Software :: Running F-Spot - Window Flashed Up For A Second Then Disappeared
Feb 26, 2010
when I first installed Ubuntu (Karmic, x86), I removed the install of F-Spot via the Software Centre. I just tried reinstalling it, and the install went fine. Then I tried running it. The window flashed up for a second, then disappeared. It does this every time I try to run it, even after a cold boot. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times, using USC, Synaptic, and apt-get. Always with the same result. I tried running it from terminal using sudo, and got the following output:
When I opened F-spot this morning I got an error message, then it opened a new database - which has nothing in it. Reopening f-spot simply loads the new empty database again. find my old database and get f-spot to use it again? The new database appears to be located in ~/.config/f-spot/photos.db (I'll print out the contents below).
using kde with F12 and since this morning all of the window controls have dissapeared. i'm more familiar with gnome and can't seem to find the settings for this. i'm attaching a screenshotFIXED- Switched back to kwin from compiz and that resolved the problem
When minimizing an application window, it now doesn't show up on the task-bar. Thanks for any help. Using 11.3 Gnome. (It did work properly for a few days)
K well i was trying to remove some partition since ubuntu took a lot of space so i messed around with ubintu until i found some partition editor. i went in system>Administrator>disk utility then i selected my 320 gb hard disk and deleted partitions (i didnt know what i was deleting them from). i restarted my computer and clicked on my vista on boot menu but i got an error which ive forgoten it was something like no disk. after that i clicked on ubuntu recovery and did update grub, then clicked on repair something (i forgot) it took like 30 minutes to repair but after that my vista dissapeared now i have 2 different linux in my boot menu. 1 is a linux 19 the other is a linux 22.
I recently installed KDE on my Ubuntu setup to try kubuntu by installing the kubuntu-desktop package.I decided I didn't enjoy KDE as much as GNOME, so I went back into GNOME and uninstalled the kubuntu-desktop package via Synaptic.That didn't remove ANY of the stuff that it brought in, so I searched for the keywords "kubuntu" and "kde" and uninstalled all packages but one (libdecoration0) to get rid of all the KDE-mess.Now, after logging back in...THERE IS NO WINDOW BORDER. AT ALL.
I've just had enough of Enlightenment e16, so I uninstalled it. Now my window borders have disappeared and I can only input to one window - the first one I opened. If I want to input to another, I have to close the first one. I thought maybe gdm wasn't running (I'm using GNOME), but this is the output of ps -A | grep dm:
I came into work this morning to find XFCE's window manager completely broken: no title bars, unable to move windows around, and unable to focus on a window to type in it (terminal, browser address bar, etc.). I tried going into the preferences then window manager settings, but just got a blank panel. Deleting .config/xfce4 didn't solve the problem.
I'm thinking of just doing a clean install of Xubuntu, or more likely another Xfce-based distro, since my current setup (regular Ubuntu with Xubuntu also installed) is quite messed up (same startup applications being used for Gnome and Xfce, and various other issues). I can't remember whether I did any updates last Friday that might have broken it.
Interestingly I used to have similar issues with Xmonad when I used it - some features didn't work properly and I had to restart the WM to fix them. Never did find a proper solution.
I'm running 10.04 and my eth0 connection disappeared. If I go into my network tools, I can see the IPv4 connection and test the ping and all. When I go to my network connections, I do not see the eth0 at all. I have not made any serious changes lately and have no clue to what could have caused this. I have tested the cable with my laptop, and it works fine. I have serious reddit browsing that needs to be done!
i installed debian 2.6 on a G4 powermac tower installed great. right at login, the monitor flashed on and off and i got an error box about the x server. is there a typical fix for powermac or is this just my machine.
I just did a new install on a pc chips p23g motherboard based machine. This motherboard has a built in 10/100 connector. When installing I noticed that the connection flashed orange for a bit and then returned to simply flashing slow. Its my understanding that if you have a green steady light and a flashing orange then there IS a connect. If this is true then, for some reason the install didn't find it or didn't install a driver for it. I installed 2 times just to make sure.Oh, when installing, off the dvd (10.4) it said there was a problem but it would give me a desktop so that I could figure it out.I am clueless.There was a box to install and that is what I have been using. Obviously, I am missing something here
I'm trying to forward the X session to my Windows laptop (using Xming and putty), and I have no problem opening new programs such as gedit and having them forward, but how would I forward something such as a Firefox window which is already open and running? I don't want to shut it down and restart it. Is there any way of forwarding something that's already running? And if so, can I "unforward" the X session without closing the program down?
This is my first post and I am new on Mac OSX. I have create an app using python/py2app.
App is working fine but I need little modification. 1. My app name is Inside I have Contents/MacOS/test(executable) 2. I rename test(executable) as launch. 3. I create a simple bash script with name test(set executable permission) in Contents/MacOS directory inside app. 4. This script set same environment vars and finally execute launch executable. 5. This works but problem is that a terminal window comes up when launching app.
Is it possible to run the script(test) in such a way that it should not show terminal window?
I want to run X window graphical application over ssh session on my server running Centos 5.5 . i used the -X flag for ssh (ssh -X user@serverip). i checked the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on the server and i have the line "X11Forwarding yes". but i can not run any X applicaton. when i use root account i get the message: xauth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.15813
I installed jessie 8.1 and wmii ( Version: 3.10~20120413+hg2813-8) and I use a basic wmiirc.
Code: Select all:~/.wmii-3.10$ ls -la wmiirc -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8033 août 1 17:28 wmiirc
If I want to run wmii the system says:Code: Select all:~$ wmii
wmii: fatal: another window manager is already running
Some information :
Code: Select all~$ update-alternatives --config x-window-manager Il existe 3 choix pour l'alternative x-window-manager (qui fournit /usr/bin/x-window-manager).
Sélection Chemin Priorité État ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 /usr/bin/wmii 60 mode automatique 1 /usr/bin/metacity 60 mode manuel 2 /usr/bin/mutter 60 mode manuel * 3 /usr/bin/wmii 60 mode manuel
I want to prevent users changing the wallpaper, as i couldn't found any direct method I thought of preventing the /usr/bin/gnome-appearance-properties being running,
I know that the user also can set the wallpaper without running that . But didn't found any other way .
I tried to use SELinux to it and I'm stuck at writing a own policy.
According to SELinux, it prevents everything ., but as i have mapped the user to a SElinux user ,even though he can use administrative tasks , he can run the appearance window. that means he has got the permission from a different policy , Currently I'm stuck at this place.
Suitable way to prevent the wallpaper being changed by the normal users.
I'm curious, I believe that one of the ways that OSX make the GUI experience of *nix more 'snappy' was to ditch X and run the window manager more directly on the hardware.
If I'm looking to run Linux on a desktop, and have no interest in sending Windows to other machines on the network, can I run KDE or Gnome with no 'X' to eliminate that ever-so-slight lag with the window manager experience.
I guess basically what I'm asking is is there an equivalent of quartz for Linux?
i tried to install world of warcraft through wine and it worked! but when i go to run it, the window's invisible (i can hear the sound, the mouse cursor changes, but i can�t see the screen). one guy over on videos said to configure wine to run as a virtual desktop, but it didn�t seem to work.
I see on the website URl...screenshots number 5 and 6 -- what is used to to get these style of scrollbars? When I launch Opera I get a very ugly scrollbar that does not fit the look of the wm whatsoever.
when i tried to open my software management(repositories) in YaST i saw a pop up window it says PackageKit is still running(probably busy)Ask PackageKit to quite again.i can't quit that.i tried to quit it via system activity.Because of this i can't open software management(repositories).it is also not to quit PackageKit?
I have installed VMware (VMware-Player-3.0.1-227600.x86_64.bundle) on my laptop. When I open Vmware from Applications/System Tools/VMware Player.I get a window that says: VMware Kernel Module Updater Before you can run VMware, several modules must be compiled and loaded into the running kernel.When I click on install and after putting in my passwd.a window comes up with a list:
But it just try the first one and show an error (window) that says.unable to build kernel module see log file /tmp/vmware-root/setup-9572.log for details.I cannot even go into the folder vmware-root because it says I do not have permissions even though am an administrator.
I have recently just bought a laptop with window 7 starter in it. I have 2 system at home running ubuntu 10.04 LTS and 11.04. How do I share the files between the window system and ubuntu system?
I have been pulling my hair out trying to find out why the Wine System Tray suddenly started appearing in its own little window when running Netmeter, cluttering up the desktop. I searched the web in vain, back many tears, most people saying they couldn't understand it when it happened to them.
Then I realized that the last thing I did was to stop Cairo Dock (the novelty had worn off!) and to move the Gnome Panel to the BOTTOM of the screen in place of Cairo. I suspected this was making the Wine System tray homeless.
So I moved the Gnome panel back to the TOP, restarted Ubuntu, stopped and restarted Netmeter and the Netmeter icon appeared back in the panel where it belonged.
Would I be correct in thinking that Wine System Tray will only stay in the panel if the panel is at the top of the screen?
I'm running Fedora 10 (2.6.25-7 kernel) with Gnome on a custom-built computer that has 2 gig of RAM and an Intel Pentium 4 2.4 gig CPU.
I noticed F-Spot and started playing around with it, importing and tagging pictures and the like. Problem is that after manipulating only one or two photos (rotating 90 degrees, that sort of thing, nothing major), F-Spot crashes itself. It doesn't crash my computer, just closes itself without warning.
This happened several times, so I ran System Manager at the same time so I could track CPU and memory usage while using F-Spot. I found that CPU usage spiked to 100 percent, but RAM and swap were never touched at all, notwithstanding the high CPU usage (RAM was a constant 289 meg used out of 2 Gig available, never changed. Swap was never touched).
No error messages or statements come up. Just the plug is pulled on F-Spot.
So, why is F-Spot crashing? Is this a known bug with Fedora 10? Would forcing the use of RAM help? If so, how?
I'm trying to get the f-spot screensaver working under KDE. I found the f-spot-screensaver executable in usr/lib/gnome-screensaver/gnome-screensaver/f-spot-screensaver, and the executable works just fine under KDE when run from the command line. I also found a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications/screensavers/f-spot-screensaver.desktop.
I also installed xscreensavers, and they all seem to work just fine, but I can't figure out how to make the f-spot version show up in control panel.
using 9.10 Karmic Koala I have a folder of JPGs. Rightclick on one, choose Open With F=Spot. A small window opens. Then a larger one, identifying the F-Spot program. Then everything goes away. Or I go to Applications/Graphics/F-SpotPhotoManager the same thing happens: small window, big window, gone.