Software :: Set Up MSN Bot On VPS To Be Hosted 24/7

Jun 22, 2011

I got a VPS server, but I dont know how to get my bot running on VPS.I uploaded it on FileZilla on the vps server but i dont know what to do next.Please help, willing to pay a tip if you can set it up for me so it runs 24/7

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Server :: Where Some Domain Being Hosted?

Aug 13, 2009

Is there any way to figure out where some domain is being hosted?

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General :: Two Mysql's Hosted On Machine?

Jan 7, 2011

Operating system CentOS Linux 5.5 Kernel and CPU Linux 2.6.18-194.11.3.el5 on x86_64 hosted with

we have a strange setup for one of our clients... the problem is that the machine was orginal setup with mysql and php and when they build out the website...

the other guys installed lampp and setup the website into the htdocs folder into the lampp directory.

the problem is that when we SSH. we get into a different mysql

and the website is running on it's own mysql setup which was originally setup with lampp.

now, we want to setup another database and it won't let us do it... just because we don't have the root username and password for the mysql of lampp.

bottomline, we have two mysql's running on the same matchine.

1. we can ssh into.

2. the website runs on.

is there any way we can reset the passsword of the phpmyadmin of the lampp root user.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't RDC To Windows 7 VM Hosted On Another Workstation

Feb 6, 2010

I have two Ubuntu 9.10 machines running on my home network. On one of the machines I have a Windows 7 RC1 desktop running on a VMWare VM under VMWare Player 3.0. The VM was created with VMWare Player 3.0 as well.I want to be able to remote desktop, using TSClient, from the other Ubuntu 9.10 workstation to the Windows 7 VM. I can ping the first workstation from the second workstation (by IP address) but I can't ping the VMWare Windows 7 desktop (by IP address) that's hosted on the first workstation.

I can ping the VMWare Windows 7 desktop from the workstation that's hosting it (by IP address) and I can get a TSClient remote desktop connection running from the hosting workstation.If I missed another support thread, howto or the like please just point me to it, I'm more than willing to do the digging myself.

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General :: Command To Determine Where Domain Is Hosted?

Jun 13, 2010

Is there a linux/unix command that will return where a domain is hosted at? Basically, the command that is used for [URL]?

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Server :: Sites Hosted On Tomcat Is Slow

Aug 13, 2010

When i starts it for the first time,my sites getting loaded fast when requested through browser,but slows down gradually. what could be the reason, my cpu load seems ok. Because i have another site hosted through apache in the same server and its getting loaded fast. so what could be the issue.

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Software :: Unable To View Hosted Websites?

Mar 31, 2010

I have ran into a really strange issue. for some reason when I go to view any website that's hosted on my slackware 13.0 box it comes up with cannot be displayed, but when I rename the current index.php or index.html to backup then create a whole new index.php or index.html with just a few words or some basic html it will display but once I start adding in other coding for images or stuff like that, it goes back to page cannot be displayed

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Ubuntu Installation :: 8.04 Hardy To 9.10 Koala - Server Hosted

Mar 8, 2010

Made an account specially for this. I have a server hosted with iWeb and obviously cant just stick the CD in and fresh install. Im looking to upgrade the entire server to 9.10 all through SSH or within 8.04's GUI all the while not having to reboot until its ready to run and configured otherwise im left with an inactive server...

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Ubuntu :: Building Simple Locally Hosted Website?

May 9, 2011

My daughter wants to build a little website that looks a bit like a magazine for her family and select friends. Front page has links to stories or articles she'll write. She would also like to post some pictures for people to see and maybe have people add comments if they like. I'd like to host it locally on our home server and limit access with an id and password. I would use something like to point family and friends to our server where they could login. I have an Ubuntu Lamp server setup to install what we need.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Website Hosted On Virtual Redhat Server

Dec 11, 2010

I have just joined this respective forum and I have a issue with website hosted on Virtual Redhat Server. Scenario is like this I have three virtual redhat server(R1,R2,R3) 5.0 on VMware workstation 7.0 installed on window 7(physical machine), on R1 I have DNS server , On R2 I have Apache web server and I have hosted a website called "" just for testing purpose, R3 is just a normal server nothing installed on it yet..

Problem : I can access my website [URL] from all of my three virtual redhat server but when I try to access it from some of my physical XP,window 7 machines as well as from virtual XP machine present on my local LAN, website cannot be accessed so I am not getting the point why it happens because I checked that my port 80 is listening.

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General :: View All Domain Names Hosted On An IP Address?

Oct 21, 2009

Is there a way you can view all domain names hosted on an IP address using dig or whois? Say if a server is using Name Based hosting??

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Server :: Setup / Maintain Wiki That Will Be Hosted On System Box?

Aug 27, 2010

I am looking for an easy to setup/maintain wiki that will be hosted on a Linux box. Just a simple wiki should do. I would prefer perl/cgi based wiki.

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Software :: Can't See Internally Hosted Website When Inside The Network

Feb 9, 2011

I am creating podcasts that I like to download to my android phone. I host the podcasts on my home webserver and use dyndns for the website when outside the network. However, when I type in my dyndns website from inside my network, it will not work.

I realize i can use the ip address to get to the site, but since I use beyondpod for my podcasts, it's all saved in settings. So what i'd like to be able to do is download the podcasts to my phone from either inside or outside the network.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Wget To Domain Hosted On Same Server?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm debugging some kind of a SOAP problem. I can use wget for any domain I want, besides domains that are hosted on the server itself.

What could it be? Centos firewall & selinux are turned off.

(domains / ips removed from code)

[root@http1 ~]# wget
Resolving,,, ...
Connecting to||:80... connected.


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General :: Apache Directory Structure With Multiple Hosted Languages

Feb 22, 2011

I will be doing actual development and testing on the same machine as the server. It is a single user machine in the sense that I will be the only one working on the machine. There will be multiple hosted languages, specifically PHP and RoR while possibly expanding later. I'd like the setup to translate well to a production environment. With those 3 things in mind there are a couple of things I've had in the back of mind.Seeing as it's a single user machine I haven't been able to decide whether or not I should be working on things out of my home directory or if they should be located outside of it.I'm feeling that outside of a user directory would be better as it would translate better to a production environment, but I'm also not sure if that will come with any permission annoyances or concerns seeing as I'll be working on the same machine. Hosting multiple languages seems like it may be a bit quirky. With PHP I've found you're generally just dumping the project somewhere in the document root where as something like a Rails app you have the entire project and you only want the public directory in the document root.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Associate Internal ISS With Website Hosted By Apache?

Apr 18, 2011

we have a dual server setup: Windows server 2003 and Ubuntu 10.04 with apache installed with all the goodies. This is all virtualized. What I'm wanting to do, is make the new website we've created run on the Ubuntu machine, which it is, and be accessible outside the office. However, by doing this, we forfeit being able to use remote access or web exchange on Windows server 2003.

How can I create a link from the new website on Apache point to the internal server and it work outside of the office?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't View Hosted Websites Via Wired Connection

Jun 6, 2011

I have an issue viewing my hosted webpages via wired connection on the same network as the server. I can view them via wireless without a problem but wired times out.

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Security :: Block Particular Web Site Form Multiple Hosted Server And Allow Others?

Aug 17, 2010

I am having a web server (apache) and 3 sites are hosted in it, named as, and
I need to restrict to Internet users and allow only to local network. At same time I need to allow and to both Internet and LAN users.

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Software :: Assign New Gateway When Servers Hosted On Non DHCP Network

Jan 29, 2009

Does anyone know if you switch networks Where you have your servers hosted on a Non-DHCP Network, and you switch your IP addresses, then do you have to switch change/assign your new gateway address? I'm not sure if its manually assigned? How do you do it? Also what about nameserver resolving?

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Software :: Write Access In .htaccess File On Hosted Server?

Apr 23, 2011

I have a site hosted on a cheap hosting company and I need to allow write access to certain users in certain directories, sometimes on a file basis.

Q: how do I do that in a .htaccess file?

I have never used .htaccess although from what I read it looks straightforward but when I try it, I get a "500 server error" even with the example .htaccess file the hosting company suggested I use. (I have informed the host as they require and am awaiting their answer)

The site is automatically set up with a couple of dot file in the root directory when I got it, they are:

.htaccess file
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile "/home/mydomain/www/www/.htpasswd"
AuthName Limited!
require valid-user

Q: Is there in this something overriding my .htaccess in a bad way? (googling for AuthName shed no light on my problem)


I added the user Bill, apparently successfully, the first line and .htaccess were set up by the host.

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General :: Setup A Hosted File Server For Wife's Windows Machine?

Aug 1, 2010

I would like to use an extra physical hard drive in my linux server to provide my wife a place to backup her Windows XP desktop.I am willing to format this drive as NTFS (or anything else) and have it dedicated to this purpose. I am wondering what is the easiest way to proceed?

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General :: XCopy - Get To The Server's Command Prompt On 1and1-hosted Site?

Nov 19, 2010

Normally, on my website, files are either handled by WordPress or by me doing FTP. I'd like to copy my entire site to a new folder. I don't want to copy it down to my local drive (with wget) and then just upload it. How close is this to the line I'd need (except near midnight)

mv -r fromfolder \%todaysdate%

I've played with Unix and Linux for a few days over the years, but I'm a Windows (and DOS-prompt) guy. So, I don't know how to get to the server's command prompt on my 1and1-hosted site.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Use Local Server To Back-up Godaddy Hosted Mysql?

Apr 4, 2010

So, I have a website that is hosted at Godaddy and I've set up a database with the ability to access it remotely. I was wondering if there is an easy way to set up an automated back-up of said database at Godaddy, to my local server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access SAMBA Shares Hosted On HOMESERVER?

Jan 6, 2011

I am traveling to the UK next week, and whilst I am there, I need to be able to access my SAMBA shares hosted on my HOMESERVER, via my laptop in england.

I have tried Hamachi before, which works fine on windows, but the linux version is awful, and hardly works. So I need an alternative. I did a bit of googling, but I don't know what "bridged" means when I found a OpenVPN tutorial

I was wondering if anyone could give me some information as to what I'll need, and what I'll need to do on both my homeserver and my laptop?

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General :: Website - Administrate Own Blog Using Apache Hosted By Or Some Other Host

Jul 17, 2011

Where would I go to find a guide on a how-to for Linux website administration? I want to learn how to create a simple site dedicated to my blog. I already have a blog hosted by wordpress. I want to learn how to administrate my own blog using Apache hosted by or some other host.

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Fedora Servers :: Ache Wont Let View Other Locally Hosted Sites On Derver Directory

Nov 17, 2010

i installed phpmysql on F12 and it keeps prompting me for a user name and password. i tried login in with my root password but it does not permit me. How do i bypass this please. Also Aache wont let me view other locally hosted sites on my derver directory. restricts my permission.

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Server :: Postfix Relayhost Not Working, If Domain Hosted On Same Server, But MX Points Outside?

Jun 23, 2010

i compiled and install postfix, and i using relayhost that point to my ISP. but my "DNS server" is on the same server where is installed postfix. and there is running apache with vhosts so i have domain that hosted on same server and in zonefiles of my domain my MX records points to Google Apps, to google's MX servers. But when i try send E-mail via sendmail to it not deliver mail to Google Apps totally, if i try to send to another E-mail everything fine it deliver it. so finally i done research this problem in Internet. And find that need to disable deliver mail to localhost(localdelivery)as i think postfix understand that the domain point to the same server where postfix have itself. and try to deliver mail local. but zonefile MX record even the domain on same server can point to another server outside. So i disabled localdelivery in postfix. and problem not fixed

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CentOS 5 :: Install An Icecast Server On Centos 5 VPS Hosted Through Phurix?

Jul 1, 2010

I've been trying for the past week to install an icecast server on my centos 5 VPS hosted through phurix.

I've tried compiling it, installing it from RPM. but im getting nowhere. Has anybody had any luck installing it, who wouldn't mind explaining how they went about it?

I've searched google for hours on end and all I can come up with is generic cent os 4 guides that just wont work. Im not the best when in comes to linux. I do a great job of copying and pasting to a shell prompt and can use ftp etc.

if this is any use.. heres the last output from my last attempt and compiling it...

[root@vps613 icecast-2.3.2]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/icecast
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... no


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Debian Configuration :: Streaming From Debian-hosted Files?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a RAID5 array created with mdadm from four 1.5 TB WD15EADS formatted XFS and shared with samba. I recently upgraded it (fresh install to a SSD) from an old -stable 2.6.18-6 to a fresh -lenny 2.6.26-2, and since the upgrade, I've noticed I can't stream high bandwidth video off of the array over samba anymore. The video stutters like it's out of bandwidthI've tried using mpc-hc64 in Windows 7 and my newly arrived Boxee Box.

Everything is wired gigabit ethernet (Boxee Box isn't, but the other two and the switch all three run through are), and I can copy the file at 30-35 MB/s to my desktop, which is significantly more bandwidth than streaming a video consumes. Looking at CPU usage on my desktop and the debian file server, there is plenty of headroom on both. Lower bandwidth files play perfectly fine, either SD or smaller HD.

Since I installed to a new boot drive, all the other hardware is the same, and the array of data is independent of the OS installation, I can boot off the old system, and I can verify that it indeed does not have the streaming problem. Everything plays perfectly smoothly like you'd expect. It even appears to copy slightly faster (35-40 MB/s versus 30-35 MB/s).Is there something in the configuration of the system or samba that I can change?

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Server :: After Moving PHP Files To /var/www They No Longer Are Seen As Hosted Php Files

Feb 25, 2010

I am setting up a Demo website that I am hosting in a Debian Lenny VM, I have installed Apache, mySQL, and PHP5 I know the php server is working because if I place an info php file I can see it in the browser. However, I downloaded phpfusion, as well as phpmyadmin and they are on my desktop, I open a superuser file browser (also added write access to /var/www to everybody and copied the files over as me) and copied over the files. Once in the www folder they are no longer seen as "valid" php files, if I try to access them with iceweasel, IE, Konquerer it asks me if I want to download the file. If I look at the files on my desktop they have different icons. I have attached a screenshot. I can't tell what the difference is, but obviously there is one otherwise the icons wouldn't be different. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here or a way to rectify it?

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