including all the softwares,so even in case of a hard disk replacement,i ay not lose my system.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 11.04 LTSP Connect Client Hard Drive - Register In The Fstab On The Client?

May 26, 2011

I have configured server ubuntu 11.04. Everything works fine, but there is a need for some clients to connect local hard drive. What should I do? How and what modules are added to the ltsp-image? How to register in the fstab on the client? Maybe I'm going the wrong way?

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up Encrypted Home Folder?

Feb 13, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Karmic on my netbook (I tried netbook remix but preferred the look of the regular desktop edition). When during installation, the option to encrypt the home folder appeared, and being mildly paranoid I thought, "sure, why not?" (I must warn you that I am a new user with little technical knowledge other than what I have managed to gather in a semi-passive manner over the past couple of months). The problem is, I (try to) backup my data weekly, and so today I gave it a shot (I got the desktop edition a week ago). I have encountered the following problem.

I backup my system following (approximately) the instructions at [URL] for Backup The exact command I enter at backup is:

sudo tar -cvpjf 2010.02.13.tar.bz2 --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/sys --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/media --exclude=/home/dan/music /

(I exclude my music folder as it is huge and I already have it all in several other locations) When I executed this command all ran smoothly for a while, however it soon began backing up the directory /home/.ecryptfs/dan/.Private At this point, it started backing up the huge number of files in this directory. I assume these are encryption keys? Forgive my ignorance... Anyway, it took several hours going through this folder, and finally bzip gave up, complaining of excessive file size:

bzip2: I/O or other error, bailing out. Possible reason follows.
bzip2: File too large
Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout)

I assume that excluding the encryption keys and such from the backup would be a bad idea: I guess that if I did not restore the relevant directories along with my home folder, it would be inaccessible? Is there a way to avoid backing up such a large amount of data?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backing Up Server Before Updating?

Feb 27, 2010

I've been running my little server at home for a few months now, and I've noticed that Webmin has detected that I'm in need of over 100 updates. I'm a bit scared to run the updates because everything is working just fine right now, but a part of me still wants to run some of the updates.Now I know backing up the server would be a good idea to do before this happens. This server is a media server with videos, music and pictures taking up the majority of the hard drive space on the server. I just have one partition on the server, outside of the swap partition. I would like to back up everything on the server except the videos, music, and pictures, because if even an update messes with the server, I could always retrieve those, and the external hard drive I'm going to back up to wont be big enough to hold everything anyways.

if I were to backup up everything except for those directories that hold my videos, music, and pictures, and something were to go wrong, if I were to restore all of those, would I then be back to the state my system was at when I backed up? I've never done a back up and restore in a linux environment before. I just want to make sure that just doing that will be enough, because the last thing I want to do is hose my server after taking several weeks to get it to the working state that its at.

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up All Of Preferences I.e. Installed Drivers?

Mar 14, 2010

I'm needing to wipe out my computer, but my only hesitation is that I've made so many awesome changes to my Ubuntu install and I don't want to lose them, since alot of it was copying/pasting terminal commands or following instructions from blogs that I didn't bookmark. Is there any way I'd be able to backup all my preferences, i.e. installed drivers, desktop configuration, basically all the little things?

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up A Folder On A Dead Installation

Mar 14, 2010

I recently had ubuntu as my main operating system on my computer, but that wasn't working out because iTunes just does not work on ubuntu. So I started to try to dual boot windows XP, but when I tried to create the partition, all of them crapped out on me, so now I'm left with a computer boot anything, it just goes straight to error loading operating system. Now I can't get the one folder that I need off of the ubuntu installation because I don't have permission too.

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up A Specific Server Package?

May 16, 2010

how would I backup a specific package. Really all I want is the configuration files.

the package I'm talking about is mumble-server, could I say rsync all the files that were installed, then if I wanted to drop it in just copy those back over?

If I had to wipe the installation and reinstall, could I install that package again then drop my backup copy back over it?

Dpkg tells me these are the files it installed.

dpkg-query -L mumble-server


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Ubuntu Servers :: Backing Up Directories On Old Server?

May 18, 2010

have had a server running for a very long time using Ubuntu Server 7.10, and I think it's passed time that I upgraded.I'll be installing fresh, and I've already backed up /var/www (as well as a home directory with a few files)I've only used this as a Web / SFTP / file server. Might there be any other directories that would be good to backup? I set it up so long ago and have made a few changes along the way.

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