Ubuntu :: Audio Working But Volume Control Isn't
Feb 16, 2010
I have a dual boot and my windows plays audio fine.My ubuntu plays audio fine as well however when I click on the Volume Control icon on the panel it gives me this error:No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.and I am still unable to control volume. I have alsamixer installed and it can control my system sound fine but all this time I've been able to use the controls on my HP Pavilion dv5250ca laptop's keyboard controls to control the volume and I'd like to be able to continue doing that- I haven't been able to for the last 2 days.
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Jun 26, 2010
When I hit the Pulse Audio Device Chooser icon and then click on 'Volume Control' the volume control GUI flashes on for long enough for me to realise it has flashed on and then is gone again! If I run the chooser as root from a terminal (sudo padevchooser) I get this response when I hit the error:
** ERROR:(pavucontrol.cc:339):void StreamWidget::setVolume(const pa_cvolume&, bool): assertion failed: (v.channels == channelMap.channels)
Strange thing is, I have spent a lot of time working on my wife's laptop and Pulse Audio was working great (after many brain twisting, hair ripping hours of working on it) and indeed is still working despite the lack of GUI. This is all good except I want to change the output device for ringing in Skype and this is where I need to 'Move Stream ...' and can't get to it.
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Jun 20, 2015
I'm using Mate on Jessie. The problem is that mate-volume-control kinda sucks as an audio control. It doesn't have nearly enough options for a proper volume control program. Pulse is much better for my needs. It or Alsa. Is it possible to remove mate-volume-control, or at least make Pulse the default volume control?
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Oct 29, 2009
Volume up, volume down and mute keys on the keyboard don't control the volume any longer.They worked before. Hitting the keys brings up a progress bar widget with the volume level unchangeable, set at 0% (which is not accurate at all).It looks like the key mappings or key bindings are working, but there is a disconnect with actual functionality. The volume cannot be changed or muted anymore from the keyboard.
This worked just fine in KDE on Fedora 11 before upgrading KDE components yesterday with Yumex. I am now using KDE 4.3.2 I don't think that it's a coincidence that it stopped working after doing an update.
I updated the kernel and nVidia drivers too, but this problem exists when I went back and tested with the previous kernel, so I don't suspect the kernel upgrade. No info in Xorg.conf about the keyboard. Is there a setting that I am missing?
Sound works just fine. I can listen to whatever source I like. This is not a problem with the sound drivers as far as I can tell.I just want to be able to control the volume with the keys on my Logitech Illuminated Keyboard, model Y-UY95. Is anyone else experiencing this?I can adjust the volume with Kmix 3.5 or GNOME Volume Control V2.1
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Sep 2, 2010
I'm brand new to debian and quite new to unix based systems in general.
I just switched to debian from ubuntu in search of something different and I want to find a system that works for me before I settle down.
just two problems I have with debian:
No sound
Error message: No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.
When I try to open sound from the speaker icon at top right.
I think it's a driver issue but Its not as easy as ubuntu was lspci:
My trackpad also does not work so I have to open documents manually if I don't bring my mouse to class.
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Aug 10, 2011
it's a while now that the volume control in gnome stopped working. I tried to reinstall gnome-media, but without success. The icon is present in the top bar and I can see the volume slider, but it simply doesn't change the volume.I'm using F15 on x86_64.
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Sep 24, 2009
I am having issues with Fedora 11 and audio. I have pulse audio running and configured. The volume control on the top panel (GDE) works properly, but i do not hear any volume until I move it up past 50%. I tested it with the advanced volume controls opened and it even shows the master volume not moving until the volume slider on the panel reaches at least 50%. Can anybody help with fixing this. It is very annoying. Thanks in advance for the support.
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Apr 7, 2010
My internal mic on sony vaio was not working on karmic 64bit. After I followed these instructions [URL] (updated alsa to 1.0.22) I got the microphone working, but now mplayer does not play any sound (although it plays files), as it tries to use pulse by default. However when run with -ao alsa, it works fine.
Other than that, the volume control has not effect on the sound, so every time I need to control it using alsamix.
When I remove pulseaudio, everything seems to be working, except gnome-volume-control and gnome-volume-control-applet do not start, and the keyboard volume controls dont work.
Here are the sound cards I have:
progre55@progre55:~$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC262 Analog [ALC262 Analog]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
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May 22, 2010
Does anybody know if it's possible to get the volume control knob (the one on the device) on the USB Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi device in Ubuntu 10.4? The sound is working great for me, but I actually bought it mostly for the volume so I'm hoping there's a way to fix it before I return it.
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Aug 12, 2010
I'm not able to hear any sounds from my system. The panel does not have the volume control button anymore. I'm not able to run System -> Preferences -> Sound. I get an error saying "Waiting for sound system to respond" And if I run 'pavucontrol' in the terminal, I get "Connection failed: Connection refused"
Also recently I've noticed that when I run some commands in the terminal I often get this message "Home directory /root not ours." Can this be related to the sound problem? I am on the system as root.
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Oct 29, 2010
When I started using Slackware I've been using USB headset. Everything ran perfectly fine. They got recognized, I could use all of it's functions and so on. Unfortunately volume control on them stopped working so I had to service them, and like in every third world country, yay I need to wait minimum three weeks just so they can press a button and say "Yup, they don't work".
I bought normal headset to use them while other one is getting fixed, and didn't expect any problems with them considering they are "old" technology, normal audio input and output.
Now problem is following, sound works fine but microphone doesn't. Once I managed to "fix" it by switching audio input from mic to something else and then back to mic, now even that doesn't work. Another... "problem" is if I leave my USB webcam plugged in while booting computer, there is no sound at all, ether on line ones or USB ones but I can easily solve that problem by unplugging webcam, rebooting and plugging it back in later.
Now everything ran fine until my computer shutdown while I was sleeping. Don't know why, but it started happening recently, don't see anything smart in logs so I assume its... something, read it could be cache, HDD, temperature and so on but since logs don't write down anything smart... will deal with it some other time.
When I talk I can actually hear myself on the headset, which probably means that they work. If I put mic boost all the way up, I can hear myself perfectly clear, but somehow... seems that that information just doesn't get to Slackware, well it gets somewhat considering that it reacts to me adjusting mic boost on KMix, but everything else... no.
Arecord doesn't record anything, TS register as microphone isn't plugged in at all, skype doesn't get any input ether.
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Jul 17, 2010
Is there a way to default volume to 100% in the terminal with gnome-volume-control-applet or any other program? I am setting up a dedicated Zsnes machine which boots into Fluxbox but the volume is muted by default. There isn't a man page for gnome-volume-control-applet.
When I log into Gnome the volume is set to 100%, but Fluxbox is always set to mute.
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Mar 7, 2011
I'm running Kubuntu 10.10 32 bit on an old DFI KT600AL motherboard based system using the onboard VIA 3058 AC97 audio (because it supports front panel audio connections and none of the add-in PCI soundcards I have do). I have an old Gateway/STB TVPCI TV tuner card (mainly wanted the FM radio part to work) hooked up to the cd audio connector on the motherboard because the digital audio over the pci bus apparently isn't supported for this card (neither is the onboard analog mixer on the tv tuner card, I had to hack a CD-ROM audio cable and solder it to the audio outputs of the tv tuner module on the TV tuner card). When I use the master channel as the master channel (selected in Kmix) then as one would expect it affects the output volume of all other audio playing on the system except that which is being handled by the PCM channel. On Windows the PCM channel was also affected by the "Volume Control" slider such that ALL volume levels were reduced when moving the slider. I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to make it work like this on Kubuntu.
First off I should warn you that I (like many users of older hardware that is not properly supported under PulseAudio) have uninstalled PulseAudio (because it's garbage) and am using Alsa to manage my audio hardware. I would think that there would be some way to do this using the 'amixer' application to add the PCM channel as a component of the 'Master' channel so that when the volume is turned down using the 'Master' channel control it will affect the PCM channel too (at least the output to the speaker jack, not necessarily the capture or mix volume though), but I'm not really any good at doing things from a terminal window and the options for the amixer command kind of confused me.
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Feb 9, 2010
I am running Linux Mint 8. I try playing a video file.t plays but there is no audio and the ,movie player acts as if there was. How can I correct this
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Jun 12, 2010
since using 10.04 I have a big problem with my usb headset (freetalk everyman)
1. Problem: I cannot regulate the volume of the phones (output) anymore with gnome-volume-control. By default the volume is set to 100% which is way too loud. When I set it under 100% there is no sound at all. Values over 100% work.
2. Problem: The X server is freezing iregulary when I connect the headset and disconnect it, Magic SysRq works. I checked Xorg.0.log and found out that it recognizes the usb headset as keyboard:
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Sep 9, 2010
I'm using 10.04 now and it runs ok, except one strange thing in the Volume control applet. Sometimes, when I click on the volume slider, it moves up. Even if I try to slide it down, it moves up on every click. The same when I click left of it - it keeps moving up! This is very annoying at night when the music gets loud and wakes everybody. It happens with or without Compiz turned on
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Oct 31, 2010
I am struggling with a problem with the volume control... when i try to adjust the volume with the sliding bar i can not do it. If i put the scrollbar to the 0 position, it is muted. when i move it to anywhere else, i get the full volume. From other programs like vlc, i can adjust the volume with no problem.
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Apr 10, 2011
My volume control seems to have only three settings: TOO LOUD, VERY QUIET, OFF. If I adjust the Master volume slider from the Panel, only about the right 1/8th has any effect and if I slide it past about the 95% mark, I get no sound at all. At the far-right end of the volume control, I get total volume. It's basically like the slider only has any impact in the top 5% of it's space. Below 95% of the slide, there is zero volume.
It's so drastic, that one tap down of the volume button on my keyboard kills the sound (because it nudges the slider past that 95% mark). This happens in the Audio settings, etc., system-wide. If I adjust the volume for an individual app from within the app (MPlayer, for example) it behaves exactly as expected (that is, app volume works smoothly, it's just master volume that has this issue). I have run through most of the "obvious" things-- I'm wondering if I broke something by installing the extra KDE packages to get Amarok to work.
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Jul 15, 2009
I feel little silly asking this, I accidently removed from my gnome panel my internet connection, volume control and battery indicator on F11. how can I add this back. It does not show up in the add to panel menu and the applications do not give you back the default feel.
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Feb 8, 2011
Laptop is Dell Latitude C600/C500 with Pentium III 850Mhz, 256Kb L2 Cache, 256MB RAM, ATI M3 video card, HD 20005 MB and sound card is EES Maestro 3i. After trying to do something with Windows 2000 which was installed on the machine, I decided to put Linux without keeping windows on the machine. First I try with Xubuntu (latest version) which was working but slowly, then I found that Debian could work fine on that machine. I have installed latest version 5.08 and was surprised how goodly old machine can work. I solved problems with screen resolution (change from 800x600 to 1024x768) but I couldn't find solution how to fix problem with sound.
Actually I don't have sound on the machine. I looked for a linux driver for that sound card and Dell is only providing windows drivers. Then I found that I can solve the problem with ALSA drivers but I couldn't find the easy way (or any way at all) to install drivers and to get back the sound. When I click on 'Volume Control' (top right corner of the screen) I get the message: 'Volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.'
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Aug 23, 2009
After running my computer for a while, my volume control always messes up. I wonder if it is some app. Mute, raise, lower volume all fail, and so does the little volume icon in my notification area. When the computer boots up things are fine. I can do some more testing later to try and pinpoint the source but I need to wait a few hours for a download to finish. I can still use Advanced Volume Control and all the options there work.
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May 18, 2011
The workstation is running FC14.
I have the audio out of the media machine passed into the line in on my workstation. It's just handly to have the audio pass in this way so that i can manage the volume or headphones or whatever from one machine.
This worked, and worked well, for a very long time. I recently reinstalled the workstion, FC14 still. After the reinstall, my passthrough doesn't work.
If i start up some media on the media machine, and then open up the volume control on the workstation, i can see the volume meter moving along with the audio, but nothing plays out of my speakers.
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Jan 19, 2011
I don't know how this happened, but my keyboard copy and paste functions have stopped working. Oddly enough, I discovered that I can only copy and paste by using the third mouse button. Pressing down on the scroll wheel after highlighting text copies the text, pressing it again pastes it Ican still use the Edit-copy and Edit-paste menu functions.
I'm sure it has something to do with all the tinkering I have been doing with my desktop. I have been experimenting with CompizConfig and Cairo dock, changing my themes and things of this nature.
Ububtu 10.04.1
kernel 2.6.32-27 generic
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Jan 23, 2010
I believe I'm using Ubuntu 9.1 (how can I know for sure anyway?) and I use Harman Karman sound sticks that I got from a Mac. I use a Gateway PC and the volume control in the upper right toolbar of the desktop doesn't work. If I want to adjust the volume intensity I go into System > Preferences > Sound > Applications and I adjust the Firefox volume control. Sound comes through the speakers perfectly but I can't adjust volume with the desktop icon.
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Jun 22, 2010
i don't want alsamixer. I want a command, e.g. setsound 98 (this will set sound to 98%) or something like this. Is there any?
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Sep 22, 2010
Booted up in Lucid this morning to find all my volume control has vanished!I cant re-add to the panel, the volume applet isnt there to re-add! If I go to system/preferences/sound I get the error: Waiting for sound system to respond and nothing happens. If I go into command-line and try running gnome-volume-control-applet, I get the error: WARNING **. connection failed, reconnecting.. this goes on without any further resultAnyone got any ideas? the sound is working.. I just have no volume control other than the one on my speakers
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Sep 27, 2010
I accidentally removed the volume control from the panel (top right). I added it again (Indicator Applet), but now it's not on the far right with the time/date and wifi icons; it's in the middle part of the upper panel. How do I add applets to the far right of the upper panel?
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Feb 27, 2011
i just plugged in my new speakers and the master volume control has nearly no effect. Its either the same consistent volume unless brought all the way down and at the very end there is some change in the volume right before it becomes muted.
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Jun 10, 2011
Don't know what happened but after some updates last week the volume control is gone from my panel and I can't seem to add it back???
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Mar 23, 2010
I boot up my machine today and the Volume Control, which I use a lot, is missing from my panel!Anybody know how I get that back? I figured I could just right-click the panel and choose it from "Add to Panel".. but there is no Volume Control in there?
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