Ubuntu / Apple :: Cross-system Users And Permissions?

Oct 24, 2010

I just finished installing Lucid Lynx on an iMac7,1. I would like to still be able to access my Mac Documents directory from within Ubuntu, so I can have a common directory that both systems can access. Right now, however, I am unable to do that. It looks like it might be a permissions issue- ie I am a different 'user' on both systems, so I don't have access to my Mac files. Is there a way to have the same 'user' account for both systems? If not, could a common 'group' be created in both systems that both of my 'user' accounts have access to?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Establish Server For 45 Users With Appropriate Permissions

Nov 18, 2010

I've been living a dormitory for a while and our net connection is very slow because of the download via torrent or rapidshare, hotfile etc.(we have 4megabit speed unfortunately) I want to establish a ubuntu server and there are 45 people in our dormitory. Which ubuntu server version I'll use? How much storage that I have (i thought 4 tb is enough)? What kind of commands do I going to use and permissions. I want to appoint one person as a admin others just can add a file (music, movies vs.) they wouldnt have to delete!

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Debian :: Permissions Of System Users

Feb 27, 2015

I'm building a small web gui to connect a 3g modem with wvdial via web interface using perl cgi. Which permissions I should use. Now when doing "wvdial 3gconnect" from the perl script it don't have permission to do anything, reading config files, accessing the modem etc.

Its just a little raspberry with only 1 user not available from the internet so its not a problem with loose security. Is there some easy way to let the www-data user get system wide permission without setting the permissions on each thing it should access?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Users Set Up ... Can't Log In

Aug 13, 2010

I installed ubuntu on a G3 iBook using this guide: [URL] (because its a slow a** laptop).
I'm almost certain that it never ever prompted me to set up a username or password. I'm almost certain because I've installed linux on a good number of different systems and I use the same exact username and password every time.

But I was kind of shocked when it prompted me for a login and password and I'm thinking to myself "uhhhhh.... I didn't set up a user yet...". So I tried my usual login and nope... "Login incorrect". I can't do anything because I'm not logged in... and I can't use recovery mode either because its PPC or because its a Mac so there is no GRUB.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Software Not Available For PPC Users?

Jan 9, 2011

I've been a Linux user for some time. I was originally a Debian user & had switched from Debian to Ubuntu around Breezy Badger. I recently acquired a PowerBook G4, Its an amazing machine and I can see why Apple users are Apple users. Its been alot of fun familiarizing myself with OSX but I dual booted with the latest release of Ubuntu so I could also feel at home. After installing Ubuntu 10.10 I started installing software, I couldnt find appmenu-gtk anywhere. So I searched google for about an hour to find no answers.

So is it that appmenu is not available for PPC edition of Ubuntu? Why is this? & Will we ever see it for PPC?

If this is the case, what other software isnt available for PPC?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Permissions - Still Waiting For Root Device (OS X)

Jan 9, 2010

I installed ubuntu on my MacBook Pro, and now I get the infamous "still waiting for root device" when booting mac os x. I couldn't find any solutions that worked (macbook pros don't have a BIOS, or any drives that are easily removable). Anyway, so I have ubuntu working, and I need some files from OS X before I would consider reinstalling, etc. So I mounted the drive, went to users, etc. and it says that "I don't have the permissions necessary to view the contents of ****".

I did chmod 777 /media/os x/Users/* but that led to "Could not access: No such file or directory" (there's a space between os and x, I think it counts it as two commands or something and I can't rename the drive). Any way to give myself the permissions to access my files, or maybe just to copy over the whole hard drive to my main computer, or maybe somehow solve the "still waiting for root device".

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Change Username To One That Have Permissions For The Folder?

Feb 9, 2011

So I'm trying to put together a birthday present for my girlfriend. Here's the background. She just got back from a semester abroad in Rome. She's having a hard time getting used to living in the states again, so I want to make her a photo album with all of her pictures from Italy and the rest of Europe. Its a surprise, so I can't just get them from her. I've got her Time Machine, which has all the photos on it (I'm 'debugging' it for her, she's not so tech savvy). I've found the pictures folder, but I don't have the permissions to access it.

So the question is, I have her username and password, what do I have to do in order to read the file with all the pictures in it? I'm not a crazy stalker, in case you were wondering, I just don't know how to change my username to one that have permissions for the folder.

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Server :: Script To Add A Secondary Group To All Users Except System Default Users?

Jun 28, 2009

script which can add a secondary group to all existing users except system users in linux.

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General :: Cross-compiling To Target System?

Jul 22, 2010

I have synology nas box DS710+ that has intel atom processor inside. i've installed ubuntu under virtual box, downloaded needed toolchain for x86 processors, and decided to cross-compile openvpn.

I 've started from compiling lzo library, but first question that appeared in my head - how i have to move all compiled binaries to my synology?

1. configure - okay
2. make - okay
3. make install - this is not necessary?

Will --prefix parameter helps me? or do i have to use chroot? cause there is a plenty amount of files that i need to move to my synology.

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General :: System Not Connected With LAN By Cross Over Cable / Fix It?

Dec 1, 2010

I have linux system which receive data from other system having linux OS in that also. but i cannot send data on other system.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Users And Groups Will Not Load?

Nov 8, 2010

I recently installed 10.10 on a Mac Powerbook G4. Everything seems to be working ok, except I cannot access the Users and Groups. If I try to launch it from the terminal I get the following error: "Glib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.system-tools.users' is not installed"

This is a clean install, with no changes made to the system. I then ran all the waiting updates and am still experiencing this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adding SSH Users - Permissions Set Incorrectly?

Jun 14, 2010

I was just trying to add new ssh users for tonight session and really messed up badly. I first installed package ibsh (iron-bars shell). I didn't know how to use it so I just went to a new user account and added ibsh at the end of his .profile. (I wrote

sudo gedit /home/username/.profile
which I suspect is the problem, I should have written
gksu gedit /home/username/.profile

Well graphical logging became impossible in my own account until I did the following in my own account:

chmod 777 .profile
chmod 777 .ICEauthority

But desktop is still empty. I have restarted the system. I cannot use Firefox (it works without output for 10 sec and then dies). Chromium says something like "Problems due to not being able to update profile" but works. (I cannot see any files on desktop. But if I do places > desktop I can see them.) All the mentioned files had -------- for permissions so I did:

chmod 777 ~/Desktop/*

How to get my system back to normal. I think I got botched up permissions. If I create new user accounts, I get several error messages in these accounts.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Set Up Permissions For Users On Server / On Desktop?

Feb 10, 2011

Can someone tell me if it is easier to set up permissions for users on the server or on the desktop?

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General :: Group Permissions For Ftp Users?

Jun 19, 2011

I need to assign permissions for ftp users. For that I need to create groups with different permissions like upload, download, rename, delete, rename and delete. And the users added to the group need to have that group permissions by default.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Other G4 Users Noticed That Suspend Now Works?

Mar 2, 2010

I havnt, intentionally, addressed this issue (not for initial want of trying), but after having given the matter up for some time, today i closed the lid and was expecting it to go to blank screen, but no it went into suspend (despite not being instructed to do so in power management), crikey i thought here comes a forced shut down and a dicey boot, but lo she woke After an initial second of smeared-up graphics and the sound of the hard disk starting to spin twice in a row, she woke.

On closing the lid again it went to blank screen, a fluke i thought, so i changed the options to suspend when lid closed in power management and tried again, and it worked, again, and again and again. Any other ppc users noticed that suspend now suddenly works?

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General :: Operating System Command Cross Reference Site?

Oct 18, 2010

Does anyone know of a decent Operating System CLI cross reference website where I can compare diffent CLI commands against others? For example I have a MAC OS 10.6X running Darwin and I needed to know what the equivalent command using CentOS of rusers would be? It would be users running that same command at the MAC cli.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Virtual Users Permissions For Created Folders

May 28, 2011

I have problem with virtual users in vsftpd. When they create folder they cant make another in than folder, or for example they cant see files they upload in that directory...That write permision i try to change in their config file, with every combination of local_umask and file_open mode values. How can I handle that. I want that virtual user who creates directory (in their root directory) have all privilages to that folder and all content in that folder.

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Debian :: Users / Groups Setup And Permissions

Jul 13, 2010

I am used to setting up users and groups on my daughters computers with Ubuntu installed.
user: magz (daughter)
user: nigel (me)
group: nima

We each have our own folder for files i.e. magz and nige. This has always worked well and it didn't matter which user is logged in we could create and access files in the other users folder with full permissions.
root@nbsq: /media/2xfi/files# ls -l
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 9 nigel nima 4096 Jul 13 09:45 magz
drwxrwxr-x 3 nigel nima 4096 Jul 13 09:45 nige

I have finally got around to getting her to try Debian which I always use, however I have never had to set up users, groups etc in Debian (squeeze) so I just did what I'm used to with Ubuntu. What I've found is that if I create a folder while I am logged in then that folder cannot be accessed by my daughter when she is logged in and the same applies if she creates a folder then I cannot access it when I am logged in, unless of course I use terminal to change the owners. In each case with the new folder the owner will be: root and the group will be: root. I would have thought what works for Ubuntu would work for Debian, however there must be differences.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Share The Same Shared Folder Between Multiple Users?

Aug 13, 2010

I'm using a Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 32-bit machine as my file server. It is sharing a few folders stored on a USB NTFS drive using Netatalk. The client machine is running MacOS 10.6.4. I have only one user on the Ubuntu machine, but the Mac machine has two users. I wish to share the same network share between the two Mac users, while both are logged in (they switch between one another without logging the other one out).

I created a login item on both Mac user accounts to automount the Ubuntu shared folder and used the same Ubuntu user account for authentication on both Mac accounts. This is the problem: When the first Mac user logs in, the shared folder automatically mounts with no problems. However, when the second user switches to their account (without logging out the first user) the automount mounts the folder with a red "No Access" sign on the folder. The only way to resolve it is to eject the mount and manually remount.

This is not the end of the world, but I would like to resolve this issue if possible, so that the users get a smoother experience. The way I tried to resolve this: I thought that maybe Netatalk does not allow the same user to connect more than once from the same IP, so I set up an additional user on the Ubuntu machine. when I connect to the Ubuntu server using the new user for authentication, the only share available for the user is their home folder. The other shares are not available.

I therefore tried to configure permissions using the AppleVolumes.default by explicitly giving all users the "allow" permission for all shares and restarting the Netatalk service, however the new user still has access to nothing but their home folder. How can I share the same shared folder between multiple users?

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General :: Give Write Permissions To Multiple Users On A Folder In Ubuntu?

May 9, 2011

There is a folder that is owned by user tomcat6: drwxr-xr-x 2 tomcat6 tomcat6 69632 2011-05-06 03:43 document. I want to allow another user (ruser) write permissions on document folder. The two users (tomcat6 and ruser) does not belong to same group. I have tried using setfacl: sudo setfacl -m u:ruser:rwx document

but this gives me setfacl: document: Operation not supported error.

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Fedora Servers :: Permissions For Users Within Share On Samba PDC

Sep 3, 2010

How can I set permissions for users within the share?
Example: I have a share called Programming and some user can create folders within it most others can not, can read the documents.
How do I set permissions?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Permissions For Shared Directory - R / W For All Users

Sep 12, 2011

I would like to have a directory
Where all human users have r/w permission for all files and sub-directories under this path. Can I achieve this buy just setting the permissions correctly or do I need to do something else?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Users In Multiple Groups And File Permissions?

Feb 12, 2009

this directory has permissions 750 and is owned by user1 and group user1 I have an admin user that is primarily a part of group admin, but also a part of group user1 what would stop admin from having read and execute permissions on this directory? I'm running clamav and have a clamd daemon running as user admin (I could run it as any user, and I may make a special user later, but I don't want to run it as user1, user2, etc).

I have 2 (technically lots more, but let's just say 2 for now) users, user1 and user2 that have home directories /home/user1 and /home/user2. each is owned and group owned by user1:user1 and user2:user2 respectively with permissions of 750. my admin user is part of groups admin, user1, and user2 I need this to be able to scan my user's directories using the command (is this correct?):

clamdscan --move=/files/quarantine/ --config-file=/etc/clamd.d/adm.conf /home/user1/file

doing this gives the error:

/home/user1/file: lstat() failed. ERROR

If I change the directory permissions to 755, it works fine.Or if I leave the permissions 750 and change the directory group ownership to admin, it works fine. So, why would this be? Obviously it is a permissions issue, but why is it not reading admin as part of the user1 group and allowing the same permissions as it does when making the directory group-owned by admin?

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Ubuntu :: Samba - Get The Correct Default Permissions When Users Create Directories Through Windows?

Apr 1, 2010

I've got a small issue that when a Windows user creates a new folder through Windows Explorer (from the menu or by right clicking) the new folder is only accessible to that particular user. Example: user SABKAR (member of the HR group) creates a new folder called MarcTestMenu in a shared Samba directory through Windows Explorer:


At this point user MORAMY cannot copy a file or open the directory MarcTestMenu. MORAMY gets a 'not accessible' error message in Windows. If I su to the Samba box and issue this command:


how I can get the correct default permissions when users create directories through Windows?

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OpenSUSE :: Change Permissions For NTFS Folders Based On Users

Nov 11, 2010

I'm a new openSUSE user. I want to make an account for my cousin, but we want our NTFS folders (from the dual WIndows XP install) inaccessible to each other. Problem is that, if I've read well in other searches, permissions can't be applied to NTFS (only the power to write, not only read, the whole partition). I know this can be done in Ubuntu, so I don't find a reason not to be able to do it, and I think my fault is that I'm using KDE (which I like more now, by the way) instead of GNOME.

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General :: File Permissions - Read Or Write Access To Different Users

Jul 8, 2010

I own a particular file on a Linux system. I would like to give 2 groups (accounting, shipping) read access and only read access, and 3 users(Mike, Raj and Wally) write access and only write access. How can I accomplish this?

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Server :: File Access Permissions - Working With Groups And Users?

Sep 15, 2009

Having set up many windows servers with complex permissions on shared folders, I now have to do the same in Linux (and I'm such a noob to Linux) I understand that each file/folder is assigned a user + group, and that the rights can be set for the user, the group and global (aka everybody else) My challenge is this, inside my shared folder there is a folder that should be RW to some users, READ ONLY to others, and not accessible at all to the rest of the users. (lets call the folder MyFolder ) All 3 groups have more than 1 user, so they have to be groups (right?) How would this model work in Linux ? If there is no other way, I guess I can nest the MyFolder in a folder that has permissions to allow all users that may access MyFolder, and block the rest, then on MyFolder, set owner group the RW users, and set global to READ ONLY.

Ps : The server I'm setting up runs Debian Lenny, files will be accessed from windows workstations using samba.

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Security :: Setup File Permissions For Multiple Groups/users That Use Windows?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a remote directory shared over NFS called tech with perms set as 0750 and owner set to root:tech. I have 2 groups: tech, and techAdmin. tech can read and execute within tech/. techAdmin can read, write, execute. I have 4 users: user1, user2, user3, user4. user1 and user2 is a member of techAdmin, user3 and user4 are members of tech. simple so far...but wait here's the problem. If user1 creates a file inside tech, user2 cant read or modify it because user1 owns it. Here's a few sites that reference this problem:


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Ubuntu Servers :: System Users - Proftp Works With Only 1 System User?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm niomi and I'm the first account with sudo. I add an account, bob. niomi can get in reliably on active mode. (maybe relevant?: passive doesn't work) bob is jailed to his home directory, niomi is in ftp-special which gives her access to /. bob can't log in and his shell is set to bin/false. What could have gone wrong?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Transfer Users From Old System To New Installed System?

Jul 19, 2010

we have a server running with Suse linux many years. Meanwhile we changed server hardware about 4 times, mostly also updating to newest Suse version. We used to copy group, passwd and shadow to a backup medium, installed the new system and restored those files onto the new system and all was running fine. Now, some weeks ago we installed 11. on new hardware and after restoring those 3 files after rebooting the system hangs when starting GUI. I can boot into runlevel 3 and login with no problem, but when I boot into runlevel 5 mouse and keyboard are frozen. Also when starting GUI from runlevel 3 with startx mouse and keyboard immediately freeze. If I restore the files group, passwd and shadow as they came from fresh new installation I can reboot and login in runlevel 5 without problems.

OK, if I compare the userlist, as it is generated bei installation,there are some usernames I formerly not had in older Suse versions. I don�t know if this can make problems? I tried to edit the files, to combine the system users from 11.2 with the list of local user names from the old system but without success, again the mouse and keyboard freeze.So some questions arise:1) Why now mouse and keyboard freeze in xsystem, when there are changes in the user list (but only in runlevel 5)2) What is the correct way to save and restore users and groups from old to new system. I googled several hours but did not find a smart way. Maybee someon can point me to a link or a howto where I find the solution

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