Ubuntu :: Get Rid Of Ads In Email Messages?

Jul 9, 2010

How do I get rid of unwanted ads (lots of it in CNET's newsletter, etc.) when reading messages in Evolution?

PS- Thunderbird at the moment seems the only eMailer capable of adding some kind of adblock... I hope to see some kind of equivalent alternative towards Evolution!!?

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Email - Sent Messages Disappear?

Jan 1, 2011

My wife uses Evolution for emailing. I have just set up an new email account for her and the strangest thing is happening. When she sends mail, a copy was going to the old Sent folder for her old account. Fine. So I tried Edit->Preferences->Mail Accounts->Edit->Defaults and pointed the sent mail to the Sent folder in the new account.Now she sends a mail and there is no copy going anywhere! It is not being saved in the old Sent folder or the new.Compaq Presario 610, Maverick 10.04.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Email Account And All Messages Gone

Apr 14, 2011

I wanted to try out new Ubuntu 11 and while doing it I managed to connect to facebook, twitter, all my chat accounts and MY EMAIL via Evolution. Everything went well until I restarted and went back to my lovely Karmic to log in into the email account and find all messages GONE!

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General :: Keep Getting Messages Saying An Email Send Has Failed

Oct 11, 2009

I keep getting emails from my 404 error handling system on my CMS saying "mail3.xps.idv.tw:25 cannot be found" with no referer. It would appear that someone is trying to use my server to relay spam to Taiwan. How do I check that my server has the right security to stop this happening?

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General :: Email Startup Screen Messages Log?

Sep 11, 2011

I currently have a NAS (Ubuntu 10.04) on my network without an access to a monitor due to a lack of a graphics card. I noticed that every time I restart the NAS, it's been taking longer to fully restart. I suspect that something might be wrong, and the warning or error messages are being displayed during startup.

Is there a log file that Ubuntu prints to for everything that is displayed from the moment the system starts up until the login screen? I have email set up on the system via .mailrc and .mstmprc where I could email out with the mail command. I would like to email myself the log file every time the system starts up so I can monitor the system's health.

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Server :: Add Spam Header Into Email Messages?

Dec 19, 2009

I'm setting up email gateway using Postfix, Amavisd-new, ClamAV and SpamAssassin on Opensuse 11.1. Everything seems okie, but I can't have messages with added spam headers, such as:

X-Spam-Flag: NO
X-Spam-Score: 0.233
X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.233 tagged_above=-10 required=6.6
tests=[ALL_TRUSTED=-1.8, AWL=0.536, BAYES_50=0.001,]

When I try to debug amavis, I can see that SPAM-TAG, <abc@yahoo.com> -> <celeron@domain.com>, No, score=5.406 tagged_above=-999 required=6.2 tests=[LOCAL_DRUG=4, NO_DNS_FOR_FROM=1.407, NO_RELAYS=-0.001] but they don't add to email messages. I've configured amavisd-new with $sa_tag_level_deflt = -999 to add spam headers at all but not successful.

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Programming :: Doing SQL Stuff From Received Email Messages

Apr 25, 2009

I was wondering if you could recommend a simple way to achieve functionality where received email messages are automatically processed and used in SQL commands (depending on certain criteria, of course). For example, say I have made a PHP-based blog application and it's located at example.com and I'd like to give members the option of posting to their blogs by sending email to a special @example.com address. The email messages received there will be inserted into a database depending on the sender's address, with the body becoming the post and the subject line becoming the post's title, etc.

Another example could be how those trouble ticket systems let customers submit tickets via email, while the support agents operate via a database-driven Web application. Is this the type of thing one must code from scratch, or is there an open source solution out there which only needs to be configured accordingly?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Send Larger Email Messages Via Evolution ?

Nov 6, 2010

My Evolution email client is able to send only smal messages. As soon as the email message is more than approx. 20 lines, sending is blocked. The status line displays "Sending message (0% complete)" for a few minutes and then it displays "Error while sending message." Receiving of email messages works fine.

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 with Evolution 2.28.3

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General :: Evolution Email -- Can't See The Messages That Are Supposedly In A Folder?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm trying to effectively use EVOLUTION for email but am finding it frustrating. I created a folder to house a specific group of messages. For each message, I went to the "Message" tab and clicked on "move to folder." The folder heading on the top left indicates that there are 30 messages in that folder, BUT NO MESSAGES ARE APPEARING.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Email Account At Laposte.net - Can Receive Messages But Cannot Send Any From Thunderbird

Apr 26, 2011

I created a new account on laposte.net.

This account can receive messages but cannot send any from Thunderbird.


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Software :: Configuring Sendmail To Relay Messages To An Email Gateway?

Jun 15, 2011

We have a sendmail server located in a DMZ that has normally been able to send SMTP traffic to whatever destination is listed in the address of any given e-mail message. A recent change in network configuration has introduced an e-mail gateway that all servers need to send smtp traffic to in order for the messages to go out to the Internet.

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Software :: Extract Mime-encoded From Broken Email Messages ?

May 6, 2010

Within Evolution, the message body is blank but there is an attachment. This attachment may itself be blank or broken in some way.

If I can alter settings as recipient so that these fractured messages don't happen, terrific. If there is some SaveAs & filter that will let me extract the content, that is good too. If there are settings that the sender might enable on their end, I could always ask, but I'd still need that filter.

I routinely get email with "attachments" . These attachments are supposed to be other messages being forwarded to me. These 2nd, 3rd, ... level messages are routinely broken somehow so that I cannot read them with Evolution or Thunderbird. I can save as mumble.eml and scan with a text editor, but then I find large block of mime-encoded content that is often some sort of image file: JPG, PNG, PDF etc.

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Software :: Voicemail Applications - Allows To Send Voice Messages In Your Email

Dec 13, 2008

I recently ran across a Windoz program that allows you to send Voice Messages in your email, it's called TalktheTalk. and I am wondering if there is a similar program for Linux. It does not require the recipient to have a chat client or anything like that. You just record your message, I guess, I haven't used the TalktheTalk program, attach it to your email, and send it. The recipient opens the attachment and can listen to your message.

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CentOS 5 :: Setting Up Mail To Email Messages To Gmail Account

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to figure out how if it is even possible to set up my centos server to email messages to gmail account I have tried mail -S Test account@gmail.com but every time it say in my log files that Connection refused by []

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General :: Syslog Program - Send Email In Response To Messages Receives

Jun 22, 2010

I'm running a cobalt raq550 web server (Linux version 2.6) and I want to install a syslog program on it, something that could log messages and send me an instant email in response to certain messages it receives. Is there such a program?

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Software :: Can Apache Send Error Messages By Email Each Time They Get Logged

Nov 24, 2009

Can Apache send error messages (crit, warn & such) by email each time they get logged?

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Server :: Potfix Email Filter Based On Sender And Recipient To Forward Messages?

Nov 2, 2010

We have MS Exchange email server with postfix/amavis on FreeBSD as proxy for anti-spam and anti-virus. We use our own developed CRM and trying to implement such functionality that when CRM manager send email to CRM client or vice versa through email client like Outlook (no plugins for CRM) this message would be shown in CRM. There is already a solution to parse emails from specific emailbox and show it in CRM.

What I need is to create postfix email filter to check if sender email is in file CRM_managers_emails and recipient email is in file CRM_clients_emails then forward that email to [URL] Filter should check both incoming and outgoing messages. I will auto generate CRM_managers_emails and CRM_clients_email files containing all such emails taken from CRM database. I know i should use something like Postfix After-Queue Content Filter but most of examples are for blocking emails.

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Programming :: Logging Messages From Program Doesn't Reach /var/log/messages?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a syslog-ng running and kernel build of I use a syslog API in my program with facility LOG_LOCAL5 and and levels debug err and crit and info. when I ran on the older syslog facility I had everything logged fine as I intended. now I have written these rules into the syslog-ng.conf:

options {
flush_lines (0);
time_reopen (10);
log_fifo_size (1000);


the last two rules show my program gnssapp. the result is all debug levels or crit or err levels I don't see any of them !

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Security :: Stop Particular Messages In /var/log/messages?

May 30, 2009

More than 7 G bytes were logged to the messages file last three weeks I got this message in /var/log/messages I want to stop this messaging cause it takes to much space


Apr 30 20:25:18 TEST-NODE kernel: IPT: IN_NOMATCH IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:17:a4:a7:3d:a2:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=104 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=10100 DPT=10100 LEN=84


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Ubuntu :: Evolution Email - Intersperse Replies Into Quoted Email?

Apr 24, 2010

I use 'quoted' style for reply emails. I want to be able to intersperse my replies within a quoted reply i.e. if the email had three paragraphs, I'd like to be able to have my replies between each of the paragraphs. At the moment, I don't seem to be able to do anything other than delete from the quoted section - I try to simulate my requirements by cutting and then 'paste quotation', but this doesn't always work as sometimes Evolution adds too many levels of '> ' .

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Ubuntu :: Use An Email Client Like Alpine To Read Imported Email?

Feb 24, 2011

we had a server with Hostway, and it was running ubuntu. The server also had Plesk installed, which did some funny things. We had several websites on that server, and many email addresses. Then we changed servers. Now we have a server through Rackspace and it is also running Ubuntu. It also has Virtualmin installed, which generally does not impose as many unconventional changes on Ubuntu as Plesk did.

Rather than using Thunderbird to download my email (which is what I used to do) I've decided I'll start reading my email on the server. So I will ssh to the server and then use some email client, such as Alpine, to read the email. So I installed Alpine. I have an email account for "lawrence". The email address is lawrence @ krubner. Currently, when mail arrives for that account, it is stored here:


and then it is transferred to hear:


When I start Alpine, while logged in as lawrence, Alpine automatically sets up an inbox for me here:


How do I get Alpine (or any other client) to read from the correct folder? I'm fairly sure the email package (the MTA) at work on this new server is Postfix. As near as I can tell, my email is held for 24 hours in this folder:


and then it gets transferred here:


Alpine only lets me set one path for my Inbox, so I'm not sure what path I should set. If I use "cur" I will see all email 1 day late, but if I use "new" then I will miss email if I go a day without checking.

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Ubuntu :: Exim4 Copy All New Email To Another Email Address?

Jan 18, 2010

Is there a way to configure exim4 to bcc all new incoming emails to another email address? My boss wants a copy of all outgoing emails.

I know postfix can do this with a bcc_always option. Im sure exim4 should be able to also.

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OpenSUSE :: Sending Email Using PHP / Start An Email Server In Order To Get Application To Work?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm attempting to send email with a PHP application I got from a textbook. Do I need to start an email server in order to get the application to work?Using SuSE 11.2

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General :: Command Based Email Client To Send Email Through Secure Smtp?

Jul 26, 2010

In my Windows environment, I use email client such as Microsoft Outlook to connect to our email server to send email with the following configuration:

Incoming server (POP3): 995 - (requires with SSL)
Outgoing server (SMTP): 465 - (use encrypted connection SSL)


And the mail server requires user ID login and password.how do I setup a text command based email client in my Linux (Centos 5.1) to send out email through the existing email server above, which is in another machine? The email client has to be text command based because I need to use command line to send notification email from anothar application installed in my Linux (Centos 5.1) Since the email client will only be used to send email notification, I don't require setting up of an email server in my linux.

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General :: Email Output Of Cron Command, Sends Email But No Content?

May 28, 2010

Using CentOS. I have a cron setup to run this command: Code: /var/test.sh | mail -s "Test Cron" mr182@somewhere.com The email is sent but the output of the script is not in the email body, it's just blank. I know there is some output because there are some echo statements in the script.I don't want to get an email for all cronjobs, just this one.

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General :: Copy And Forward Email To Multiple Email Servers Using Postfix?

Dec 31, 2009

I have an email setup where all of the emails from our email host is downloaded to our Linux server using Fetchmail. Then some of the incoming emails are sent to an MS exchange server (server1.domain.com) using Postfix. What i want to do is to send a copy of all emails to Another server (server2.domain.com) for redundancy.Can postfix be configured to send copies out to both?

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Server :: Allow Unsubscribed Email Address To Send Email To Mailman List?

Jul 1, 2010

is there a way to allow unsubscribed email address to send emails to mailman list without having to manually set a filter for that email address?

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Software :: Apache Virtual Host Send Email Without Email Server?

Jun 3, 2009

Debian 5, apache 2.2 I've got Apache up and hosting multiple sites. Each site will have a php contact me page that will simply dump an email to a fixed address. What program should i be using to accomplish this? I've used nullmailer before but that assumes you have a fixed smarthost somewhere which I don't.

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OpenSUSE :: Sending Email Using PHP / Application Fails To Send An Email?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm attempting to send email used a textbook PHP application. The application fails to send an email.Do I need to setup an email server to get the ap to work?Right now, I'm getting email through Kontact via my web host, Yahoo mail and Google mail.

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Server :: Block Email From Certain Group To A Specific Email Address?

Apr 29, 2010

Is there a way of allowing only certain domain to send e-mails to certain specific e-mail address. I am using Sendmail, and I have an alias which translate to certain members of staff within my organization. I don't expect e-mails from outside our domain to be sent to this alias e-mail address.

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