Fedora :: Spot's Chromium Dissappears?

Feb 13, 2010

I have found that spot's Chromium dissappears today. What happens?[URL]...

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Ubuntu :: Truecrypt Dissappears From Menu After Install & Reboot / Get That?

Jul 6, 2010

When I installed truecrypt, I successfully encrypted a thumbdrive. but after reboot, truecrypt isn't in my apps > accessories menu anymore. or any for that matter. I've seen several posts on the web about this problem, but no answers.

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Fedora :: F-Spot Always Crashing / Why Is So?

Jun 12, 2009

Why is F-Spot always crashing on my computer?

I'm running Fedora 10 (2.6.25-7 kernel) with Gnome on a custom-built computer that has 2 gig of RAM and an Intel Pentium 4 2.4 gig CPU.

I noticed F-Spot and started playing around with it, importing and tagging pictures and the like. Problem is that after manipulating only one or two photos (rotating 90 degrees, that sort of thing, nothing major), F-Spot crashes itself. It doesn't crash my computer, just closes itself without warning.

This happened several times, so I ran System Manager at the same time so I could track CPU and memory usage while using F-Spot. I found that CPU usage spiked to 100 percent, but RAM and swap were never touched at all, notwithstanding the high CPU usage (RAM was a constant 289 meg used out of 2 Gig available, never changed. Swap was never touched).

No error messages or statements come up. Just the plug is pulled on F-Spot.

So, why is F-Spot crashing? Is this a known bug with Fedora 10? Would forcing the use of RAM help? If so, how?

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Ubuntu :: Chromium Application Shortcuts In Unity - Not Including Most Of Chromium's Toolbars

May 2, 2011

I often use the option in Chromium to create 'application shortcuts'. These are instances of Chromium that make a website look more like an app by not including most of Chromium's toolbars. I use it for gmail and google docs and spreadsheets and calendar. In 11.04 I have set up Desktop launchers and copied them across to the Launcher (what an odd way to add something to the launcher, why no right-click 'add launcher' option?)

The problem is that the launcher thinks all these apps are chromium (which they are really, but I would like them to be seen as separate apps). If I minimize my gmail window, a little triangle appears next to the chromium icon, not the gmail icon. To get the window back, I have to click on the Chromium icon. Clicking on the gmail icon launches a new instance of it (also tied to the Chromium icon).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Run Chromium With -enable-gpu-rendering Flag Chromium's Display Looks Like It's Shattered Into Thousands Of Pieces

Dec 2, 2010

if i run chromium with --enable-gpu-rendering flag chromium's display looks like it's shattered into thousands of pieces and I can't understand a thing. This doesn't happens if I have a previous instance of chromium opened in the usual way, without any flag. In this case if I open another chromium window with the --enable-gpu-rendering flag it's display looks ok, but I can't figure out what's the problem and how could this be fixed if there's solution for it of course.

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Fedora Installation :: OS Cannot Find A Free Spot In The Partition Table In MBR

Nov 1, 2010

I have a Toshiba laptop, running Vista Home Premium SP2 with AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor, 1 gb ram & 150 gb HDD. I just shrunk the c: drive down to 92 gb to free up 43.5 gb so as to load the Fedora Linux OS into this free space & have a dual-boot configur'n. My problem is the partition table in the MBR. It shows 4 partitions there, so the fedora 13 Live CD which I use to install the OS cannot find a free spot in the partition table. I have the Ultimate Boot CD so I took a look at the MBR. Here are the 4 partitions that occupies its table:

1. (no drive letter) - file system: blank - EISA config'n - 1.46 gb - partition type code: x27
2. C: - fs: ntfs - system, boot, active, primary partition - 92.01 gb - code: x07
3. D: - fs: ntfs - primary - 5.98 gb - code: x07
4. (no drive letter) - fs: blank - primary - 5.64 gb - code: x17

c: is 17% free, d: is 99% free, the other two are 100% free Can you explain what is the purpose of D: ? How about the other two (with no drive letter)? I read somewhere that 'x17' code means 'hidden IFS (ex: HPFS)' & 'x27' means a rescue partition... true?

Would I be safe in replacing the partition table entry for #1, 3 or 4 with an entry for my Linux? (I have an editor that could modify the MBR). Or would it be better to leave MBR alone, put a boot program on a CD or USB stick, which boots Linux from the unallocated 'partition'? (have to somehow manually install Linux to the 43.5 gb area that I freed up).

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Ubuntu :: AWN Grouping Chromium Shortcuts Under Chromium

Oct 22, 2010

I made a shortcut with chromium browser to listen.grooveshark.com. This is great as it's almost like the grooveshark VIP desktop application like this. However AWN dock groups it with other chromium windows like this:Kuvakaappaus.jpg

Is it possible to force AWN to group this specific chromium window under the Grooveshark launcher that I have in the dock? Turning off grouping does not solve this either, as it just shows grooveshark as another chromium window.

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Fedora :: How To Get More Chromium Plugins

Jun 18, 2010

I'm on Fedora 13 and I have Chromium installed. How do I get more plugins like mplayer or vlc working? I installed firefox to test and gecko-mediaplayer, vlc, and more appear in aboutlugins from firefox but chrome only shows flash and mozplugger. I tried linking all of the plugins from the firefox directory to the chrome plugins directory but no luck.

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Fedora :: Chromium 6.0.486 Omnibar Bug?

Aug 7, 2010

I installed and use Chromium from spot's repository. Today, I updated Chromium (from version 6.0.476 to 6.0.486). Now, the omnibar is very big (not normal GtkEntry size). I tried disabling my only Chromium extension (AdThwart) and restarting Chromium, but the problem persisted. I tried disabling "use system title bar and borders". I tried changing my gtk theme. Nothing worked.I am running Fedora 13, fully updated. I have RPM Fusion, Chromium, Skype, and Adobe repos enabled.Is anyone else experiencing this? If this is a bug, where can I report it?

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Fedora :: Chromium Installation Failure On 12

Dec 17, 2009

When tried to install Chromium from add./remove programs, the following error crops up

Dependency resolution failed: A package could not be found that allows the action to complete:

libicui18n.so.40()(64bit) is needed by package chromium-.0.252.0-0.1.20091119svn32498.fc11.x86_64 (chromium)
libicudata.so.40()(64bit) is needed by package chromium-.0.252.0-0.1.20091119svn32498.fc11.x86_64

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Fedora :: Running Chromium - How To Turn SE Off

Jan 10, 2010

Well this is simple. I just finished installing chromium on my computer. However SElinux is blocking it. I want to allot chromium to run, but I do not know how to turn SE off.

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Fedora :: Java Not Working Chromium?

Jan 10, 2010

I'm trying to play a game that uses Java, but it won't load. And I can't seem to find out how to install java on this.

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Fedora :: F13 Viewing Pdf Files In Chromium?

Sep 21, 2010

f13 chromium - when trying to dsiplay pdf files - says no plugin is available - but there seems no pliug is available - what are others doing ?

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Fedora :: LastPass 1.73.3 Crashing Chromium

Jul 9, 2011

Is anyone else running into the problem with the latest LastPass extension (1.73.3) for Chromium? It works fine on my Ubuntu install, but crashes Chromium 12.0.718.0 (0) on my Fedora 15 (Lovelock) install. I have a support request in to LastPass.

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Fedora :: Java On Chromium - Game Not Loading

Jan 16, 2010

I'm trying to play this game called RuneScape. However it seems that it won't load on my chromium. Maybe somethings wrong with java idk. If you can go to this website [URL] Just click play now and tell me if it runs for you or not. If it does run can you tell me what you did to make your java work. Because for me the screen just stays black and doesn't load, but it works well on firefox, but I don't like that it uses too much of my ram. So I'd rather try to get chromium up and running for me.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Chromium Not Working With Nswrapper

Apr 23, 2010

I'm running Fedora 12 x86_64, Chromium 5.0.382.0, and flash-plugin- I'm having a problem getting Flash to work. I noticed that when I do a "locate libflashplayer", I get numerous flavors of the .so file to choose from.

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Fedora :: Chromium - Updates To Enable HTML5

Jan 19, 2011

I have installed chromium using this: [URL] -- spots repo. I have signed up to the trial for html5 here: [URL] and it says I am in the trial. However I am still unable to play a number of ..... videos not understanding exactly how I would receive the updates to enable html5 I thought I would wait a few days and see what happens but alas after a week nothing has happened.

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Fedora :: Missing Chromium Icon In Taskbar

Mar 3, 2011

Weeks ago, the Chromium icon in taskbar stopped to be shown. Instead, a boring icon is displayed. I have attached a screenshot.

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Fedora :: Latest Chromium Update Breaks Flash V10.0.42.34

Dec 24, 2009

I installed Chromium via a repo generously maintained by Tom "Spot" Callaway. Since it's his repo I thought I'd contact him, but I don't really know how - so I'm brining my issue to the forum to see if anyone has a possible solution.I've been using Tom's Chromium fine for the past couple months. After a "yum update", Flash no longer works in Chromium. It works in Firefox. If I try to play any Flash videos it's just a blank box.

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Fedora :: Get Flash-player-32bit Working In Chromium-64bit?

Jun 22, 2010

Adobe has discontinued the 64-bit linux version of flash-player. How can I get flash-player-32bit working in Chromium-64bit on Fedora 13 (x86_64)?

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Ubuntu :: Get The F-spot Screensaver Working Under KDE?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm trying to get the f-spot screensaver working under KDE. I found the f-spot-screensaver executable in usr/lib/gnome-screensaver/gnome-screensaver/f-spot-screensaver, and the executable works just fine under KDE when run from the command line. I also found a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications/screensavers/f-spot-screensaver.desktop.

I also installed xscreensavers, and they all seem to work just fine, but I can't figure out how to make the f-spot version show up in control panel.

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Ubuntu :: F-Spot Won't Run Using 9.10 Karmic Koala

Mar 27, 2010

using 9.10 Karmic Koala I have a folder of JPGs. Rightclick on one, choose Open With F=Spot. A small window opens. Then a larger one, identifying the F-Spot program. Then everything goes away. Or I go to Applications/Graphics/F-SpotPhotoManager the same thing happens: small window, big window, gone.

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Ubuntu :: F-spot Database Has Disappeared?

Apr 16, 2010

When I opened F-spot this morning I got an error message, then it opened a new database - which has nothing in it. Reopening f-spot simply loads the new empty database again. find my old database and get f-spot to use it again? The new database appears to be located in ~/.config/f-spot/photos.db (I'll print out the contents below).


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Ubuntu :: F-Spot Import Of A Directory?

Apr 21, 2010

I have my data on an NTFS drive. When I try to import pictures from this drive, I only get an option for the drive. That is, I cannot choose a sub-folder from which to import. I understand I can tell F-Spot to use sub-folders, but I have many sub-folders with pictures, and I do not want all of them in F-Spot. Is there any way to import a single folder with F-Spot?

I have also tried drag and drop, but I have a hard time getting that to work as well.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: F-Spot Crashes / Fix This?

Jan 3, 2011

So, I was just importing some images to F-Spot, when it suddenly crashed.
Now, when I try starting it, it flashes with some error that I can't read. It appears and disappears very quickly.
Here's the output from the terminal code...

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Ubuntu :: Discolored Spot On Screen

Apr 12, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu 10.10 on my macbook 4,1 and it has been working great. It began showing a spot on the screen, just a slightly discolored spot. It remains regardless of what windows are open.

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Applications :: Can't Edit Photos In F-Spot?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm learning how to use F-Spot photo manager. When I click on an image thumbnail in the main browse box, (to highlight it), and then I click the "Edit Image" button at the top, - it doesn't display the image in the edit box. It displays a default grey picture frame (place holder)

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Software :: How To Use F-Spot Photo Manager

Jan 8, 2010

I'm learning how to use F-Spot photo manager.When I click on an image thumbnail in the main browse box, (to highlight it), and then I click the "Edit Image" button at the top, - it doesn't display the highlighted image in the edit box. It displays a default grey picture frame (place holder)

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Software :: Hot Spot Analysis With GRASS GIS?

Jul 31, 2011

I have just started with some basic analyses of GRASS GIS in Linux, and was wondering which commands I could use to select a certain percentage of rastermap values. For instance filtering 5% highest values of a elevation raster map. there are some GRASS GIS users among you all.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: F-Spot Briefly Loads Then Goes Off

Jan 31, 2010

After installation of 'Karmic' F-Spot only briefly loads then goes off. I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice but without any change.

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