Ubuntu Installation :: Did I Just Really Screw Up Computer?

Nov 19, 2010

my friend partitioned some of my hard drive (vista) and installed ubuntu 9.04 on it.for a while, I didn't really use it too much.But recently I've started to see that it's a better coding environment for me (cs major).i was having a few problems here and there, so i decided to update to 9.10 through the update manager.i was no longer able to use my mouse pad after doing this, but i eventually found a solution online that worked.then i decided i might as well go up to 10.04.when it was installing, it asked me if i wanted to change a "menu", or keep the current one.I said to change it (stupid, i know).after the installation was complete, i have a few problems that i have NO idea how to fix.i've searched all over the internet, but nothing has worked so far.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installation Did Screw Up OS X On Mac

Jun 2, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on a partition on my Mac Mini and everything was working fine until a couple hours ago, when I logged out to go back to the OS X side. For some reason, now in OS X it recognizes the existence of the mouse (there's a pointer I can move around) but it doesn't interact with anything and I can't click on anything. Is this something to do with Refit or my Ubuntu install? Is this something I can fix?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythembox Screw Up Iphone / Ipod Touch?

Dec 25, 2010

I tend to buy music on my iPod touch directly, then synchronize it with iTunes later. After goofing around with Rythembox by trying (unsuccessfully) to import some mp3s onto my iPod, I noticed that my recently purchased 'Fame Monster' Lady Gaga album would not synchronize with iTunes, although the music was still playable and indexed correctly on the ipod itself. I also noticed that Rhythembox can't seem to find that album either. It is quite strange.

So I browsed around the file structure on the ipod to try to hunt down these m4a files and found them in a folder called 'Purchases' - they were all there along with a few other recent purchases. These m4a files are different though - they don't seem to have any of the audio tracks' meta-data embedded in the files themselves, that info is instead in associated 'plist' files that are just xml files with all the info about the tracks you'd expect.

When you sync an ipod touch with itunes, it copies your 'on-the-go' generated playlists - so I tried to trick itunes into finding these files by adding my gaga album to a playlist, but sure enough after synching, that playlist simply disappeared. I tried it again, but this time also adding other songs that are not having any problems, and sure enough the playlist was successfully copied to itunes... SANS any of the gaga tracks! This is so weird.

So basically I have these tracks that are paid for, not cheap might I add, that are playable on my ipod touch, but simply refuse to synchronize with itunes. Why not just grab it m4a off the ipod directly? Well thats true, they play on my computer just fine that way, but the files don't have any of the album and track information embedded...

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Debian Configuration :: Installing LottaNZB Screw System?

May 14, 2010

Okay so a newb question but I typed the simple command sudo apt-get install lottanzb to install lottanzb after adding the testing repositories (currently using Lenny stable) and got a huge shed load of things updated including AWN from the testing source as a result (pages of them flashed by) and it removed some things like Epiphany browser.

Got a load of errors at one point during this including
/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.postinst: line 165: [: missing `]'
Usage: /etc/init.d/cron {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}.
/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.postinst: line 165: [: missing `]'
Status of Common Unix Printing System: cupsd is running.
/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.postinst: line 165: [: missing `]'
checking separate queue runner daemon...done (not running).


Am I being dumb here or does that mean I`m now basically using Debian testing as a result and if so how can I undo it yet keep LottaNZB? With the errors am concerned in case I reboot and the system goes from stable to unstable. I chose Debian for the stability so don`t want the testing versions, and have no idea why a simple install command updated so much stuff. EDIT: It bigtime messed it up, when I logged out and logged back in system was unusable and I had to reinstall as tried apt remove but it didn`t undo it. Quite surprised that Linux breaks easier than Windows though

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OpenSUSE :: SCIM Stuff That Seems To Screw Around With Normal Text Input?

Apr 8, 2010

I was recently surprised by this SCIM stuff that seems to screw around with my normal text input. I try to be curious and approach my issues with an open mind, so before I try to remove SCIM, I want to know what the hell it's supposed to do.but it's not obvious to me

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Slackware :: Managed To Screw Up Remote Server Directory Ownerships?

May 26, 2011

managed to screw up the ownership of many directories on a remote server whilst installing a piece of new software. Basically I have set all ownership from / downwards to apache:apache.

Spotted the error quite quickly and managed to abort it, but am now unable to change to root to put anything right. Is there any way to restore ownerships of the underlying Slackware to 'factory default' as it were? Had a quick google and found some links for a script that is supposed to work, but it appears broken,

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General :: How To Check Availability Of Ethernet Card In Redhat 5.2 Without Using Screw Driver?

Jun 27, 2011

please anybody tell me how to check the availability of ethernet card in redhat 5.2 without using screw driver.

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General :: WARNING: "BTRFS Will Screw Your Debian / Ubuntu System"

May 6, 2011

Things were fine for a couple months until this most recent dist-upgrade. The new grub has an incompatibility with BTRFS which nearly caused me to lose everything, as grub couldn't set up the boot system since it can't see the BTRFS partition. I worked for days trying to get help in the linux-btrfs listserv, but they don't seem to understand Debian/Ubuntu, and they kept referring me to Debian and grub devs. I asked them how those devs will know any more about BTRFS than they do, but there was no reply.

They said the new grub (1.99~rc1-13) will fix it, but unfortunately the Debian package management system was jammed by BTRFS as well and I couldn't install/deinstall anything. I finally had to unpack the grub-pc .deb and manually install it, but guess what? It didn't fix the problem. I've now had to completely rebuild my system without BTRFS. This has cost me days, which I cannot spare. I realize it says 'experimental' on the BTRFS website, but it is in the stable kernel, and there is not a word anywhere about it being completely non-functional in Debian/Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Want To Install Win7 / Don't Want To Screw 11.2

Mar 14, 2010

i currently have XP 32bit and Opensuse 11.2 64bit installed, i would like to install win7 64bit but don't want to screw up my opensuse installation. If i format my win partition, and install win7 should i still get a grub menu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Fails Every Time - Message To Reboot My Computer Appeared At The End

Jan 9, 2011

I recently decided to install ubuntu netbook remix 10.10 to my Toshiba NB200. I was using windows and I wanted to completely erase them. I burned the USB, I followed every single instruction the site had, and even though the installation seemed to work, and a message to reboot my computer appeared at the end, the installation finally fails. When I reboot, the only thing I get is a black screen with an underscore at the top left corner. I tried the installation four to six times and even tried older versions as well but all I get is the black screen.

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Software :: Access Computer A's Shares As Well As The Third Computer, The Aforementioned Computers Cannot Access Computer B

May 28, 2011

I have three computers in my network, but two will be mentioned. Computer A is a Linux Mint 9/Windows 7 dual-boot, and I have just installed Mandriva Free 2010.2, which I will call Computer B.

Now my main problem is that Computer B, while it can see and access Computer A's shares as well as the third computer, the aforementioned computers cannot access Computer B. The message was: "Unable to mount location/Failed to mount Windows share." Now, the SMB protocol was used because of the third computer and Computer A have Windows OSs installed in them.

What I originally wanted was that I can share Computer B's NTFS partition, namely Documents and Downloads, to the other computers. And I can't do that, because of the error message.

What I can do, however, is use Computer B to view shares from the other two computers (Computer A, as an example). By my experiences in Linux Mint, I understand that I'd have to mount my Windows partitions in order to share them. I don't even know if my NTFS drive in Computer B is mounted, though that is what was described.

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Fedora Installation :: Installation Screwed Up Computer?

Mar 31, 2009

So i've been trying to install linux on all my machines, but there is one troublesome machine, mydesktop.But my question is not how to install it, but rather how to remove it :PSo I installed fedora, unfortunately i still cant boot into it properly and it goes into the text based thing.But the real problem is that in the bootloader that fedora comes with, when i select "Other" it boots into my D: partition which is the recovery partition that my computer shipped with. In the recovery partition i cant do anything and specifically delete the fedora installation and the bootloader it came with. I need to boot into the normal C: partition where windows vista is installed.So i tried to repair the Windows vista bootsector but it said that the boot thingy was fine

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Xp On A Computer?

Feb 6, 2010

i want to install xp on a computer running ubuntu; is that possible?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting From A Usb On An Old Computer?

Feb 16, 2010

I have an old dell laptop that I want to put ubuntu on but it doesn't have a cd drive, I can't boot from a network, and the bios doesn't support a usbdrive. It does have a floppy drive and I wanted to know if there is a bootfloppy that allows me to boot from a usb?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Change Computer Name

Jun 2, 2010

When I installed Ubuntu, I had to give my computer a name. Now I want to change that name, without re-installing. How?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Is Not Able To Find Any OS

Jul 28, 2010

My master hard-disk has crashed. However both my operating systems were installed on other disks.But my computer is not able to find any OS because Grub must have been on the old master IDE hard-disk rather than the new SATA one on which Ubuntu 10.04 was installed.Now, I want to regenerate my Grub file so that my system an use the already installed Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Moving HDD To New Computer?

Oct 3, 2010

today I obtained a computer from a friend who had just bought a new computer, and they were getting rid of the old one. Being a linux user I couldn't let a perfectly good albeit slow Windows XP computer go to waste. With Ubuntu 10.04 install it is lightning fast. I've noticed it is faster than the current computer I use as a server, and want to migrate the HDD over to the new machine. I know there are issues when doing so with Windows as it registers the hardware and has major heartburn with this, so I was wondering if Ubuntu or linux in general will have any problems. I simply want to move it over.

I don't have a problem with reformatting as it has it's own /home partition, but for obvious reasons I would like to minimize down time. I did a search on google and on the forums here and I didn't find what I want to do.

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Ubuntu Installation :: OS From Computer With It Already Installed?

Oct 15, 2010

I was wondering if it's possible to rip the Ubuntu OS from a computer with it already installed? Since I downloaded Ubuntu many moons ago, I've lost the disc and my internet only allocates a certain amount of gig to be downloaded before being slowed. Which has already happened this month, so it'd take me 3-4 days to download Ubuntu again. And I need it today, if possible. So I would like to try and get the OS from the computer with Ubuntu already installed, so I can install Ubuntu on the other 2 laptops in the house.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Won't Boot DVD Or USB?

Jan 4, 2011

Brand new build, top of the line components, windows 7 x64 installed and working flawlessly. I've got the boot order with cd rom first, usb 2nd, hard drive 3rd. I've got a good DVD in the blu ray drive, and it does not boot from the drive. Also same issue when the USB is in. Its using a SSD and I almost get the impression its checking things too fast then just heading to the SSD to load windows. Any ideas?

I've put the DVD into a crappy old laptop I have and it boots from it so I know its functional (the laptop shows some error for kernel or something but regardless it does get the ball rolling).

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Won't Install On 2nd Computer?

Jan 5, 2011

I installed 10.10 on my laptop with little problems. I abootm now trying to do the same on my desktop.First, my hard drive has Windows Vista installed, but it won't load the OS so I figured I could load ubuntu from the DVD and install that instead.When I first load, after my HP splash screen, I get a quick linux v. number and then load to a purple ubuntu splash screen. If I don't hit enter on this screen, it will go to a blinking cursor shortly after.

If I do hit enter, it asks my language and then gives me the options to try ubuntu, install ubuntu, check disk, check memory, boot from HD. and then the F key options at the bottom.I cannot load any of these options, it just moves to a blinking cursor. However, I was able to remove the quiet splash and get some code.It was much easier for me to take pictures of the code. So here it is. This is the code that scrolls down pretty fast after selecting install ubuntu.

I then tried the try ubuntu without installing option, and I recieved the same code.I tried the check CD utility, and it froze also. I took this picture of the last lines of code i could see.It's weird that this DVD worked to install on my laptop but not on the desktop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copying Everything To A New Computer?

Apr 6, 2011

I have config settings on one computer that I like (spent a lot of time writing up easystroke commands, rating songs in Banshee, saving a bunch of wireless network configurations... etc etc.)

So much stuff that I might just like to copy my entire harddrive and all of my folders to an external hard drive and then replace everything on my new computer from there.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Won't Boot To The Cd?

Apr 18, 2011

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 desktop on a custom computer that already has 09.04 on it, but the computer won't boot to the cd. the computer will boot to a 09.04 cd that I have.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Won't Boot On AMD 64-bit Computer?

May 10, 2011

Installed 11.04 several ways on ACER AMD 64-bit Phenom II computer with Win 7, 1.5 TB HD, and 500 GB Sata removable but none would boot. LiveCD works fine with Unity desktop displayed. Installed first using Wubi but would not boot. Then installed in 500 GB USB removable allowing entire disk to be used. Installation completed OK but would not boot. Created Super Grub2 disk and booted to it. It recognized Grub.cfg in removable but just got a black screen with blinking cursor in top lefthand corner when tried to boot Ubuntu. Then I cloned this installation to the primary 1.5 TB HD in an ext4 logical partition. It was recognized by Super Grub2 but would not boot. I tried a fresh installation from the LiveCD with the removable turned off, hoping that the new ext4 partition would be seen, but such was not the case. All I got was the message (during installation attempt), "No root file system is defined". I used the AMD64 version of 11.04 since the computer was 64-bit.

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Installation :: Looking At Installing Ubuntu In My Computer?

Jun 22, 2011

My only interest in Ubuntu is that I want a reliable trouble free as nearly as possible computer. I know absolutely nothing about the inner workings of one and have no interest in learning about them. I am a 77 year old retired seismologist on a fixed income so you can understand my reasons for want of a trouble free computer. The current system I have is a Dell Studio XPS with Windows 7 64bit. It is a little more then a year old and has had two crashes. The first ended with having to change the hard drive which Dell did with no charge to me. The second crash resulted in having to reinstall windows. I had the disk so that wasn't much of a problem, but without the disk I would have had a very expensive paper weight. My chief concern is about malware, spyware, viruses and what have you. I want something that not everyone is taking shots at. If I were to install Ubuntu I would want it to be able to do what I currently do and do it without fear of it crashing or having to update it every week or reinstall it every year. It would have to work with the printer and scanner that I had to buy because drivers weren't available for the older printer and scanner I have.

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Ubuntu :: Grub4Dos Error / Tried To Switch Back To Computer Control And Computer Went Black?

Jan 9, 2010

Here's the situation:

I have Ubuntu 9.1 with wubi and Vista on my laptop. I was playing my laptop through the TV, then I tried to switch it back to computer control and the computer went black. I had to hold to power button to restart, and suddenly grub4dos starts up when I try to launch ubuntu. I can still launch Vista. Is there anything I can do to save my system? At the very least, I would like to be able to copy data from my ubuntu system to my vista system. How can I do that? I can't find C:/ubuntu/disks. It doesn't seem to exist.

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows Xp On Computer In Virtual Machine - Watch Netflix On Computer

Jun 30, 2010

so here's my problem. I am trying to install windows xp on my computer in virtual machine so i can watch netflix on my computer. The disk will not start up, if I restart and try to boot from load i just sits there and says boot from cd. The disk drive plays music cd's fine, so i dont really know what the issue is.

I dont know that much aboutut ubuntu. a tech friend put it on hard drive he gave me after mine crashed. also i should ad that i took the disk to someone else's house that haswidnows installed and the disk worked just fine, so its not a disk problem

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Ubuntu Networking :: Assigned Computer A's Static Ip To Computer C Without Changing Dhcp Setting?

Aug 18, 2010

I set up a dhcp server in the lan and assigned static ips to two computers, computer A and B, according to their mac address. Everything was running fine. But when I turned off computer A, connected computer C to the network, and assigned computer A's static ip to computer C without changing dhcp setting. Computer C was able to access the internet. When I turned on computer A, dhcp couldn't assign an ip address to it, and computer C showed an error message of ip conflict and failed to use internet. I wonder if dhcp server is able to prevent other computer from using the same static ip that is already assigned to a computer according to its mac address.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Find A Way To Watch Videos From Main Desktop Computer On Another Computer?

Jul 9, 2011

I've been trying to find a way to watch videos from my main desktop computer on another computer I've plugged into an HDTV. I'm such a Linux newbie that I decided to give Mythbuntu a try. It was way to complicated for what I needed, and I'm sure that some more experienced people reading my first two sentences laughed to themselves at my naivety.

What I am trying to find is simple: browsing one computer's home folder from another computer, and playing the videos therein. If there's anything like Mythvideo that requires less than half of the skill requirements, I will telepathically send love to the person that informs me of it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Stream Music From Computer (9.10) To Windows Computer Using Vlc

Jan 30, 2010

1. How can I stream music from my ubuntu computer (9.10) to my windows computer using vlc?

2. What nvidia driver should I use? The one found in "hardware drivers" is 185 but nvidia's site has 190! which one should I use?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Remotely Disconnect OTHER Computer's Pidgin / While Using Current Computer?

Aug 29, 2010

i have 2 computers.both have pidgin messenger with the same accounts (yahoo, msn, aim, facebook...). both can connect at the same time. both connect at startup.both work well.some of the chat protocols disconnect upon sensing multiple connections (as in, when one account signs in from two places).good.others don't.bad.

is there a way to remotely disconnect the OTHER computer's pidgin while using the current computer? while both instances of pidgin are running, the OTHER computer will see all incoming messages on pidgin. anyone at that computer will see a one-sided conversation.simple solution would be to stop them from connecting at startup. that still doesn't solves the problem of "what if i forgot to turn one off" or "what if someone runs pidgin on the other computer."

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