Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.10 On Dual Mirror G4 - Wouldn't Boot From The CD

Jan 7, 2011

I tried burning straight to the CD after download Ubuntu. It wouldn't boot from the CD. Can anyone explain the steps I need to reproduce to make this happen?


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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot / Windows Vista Wouldn't Boot Because "BootMGR Was Missing"?

Sep 4, 2010

I had installed Fedora 13 on an unused partition of my ATA hard-drive yesterday. The primary OS here was Windows Vista.

Anyway, everything was working fne for coupla hours after which I had to restart F13 for some reason. This is when all the trouble began ..

Fedora wouldn't boot cause of some "power issues" - there were none. Windows Vista wouldn't boot because "BootMGR was missing"

I figured if I removed Fedora using the live CD - format the partition, it would help. It didn't. Well, atleast the partition got formatted. I tried re-installing F13 from the live CD but it doesn't finish the process - saying a command, something to do with 'shutdown' is not valid.

I tried repairing Vista from the Installation DVD but it is unable to do so.

Right now, on rebooting the computing, I enter the 'grub' console. I tried using grub commands to boot "Windows" from the (hd0,0) partition like thus,

grub> rootnoverify (hd0,0)
grub> makeactive
grub> chainloader +1
grub> boot
But it still maintains that "BootMGR is missing" .

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Don't Want To Dual Boot?

Jan 2, 2010

I don't want to dual as I don't want to screw up my computer. I have a PowerPc mac.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Dual Boot OS X 10.6.8 And 10.10?

Aug 12, 2011

where I can find details on how to dual booth OSX 10.6.8, and Ubuntu 10.10 on Mac Mini 2010?

I have the partition already setup for Ubuntu - and have already installed refit - but when I try and boot from the Live CD, the screen goes into power save mode and I can't see anything.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Setting Up A 9.10 Dual Boot On Os X 10.5?

Jun 11, 2010

i am attempting to setup a macbook run by os x 10.5 for dual boot with ubuntu 9.10.

however, when get the part where usually a gui interface which allows one to specify the size of the new ubuntu partition appears i only get the options for using the entire disk, the largest free space or manual partition.

how can i set this machine up for dual boot?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Cannot Dual Boot In Mac System

Jul 6, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu on my PCs and laptops for quite a while. Recently, I've been allocated a Mac for use in my lab. It is a PowerPC G5 running on Mac OS X 10.4.11. I've installed Ubuntu on one of the two hard disks available, the other one being the disk which Mac is installed in. There was no problems with the installation, but I cannot get Ubuntu to boot. Basically, when I restart the system, it boots into Mac straight away.

There is no boot loader or GRUB. I've tried holding down the options key when the system starts, but for some unknown reasons, the monitor cannot find a signal, so I cannot see what is going on. The monitor can only pick up a signal after Mac starts to boot (or, when I was installing Ubuntu, after the virtual Ubuntu has loaded). Am I suppose to expect GRUB or some other boot loader?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Dual Boot Maverick?

Jan 26, 2011

I have one machine in my house which doesn't run Linux, and that is a new iMac (a few months old). It has 4GB DDR3 Ram, an intel core i3 chip @ 3.06GHz, and a ATI Radeon HD 4670 graphics card.I want to dual boot Ubuntu (I have a disk with Maverick on it).But I have read the wiki and I dont really understand alot of it. Right at the beginning, it says:"This information will not work for iMac (11,1) users and recent versions of Ubuntu (e.g., Maverick). The presence of the bios-grub partition that the Ubuntu installer creates by default (e.g., sda3) causes a conflict that prevents syncing the GPT and MBR partition tables."Does this mean that I can't dual boot Maverick? What does it mean by 'iMac(11,1)'?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Dual Boot - Cannot Get To A Log In Screen

Apr 29, 2011

I have a Macbook Pro, with ubuntu as the ONLY OS, there is no dual boot. I bought the mac long ago and recently got fed up with OS X, so i removed it for unbutu. i've been having random troubles with it but have for the most part been able to figure it out by reading forums however, my computer will not boot now.

From power off:
Push power button
Screen becomes grey for about twenty seconds
screen becomes black
sometimes flashes the underscore in the top right corner once
screen goes black
no change thereafter

I was playing Warcraft 3 (running on WINE) when I left it, the CD is still in the disk drive. I cannot eject it, I can not get to a log in screen, I can't do anything. Nothing I have attempted has affect the computer what so ever, except the power button as far as I can tell.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Undo Partitioning / Dual Boot?

Jan 31, 2010

I'm running OS X 10.5.8 and Ubuntu 9.04 on a Macbook 4,1, and I want to remove the Ubuntu partition so I can free up hard drive space. However, the linux swap partition is located in between the OS X and Ubuntu partitions, and GParted won't let me remove it when I boot from an Ubuntu Live disk, and OS X Disk Utility can't affect it either. I followed the dual booting instructions here, and I pretty much just want to undo all of it and get back to an OS X only machine.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Install OS X After Kubuntu 10.04 Dual Boot

Jun 23, 2010

Having successfully installed kubuntu 10.04 on my Powermac G5 I was wondering if I can install os x and dual boot, there are plenty of tutorials around but all of them involve installing kubuntu on a system with os x already installed. If there is any danger of damaging Kubuntu then I will leave it as I really don't want to go through the hell of getting it working properly again! Also I have plenty of hard drives kicking about - would it be safer/easier to install os x on it's own hard drive? And if so how would things work with yaboot?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Remove The Partition - Dual Boot Mac

Jun 28, 2010

I want to dual boot mac and ubuntu. Now, if I want to remove the ubuntu partion, how do I do so? (I have not yet installed Ubuntu)

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Ubuntu / Apple :: GRUB On Dual Boot Macbookpro 5,5?

Nov 16, 2010

Last night I installed ubuntu 10.10 unto a macbook pro 5,5 following the instruction from the MactelSupportTeamAppleIntelInstallation however I made a mistake during the installation process. I forgot to go into advance settings and choose to install the bootloader on /dev/sda3. I'm not exactly sure why this step was needed since everything was working fine anyways, but I was wondering how can I remove the bootloader from /dev/sda and install it on /dev/sda3 without breaking anything. [URL]...

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Add A New PPC Mirror To Repositories?

May 12, 2011

I was wondering whether it could be added to the mirrors/repositories list. how to manually add it to my computer via software sources.I am interested in lucid PPC ubuntu ports.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Dual Boot Setup Broken By Update?

Jul 5, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx 64bit on my mac pro in a dual boot setup with os x. When installing I had some trouble figuring out the partitions, especially because the thing happened with the extra partition from nowhere. I deleted the small partition created by the installer, synced the GPT and MBR, installed GRUB on /dev/sda4 and all was fine.

After my first software update my system is now broken, after rEFIt it got stuck on a black screen. I started up from the livecd, chrooted into my system, reinstalled GRUB on /dev/sda4, installed it on /dev/sda too, but that did not really help. I now get to the GRUB rescue shell, but I'm pretty clueless what to do. Also it does not seem a widespread problem, since I didn;t find many reports of dual-boot macintels breaking with this update. What can I do to restore my linux system ?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Macbook 7.1 - Single Versus Dual Boot?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a Macbook 7.1 (the white one)
2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB DDR3 memory
250GB hard drive

I'd like to install Ubuntu on it because I really love the way Ubuntu is developing and becoming much more user friendly. My use will mainly be for browsing, working with wordprocessors and maybe downloading series from torrents. My question is, should I dual boot or single boot? My personal preference is to single-boot, I just like the idea of having one OS running on the machine. What are the cons of doing that? Also, If I want to dual boot just to keep the firmware updates. How much space should I designate for Ubuntu and how much for Mac OS?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Run Mac Os As Dual Boot System - Cannot Connect Computer To Any Internet

Jan 9, 2010

I currently have an old powermac 7220/200 with all ehe origanl stuff except for the hard drive which is now a slightly larger one. I was wondering if it was possible to set up a ubuntu installation on it using a 20g hard drive (I have got one of these going on a 486 running win98, just) and be able to run mac os as a dual boot system, possibly with 9.1 and the origanal mac os that come with it? Unfortunantly I cannot connect this computer to any internet even if I had a card that was compatible with mac os.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 128 Gb Boot Error / Installation Froze At 92% And After The Laptop Wouldn't Boot?

Nov 23, 2010

I tried to install 11.3 on my acer aspire 7530 notebook to have dual boot with xp.

I made 4 partitions: one for xp, and the three for linux were made automatically.Before installation I got the warning that the partition wasn't entirely below 128 gb, I installed anyway to give it a try.

The installation froze at 92% and after the laptop wouldn't boot.

Now I've formatted the hard disk and installed windows on a partition leaving a free un formatted partition of 100 gb.

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Ubuntu :: Btrfs Convert From Single Disk To Dual Mirror?

May 18, 2010

Was wondering if it's possible to set up a single disk with btrfs and then later on convert it to a 'mirrored' array?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Screens: Need Mirror Image Not Extra Desktop?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm using an Intel chipset GMA4500 and Ubuntu 10.04 Gnome. The monitor configuration tool does not seem to have an option to make the secondary screen a mirror image of the primary screen. It works fine when I connect my TV using HDMI as a second screen, but I want it to be a mirror of the primary, because some apps like Skype will only go "full screen" on the primary display.

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Ubuntu Installation :: The USB That Wouldn't Boot #1,971,004

Nov 4, 2010

- Im using 3 different USB keys, a 1gb, another 1gb, and a 4gb, the 4gb being the newest, and one of the 1gb might be early usb2.0.
- My motherboard has options in the bios for both USB HDD and FDD, and even USB ZIP drives. I set the boot order to USB FDD, then USB HDD, then HDD.
- I am trying to get Damn Small Linux 4.4.9 to work.
- When the screen after the motherboard logo is loading, it recognizes both my USB HDD and the FDD, displaying both names for each, and their capacity. But it just then skips to the dual boot options for my 160GB OS HDD.
- Legacy USB is enabled
- I'm using the actual ports on the mother board, not the front pannel ports.

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Ubuntu :: Re-installed Grub2 But It Wouldn't Boot?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a 2 hard drive laptop. I have Mac OSX on /dev/sda and 64 bit Ubuntu on /dev/sdb. (I did have 32 bit Ubuntu on /dev/sda as well, but I have deleted that). So with the intention of deleting the 32 bit version and to make sure the 64 bit version on sdb still booted I re-installed grub2 to sdb before I deleted the 32 bit installation from sda. Sadly it wouldn't boot. It gave me the "no such partition - grub rescue" message. So I booted up the live cd and re-installed grub2 to sdb again, just to make sure. It ran ok but on reboot got the same message as before.So I booted up the live cd again and installed grub2 to sda and now it boots fine.I presume that the bios is looking at the first hard drive and if it finds nothing there it just gives up - not looking at the second drive at all. Is this normal on a 2 drive system? Unfortunately as it's a Sony Vaio the bios is almost completely locked so I suspect I cannot change it.

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General :: Wouldn't Boot On Mac

Dec 28, 2010

Background information: The hardware is an iMac. I had Ubuntu 10.10 and Mac OS X.... Something. That part doesn't matter. The Mac OS is still working....

So... I had everything set up, and I was happy to start my life getting used to Linux and learning all about a new operating system and how to use it and whatnot. I wanted to change my username, though, because when I was setting up my account, I didn't have a mouse and weird things were happening when I tried to change my username at the time. So I looked up on the internet (a very wonderful thing) how to change my username. I found that it required root access. I knew that I shouldn't have tried it because I was, and still am, so inexperienced. Then I went against my better judgement and f'ed up the system. Happy days, right? I couldn't do anything on Ubuntu anymore at that point. I had kind of wanted to do a clean install of Ubuntu at that point anyway, so that's what I decided to do. The mistake came when I decided to try to do it on my own instead of using the wonderful invention that is the internet to figure it out. So I went onto my Mac OS to erase the partitions I was using for Linux. So everything was fine until I tried to boot from my USB to reinstall Ubuntu. It keeps taking me to the command line that says "error: unknown filesystem. [return] grub rescue>" The exact same thing happens when I try to boot from the hard drive. I was really curious why it's not actually booting anything from the USB drive, because I shouldn't need the hard drive to do that, correct? I tested the USB on my Windows netbook, and it worked as it was supposed to work. I was able to try Ubuntu just fine. Then I put Ubuntu 10.04 on my flash drive. It also wouldn't boot on my Mac. Does anybody have any advice for how to get Linux working on my Mac again? I'm really sick of Mac OS and would prefer using Linux.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 AMD64 - Wouldn't Boot Into The Installer

Jul 11, 2010

I've spent a frustrating afternoon trying to install Xubuntu 10.04 x64. I had already installed Win7 Pro 64, and have been attempting to install on a separate hard drive. It wouldn't even boot into Xubuntu install. Figured a bad burn on the Cd so I reburned the image I had down loaded using Ktorrent. It wouldn't boot either. I swapped out the DVD burner. Still no go. Redownloaded using Ktorrent including the torrent. Wouldn't boot into the installer.

I did a fresh burn. Still it wouldn't boot to the installer. I then downloaded Xubuntu again but from a mirror and not using Ktorrent. Good MD5SUM. Burned it again on another computer. Still wouldn't boot into the installer. I burned a copy of Kubuntu 10.04 x64 and it installed with no difficulty. I've installed Xubuntu 10.04 x86 several times on other computers win no difficulty. But I have 8 Gb of RAM on this machine and want to use Xubuntu 64.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading - Laptop Wouldn't Boot

Jan 14, 2011

I used a cd version of ubuntu 10.4 but my laptop wouldn't boot.I thought of installing the previous version of ubuntu and then upgrade it.I used ubuntu 9 and it worked perfectly. But when the upgrade finished and my pc restarted it showed this message [1.007098] Disabling IRQ#4

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot From CD For Demo Mode (9.10) But XP Machine Wouldn't Do It

Feb 18, 2010

I tried to boot from CD for demo mode (9.10) but my XP machine wouldn't do it. I opened CD from My Computer and a selection window opened. Choices were to reboot to demo, Install to Windows or Help with Boot. I selected Help with Boot and a boot program was downloaded and installed (I think to drive C: (XP)). When I restarted, a new boot window opened giving me a choice to boot to XP or Ubuntu (9.10) and I chose Ubuntu. Instead of opening for demo it went to full install and I aborted the procedure, went to add/remove programs and uninstalled Ubuntu. Now when I restart I still get the boot selection window, Any suggestions as how to remove the boot program? Can't find it.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Boot Also Took Much Longer Than Usual - Screen Wouldn't Appear

Jan 7, 2011

Before I begin, here are some computer specs:

Toshiba Satellite C655
2 GB Ram
250 GB HDD
Intel Celeron 900 Joules / 2.2 GHz
64 bit

So, a little backstory. For christmas I got a new laptop with Windows 7, and while Win7 is a good operating system, I wanted to try Ubuntu and see which one I liked better. I installed the 32 bit version, because I understand people run 32 bit Ubuntu on 64 bit machines with out problems. For the first few days, everything was going amazing and I was pretty much using only Ubuntu (I had a dual boot with WIn7). One day, I opened my lid to find that the log in screen wouldn't appear, so I restarted.

I wish I could remember what error I got, but everytime grub tried to load Ubuntu, it wouldn't load, it just gave me some error (it may have been a kernel panic, not sure). So I went into windows, burned a windows repair disc, and fixed the MBR to be the windows boot loader instead of grub, then deleted the Ubuntu partition. Shortly after, I tried the 64 bit Ubuntu installation, and it wouldn't even boot up after the first boot (unfortunately, can't remember the error I got then either). So I repeated the MBR fix for Windows, and just stuck with Windows for a while. However, a new problem arose. Every now and then (and in time, more frequently) everything would freeze, for 1 to 2 seconds.

It couldn't have been my RAM or anything, the computer was blazing fast when I got it. The windows boot also took much much longer than usual, until it just wouldn't boot at all. I had my father (who's much more knowledgeable at computers) to do something, and he loaded into an earlier recovery partition ran a program called CCleaner, which supposedly fixed it. However, the problem was still there, and it got worse. I tried CHKDSK, it didn't do anything. The random freeze ups kept happing more frequently and became more and more bothersome. Eventually my computer just wouldn't boot up, it would just be a blank screen after the 'Toshiba' logo.

I eventually called Toshiba and they said that I apparently deleted the original recovery partition, and needed a Windows install disc, which I don't have so I have to buy one. Until then, I decided to just do a complete install of Ubuntu (64 bit), since I figured if I just did a complete fresh install removing everything, it would fix it. Well, turns out it had the same freeze up problem. I then tried a clean install of 32 bit Ubuntu. No luck, still periodical freeze ups, sometimes if the freeze ups are longer the screen will go grey. Before all this mess Ubuntu ran perfectly. I'm fearing that it may be my hard drive that's the problem, but I'm not entirely sure. So, is there anything I can do to restore my laptop to full health with out buying a new hard drive? Unless the hard drive isn't the problem, but I don't see what else is. EDIT: I tried memtest. Here are the results: It says 'Pass complete, no errors'. What do you guys think?

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Fedora :: Forced Kernel Removal - Wouldn't Boot

Sep 5, 2010

When I was installing the last kernel update, the system informed me that I had to remove the kernel that was 2 back. The new kernel wouldn't boot and I reported the bug via bugzilla. I got a response within a day that a new kernel had been posted on koji and I was aked to try and see if it resolved my problem. When I installed it I was again forced to remove the kernel that was 2 back. This left me with only 1 known working kernel and if this new one hadn't worked, another attempt would have put me out of business.

What enforces this apparent rule of only 3 kernels. I upgraded from F10 to F13. F10 would let me keep as many kernels as I wanted and I could clean up old ones when appropriate. How can I disable this? I really need to be able to keep several kernels on the system at any given time.

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General :: PC Wouldn't Boot After Deleting Hard Drive Contents?

Mar 10, 2010

I have Intel Pentium3 motherboard model 845GVSR with 40 GB Hard Drive, DVD/CD ROM and 4 USB slots but no Floppy Drive.My PC was working fine until I deleted the contents of hard drive accidentally using trial version of killer software.I ried to install Linux by making a boot-able CD, but it did not work.Then i tried to make a boot-able USB using Universal Notebook Installer, it did not work either. I just get the Error " Error loading operating system.Then I tried a free software from net by the name James Format Tools - DOS on USB. Using this computer did boot but DOS did not install and I got the error message "invalid drive specification".I understand that now I will have to write boot sector afresh and will have to Format the hard drive,, but how to do this as all my attempts to get to the hard drive failed

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Ubuntu :: When Upgraded The Laptop To 11.04 It Wouldn't Boot Properly It Shows The Splash And Then Switches To A Console?

May 9, 2011

I got wireless printing working on my mom's computer... Then when I upgraded the laptop to 11.04 it wouldn't boot properly. It shows the Ubuntu splash and then switches to a console where I can see services starting and stopping. It freezes when it's going through this section of startup. I rebooted and started the machine in recovery mode, then selected low-graphics from the list. It works in low-graphics mode in Ubuntu Classic (my mom doesn't want Unity so I set Classic as the default)

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ibook Won't Boot

Dec 2, 2010

I have been given an Apple Ibook that wont boot

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