Software :: Installing Ubuntu 9.10 From Windows XP?

Apr 5, 2010

i wanted to install Ubuntu 9.10 from my windows xp using Wubi. As a result i started to install it within my xp clicking on Wubi.exe. After rebooting i select Ubuntu and it started it's processing to complete the setup. But after a few time when it started to copy files to my Hard Drive it showed me a ERROR. It's showed me that it was not able to copy files to the HDD. what should i do now?

Note: "before installing ubuntu i formated my drive to FAT32 via my XP. But i've applied the same process to another PC and it is working nicely. Then What is the main problem to me?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Onto A Windows System Without Erasing Windows?

Mar 11, 2010

installing ubuntu onto a windows system without erasing windows. I know there is wubi, but I ask you whether also with the ubuntu live cd I am able to install ubuntu, into a separate partition, without erasing windows.

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Ubuntu :: Installing 10.04 On Windows 7 (64-bit) Using Its Vir?

Jun 20, 2011

It was said that Win 7's Virtual PC is not suitable for installing Ubuntu 10.04 Is there any method at all that it will work? The following is the scenario I ran into: The first time Ubuntu 10.04 installation CD-R boots up, it asked for the Language, and "Install Ubuntu" and then the screen has vertical green bars and then the VPC just closed. The 2nd or 3rd time it booted up, there is no asking of Language or "Install Ubuntu" and just shut down the VPC, sometimes with vertical green bars. I even created another new hard drive and same thing happened. And created VPC 02, and same thing happened. Created VPC 03 with a fixed hard drive size of 60GB and same thing happened.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows 7 Over 11.04?

Jun 24, 2011

I know this seems odd, but here, I am getting this error when I launch the exe. I don't know what to do!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Take Windows XP Out After Installing?

Mar 1, 2010

When I bought my computer from a friend, he told me that it had 60Gbs in it. Well, when I began to install Ubuntu Linx 9.10 I came to the point of decission of whether or not to delete Windows XP or run Ubuntu 9.10 along with Windows XP. I had a decision to make and I honestly thought I had enough free space to run both. I kept on having problems bringing up Ubuntu. It would go so far and then it would freeze. Well I updated GNOME and I was able to login and try a few things. I of course downloaded and installed the program that I needed to run the program that was running my online radio station. I also downloaded a scanner for to check virusus. I then tried to download some other softwear but I deleted them and kept the scanner and the other program that plays my radio station. Since I did that I logged out and shut down the computer. I haven't been able to get to the point to where I can login again. It freezes. How can I add more memory of free space to run Ubutu. If there is no way of doing that how can I delete Ubuntu and start all over again so that I can again install Ubuntu Linux 9.10 and take off Windows XP so I can run Ubuntu. I really do like the Ubuntu's system. It is so very quick bringing up websites. I have a 32bit download on the CD. I found out the computer was only 16Gbs.

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Is Not Booting After Installing 10.04?

May 29, 2010

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================

=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #5 for /boot/grub.
sda1: __________________________________________________ _______________________


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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows 7 On A Machine?

Jul 9, 2010

I have an Acer laptop, on which a I have Ubuntu installed with no disk partitioning. I may need to install Windows 7 on this machine but have no desire to stop using Ubuntu for normal use. Is it possible to create a partition to install Windows on, without changing my Ubuntu set up? Also, whilst I'm at it, I'd like to create a third partition for general data storage.

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Ubuntu :: Installing 10.04 And Higher With Windows 7

Sep 20, 2010

i currently use a toshiba A200 with 2.0 core duo processor, and an I 945 chipset. since the laptop is quite old now, i am planning to buy another toshiba. since i want an ultraportable, i have narrowed down on the nice satellite T235 or the much acclaimed portege R700. now these laptops are being shipped with windows 7 OS. installed a dual boot option of 10.04 in any of these computers ? i had tried quite some time ago to do a dual boot in a compaq. however, there was some problem with the boot loader and i although ubuntu installed nicely, i was simply unable to get the system to boot up ! so is there a compatibility issue with 10.04 and later versions on the one hand and and windown 7 on the other ?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Recover After Installing Windows

Sep 29, 2010

I have two drives in my system with Windows7 installed on the first one (sda) and Ubuntu installed on the second one (sdb). I had to reinstall Windows and now I of course can't access Ubuntu since the MBR was overwritten by the Windows installer.

I followed the LiveCD recovery method described at [url] And it didn't work. When I rebooted after doing a grub-install on sda, I was simply given a Grub command line with no menu or anything. grub-install said it completed successfully and had no errors. What exactly do I need to do to get Grub set up correctly so I can access both OSes?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows In Another Partition?

Oct 22, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and i want to install windows into another partition in order to play some games. I created a partition (GParted live) 80GB in ext2 and later i convert it to NTFS ( I didnt know what the ext2 was) after that i run the windows live cd but i occured an error that windows can not be installed in none of my partitions because my partitions are unrecognizable.I think that has to do with my file stystem.. but i convert in ntfs...

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Ubuntu :: Way To Do Windows Usb Installing Process

Dec 29, 2010

for linux but used to make usb installers for windows... is there any out there? or a way to do the windows usb installing process but with terminal and not command prompt

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Ubuntu :: Error While Installing In Windows 7?

Feb 27, 2011

First thing i want to say, i�m not very good in English, becouse im chilean, so, if i have too many gramatical errors, please let me know...

Okay, while im finishing installing Ubuntu 10.10 in Windows 7, an error pop out an says:

Ubuntu Instalador
Ocurri� un error: Error executing command
>>command=C:windowsSystem32cdedit.exe /set {f972d088-42bd-11e0-88bb-002454998f62} device partition=U:
>>stderr=Error al establecer los datos del elemento.
Solicitud no compatible.


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot Into Windows 7 After Installing 10.10

Mar 20, 2011

I had 2 separate partitions on my computer: one for Windows 7, one without a system on it. On the 2nd of the described partition at the end of it I installed Debian Linux. (After that I had 3 usable / visible partitions.) I was looking for less hassle with drivers so I decided to install Ubuntu and make greater the partition for Linux. In a forum I saw an article describing how to uninstall (remove) Debian. Roughly it described the process as follows:Delete Debian partition from Windows. Restart and in repair mode enter "repairmbr".

I did the first step. After the restart, the grub seemed to be damaged and it wouldn't show any options. Started the Ubuntu LiveCD, made the "Linux" partition greater, moved it to the beginning of the original of the to large partitions, transformed it to an extended partition, created the swap area in the beginning of it and installed Ubuntu 10.10. All went well, a new grub was created, Windows loader was detected, but didn't work. Same after upgraded to a newer version of Linux generic kernel. The installation process detected the Windows 7 but after restart it does not work. When trying to enter it, for about 1..2 seconds the screen turns black and again the same Grub menu is shown. So the problem is that I cannot boot into Windows 7, I had pre-installed it so I don't have a disk for it. Recovery disks I made seems to be for re-installation only which is not an option at this time. All repair modes where accessible when starting Windows; any of them is not accessible.

Both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 are 64-bit systems.

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Won't Load After Installing 11.04?

May 22, 2011

ve got this issue.The history of this notebook is:came up with windows vista preinstalled with a recovery partition.Installed windows 7 without removing the vista recovery partition. While doing this partitioned the hd in this way:

/dev/sda1 recovery
/dev/sda2 windows 7
/dev/sda3 backup space (ntfs)


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Ubuntu :: After Installing 11.04 Windows Can't Boot Again

Jun 24, 2011

I'm not sure if here is the right place to ask this. After installing Ubuntu 11.04 my windows 7 installation can't boot again. I installed ubuntu on a different partiton. I can see the windows partition on my ubuntu, from the disk utility, the partition type is unknown(0x42), trying to change it gives me error.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows Fonts On 11.04?

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to install windows fonts on my Ubuntu 11.04.In detail, I wish I could install Calligraph412 BT and Book Antiqua fonts.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Windows Xp After Installing?

Nov 4, 2010

the situation is, i installed ubuntu just to check it out. after installation i decided i like it and i now want to remove my windows OS. how could i do it? ive been all around google trying to find some solution. is there some way to remove the windows OS without completely installing ubuntu again?

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General :: Installing Ubuntu Onto HDD (currently On USB, Windows On HDD)?

Mar 9, 2010

Currently, I have linux installed on a USB drive, and I am running the OS from there. That is fine and dandy, but I REALLY wanted in on the HDD. I am using a laptop, and I thought I had to be running linux to install linux on a HDD. Well... I'm clueless as to how to get it on the HDD now. I do NOT have any CDs, so I need to install from the Hard drive. My computer is so,so, slow running the OS from the USB drive.

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Ubuntu :: Windows XP Not Booting After Installing 10.10?

Apr 6, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 as 2nd OS in My HDD, Ubuntu & WinXP is showing in Grub Boot Loader. Ubuntu is working fine but Windows XP is not booting from boot loader.

I tried to do edit grub.cfg & menu.1st file but problem not solved.

My partition, grub version & grub.cfg details r as below -

fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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General :: Get Windows 7 Back After Installing Ubuntu?

Dec 13, 2010

My friend borrowed my laptop for a while and when he gave it back he said he replaced Windows 7 with Ubuntu. I asked him to switch it back simply because I prefer Windows. He claims not to know how. I don't want to go buy a new windows 7 disc I just want to figure out how to get rid of this Ubuntu and Windows 7.

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General :: Installing Windows 7 On A Ubuntu 10.10 System

Jan 14, 2011

I initially formatted my Windows Vista Machine because it was given me problems and installed ubuntu 10.10 as the primary OS and no secondary installed all i have now is Ubuntu 10.10 running smoothly but now i want to install windows 7 as a secondary OS so that i can dual boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Installing 9.10 In Windows 7?

Jan 10, 2010

I just got finished wubi installing ubuntu in windows 7, and when I select ubuntu from the dual boot menu I get a strange message.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Along With Windows XP - Unable To See Both

Mar 21, 2010

I have installed windows xp (service pack 2) on my pc. later i formatted a partition (drive E and installed ubuntu linux 8.04. I have provided 2gb space for SWAP partition and remaining for root (/). I have done this manually. Installation was completed, and ubuntu asked me to reboot the system. I did so.

Now comes my problem.......I am getting some DHCP connection or some thing weird.......after that i am getting a message ......and with a message asking me to press any key.....the same thing is coming even after restarting the system....i am unable to see both windows and linux now!

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows XP - NTSRP Missing

Mar 26, 2010

I have run into another situation where I need windows to run a program, The software that I am trying to use is Taxact. I have used this software for many years "BUT" I guess it just doesn't like my ubuntu 9.04. I have a 500gb hard drive installed that is empty and I thought I could just load the windows program onto that drive but I am getting a message NTSRP missing? I think thats what it said. What do I need to do to load this program onto this hard drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Windows 7 Over Kubuntu?

Mar 30, 2010

how to install some windows programs I have, Like the Magic Jack phone thing.Well needless to say, he bailed on me and I havent heard from him in several days and I have been sitting without a phone since last Friday.So basically, I want to remove this kubuntu and put windows 7 back on my system so I can get all my window programs back.

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Ubuntu :: Network Not Working In Windows After Installing 10.04?

May 2, 2010

I was using before in dual-boot both Win7 and Ubuntu9.10. I've upgraded yesterday Ubuntu to v. 10.04 and since then a strange thing happened. My (wired) network works fine under Ubuntu. Internet connection is all right, download speeds seem normal,etc. I booted back into Win, and it informed me that my cable is not plugged in. Very weird, because in Ubuntu I had no problems. I disabled the device, rebooted, Windows re-installed the driver for me, but still, the same problem. As I was planning to do it, I even re-installed Win, but STILL, the same problem.

So now, I'm in the strange situation that I have internet connection under Ubuntu and a "please plug in your cable" message under Windows.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Vista Not Booting After Installing 10.04

May 5, 2010

I got this laptop today and decided to dual boot Linux, as I've been using it for a bit on an older laptop. I downloaded and installed Ubunutu 10.04, using the first install option to have it install next to Windows, and afterwards on startup I get 6 options: Whenever I try to boot with either of the Windows options, it goes to the Windows loading bar, then the screen goes black and the computer resets. I didn't make recovery disks. I already had Vista recovery disks and I did try that, but it said I wouldn't be able to restore the system with them. F11 on startup splashscreen does nothing.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows-platform Game?

May 9, 2010

i've installed 'ghost recon' which i downloaded via torrent. i open the executables with right-click and clicking executable, i guess this just used WINE automatically. it seems to download fine. i downloaded into a folder i called 'c:desktop' which i thought would make the files end up on my regular desktop, but i can't find them anywhere. when i run autorun.exe from the cd it opens, but when i click 'play ghost recon' is gives a dialog box saying it can locate the cd.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows 7 Without Messing Up - GRUB

May 14, 2010

I'm thinking about upgrading my Windows Vista to Windows 7. I rarely ever use it but I figured that when I do have to use it I would rather use Windows 7.

Will it mess up Ubuntu or GRUB when I do this? Like GRUB not recognizing Ubuntu any more? I don't really know but I just wanted to ask this here just in case.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Uninstalled After Installing Windows

May 27, 2010

I have updated my Windows from Vista to 7. I knew that this would mess up my GRUB so that it wouldn't show on boot. However, it seems as if my GRUB has uninstalled.

I have tried to reinstall it with a Live CD but this didn't work. Maybe I was doing something wrong. I'm sorry if I'm asking a question that has already been posted but I could only find ways to make your GRUB reappear, not reinstall it.

I'm stuck with Windows 7 for a week or two now and I really want to get back to using Ubuntu!

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