Ubuntu / Apple :: Read Files On Software Raid0 Mac Drives?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a set of Mac software RAID 0 drives that my friend gave me for spring break. I need to access a file on the drive in the Extra folder on one of the drives. It contains some startup settings that need to be changed before I can boot it properly. I loaded up ubuntu and tried to access the drive but only the top level files are readable and when I try to access the Extra folder it says "permission denied." The info on the folder permissions tab is User ID: 501 and Group ID: dialout. Owner permissions = r/w, all other groups/users = none. How can I make Ubuntu read/write to this Extra folder?

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Ubuntu :: Create A Raid0 Array Of Drives?

Feb 20, 2011

Just got 3 extra drives for my machine.

2x160Gb sata
1x 165Gb sata

How do i create a raid0 array of these drives? On each drive i have got a partition whose size is 160GB and formatted to type fd (Raid Autodetect) i have tried the following:

mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0
mount /dev/md0 /media/raid
but for some reason it doesnt work.


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CentOS 5 Server :: RAID0+1 Or Other Setup For 4 Drives?

Mar 30, 2011

I tore down my old ftp server running FreeNAS because it had some issues. I decided to add a couple more drives and install CentOS on it instead. So now I have 4x 2TB drives that I set up yesterday.OS is installed on a usb flash drive exclusively while I chose to set up the 2TB drives in two stripes and then mirrored, for RAID0+1 instead of RAID1+0.

/dev/md0 = drive 1+2 in RAID0
/dev/md1 = drive 3+4 in RAID0
/dev/md2 = md0+md1 in RAID1

Well, the sync time for these two mirrors of blank drives is almost done, having taken some 15+ hours.I chose this setup to have a single 3.6TB file system mirrored to another 3.6TB for "backup". As this is only going to be a headless ftp server, I don't need massive redundancy/backup. A mirror should suffice if I need to pull some files.So now I'm second guessing myself. I'm wondering if it is even worth it to stripe 2 drives into a single volume with such large sync times. Since data xfer will be over internet, I don't require the massive file writing capacity that would be preferable if it were in my home as a NAS. So, the "performance" increase of RAID0 is not strictly mandatory.

I'm wondering if I should just wipe the drives and set them up in JBOD or LVM instead of RAID0 arrays.In case of boot drive failure, I'd be booting a livecd to xfer files elsewhere or recover the boot drive. So, what difference would I see if I were livebooting to md0, md1, md2 for data viewing as opposed to livebooting to an LVM or JBOD array?As an aside, the drives are WD20EARS, which are 4k sectors which I aligned to start at sector 2048 in fdisk.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Change Mac User Files Read Permission?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm a new Ubuntu user, I just installed Ubuntu today and I'm loving it. But this issue has been driving me nuts all day, I've searched for hours for something like this and all posts were about external hard drives. I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my MBP 13" then dual booted into Ubuntu. I can mount and access my MBP hard drive, but when it comes to the Mac home user files, I don't have permission to even READ.

How can I change that? I tried doing so by dual booting into Mac and changing the folder permissions and also making them shared folders but nothing worked.

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General :: Will (K)Ubuntu Be Able To Read/copy/alter Files On NTFS Drives

Apr 7, 2010

I am making the transition to either Ubuntu or Kubuntu in the next couple days. I have been running the Win7 evaluation version which is pretty much just Win7 Ultimate.Two are internal, four are external. All of them are NTFS. So are my pen drives (512MB and 8GB). Will these Linus distros be able to access these drives? If so, to what degree? Everything I have read online so far seems to give Linux a mixed track record when it comes to working around NTFS security, etc.

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CentOS 5 Server :: RAID0 - Getting Extremely Slow Read / Write Speed

Jun 28, 2010

I am new to Centos and linux in general. I have just got myself a Dell 1950 server with 2x 1T SATA2 hard disks in it. now the server comes with a PERC5i Raid card with 512Mb. Well I put these in raid 0 and the raid card initilzed the disks to 128 writeback and read ahead. When I loaded centos it did not recognize the dell layout so therefore wanted to initalize it again, so I done this as it wanted. Now I created a 80gb boot and o/s partition and a 100gb swap the rest was created into LVM space to run solus vmwear. But I found the raid 0 to be getting extreamly slow read and write speeds.

Example same disks
Desktop PC max 214mb/s windows vista 64
Server with centos 104mb/s

Now I am not sure but I am told that I need to align the o/s with the raid card settings but I have no idea how to do this. How to do this in plain easy step by step instructions. I mean how to calculate it, how to format the disk this way, and what files to edit where if needed. I have spent hours trying to figure out why my raid 0 is slower than a single disk.

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General :: Files That Span Multiple Drives Drives?

Jan 8, 2010

So, at the moment I have a 7TB LVM with 1 group and one logical volume. In all honesty I don't back up this information. It is filled with data that I can "afford" to lose, but... would rather not. How do LVMs fail? If I lose a 1.5TB drive that is part of the LVM does that mean at most I could lose 1.5TB of data? Or can files span more than one drive? if so, would it just be one file what would span two drives? or could there be many files that span multiple drives drives? Essentially. I'm just curious, in a general, in a high level sense about LVM safety. What are the risks that are involved?

Edit: what happens if I boot up the computer with a drive missing from the lvm? Is there a first primary drive?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Disk Drives Detected?

Jan 6, 2010

am using the community build of Ubuntu 9.10, I have an old as dirt Power Macintosh G3 Blue And White, and I can't get it to install. I tried the live CD first of course, and now the alternate. Both tell me that no disk drives detected, even though Mac OS 9, X, and Fedora all detect both my 40gb seagate, my 120gb seagate, and my 120gb maxtor.I am trying to get this running with some sort of linux for a school project.What is happening is it asks me what driver to use, and if I select the bottom option that it is none of the above, it asks me to load a driver from a USB flash drive, which I don't know what driver to use. They are all standard IDE devices hooked into the built in bus. I obviously can't move past this point.

Specs:PowerPC G3 450mhz1gb of RAM120gb hard driveDVD-ROM driveZIP 250 drive (currently not hooked up)PCI ATI Rage 128 16mb video card (stock)Apple Fast ethernet 10/100 PCI card (machine has built in ethernet, but I am turning this machine into a hardware firewall, so a second NIC is required).Oh, I have used this machine perfectly with ubuntu before. When I first got it, I started out running Ubuntu 5.10 way back in 2005. I was thinking of downloading and burning 6.06, and upgrading from there.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10 Does Not Recognize Hard Drives On B&W G3?

May 7, 2010

I have been going crazy trying to get Ubuntu 10 installed and working on my G3 B&W. When I boot into the live CD, hit Control-Option-F2 to get into a terminal, then do Fdisk -l, it only shows my CD-ROM. I got 9.04 to install, then updated to 9.1, then to 10, but when I reboot, I get the gave up waiting for root error. Tried typing exit, and changing the wait time to 90. I've spent a lot of time on this, and learned a lot. Anyone no how to get past this?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Any Way To Index Drives For Instant Search?

Nov 28, 2010

I am used to doing very fast searches on the Mac. When I type into the search box in any finder window, the search results present themselves as I type. I am looking for the same functionality in Ubuntu. I tried Catfish but it doesn't have the speed I see on the Mac. Is there a way for me to index my drives so that searches are instantaneous, or are there any options I haven't explored yet?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Disk Drives Detected / New Mac Mini And 10.04 Installation

Jul 20, 2010

I am installing Ubuntu 10.04 on my new Mac Mini. It has 2 500GB hard-drives, and I have created a partition for Ubuntu. During installation, however, Ubuntu is not able to detect my disk drive, neither my network interface. So I am not able to 'Partition Disks' which is part of Ubuntu installation. Did any of you encounter this problem? Any solutions or workarounds? Should I setup my disks in anyway before installation or use boot args?

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General :: Samba Does Not Keep Windows Attributes (read Only Files As Read Only For Example)?

Jul 16, 2011

I want my samba to keep my windows attributes exactly what the user setted in windows I mean if it has read only file in win box and copy it to samba share ,samba keep it read only and same for other attributes but it does not do it now with my configuration:Quote:

workgroup = DOMAIN
server string = File Server


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Read Or Write To Mac Partition?

May 16, 2011

Is there an easy way to read/write to a mac partition inside ubuntu 11?

Any graphical ways to mount / umount?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mounting Time Capsule Drives - Connection Refused

Jan 4, 2010

I've been looking for a way to mount my time capsule drives under Ubuntu, and found some guides, but none of them work for me. Apparently what you need to do is:

sudo mount.cifs // /media/timecapsule/ -o pass=pa55w0rd

My time capsule's ip is, it's name is "Time Capsule", the drive I'm trying to mount is called Movie HD

If I input the following command:

sudo mount.cifs // Capsule/Movie HD /media/timecapsule/ -o pass=mypassword

I get a connection refused error.I tried a couple different variations such as "/"Time Capsule"/Movie HD",etc,every combination, but I get a connection refused error (111) every time.(I have two drives on my time capsule, the internal, Movie HD, and an external usb one, Media HD, I want to actually mount them both)On my time capsule I did set it guest access to read only... Also, when I go to my places> network I do see the time capsule in the list, but I get an error message that it can't access the shares when I try to open it.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Drive Will Not Read On TMac After Booting

Mar 21, 2010

Drive will not read on the Mac after booting in Ubuntu!I haven't booted Ubuntu in months (October?), but no hardware changes except for the expresscard. Ubuntu runs nicely in a virtual machine from the Mac side, so I made a fresh VM with Karmic. Couldn't remember the cool apps I had running before (it's been a while), so I booted into Ubuntu to check it out. The HDD was connected and on. (Oops.)It was fine last night on the Mac. I did not notice if it mounted this morning (still in OSX, 10.6.2, Mac sleeping overnight and HDDs on for an unrelated backup). So there is a very slim possibility this has nothing to do with Ubuntu.

Back to Ubuntu, the other external (Firewire 800, HFS+) mounted as usual. Again, I cannot recall if the Fantom mounted. I have not installed drivers for the expresscard/eSATA in Ubuntu (separate driver install is required on the Mac a rarity). I scribbled down the names of the apps I was looking for, and rebooted the Mac to OSX. Where's my HD? Disk Utility sees it as unformatted, and oddly enough, SCSI. If I plug it in via USB, it simply sees an unformatted disk. eSATA is OK with another drive on the Mac.DiskWarrior failed to see the disk entirely with either connection, same in Leopard and even Tiger.Could Ubuntu have confused the partition maps or something? Any thoughts on how I might get it running before I give up and restore the backup?

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General :: Auto-mount USB Drives Read-only

Oct 6, 2010

I'm currently setting up a laptop for my grandparents to use. They have never used a computer before, so I'm trying to make this as fool-proof as possible. The system will be setup with Ubuntu 10.10. In order to save them the hassle of having to unmount USB drives before disconnecting them, I would like to have all USB drives auto-mounted as read-only (possible use cases for now only include them getting data from people, not them copying anything to the drive). I have so far found that gnome-volume-manager is responsible for the handy auto-mount, but I didn't find any way to set options, like always mounting drives read-only.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Install Version On Partition Of One Of Internal Hard Drives / Using Option Key At Power-up Time?

Jan 17, 2011

I am running OSX Tiger (10.4.11) here on my trusty old G4 MDD with a "giga" 1.4gig CPU accelerator and doing quite well with it actually.I have discovered Gimp and Inkscape and love the open source concept.I registered only a few days ago, and have been lurking around to see if I can get a look at Ubuntu in action.Would it be possible to install some version of Ubuntu on a partition of one of my internal hard drives and be able to boot it, using the option key at power-up time?I guess this would be called a "dual-boot" situation.If so, can someone provide a link as to what to download.

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Debian Hardware :: No Sound / Thumb Drives Read Only / No DVD PLayback

Jan 6, 2011

All of a sudden my Debian 5.05 system quits working in several different ways.I think it started after I was trying to set up Virtual Box. My first symptom was that when I was trying to convert a dd backup file to a virtual hard drive, the conversion program, part of the virtual box package, told me I was not part of the virtual box group. So I added myself. I could never get past this error message, so I gave up and figured I would google the answer later.

Next time I am on, my sound card does not work. The volume control in the Panel was a red X next to it and complains about the gstreamer not being present. After another round of google I find the brute force solution of giving everybody in every group rw access to everything in /dev/snd. This works. (My main user account was already part of the audio group. I added a new user and specifically added him to the audio group. Nothing. Only root had audio access.)

At about the same time I discovered I could no longer play DVDs. When the movie player starts, it says I may not have permission to play the movie. mplayer claims there is no stream found to handle url dvd://1Also when I add a thumb drive, the file system is read only.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Additional Drives Mount As Read Only - Can't Change

Dec 19, 2009

I'm using openSUSE 11.2, with some eSATA hard drives. For some reason, they're set to read-only, and I can't change it. I set parameters in fstab as fmask=113,dmask=002,umask=0002,rw Oddly, I was able to delete a file in there, but my samba users have read-only access, and I can't use chown or chmod: I get no error message, but nothing happens.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Sound Juicer Could Not Find Any CD-ROM Drives To Read?

Nov 20, 2010

I am having trouble with sound-juicer on OpenSuSE 11.3, more than one machine
Basically it does not find the CD-ROM

No CD-ROM drives found

Sound Juicer could not find any CD-ROM drives to read.

There is a CD and a DVD on one machine and a USB CD drive on the other. This used to work some time back (at leasr May 2009)

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Networking :: Can Windows Read Partitioned Nas Drives Or Vise Versa

Apr 29, 2010

can windows read linux partitioned nas drives or vise versa?

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Server :: GRUB Read Error After Adding SATA Drives?

Apr 2, 2010

I installed debian 5.0.4 server on a PC that has both IDE and SATA controllers. I used an IDE HD to install the OS. The input device was a USB DVD unit. The IDE drive showed as /dev/hda and the 4 SATA HDs showed as /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda4. After the OS was installed the reboot started which brought up an error: GRUB GRUB Read Error

I then disconnected the SATA HDs and rebooted successfully. So no PROBLEMS with just the IDE drive connected, grub works fine. If I reconnect the SATA HDs though grub fails with:

GRUB GRUB Read Error

The problem originated when the installation got to the GRUB implementation. Here the installer engine asked me If I wanted GRUB to be installed on the MBR, to which I said YES. The installer had listed the IDE drive (/dev/hda) before the SATA drives (/dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd). After the installation finished and the machine was restarted, BIOS looked at the SATA drives first could not find the grub stages and it displayed an "Read Error".

After realising what was happening I looked at the BIOS settings to see if the HD booting sequence could be altered. The BIOS did indeed list the 4 SATA drives first and the IDE HD last. BUT it would not let me alter the booting sequence. So I was stuck with what the BIOS doing. So I decided I take the IDE drive out and create a 20G partition on the first SATA to accommodate the OS. So now everything works OK.

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Software :: Making A Bash Script To Read In Different Files And Rename Output Files?

May 7, 2009

Until now i haven't had to dabble with bash scripts.

I have a program that reads in data files. These are named datafile01_R, datafile01_G, datafile01_B, they then increment, so datafile02_R etc i have about 600 of these. the program reads in 3 data sets at a time from each run, so files_01 r, g, and b.

The program then does its magic, and outputs about 40 different files, depending on the file, they gone to folders named R, G, B, psa, or tracking.

The program itself has configuration files to say where the files should gone when analyzed, there is also the config files that reads in the data sets.

At the moment i have to run one set of data, then go in and manually change the input file location, and run again. But, doing this, even though a different data set, the new set overwrites the old set in one of the output folders. So i need a way to increment the output filenames after they are written and before the program is run again with the new data set.

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Software :: Halevt Mounts Drives As "read Only" For Normal User

Nov 20, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04, with the Enlightenment WM, with nautilus for my file manager and I have installed the halevt package to handle the mounting of my external media. My issue now is that when I mount the media as a normal user it is being mounted as read only - any ideas how I can have halevt mount the media so I can write to it as my normal user in addition to reading from it?

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Ubuntu :: Getting The Access To Drives And Files?

Apr 7, 2011

Our computer is loaded with Ubuntu, and my wife and I have separate accounts, which is fine. I have a backup drive with data and music and, if I want to reinstall or back something up, I have to log in as each user to do so. That is OK security wise, but I want to do a complete reload and would prefer to be able to access her home folder from my account, back it up to the other drive, reinstall and then copy everything back so she can use her files.

Also, I have a couple of files in my home partition that she wants access to occassionally. I would like her to be able to access my home directory to get to those files. If I put them on the backup drive, she cannot open them as I have the permissions. We also run KMyMoney, and would like to be able to use the same file whichever user is logged in.

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Security :: AutoMount Any/all USB Drives READ-ONLY For Security (RHEL5)?

Mar 24, 2011

how to automount USB devices read-only for security in RHEL5? I'm looking for the generic solution for any USB device, so I'm not looking to hardcode something into /etc/fstab.I've hunted around and I can't find a clear answer and my various attempts have failed. I've looked at /etc/auto.misc, UDEV, and HAL. Here's where I'm at which isn't working.I have RHEL5 and from what I can tell HALD manages the automounting. HAL seems to have 2 primary directories:


The difference between the two is unclear to me.Based on some examples, I created the following file:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- SGML -*- -->

<deviceinfo version="0.2">[code]....

No matter what I call this file or where I put it, any USB device still mounts RW. How do I fix this? Am I correct that HAL is the right place? Looking through dmesg, it sure looks like HAL controls this, but maybe I'm wrong? I've also made various attempts to solve this with UDEV and /etc/auto.misc, so if it is one of those, I clearly don't know the correct thing to do there.

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Apple :: How Best To Move Files From An Old Mac To A New Ubuntu Box

Jun 10, 2010

Last fall I got a new Linux desktop computer from System76. Before that, I had a 1997-era beige G3 Mac. (This Mac is pre-USB plugs.)

I still have files on that old Mac that I need to move to the new machine. Some are text files and various other kinds of files, but mostly, they're image files, and there's a lot of them.

The Mac has a SCSI port and an Ethernet port. No Firewire, no USB.

My question: What's the best way to move the files from the old to the new machine?

(I think it would be a hassle to try to e-mail them, as I have quite a lot of image files on the Mac.)

Also, if some of the files (like text-files?) that are in Mac format can't be read once on a Linux OS, how would I make the necessary conversions?

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Ubuntu :: Missing All Files On Secondary Drives?

Jan 28, 2010

My system is setup like this: 1 250 gb HDD, with a 20 gig partition for /, 200 gigs for /home and the rest is a swap file. I also have a 1 TB (ext3) and 1.5TB (ext4) hard drive that are also installed, mounted to /Shared_1TB and /Shared_15TBI just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and everything seemed to be fine. I installed all the updates, install the Nvidia proprietary drivers and got my HDMI audio working. I went to try and play a video to see what would happen.... there are no files in /Shared_1TB. It is totally blank. I tried making myself the owner, and while this worked it didn't help anything. I tried unmounting and remounted, however it kept saying it was busy and wouldn't remount it. At this point I was a little panicked, so I threw in a LiveCD and low and behold once I mount it in the LiveCD all my files are there.

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Ubuntu :: Saving Files To Mounted Drives?

Mar 9, 2010

I dual boot Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows 7 and am running EXT4 file system on the ubuntu partition.

When I try to save files in Ubuntu to the mounted drives that contain Windows and other data, it writes successfully but when I try to view it in Windows 7, I cannot see the written files.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Edit Efi Files Either On Mac Or Windows?

Nov 14, 2010

my macbook(2008-2009) isnt booting ubuntu 10.10(on a usb drive) corectly. im just getting a black screen, where i can type in commands. now i found the scripts online, but how can i edit efi files either on mac or windows?

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