Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Where To Get Repo For Deleted OpenOffice

Jan 24, 2010

Where to get the repository of Open Office for Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic? I accidentally delete it!

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Debian :: Using Openoffice From Experimental Repo In Ubuntu?

Oct 11, 2010

I want to use the .debs from testing and experimental on Ubuntu 10.4. I added the repository info from debian sources but it doesn't show up as an upgrade. I know about downloading from OO.org but I want the new versions of go.org that debian has.

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Fedora :: OpenOffice From Repo: Can't Change Font

Dec 1, 2009

I upgraded to F12 recently and due to SELinux I installed OpenOffice from repo. Now, I open an .ods file I made with orig. OpenOffice 3.1.1 on F11, and find that the font has become bold italic all through the 13 sheets and I can't change it. How can I change it to back non-bold, non-italic? I've looked through Options, but can't find anything useful for this.

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General :: Recovering Deleted Openoffice Spread Sheets?

Mar 8, 2010

i just want to know whether we can recover the deleted openoffice spreadsheets. iam using ubuntu 9.10. i don't know how to recover the openoffice files after deleting it from trash.

And i also wanted to know whether we can recover old content of openoffice spread sheet file after it had been saved with the new content.

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Fedora Installation :: Updates After Install And Repo Lists / Saying Repo Not Found?

Mar 26, 2011

i'm attempting to know and understand fedora more and i will spend probably the next month pouring through all the forums and documents to answer more of my own questions. but there's quite a bit here, so i'd thought i'd ask some noob questions to get me started a little.

ive installed fedora 14 64bit and chosen only kde as the desktop. i selected an extra 2 repos besides the default, fedora 14 -x86_64 and fedora 14-x86_64 -updates. i believe this kernel is installed:

1. i can only see the 2 extra repo's as being "checked" in kpackagekit, shouldn't i see the default repo also ?

2. i dont have an applet in the system tray indicating the system is up to date, does fedora have this by default ? also after a clean install i ran yum check-update and yum update but the message sayes: "no packages marked for update". i'm not sure if the system is auto-updated during install or not, but with other distros iv tried there is always atleast a few updates needing to be done after install.

3. is kpackagekit the fedora gui package manager ? i dont see any others.

4. i want to upgrade to nvidia drivers, but i think i am missing a non-free repo or something. when i enter: yum install kmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64 i get messages stating "no package" i get the same message with yum install nvidia-settings.i also tried this: LANG=C yum --enablerepo=rpmfusion-nonfree info akmod-nvidia but it sayes repo not found.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.4 And Updates Repo / Add The KDE Factory Repo To Get Update?

Apr 5, 2010

Will KDE4.4 eventually move into the 11.2 updates or do I have to add the KDE Factory repo to get this update?

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OpenSUSE :: 'repo-non-oss': Failed To Cache Repo (139)

Oct 4, 2010

YaST-->Software-->Online Update Getting error: There was an error in the repository initialization. 'repo-non-oss': Failed to cache repo (139). History: - repo2solv.sh "/var/cache/zypp/raw/repo-non-oss" > "/var/cache/zypp/solv/repo-non-oss/solv"

Output of zypper lr:

# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh
1 | openSUSE-11.0-Updates | openSUSE-11.0-Updates | Yes | Yes
2 | openSUSE-DVD 11.0 | openSUSE-DVD 11.0 | Yes | No


If I disable the repo-non-oss repository the update works fine. The URL I have for the repo-non-oss repository is:

Index of /distribution/11.0/repo/non-oss

This has been going on for over a week. Do I need to use a different URL for the non-oss repository? I live in New York, United States.

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Ubuntu :: Deleted Files On USB Drive Not Actually Deleted?

Jun 7, 2010

I searched the forum with various terms and didn't find anything, so my apologies if this is a common and/or newbie problem.It seems that when I have a USB driveplugged in to switch the files around, those that I delete are still taking up space. I first noticed it with a Chinese MP3 player and thought it was the player being crappy. I could still play all the songs that were supposedly gone. Today, I noticed it with a little thumb drive that I've had for years. I plugged it into my husband's computer running winXP, and the files showed up in a weird, unusable form. I was able to delete them for real.

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Fedora :: OpenOffice - Install A Language-pack For OpenOffice?

Dec 14, 2009

I'm trying to install a language-pack for my OpenOffice, but there seems to be a dependency-problem. Maybe someone has a suggestion. FC12, x64 OOo.x64 3.1.1

[root@sarah yum.repos.d]# yum install openoffice.org-langpack-de
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit, remove-with-leaves
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* fedora: ftp.astral.ro
* livna: rpm.livna.org


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OpenSUSE :: Removing A Repo - Error "can't Find The Data For The 'problem' Repo"

Nov 20, 2010

I wasn't paying proper attention when adding a repo to yast and need to find the file were the info is saved to delete this. The problem is that whenever i use yast it comes up with an error code saying that it can't find the data for the 'problem' repo. Have tried zypper rm but that comes up with a similar error advising that the data is in a format that was not expected. My thinking is to track the file were the yast repo source details are saved, delete this and then just add the repos that i use back.

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Slackware :: Openoffice Will Not Save To Nfs Share - Openoffice 3.2.0

Jun 5, 2010

I have an nfs share that mounts automatically when kde starts.


wendy@DellNB:~$ cat .kde/Autostart/mountNAS.sh
mount ~/TestShare
#echo "NAS Mounted"


Gimp works fine editing and saving photos from/to the nfs share. kWrite can do its thing and read/create files on the NAS. Files I create with vim are visible and editable under windows. OpenOffice however, when I try an open a file I get "file is locked by unknown user." I open as copy and try saving to the share with a different name... No Dice, error saving to share the file is created on the share but it is empty. I did some reading and found a post that said to comment a line from a file called soffice, which I cannot find.

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Fedora :: Software From Updates-testing Repo / Grabbed From Testing Repo When Run Regular Updates?

Jun 22, 2010

I am using Fedora 13 and I have one program (wine) that I need to start grabbing for the updates-testing repo instead of the default repositories in order to get newer versions. I think I can figure out how to add that repository, but I need to know if there are any others I need to disable or any other changes I need to make to my system so that I don't confuse my set up with conflicting updates.

Also, is there anything special I need to do to be sure that only that one program is grabbed from the testing repo when I run regular updates?

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Ubuntu :: How To Remove A Repo

Mar 27, 2011

I entered a PPA though the terminal earlier to install Firefox 4. I spelled part of the repo wrong, and now it is causing some problems. How do I remove the repo. I know how I spelled it, I just need the command to remove it!

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Ubuntu :: Causes Apt-get Update To Ign A Repo?

Jun 11, 2011

Everytime in the last couple days when I've run either apt-get update or aptitude update, http://ppa.launchpad.net is ignored:

ann@ann-Dell-XPS410:~$ sudo aptitude update
[sudo] password for ann:
Ign http://mirror.peer1.net natty InRelease
Ign http://mirror.peer1.net natty-updates InRelease
Ign http://mirror.peer1.net natty-security InRelease


Others are ignored too, but ppa.launchpad.net is the only one I care about. I've tried a few different mirrors with the same result. I'm able to ping ppa.launchpad.net just fine, and am not experiencing any other network weirdness.

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Ubuntu :: There Is No Repo Command In 11.04

Jul 13, 2011

I'm trying to download a repository of Android, but I found out there is no repo command in Ubuntu 11.04. How do I download the repository?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Download From The Partner Repo

Nov 16, 2010

I am trying to download the flash player plugin from the partner repo and it is giving me a forbidden error. Here is my system info. Lucid i386 fully updated with the exception of that package. Internet is a wireless ISP here in iraq for the military. I can download packages from other repos just not anything from the adobe-flashplugin_10.1.102.65-1lucid1 family any contacts for this repo? The internet here is painfully slow so I cannot do much goggling

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Ubuntu :: Which Version Of KDM Is In The Lucid Repo

Feb 26, 2011

Which version of KDM is in the Lucid repository? Also, if using KDM in Lucid, is the following configuration of VTs possible?

VT 1-4 getty
VT 5-7 KDM
VT 8-9 free
VT 10-12 logs

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Ubuntu :: How To Download Repo For Installation

Jun 15, 2011

I don't have repo [URL] installed, so I need to download and install it. I remember that almost 3 weeks ago I've downloaded repo, and I was running it from his folder, but I think I've deleted the folder. If I Google "download repo", I can't find any page from where I could download repo application.

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Git Repo Up And Running For Project

Jun 15, 2011

I am trying to get a git repo up and running for a project. I currently am running git-daemon through xinetd, and can pull from the repo but not push back to it.

/etc/xinetd.d/git-daemon currently looks like this:
service git {
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = gitman
group = gitman
server = /usr/bin/git-daemon
server_args = --inetd --reuseaddr --base-path=/home/gitman/root --export-all
--enable=receive-pack --verbose --syslog /home/gitman/root
log_on_failure += USERID }

And /var/log/messages looks like this:
Jun 15 15:25:14 dev1 xinetd[27922]: xinetd Version 2.3.14 started with libwrap
loadavg labeled-networking options compiled in.
Jun 15 15:25:14 dev1 xinetd[27922]: Started working: 1 available service
Jun 15 15:25:43 dev1 xinetd[27922]: START: git pid=27927 from=209.XXX.XXX.106
Jun 15 15:25:43 dev1 git-daemon[27927]: Extended attributes (22 bytes) exist
Jun 15 15:25:43 dev1 git-daemon[27927]: Request receive-pack for '/EPA.git'

For some reason, the push request goes through, then stops and hangs. I went to lunch for an hour, and still nothing.

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Ubuntu :: Update A Repo Manually?

Jun 22, 2011

My ISP is blocking medibuntu.org so that hasn't been updated on my machines since the end of April. I can still access it via proxy sites so is it possible to download certain files and place them on the right spots in my Ubuntu installation and have it tell me if something is out of date or not?

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Ubuntu :: Download All Repo's Of System?

Aug 17, 2011

How i can download all repo's of ubuntu and make some DVD local repo's?

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Red Hat :: Specify Which Repo To Use?

Oct 13, 2010

Apart from manually editing the /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo file to enable or disable a repo, is there a way you can specify which of the enabled repo to use?

Suppose I have repo1, repo2 and repo3 and all of them are enabled. Now, when using the yum update command, can I specify only to install updated packages in repo1?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Add External Repo To Mirror?

Sep 27, 2010

I'm wondering if its possible to add an external, non-Ubuntu mirror to my mirror server?

We have a few packages which need to be deployed during kickstart (Cinelerra and Eclipse plugins), and I would like to put them into my mirror repo so they are grabbed during kickstart, rather than manually adding them after the system is up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt-get Install There Didn't Appear To Be Any Repo's?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm using a system which is based around 9.04 and yes I know this is not the latest and greatest however the softwares in question hasn't been confirmed on the newest version of ubuntu. However I was doing a new build and noticed when I went to do and apt-get install there didn't appear to be any repo's I'm just wondering have the repo's for 9.04 been turned off??

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Ubuntu :: Repo Configuration For Package Installation?

Oct 5, 2010

How to configure repositories in Ubuntu for package installation?

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Fedora :: K3b From Kde Repo?

Mar 18, 2010

I've always used the latest k3b from the kde repo, however it's no longer in the x86_64 repo, anyone know where else I can get it from?

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Get Repo GPG Key

Jun 23, 2010

The only thing is that rpm.hozac.com wasn't responding so I got my new kernel from a mirror site. However the mirror doesn't know anything about the GPG key. On the instructions page it said that rpm.hozac.com is "often unavailable" and gives an alternative location for the kernel download. But it doesn't say what to do about the GPG key! And I can't load the new kernel without the key.So, what do I do? (Apart from wait until the repository comes back online!)

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Ubuntu :: Removing Files Installed From External Repo?

Feb 17, 2010

I had added a repo from this site: [URL]...now, i have removed the repo as i dont want to use the software anymore, but how do i make sure that i have removed everything on my pc installed from that repo?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Undo Update From Webupd8 Repo?

Apr 15, 2010

I've tried to update Audacious 2.1 to a version, 2.3, that isn't yet on Karmic or Hardy repositories, by adding a PPA to my software sources through this line:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install audacious


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Fan Control For Mactel-support Repo

Apr 30, 2010

One of the most long-lived discussions regarding running Ubuntu on Macs is the problem of excessive heat. There exist solutions for every single case, but they are somewhat hard for the newcomer to find.

This post is a request for a fan-control solution suitable for all macs, to eventually be put in the mactel-support repository. I know there are several fan-control solutions out there, and my hope is that this thread will single out one of them to improve upon to the point that everybody can install and use it on their mac.

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