Software :: Open A Doc File Using Openoffice In Windows And Centos?
Jun 20, 2011
When I tried to open a doc file using openoffice in windows and centos, the same got displayed differently, as attached. Does anyone know what the issue is related to and a fix for this ?
i have a macbook pro with snow leopard 1.6.6 (its Unix based don't look me like that ). my question is about an linux software so thats why i'm asking here (on mac forums nobody answered me) I wanna know that how i can open documents in openoffice 3.2.1 in tabs instead of multiple windows ... (like firefox ?
I have a word file that i transfered to my ubuntu laptop, when i copied it here it was changed to a rtf file When i try to open this file Openoffice opens up but then immediately freezes and when I click on quit it tells me openOffice is not responding. I just did an update and its still doing the same .
I'm having sporadic issues with the program. Sometimes, power point presentations will crash the program and then I can't open any open office programs without rebooting the computer. The problem seems to be just with powerpoint files and I'm not sure what the issue could be.
I've a webserver with a lot of documentary to serve. Some of the users have problems with the new microsoft documents like docx. Internet explorer 7 want to open the file like a zip-file not as word document. I've googelt around and found a solution that didn't work for me: [URL] I've added at /etc/mime.types
After a restart of httpd , nothing chance, always the same failure with internet explorer 7.
After I login to KDE I see an error dialog saying,"ESC is already running, but is not responding. To open a new windows, you must first close the existing ESC process, or restart your system."
What is ESC and what can I do to stop this error dialog from popping up right after I login?
I'm doing so because my doubt is with regards to running a windows app in linux. I am a freelance writer and use article spinning software like "TheBestSpinner" occasionally. Usually I log into windows XP (I have a dual boot) for this. I am however trying to see if it is possible for me to run this software in linux using wine. I am still relatively a newbie in linux as I have been using Mint 10 for only 6 months. I'm am familiar with the command line but generally use the GUI mostly. I installed the software but when I tried to run the .exe file I got an error that said that I had to install mono for windows. I did that too and installed it inside wine. I am now getting an error that I am unable to resolve by myself because google is not helping me. I am posting the output of what I get when I try running it below.
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub! fixme:dwmapiwmIsCompositionEnabled 0x33bc74 ** (TheBestSpinner.exe:27): WARNING **: mono_class_from_mono_type: implement me 0xb6 ** ERROR:class.c:5162:mono_class_from_mono_type: code should not be reached
Via empathy a friend sent me a windows folder containing jpg files. I suppose he just drag and dropped the folder into the messenger window in Win7 and sent it to me that way. I accepted and saved on the desktop. Empathy turned the folder into a .tar file. When I try to open the tar file I get the following error:
tar: This does not look like a tar archive tar: Skipping to next header tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Not surprising as it is indeed not a real tar archive. When I check to see which filetype it is with the file command it says -data. I've tried multiple versions of mount commands with various filetypes but I just can't seem to open this thing. How can I open this folder saved as .tar?
I am using Centos 5.2, and I installed all of the available gnome and gnome development libraries available via the "add software" menu item. Still, when running some programs, I get the following error message:
"error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
If I understood it correctly, is part of some gnome libs... where to find and how to install them?
Yesterday I installed all my updates (CentOS 5.5 x64). Today, one of my Java programs won't start with the followign error: jvm 1 | java: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory The file does exist. Anyone know how to fix this?
Sence the centos5.5 upgrade to 5.6, it works well.Today, when I start my computer an error apperas. Like my topic ,during the start process some "cannot open shared object file " ,,,,,, failed "no such file or directory" .I google it , some say to disabled the selinux, then do the command yum reinstall glibc* I have tried, that works. But when I enable the selinux the same errors appeares again. I want to know how these errors come and why.
So after compiled the cgi script, I put it in the folder /var/www/cgi-script/
I try to access via my web browser and in the apache error log : I have this "/var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv" : error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
In my httpd.conf, I just add the following in order to provide the shared libraries for my cgi script :
When I try to save a new or edited file via OO I get the following error
Error savind the document doc: /c/windows/doc.odt does not exist
I assume that it is a mounting error but due to my newbieness dont know how to confirm this. I see that I can not copy to the windows drives via Dolphin either.
I am giving 10.04RC a try instead of Windows 7, so far so good. I can connect to my network shares fine using "Connect to a Server" & bookmark with the file browser, however when I use OpenOffice writer Spreadsheet to open/save files the shares disappear in the"Open/Places". Is this a bug in Ubuntu or Open Office? Is there an update/fix?
I installed OOo 3.1 on my F11 and it worked fine until I loaded updates. Now I click the short cut but it wont open. I do not get any prompts or error messages. I have uninstalled and reinstalled but it did not fix it
I am trying to open up a ppt presentation and with openoffice 3.2 I keep getting and error message saying that the versions are incompatible. Is there any software that is compatible with what I would assume is MS office 2010?
I installed Documentum content server on CentOS my OS version : Linux cserver 2.6.18-8.el5 #1 SMP Thu Mar 15 19:57:35 EDT 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux. I could successfully install the software but when I am trying run any executable I am getting the following error message.
Above ./idql is a executable came with installer. how to solve the problem, I am sure it is due some patch or hot fix of OS, I have similar kind of problem on Solaris.
when I try to su, with the right password I know it is because I have reset it with a sudo, it says su: incorrect password. Looking at /var/log/messages I see su: Unable to open admin password file: Permission denied. This must mean that the file has incorrect permissions and or owner/group. I am wondering if anyone knew where the file was located and the correct permissions/owner/group.
I have a computer in another room of my house that I share the drive with my primary computer using NFS.
I just mount the network drive as normal in NFS. But I discovered today that I can't open openoffice files off of the drive. I have to copy them to the local disk first. I can open text files, pictures, pdfs. But .odt files will load the splash screen for open office, but go no further than that.
Anyone know how to fix this? It's kind of a killer for NFS for me. I really would like to be able to open documents over the network.
here's the settings I'm using in fstab in case those are wrong
I installed the latest from Openoffice website on an old 8.04 install. I downloaded the 64 bit .deb version for Ubuntu. All went well. OO3.3 runs well. My question is can you use the Ubuntu Open and Save dialogs? The one where you have drives on the left side. All that comes up with this version is a basic Open or Save dialog. The OO that comes with Ubuntu has these menus. Is there anyway to get these with Openoffice downloaded from the OO website?
To install OpenOffice you can use yum like: connect to the internet open a console su - root password yum install (all on one line)
This will install the man packages for Openoffice. To see all packages available for OpenOffice use:
yum list openoffice*
I am running fedora 14.
I have no openoffice icons on the desktop, or items in the menus.
Have openoffice 3.1.1 and samba shares set up between my Opensuse 11.2 desktop and wife and daughters widows7 notebooks. Can access everything perfectly over the shares except anything in Openoffice.
When I try to open a file located on one of the two notebooks Openoffice gives the message "you can only select local files"
I found an old solution from 2005 on this in google suggesting that you had to mount manually the remote drive. That seems extremely clunky and cumbersome.
There must be a way to enable Openoffice to open remote files. I can't believe in 2009 Openoffice is not able to do this without jumping through hoops.
Using connect to server in 10.04, service type SSH (sftp) from the places menu. This shows my folder and I can double-click pdfs, text files etc from Nautilus. But.... if I try to open an ods or odt file it opens the archive manager. It also fails if I open from within OOo. It used to work but has recently stopped.As an aside, if I export the share via NFS and access it that way, then everything works OK.
I have a problem with regards to opening the open office. every time I open a document, I cannot view it. It says the application cannot be started. The user interface language cannot be determined. What's the possible cause on this? How will i correct this error?
I have a dual boot system (CentOS and Windows XP Pro). The computer has 2 disks with the operating systems on sda. My data files are on the 2nd disk (sdb I think). I would like to be able to access the data files on sdb from CentOS. I tried issuing the Linux command:mount -oro -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/winbut CentOS tells me that ntfs is not a file system it recognizes. Even if I leave out the -t ntfs I get the same message. Any ideas on how I can get access to the Windows files while in the CentOS boot?. I got the idea for the above mount command from the book: Fedora 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible byCristopher Negus.
I have recently resurrected an old X Windows application and I am having a problem getting a CentOS 5.3 client to run the application from a CentOS 5.3 host.
If I am logged in as root to the client side and ssh -Y over to the host, then run xclock, everything works just fine.
However, if after I ssh -Y over to the host, I then su - userx on the host, and then run xclock, I always get the "Can't open display" error.
I have tried:
Running xhost + on the client. doing the "xauth add display MIT-COOKIE xxxxxxxxxxxx" on the client & host, both as the root user, and as the userx. I can't seem to get a definitive answer as to which user and which machine (client/host) this needs to be run as.
Also, when you "xauth list $DISPLAY" you get nothing, (because it is either localhost:0.0 as root, or :0.0 as the su - user) you have to "xauth list", and then you get a list of cookies, but since the "echo $DISPLAY" doesn't match any of them, it is not obvious which one to use. Also, they are ALL "host/unix:X.0", so I assume they are all socket based, and as such I would assume that the their cookies would not be usable for remote TCP connections?
I also saw information about using netstat -anp to look for 60** LISTENERS, I could not find any on the client or host sides.
Nothing seems to work.
I heard about a program sux that is on ubuntu, but I could not find it for CentOS. Is there an equivalent on CentOS?
I have searched the web and found lots of info in forums all over the net with what appears to be the correct way to do this, still nothing appears to work.
What is confusing is that if the TCP LISTENERS were not there, I should not be able to get it to work as root either, so it must be in the transition of the su - userx.
I have successfully mounted windows shares in to ubuntu and can able to access the folders from nautilus. But i wanted to open the mounted share folders from the "open file browser(select a file dialog)" in DeVeDe app. I have tried all the options, and nothing worked out.