Ubuntu :: Apache2 DDOSed By Router?

Nov 5, 2010

I'm running a LAMP server on 10.10 server. I recently noticed that my router said it had 4,000 open connections, and saw they were all going to my server. When I look at /var/log/access.log, I see hundreds of thousands of lines like this:


those connections are coming in once per second. how I can stop this? My family's network is being constantly overloaded.

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SUSE :: Apache2 Reload Error Cannot Load /usr/lib64/apache2/mod_dav_svn.so Into Server?

Nov 19, 2010

I have suse10 64 bit installed. I am setting up a svn server on it. After installation and adding the modules ,while reloading the apache2 it's throwing the error as: HTML Code: httpd2-prefork: Syntax error on line 113 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 31 of /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d/loadmodule.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib64/apache2/mod_dav_svn.so into server: /usr/lib64/libsvn_subr-1.so.0: undefined symbol: apr_memcache_add_server

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Debian :: Apache2 Start Error Starting Web Server: Apache2[Wed Dec 09 15:36:40 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost?

Dec 9, 2009

I am getting this error

Starting web server: apache2[Wed Dec 09 15:36:40 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost XX.XX.XX.XXX:80 has no VirtualHosts(99)Cannot assign requested address: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs failed!

also what is

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General :: Error While Starting Apache2 / Syntax Error On Line 113 Of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf?

Nov 19, 2010

I have suse10 64bit and I was setting up SVN server on it. After all required setup while reloading apache2,its giving the error:


httpd2-prefork: Syntax error on line 113 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 31 of /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d/loadmodule.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib64/apache2/mod_dav_svn.so into server: /usr/lib64/libsvn_subr-1.so.0: undefined symbol: apr_memcache_add_server

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Ubuntu Networking :: DLink ADSL Router As Main Router And The Belkin N1 As Repeater?

Apr 13, 2010

Because of the configuration of my house, I need two routers.I have a DLink ADSL router as my main router and the Belkin N1 as my repeater.I have set up the IP address in the Belkin to be - my DLink is I have disable the dhcp in the Belkin and set the DNS as ISP provided. [URL]..I have set the channel to 11 and in the Ubuntu Network Manger I have set the IPV4 to Link Local Only. I can see the Belkin and connect with my PC.but it will not take me through to the internet.

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General :: Configuration Error In Apache2 / "cannot Adjust Apache2 Service" Error?

Mar 11, 2011

Installation of SUSE 11 server now when I try to configure apache2 (opening port 80) I get a "cannot adjust apache2 service" error??? Can anyone shed some light on this.

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Networking :: Setting Up Linux Box As IPv6 Router To Replace Netgear WNR1000 Wireless Router?

Jun 18, 2011

I want to set up a Linux box as a wireless router to replace our existing Netgear WNR1000 router, as I believe the Netgear does not support the coming IPv6 protocol. Unfortunately, it is not flashable with OpenWRT or DD-WRT presently.

As we have Comcast, our cable modem acts as a dumb modem according to the customer support guy I talked to, and our router is the one that asks for the IP address from DHCP. Thus, when Comcast switches over to IPv6, I don't believe my existing router would work, correct?

My idea is to take a Linux box and put two NICs and a wireless adapter in it, using IPCop or Smoothwall to set up a router. I could then enable IPv6 support for when we have IPv6 with Comcast. Is that possible? Would there be a way to get BIND to hand out private IP addresses in the same subnet on the both the LAN NIC and the wireless card?

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Networking :: Set Up A Laptop As A Router To Connect Wirelessly To ADSL Router?

Nov 6, 2009

I have a desktop PC running Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows 7, and a Eee PC 701 laptop running EasyPeasy Ubuntu 9.04. I'd like to connect the desktop to the laptop with a wired connection (eth0), then the laptop to my ADSL router using wireless (ath0).

I have a crossover ethernet cable (I bought on ebay). I have set up my laptop with a static IP address on my LAN and it uses OpenDNS.

I have added this to /etc/sysctl.conf on the laptop:


Then I tried this on the laptop:

sudo iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface ath0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface eth0 -j ACCEPT

This is a variation on what I found on other sites describing how to set up a router. I don't understand iptables very well, but I gather that the above two lines should set up forwarding so that traffic from my router to the laptop will be forwarded to the desktop, and vice versa.

But this doesn't work. The connection doesn't even establish between the laptop and the desktop.

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Networking :: Network Setup - Router - Wireless Router Card ?

Apr 24, 2010

I'm having trouble getting my network set up the way that I want it/had it. You see, when I first set up my network, I just had my cable modem going directly to my standard wired router (A D-Link DI-604), which had DHCP,and was connected to all of the computers on my network. I had one switch hooked up to one of the ports of the router, but this was a regular switch, and it would not try to assign IP addresses, it would just pass through the DHCP info as I wanted.

Now however, my network setup has changed. My room mate and I both got laptops, and we decided that we wanted to have wireless access so we didn't have to constantly plug in to the router.

Now my network is set up like this: The modem is hooked up to the router(DI-604), which is hooked up on the LAN side to our computers, our switch (which is hooked up to 3 more computers), and to a wireless router card (A Gigabyte GN-BC01).

The wireless router card has two jacks for ethernet. One for WAN, and one for LAN. The LAN side we have plugged only into the computer in which the card is installed.

Now the problem is this: The wireless router card comes with DHCP by default, and it's assigning addresses to the laptops and to the computer hat it's in, and worse, the IP addresses are on a different subnet than that of the main dlink router. The Main (dlink) router assigns addresses from (itself) to, while the wireless router card assigns addresses from to (itself).

Because of this, I cannot access services on the wireless network from my wired network or vice versa. The first thing I tried was setting the card to assign addresses from to, however it just said "internal error" when I tried to do this. I decided that this may be because it sees that it was being assigned an address on it's WAN side on the same subnet. So the next thing I tried was disabling DHCP and setting the "LAN IP Address" to, hoping that the DHCP would just go through the card, like a switch. I would have set the LAN IP address to be assigned by DHCP, but this was not an option, so I decided that'd be the best thing to set it to.

Once again however, setting the LAN ip address to an address on the same subnet as that of the IP assigned to it's WAN side caused it to report an "internal error". I verified that this was the issue by setting the LAN address to several other private IP addresses to test (I.E.,,

My question then really is: How do I set up both routers so that I can access services and computers from each network from the other network. Should I set them with different subnets and set the gateway on the wireless network to the main router? To the wireless router card? Should I put them on the same subnet? Will it know how to communicate?

Here is a link to (picture) my network diagram. Network Diagram

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General :: Laptop As Router Between Wireless Router And Windows 7 Box

Aug 7, 2010

I'm using a cross-over ethernet cable to connect a Desktop Windows 7 box, and a laptop running on SUSE 11.2. I want Windows to connect to the internet via the laptop's wireless interface.

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Networking :: Linux As A Router / Bring 147 & 148 IP Online Without Router?

Mar 26, 2009

These r IP provided by my ISP that i've put on Fedora 8:

WAN IP:xxx.xxx.xxx.17 (eth0)

Valid static(public) IP set of 2:
IP:xxx.xxx.xxx.147 & 148 (eth1, eth2)

i want to run xxx.xxx.xxx.147 as a web server & xxx.xxx.xxx.148 as a ftp server. but I'm able to ping only xxx.xxx.xxx.17(WAN IP) from outside world. Can any1 tell me that how can i bring my 147 & 148 IP online without router.

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between A $29.95 Router And A $109.95 Router?

Dec 12, 2010

I was just wondering if there is there is any difference between a $29.95 router and a $109.95 router. Like is a more expensive router more apt to transfer data to my laptop quicker.

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Networking :: Old Router Behind New Router - Configuration ?

Oct 30, 2010

I've moved a linuxbox from being my gateway (nat, etc) to behind a new gateway (a DD-wrt router). For transparency purposes, I'd like to continue using the old box services, and just have the gateway in front of it.

Here's what I did:

The newgateway is setup for class C,

This configuration works, but sometimes it doesn't and I haven't figured out why yet.

At sometimes, clients on the LAN get throughput rates with very little speed loss (using speakeasy speed test). They will run at 33M on the LAN, running through both the newgateway, and the oldbox, and get about 35M with directly connected to the cable modem.

Other times, it seems nothing can talk with anyone, and I am not sure why.

I know what I have done is a little unconventional, but it's a transitional thing, and I am not sure it is the cause of the problem, although it was the last things changed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use One Wireless Router To Connect/detect To Another Wireless Router?

Aug 1, 2010

My son lost his USB Wireless stick for his Computer. I had thought I heard that if you had a second wireless router, you could use it somehow to detect the wireless router you have already set up in your home (like using a wireless card)? Is this what Ad-Hoc is? Either way, can this be done and if so how? I use a WRT54Gx2 Lynksys router and have a TRENDNET TEW-432BRP wireless router and also a spare D-link DI-514. I use ubuntu 10.04, and also wanted to know if I connected one of the router to his on the LAn port could he connect msaybe through an Ad-Hoc on my local computer here? He uses XP on his. I'm a newbie to linux and networking in general.

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Networking :: Linux Router / Configure Linux CentOS 5 As A Router Using Iptable?

Nov 27, 2009

I want to configure linux CentOS 5 as a router using iptable, .Im new in linux so I need the steps to do that

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Networking :: Cannot Ping Wireless Router Or Access Router Settings - Wireless ?

Jun 9, 2010

I moved my server and network equipment, and now the wireless works but I cannot get my server online. I host a website, so this is kind of urgent.

I have a wireless router and can access the internet fine on my laptop. My server is wired & connected to the router. It sets up the networking properly.. ifconfig has an ip address, the default gateway is present. But I cannot ping google, or even the router. It says destination host unreachable.

So I go back to the laptop to check the router settings.. sometimes it likes to assign the server the wrong internal ip. But, I can't access the router settings either! The page ( times out. Same with trying to ping the router. How can the laptop be online if it can't reach the router?

Oddly, ifconfig on my laptop reports an ip address starting with 99.233. It's always given me an internal address starting with 192.168. What's going on here? Is the router not allocating an internal ip? I use wicd to connect, if it's relevant.

We have a windows laptop that can only get a "local connection". Now it does sound like the router is forwarding directly to my laptop, instead of allocating internal ips.

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Networking :: Network Configuration: Server - Router Vs Router-server

Aug 14, 2010

I am thinking of moving the router behind a server and connecting the server directly to the internet via a modem. Are there any security issues related to doing this? or other things I should be aware of. Iptables are implemented on the server blocking access on unused ports.

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Ubuntu :: Set Up SSL On Apache2?

Jul 31, 2010

I have my own website running on my Ubuntu 10.04 server using Apache2. I have a log in page that I would like to use ssl (https) on. I have set up quite a few websites using virtual hosts, but I have never messed with ssl. I know you have to generate a certificate using openssl (which i have installed). I have been trying to find some tutorials online, but everyone of them is different...and nothing seems current.

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Ubuntu :: Apache2 / SSH Conflict Using Port 22

Jan 28, 2010

I have ssh installed, using port 22. I installed apache2, and forwarded port 82 to 80. For some reason, the following message occurs when connecting to IP:
82: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-6ubuntu2
I can view my page file through things like http://localhost.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Take Apache2 Away From Root?

Feb 4, 2010

I think my apache2 is owned and running as root. I don't know if I installed it like a noob a while ago but I would like to secure it now especially since I just figured out how setup virtual hosts and I may want to eventually let people host sites on my server and I obviously don't want to have to give them root access. How can I confirm that apache2 is running as root and how do I take it away from the root user?

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Ubuntu :: Apache2 Requested Url Not Found

Apr 8, 2010

I looked around on the internet to find a solution, but none found.I installed apache2 on Karmic Koala and that one works. On the default page I created a link to "/home/me/Documents/folder/index.html", but when I click the link it gives me the URL not found-error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing The SSL For Apache2?

Apr 18, 2010

Sometime ago I got Apache2 working. I also did my best to enable it for SSL, but failed. I'd like to give that another go. I have OpenSSL installed and all (or so Karmic reports). But port 443 gives an error when I try to connect.

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Ubuntu :: Getting CGI To Work In Apache2 Server

May 12, 2010

I'm running 10.04 with Apache2/PHP5.x I wanted to test some basic cgi scripts, but my browser is displaying the code (#!...) If I run the scripts on the console, they work fine so CGI is not the problem, it's apache. To install the CGI module I ran sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2 with no problems. By the way, I installed Apache through apt-get instead of doing it manually, but it seems that the installation divides the conf file in different parts, so the regular apache2.conf has this:

# Include module configuration:
Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.load
Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.conf
# Include all the user configurations:
Include /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
# Include ports listing
Include /etc/apache2/ports.conf

I can't figure out what I need to do to get CGI working on my server.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Seem Php5 Work With Apache2

May 12, 2010

I can't seem php5 work with apache2. I am getting the text openning instead of php. I think this is infamous problem, found many suggestions adding AddType application/x-httpd-php .php, did that in/etc/apache2/apache2. conf and /etc/apache2/httpd.confwith no luck, it's still opening text

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2 - 98 - Address Already In Use

Aug 29, 2010

I am using Ubuntu Server 10.04 64bit. I am getting an Apache2 start up error after I setup my certificates and configure Apache2 for HTTPS. At the point on start up where I need to type in my certificate pass code I get a lockup due to the Apache2 process being in a hung state. I reboot if needed and switch to console tty2. When I type in the command.


I get the following error.


To correct the problem I do this.


From the output of the command above I look for the apache2 process and make note of its process ID. Then, I kill that process ID. For example, the command below has an apache2 process ID of 1131.


Next, when I run this command.


The apache2 server starts up and asks for my certificate password, accepts it when I type it in, and runs perfectly fine afterward.

Fortunately this instance of Ubuntu Server is running inside a VMWare virtual machine. I can just "pause" the virtual machine if I need to rather than going through this crude and tedious start up process too frequently.

Crude and tedious are feelings I'm having too frequently lately with Ubuntu Server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2: Php Not Parsing

Oct 18, 2010

I've reinstalled my system and installed apache. I've installed php5. 'a2enmod php5' returns with a message telling me that php5 is already enabled.

However, this code does not parse:

phpinfo() ;

I get a blank page. When I view the source code for the page, I see the php code.

How do I get php to work?

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Ubuntu :: Https Configuration On Apache2 10.04?

Dec 27, 2010

I have configure https for my local intranet on ubuntu.

I have followed following documentation.


I am using Self-Signed Certificate.

I have 10 folders inside http://"myipaddress" location.I want to activate/access https:// for specific folder (https://myipaddress/myfolder).

here https getting activated for whole apache2 server.How can i activate it for specific folder.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Apache2 With SSI The *right* Way?

Jan 5, 2011

So I've got a box running 10.04LTS Server, and on it is running the latest build of Apache2.It's a home box - a server set up for the sole purpose of experimenting and having fun with. So far, the fun is mostly breaking it over SSH and then fixing it when I get home and can log into it via recovery.What I really want to do is to get this box set up with Apache2 the way it seems like it was designed - with Apache2 serving web pages from its default file location (/var/www) but also being able to log in and upload/download new web page files to that directory over SCP or SFTP. I keep hitting snags.Here's what I've done so far:

1. The server is set up in a DMZ at home and my router updates a Dynamic DNS record; so far I can SSH into it no problem.

2. Apache is working. I get my "it works!" page when I enter either the IP or the dyndns domain name.

3. SFTP is sort of working. I can log on using WinSCP and see the files and download them, but I can't upload to the default directory with my normal login.

Here's my issues: 1. I want to set up Apache *correctly*. To me, that means leaving it pointing to the default directory, but still being able to upload to that directory. I have not (and probably will not) enable the root account. I've set the permissions to 755. I've tried chown'ing the directory, but then it seems I can't view the webpages.As a workaround, I created a www folder in my default user home directory and pointed Apache2 there in the 'default' file in /etc/apache2/sites-available. The changes read as follows:

DocumentRoot /home/username/www
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks[code]...

That gives me a workaround for the default directory SFTP issue, but I would rather learn what I need to do to have it set up and working with default values.

2. You may notice I added Includes under the Options. My goal is to get server-side includes working. But they aren't. I have some existing webpages my work has set up - I using these as a template to use to adapt a flash movie I made to a specific resolution, as well as to learn how to optimize my flash for a webpage. Our webhost uses virtual hosting; I am not yet doing so. I'm not sure what they've done to set up the server-side includes, but the files they are using are all html files - no shtml. The include files themselves have either .htm or .html extensions. All of the pages have .html extensions.

My reading said that I need mod_include installed in Apache2. Where can I check to see that it is installed? Where do I need to add the Includes under Options?Is it in the right place? And finally, where do I need to add XBitHack on to enable it? This is the method that Apache suggests, but the documentation offers no clue as to where to put it. Most of the documentation out there refers to apache.conf, but that's the Apache 1.3 way of doing things.I really just want this to be set up according to the defaults as much as possible.I want to have a good working knowledge of Apache and of how to set it up and configure it, but dang it if it isn't a frustrating process.

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Ubuntu :: Apache2 + Tomcat6 - Jsp Does Not Execute

Jan 11, 2011

I am trying to setup Ubuntu with Apache2+Tomcat6. I can get the site up and running, however when I have a jsp file it does not execute, instead it just prints the full jsp to browser.

I am checking if there is a configuration issue that may be missed.

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 status # shows fine

/etc/apache2/sites-available has a file for my site containing valid DocumentRoot

/home/user/sitename/webapps/examples/jsp/sample.jsp contains below text
<%= "hello" %>

When above page is visited in browser, it shows full html tags instead of displaying the output. It displays static pages fine.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Removed Apache2 But It's Still There?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm very baffled by this, I was setting up my mumble server since my old one had a hard disk failure. I was messing around with web registration but decided I didn't want it since this server is really only for a few friends.

So I removed all the mumble-django and apache2 packages required for web registration, but for some reason apache2 is still on my system and listening for connections.

terminal output below to further clarify.

Linux voiceserv 2.6.35-27-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 22 20:25:29 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux
Ubuntu 10.10
Welcome to Ubuntu!


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