Software :: Homicidal Rampage, And Eradicated Exchange From About 15 Companies By Implementing PostPath Instead?

Jul 2, 2010

I went on a really fun, homicidal rampage, and eradicated Exchange from about 15 companies by implementing PostPath instead. In fact, there weren't any discernable issues (prolly lost myself a bit of cash coz we all know how unstable MS Exchange is) in the migrations and the customers were exceedingly happy with the product (and especially the licensing).

At the time, had a full featured 12 user version of their product for free, which I could really use right about now, but Cisco bought 'em out a couple of years ago and I'm not sure where to look for an old copy of this 12 user free version of PostPath.

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Fedora Hardware :: Sata III Controller Marvell 88SE9182 Can't Be Detected (on Rampage III Extreme Black)

Aug 24, 2011

I bought a Rampage III Extreme Black Edition wich has a SATA III controller (Marvell 88SE9182). I try to install Fedeora Core 15, but FC15 just dont recognize any of my HDs placed in SATA III ports. Has any fellow succeed installing linux on this SATA Controller?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Web Hosting Companies Run Their Business?

Aug 15, 2010

I always used to wonder how do web hosting companies host their websites. My problem is I saw some one having their website.I have a degree in Computer Science. I am not clear as how do these web hosting companies give the logins to their users as root. Meaning how can a hosting provider provide root login to say 1000 users and each having a different IP address.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Used For Sharing Files Between Companies?

Nov 17, 2010

I wanted to see if anyone knew of a system that can be used for sharing files between companies? What I am looking for is a web based system that will allow an engineer to upload drawings or CAD models and put them in a "mailbox" for someone at another company. Here are the requirements I need:

1. Any type of file can be uploaded with no restrictions of file size (needs to be able to handle several GB of CAD data).

2. Only the person who the files are intended for can see or download the files.

3. A record of all transactions (uploads & downloads) must be kept.

Basically, I need a web based mailbox system that can handle huge files. Anyone know of such a beast?

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General :: Distro Companies Earn Money?

Jan 16, 2011

there are so many linux distros, most of them are free, they need software engineers to develop the OS, but it was given free,so,how do they make money to pay for their workers' salary?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Some Of The Older Clients No Longer Work After The Two Companies Merged?

Mar 14, 2010

I've been searching Google for a dedicated Sirius/XM client, but cannot find anything recent.Some of the older clients no longer work after the two companies merged.

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Networking :: Implementing The DSR In NS2?

Mar 5, 2010

i am trying to implement DSR algo by tcl in ns2.but the problem i am facing is that i cannot make out how to circulate the ROUTE-REQUEST & ROUTE-REPLY packet in the established network.

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General :: Implementing The Command In C?

Sep 5, 2010

I have been giving the task of shell scripting in C++ for implementation of Secure command in my shell. The Secure command will prompt for the filename and the password (like *****) and can only be displayed when ls -secure and password is provided. For example

>> LS
File1 File2
>> Secure File1


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Fedora :: Implementing A 2D Version Of Gnome 3?

Jun 28, 2011

whether Fedora / Gnome are planning on implementing a 2D version of Gnome 3? (i.e same GUI but without the bling). Like what Ubuntu did with Unity 2D. Unfortunately, my old laptop cannot run Gnome 3 due to the graphics specs and fallback mode doesn't work so I'm stuck with KDE.

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OpenSUSE :: Drawbacks Of Implementing WebGL In FF4

May 30, 2011

there have been many posts about trying to use FF4 with graphic acceleration and i ran into an article that discusses some of the ramifications in doing so: Context and from the information presented, it appears that mozilla's approach is to blacklist graphic drivers that are not sufficiently "malware-proof" since code from the webpage is presented directly to the graphics driver.

i was not aware of this side issue and figured many others were also uninformed, but my thoughts are that some careful consideration should be done before implementing this new functionality. Perhaps someone more knowledgable could chime in with more concise information.

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Ubuntu :: Use Of Implementing A Reverse Proxy?

Feb 13, 2010

What is a Reverse Proxy? And what is the use of implementing a Reverse Proxy???

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Ubuntu :: What Is The Use Of Implementing A Reverse Proxy

Aug 12, 2010

What is a Reverse Proxy? And what is the use of implementing a Reverse Proxy?

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General :: Implementing Konqurer In Suse 11.1?

Jun 25, 2011

connecct to net with Konqurer.

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Server :: Implementing A Mailing List?

May 17, 2009

Myself and a friend have our own small IT business; we mainly design and build web sites for other small businesses. One of the things we would like to offer to clients is the ability to relay email addressed to their company's domain to their own personal email address (either web-based, or hosted by their ISP).

Now, clearly there is a risk of our mail relay being marked as "open", and therefore becoming black listed as a source of spam. Not something that we want to happen!setting up such a system? I understand how I would go about configuring an MTA like Postfix or Sendmail to perform such a task, but I'm unsure how I would ensure that relayed mail is delivered and we're not labeled as spammers.

I did wonder if perhaps the "mail forwarding" options in a mail server like Zimbra would get around the issue by forwarding on messages inline or as attachments within new emails (so the messages would appear to be from the account hosted on our server).

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Programming :: Implementing A Garbage Collector In C++?

Aug 27, 2009

I'm interested in writing a generational garbage collector in C++. This is for a Python-like programming language project. I have used Boehm's garbage collector before, but I'm worried that it will have noticeable pause times (unacceptable for interactive programs). Since I can't really find any other C++ established GCs out there, I have been thinking of simply writing my own.

However, there are two essential ingredients I need for this:

- Some kind of write barrier mechanism that will notify my collector when something is written to a part of the heap

- A way for me to know the addresses and sizes of the stack, heap and global storage (the root sets)

how to implement write barriers (and how to get the stack, heap and global storage information) on the Linux platform? As an alternative, if you know of C++ GCs other than Boehm, I would also be interested.

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Programming :: Implementing Scrollbar Using Xlib ?

Oct 17, 2010

I am working on xlib project to develop text editor without using help from any of toolkit/widgets.I get stuck in scrollbar.I have no idea how they work and developed.It become more difficult as I am using low-level C library - xlib.

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Debian Configuration :: Implementing 301 Redirect On Apache2

Sep 8, 2011

I have scoured the internet in search of a way to implement this 301 redirect on Apache2 to no avail. My distro is Debian 5.0 Lenny. I want all request to to be 301 redirected to [URL]. Does anyone know how to do this? I have never done this before so I could really use a detailed explanation of how to implement this type of 301 that will work.

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Networking :: Implementing Fault Tolerance For LAN Failure?

May 20, 2011

is there a way to implement fault tolerance in case of LAN failure on SUSE 10 sp3 i.e. if 1 LAN port fails then the 2nd LAN port should take over ..

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General :: Implementing Logical Operators In Grep?

Dec 14, 2009

How can I implement logical operators in grep? I checked the man info and couldn't figure it out. For example, I'd like to display lines in file1.txt that contains word1 OR word2.
cat file1.txt | grep word1 OR word2

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General :: Implementing Vcp Protocol In Kernal Module

Oct 14, 2010

steps for implementing vcp protocol in linux kernal module

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Programming :: Implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Mar 31, 2011

Though I have developed some web applications (automation tools) using PHP which have been primarily meant for Intranet (within the organizations I have worked for), I have paid little attention to SEO (it was not required until now). But now I want to understand how do we go about implementing SEO and where do we fit this mechanism in a system / website?

Do we need any other tools or learn some specific programming /scripting language to achieve it?Will implementing a good SEO yield identical results irrespective of what search engine (be it Google or Yahoo!) is being used by users?

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Programming :: Implementing Hamming Code In C Lang?

Sep 12, 2010

implementing hamming code in c: Calculating the Hamming Code The key to the Hamming Code is the use of extra parity bits to allow the identification of a single error. Create the code word as follows:

Mark all bit positions that are powers of two as parity bits. (positions 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc.)
All other bit positions are for the data to be encoded. (positions 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, etc.)


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Programming :: Implementing A Classless Qdisc (a Scheduler)?

May 13, 2011

i am running linux kernel 2.6.32-30 and my aim is to do packet aggregation in linux,so i created a qdisc simple one like sch_fifo.c and i wanted to put upon the dequeue function but when i attach my qdisct with tc qdisc add dev wlan0 root aggregate my screen just go black and in var/log/messages it says 31 m of stolen memory.graphic perfomance may suffer. can you somebody pls help me. Below is my dequeue function.

static struct sk_buff *aggregate_dequeue(struct Qdisc *sch)
struct sk_buff *skb;
struct packet_buffer *packet_buffer = {0};
skb = __skb_dequeue(&sch->q);


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CentOS 5 :: Implementing Disk Quotas Per User

Sep 29, 2010

I have installed CentOS 5.5 on a computational cluster and want to limit the disk space used per user to 10GB. I do not know what is the relation between blocks and the the volume i want (10GB). What is the values I should used in the file opend by "edquota username" command? What is the usage of inode? there are soft and hard items in columns 3 ,4 and 6,7. Which of them should be configured? here is the example by CentOS documents. I only changed the file system which is in my case /dev/sdb0 (this is mounted as /home in my system. What changes I should do to this example to limit the user to 10GB disk scape?

Disk quotas for user testuser (uid 501):
Filesystem blocks soft hard inodes soft hard
/dev/sdb0 440436 0 0 37418 0 0

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Debian Programming :: Implementing PyGtk For Python 3.3 In Wheezy

Sep 12, 2013

I run Wheezy Xfce 64-bit. I went through the Synaptic listings and added Python 3.3.2 and Tkinter for it, and that works fine; but for some reason PyGtk is available only for Python 2.7, not for Python 3.3, unless I'm just using the wrong way to try to find it. Is there a PyGtk available for Python 3.3 in Wheezy, and, if so, how do I install it and then import it once it's installed?

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Programming :: Data Structure For Implementing A Text Editor?

Nov 15, 2010

Options:A double linked list with fixed size character arrays. New nodes will be added when previous ones get filled. Dynamic arrays using realloc(). Linked list has the disadvantage of not having an O(1) search like an array but I think using realloc() will be more dangerous since it moves the whole block to a new location and if the new location is not big enough to hold the whole block, realloc fails !! this case will not occur with the linked list since its nodes are scattered.

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Programming :: Encryption / Implementing AIDE On Client Machines?

Aug 22, 2010

I need to implement AIDE on my client machines. The builds on these machine are different, so each workstation will have its own specific db generated through running AIDE initially. It is not good practice to just leave the db on the machine, since an "attacker" would be able to view this information. However, at the same time I do not want to pull back over 100 different aide db's to the ftp server and have an update pull each specifically every time I need to run the check. The plan is to leave the db on the client machine, but encrypt it (using public/private keys). I need to be able to encrypt the file on the client machine. I will use a cron on the client to pull an update (from my ftp server) that runs AIDE. This update needs to be able to decrypt the file, use it running AIDE, then re-encrypt the file on the client.

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Programming :: GNU Common LISP Package Implementing Forkpty()?

Mar 21, 2011

I seek a GNU Common LISP package which implements forkpty(); openpty() would also be a big plus, and login_tty() would be a luxury I could live with.

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Programming :: Implementing Sleeping Barber's With Multiple Barbers?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm working on a problem in which i have to implement the regular sleeping barber problem with multiple (say n) barbers. The code i'm using is this :


how to implement the modification? (there are many more such modifications where i'm stuck , but will ask about those later)

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CentOS 5 Server :: Implementing A Java Program As A Service?

Jul 23, 2009

I've a java program which needs to be executed regardless of whether a user is logged in or not. Currently I've a shell script which executes the java program. I login to the server and run this shell script when the server is rebooted. I would like to start this script automatically preferably as a service so that I can stop and restart this service whenever I update the java program.

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