General :: Distro Companies Earn Money?

Jan 16, 2011

there are so many linux distros, most of them are free, they need software engineers to develop the OS, but it was given free,so,how do they make money to pay for their workers' salary?

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General :: Cant Install Flashplayer For Money?

Mar 25, 2011

i'm worst than a noob when it comes to computers all i use my old acer aspire one for is watching the odd you tube clip,anyway i fired up my acer the other day and was greeted with the message "ive got to install latest macromedia plugin to watch this video.....Ive tried all i can to get flashplayer,i downloaded yum,tar,rpm..tried troublshooting the various forums for tips on getting it installed but to no running linpus and my acer is quite old.Believe it or not ive even managed to find out how to get root user priveleges still doesnt help though,ive downloaded and extacted more than i can remember lol tried copying to differnt destinations but said to copy file to /usr/lib/opera/plugins...but i get message say i dont have authority for that.but i know how in terminal to get root.

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General :: Using Money 2003 Under Wine?

Dec 26, 2010

I am new to LInux and am trying to run Money 2003 under wine. However, evn though Money starts up, it crashes as soon as I try to load an existing Money file. What am I doing wrong.

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General :: Distro - Nominate A Disastrous Distro From Past Or Present

Jan 9, 2010

nominate a disastrous distro from past or present that was simply AWFUL and what exactly was so bad about it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Web Hosting Companies Run Their Business?

Aug 15, 2010

I always used to wonder how do web hosting companies host their websites. My problem is I saw some one having their website.I have a degree in Computer Science. I am not clear as how do these web hosting companies give the logins to their users as root. Meaning how can a hosting provider provide root login to say 1000 users and each having a different IP address.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Used For Sharing Files Between Companies?

Nov 17, 2010

I wanted to see if anyone knew of a system that can be used for sharing files between companies? What I am looking for is a web based system that will allow an engineer to upload drawings or CAD models and put them in a "mailbox" for someone at another company. Here are the requirements I need:

1. Any type of file can be uploaded with no restrictions of file size (needs to be able to handle several GB of CAD data).

2. Only the person who the files are intended for can see or download the files.

3. A record of all transactions (uploads & downloads) must be kept.

Basically, I need a web based mailbox system that can handle huge files. Anyone know of such a beast?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Some Of The Older Clients No Longer Work After The Two Companies Merged?

Mar 14, 2010

I've been searching Google for a dedicated Sirius/XM client, but cannot find anything recent.Some of the older clients no longer work after the two companies merged.

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Software :: Homicidal Rampage, And Eradicated Exchange From About 15 Companies By Implementing PostPath Instead?

Jul 2, 2010

I went on a really fun, homicidal rampage, and eradicated Exchange from about 15 companies by implementing PostPath instead. In fact, there weren't any discernable issues (prolly lost myself a bit of cash coz we all know how unstable MS Exchange is) in the migrations and the customers were exceedingly happy with the product (and especially the licensing).

At the time, had a full featured 12 user version of their product for free, which I could really use right about now, but Cisco bought 'em out a couple of years ago and I'm not sure where to look for an old copy of this 12 user free version of PostPath.

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Ubuntu :: Earn C And C++ In Windows Using "turbo C"?

Jan 19, 2010

Im a BCA 1 year student and just move from windows to ubuntu?we learn c and c++ in windows using "turbo c"but as im newbie to ubuntu i dont know what to do??

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Fedora Installation :: Time And Money Wasting YUM?

Nov 21, 2009

I just wanted to put Gnuplot on my machine to try it . I have Fedora11 and I have a copy of this program on my installation disk. Yum install goes off and wastes 10 minutes updating its list of files in the repositoryand then starts to deal with what I want. It does not give me the opportunity to say "hey its on this disk already" go get it there . No it unnecessarily updates all its records? Next time I want something it will do the same even an hour or so later WHY?


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Ubuntu :: Open Source Software That Costs Money?

Jul 26, 2011

Is it possible for software to be open source and cost money? I'm pretty sure I've seen it before (Lugaru) though I have no idea what you would call it?

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Hardware :: BIG Home Archive Server - Money No Object?

Mar 29, 2010

I'm taking a very large collection of music and also newly purchased anime DVDs and adding them to another large existing collection, basically hundreds of ogg/mp3 and OGV-type files on a jukebox system to serve to my PS3 via mediatomb. (No, I'm not handing out copies and risking the feds at my door! I'm just trying to save my CDs and DVDs from ruin by over-replaying.)

My problem is I want to save electricity and minimize my carbon footprint but also I need a LOT of terabytes for what I have and what I will have, since these are going to be DVD quality (and later Blu-Ray quality) movies playing on a big TV from the PS3. I want RAID 6 level redundancy so that when 2 or even 3 drives fail (as Murphy's Law says they will want to do all at once), I can still recover. (Yes, I'm an insurance dude, with all the risk aversion that this implies)

What would y'all suggest that I do here, short of getting the same energy-hogging racks in corporate server rooms? Is there a way to "go green" with a multi terabyte multiple redundancy system or am I just wishfully thinking?

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Hardware :: File Server - RAID Considerations - Bargain Hunting Vs Spending Money?

Feb 25, 2010

I was hoping I could pick your brains about this if anyone has the time!- I'm going to set up a file server for a record label who's office has fewer than 20 people. I would like it to have > 2TB storage on RAID 5. (To beat their current 2TB on a single disk). I feel like I have a pretty good candidate with this server from here:

1U Server - with 4 x Hot-swap SATA (1156pin) Dual-Core 2.8GHz - Intel Pentium G6950 - 3MB, 533 MHz, 1156pin 4GB memory [URL].. I can pick this up locally to avoid shipping but will have to pay CA state sales tax. About $1000 if I use software RAID, or a little over $1400 w/ their recommended RAID controller- LSI 3Ware 9650SE-4LPML I will buy 4 of these WD RE3 drives: (1TB for $160 w/ TLER for RAID)[URL].. How am I doing here? Am I spending too much? Where do YOU shop for fair priced servers? Would you consider a cheap 2nd hand PowerEdge or something - replacing the SCSI controller with an economical HighPoint RAID controller that supports 4 or 8 SATA2 drives..?

They are prepared to spend some money but I'd really don't want to waste money on anything too overkill. They are friends and also people I work for on occasion. I don't mean to open the can of worms about hardware RAID vs software RAID because the answer is clearly that hardware RAID is better. But for a simple file server? I could afford to get an 8 bay 2U server with room to grow if i didn't spend the cash on that fancy controller. However, I would love for them to see a red LED light up on the server when a drive fails. What would you do?

Last but not least. I'm planning on using ubuntu server + samba. Without starting a "which distro is best" thread, can any one warn me if ubuntu is a poor choice for a file server that they can just turn on an forget about? I've been cutting my teeth on Fedora/Ubuntu for a couple years now. I can still benefit from the ease of use an community support for ubuntu, but I'm not afraid to get my hands a little dirty if there is truly a better choice. But I don't want to curse at the computer. I just want to get the job done!

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Ubuntu :: Finding The Equivalent To Microsoft Money Where Can Access Online Account And Download The Transactions

Sep 13, 2010

I've found the office equivalent to MS office that I was currently using and have acclimated myself to those programs. Now, I'm looking for the closest equivalent to Microsoft money where I can access my on-line account and download the transactions as I have been doing with Microsoft Money. I've recently downloaded kmymoney, but I don't know how to set up the on-line account download.

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General :: Best LXDE Based Distro/distro That Supports LXDE?

Dec 15, 2010

Lubuntu is nice - but it seems the LXDE version is not as up to date as Fedora LXDE Spin or even Debian squeeze with LXDE installed. I do like Chromium on Lubuntu though... its faster and a nice touch. I am looking for a lightweight 64-bit distribution for my main laptop (it is by no means "old" or "low spec" but I like that Lubuntu starts up in like 2 secs).

LXDE version seems not to be recent (esp in 10.04 version which seems to work more stably for me - with Nvidia drivers etc)64 bit install is currently a pain - requires first install of minimal CD or alternate CD both of which required wired Ethernet, then install of lubuntu from PPA. Native 64-bit support would be nice. Linux Mint LXDE, for example, is also only 32-bit.

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Networking :: Why Doesn't Distro 9.0 Setup Work For 13.1 Distro?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a linux box set up as a multi-purpose server for my home with three Windows client PC's. The linux box is based on a slightly modified Slackware 9.0 distribution using Linux 2.4.20 and an unfortinately old, slow AMD processor with a miserable 512Kb RAM. The linux box serves the CIFS file system to the Windows boxes, runs the SQUID HTTP proxy, the Apache web server, a print server, does masquerading, mail serving and a very effective firewall using iptables.

This system, although slow, has run perfectly for several years.Let me say that again - This system works perfectly.I had decided that now is the time to upgrade the hardware, so I bought a Gigabyte LGA775 motherboard which has two 1Gb network interfaces on it, an ASUS 256Mb PCI-E display card, 2Gb of DDR3 RAM, an Intel Core2-Quad processor and a bunch of 500Gb SATA drives to set up a RAID5 array (but I intend that the system boot off one of several 40Gb PATA drives I have).I set up the processor, motherboard, display card, RAM, a SATA DVD Drive and a 40Gb PATA hard disk in a "breadboard" layout and installed distro 13.1, being careful to set up the static IP for the local network, dhcpcd to get an IP address from the cable modem (my internet connection) and to enable ip_forward in the network configuration.

Then I installed a script invoked by /etc/rc.d/rc.local which installed all the SAME iptables rules as my old Linux box. There was one minor glitch when I had to change 8 occurrences of "-d ! $LOCAL_NET to" "! --destination $LOCAL_NET" but that was no problem. I also set up /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts , the BIND server files etc. etc. exactly as in the old box.

I am able to ping (this is at the heart of Australia's internet hub network - if it's down the whole bloody thing is down) and have the system find the correct IP from the designated nameservers and contact that server with a return trip time of 35ms. I am able to run a telnet session from one of the Windows boxes and edit files on the Linux server. So both network interfaces work and I've got them the right way around.I am able to run FTP on one of the Windows boxes and connect through to, although it seems to hang when I try a DIR (but then so does the old linux system).

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General :: How To Add A Distro

Jul 14, 2010

I have Windows and Pclinuxos on my machine. I get the option of selecting either when I boot up. I now want to add Mandriva One, giving me three choices. I've created a new partition for Mandriva and the table now looks like this:


I have tried installing a third OS (Windows + 2 distros) in the past but still only got two choices - Windows and the last installed distro. The first distro was still in the machine but not showing on the boot up screen. I've tried to read up about chainloading but don't really understand it.

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General :: How To Know All App Of A Distro

Feb 28, 2011

How can I know all the tools and app that comes with a distro, for example Debian 6 ?I can see that linux distros have a lot a small , medium apps (natives like cat, join, paste, etc; and 3rd party like iwconfig, etc=)So , how can I know what i have with a linux distro ?

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General :: Need New Distro Installable From USB?

Oct 28, 2010

I would like a new linux distro. I've been using ubuntu for like 2 years or more and I'm just done with it. Some things that I want out of the new distro are:
Since I like learning, I want the distro to NOT be so user-friendly. I want a challenge. Just anything new to learn would be amazing. I need wireless support out of the box though, since that's the only source of internet I have around here.. I need it to be installable from usb, since i'm using a netbook without a cd drive.

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General :: Can't Decide On A New Distro?

May 9, 2010

I've had Ubuntu (8.10) on my netbook in the past and I really liked it. I'm currently running Fedora and feeling like I should "change it up" again. I've played around with Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid a little, and so far I'm very impressed. I've always wanted to try Arch, but I'm worried I won't have the driver support I need for all the non-standard hardware in a netbook.

Does anybody have a suggestion for a new distro to try? I'm preferably looking for something feature-rich over light-weight, and something that I can have up and running with a minimum of configuration (at least partially working).

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General :: Which Distro To Run On A Slow SSD?

Aug 7, 2010

I bought an Eee PC 1000, the Linux SSD model, a couple years ago. I ended up putting Easy Peasy (then called Ubuntu Eee) onto it, only to be dissatisfied with the speed. Then I put Windows XP on it, and with a LOT of tweaking it ran sort of okay. Now I pulled it out and dusted it off but I want it to run Linux.

It has the Intel Atom 1.6ghz processor and 2gb of RAM (I upgraded it) so there's no lack of power there, but the SSD is extremely slow; it has a small write buffer, but when you do anything slightly significant you can feel the system stutter every second or two as the SSD halts everything while it dumps its full cache to disk. I'm talking serious stutters, and the cache isn't very big; to get Firefox to not stutter I had to move all caching into RAM and disable history (even just writing the history log to disk froze the system with every webpage).

Anyway, I hope I've given you a decent idea of just how slow this SSD is. With that said, is there a Linux distro that is optimized for an extremely slow hard drive but decent powered system? I'm not looking for something underpowered because the processor and RAM are plenty powerful, I just want something that perhaps is optimized for not writing to disk often.

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General :: KDE Distro With ATI Support ?

Feb 6, 2010

I didn't know where to post this, but I hope I get an answer. I'm not new to Linux, but I'm not a super user either. I've been distro hopping for years, until I found Mandriva 2010. I love it, but whenever I install the ATI drivers I get a Kwin has crashed error every time I start up. So I tried openSuse 11.2, it's a pleasant distro implements KDE well, but I got the same results with openSuse.

My question to you guys is, what current KDE distro has the best support for ATI cards? Or is there a way to get either KDE or openSuse working correctly? I've tried everything I found in other forums to no avail.

My specs:
XFX HD Radeon 4770
AMD Athlon II X4 625
2 GB of Ram

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General :: Different Distro On A Server?

Apr 6, 2010

My question is, is it okay (for example) if i have an Ubuntu desktop and i will connect it to a Red Hat PC Server. Will it do? or should i have to have a same distro for both Desktop and Server.

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General :: Which Distro Is Best Coded

Apr 9, 2010

I have used Linux since 2007. I have find chance to try Ubuntu, Debian, Suse, Arch.

Question is Which distro is best coded?

I believeall distros can have same functions and Many distros is good for me. I dont have any problem with any of above distos. So which is best according to their base code system

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General :: Looking For Distro For Best Documentation?

Apr 14, 2010

I am looking for a distro that have good quality -not quantity- documantation. that is, It should be right, clear and even newbie can apply them.

Which distro is suit for it?

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General :: RDP Only Distro, For Legacy PC's?

Apr 16, 2010

Where, I'm looking for a Linux Micro-distro which let me do certain thingsWhat I want?I want a linux distro which I CAN install on old PC, Pentium 2/Pentium 3 PC, from 600mhz to 900mhz and from 128MB Ram to 250MBWhat I want that this distro does?Well, I want a distro that I can configure DHCP so automatically get the assigned IP/DNS info.his distro should boot directly to an RDP (Remote Desktop protocol) Client, just that. Automatically should connect to a predefined server which will ask for the user credentials, this windows shouldn't be closeable or if can be close automatically should re-open until the user enter his/her credentials.The distro should have a file or a way in which an administrator can choose/change the server to which the user will connect.

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General :: How To Copy Distro To CD

Jun 19, 2010

I have an ISO copy of back track but it wont burn to DVD (using infrarecorder)

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General :: Best Way To Test A Distro?

Jun 25, 2010

What is the best way to test a distro? As a newbie, I am trying out several different distro's. I run them from a live CD and see if they are easy for me to set up my wireless, can be configured to multiple monitors, corectly recognize my hardware. I then connect to the internte and see if it plays videos or needs codecs downloaded, then connect to the reository and download any needed codecs, or pick a random program and see how easy it is to download and install.

Is this a reasonable way to check out a distro, or should I be looking at something else? Keep in mind, I am a newbie who is a user, not a hacker, and know nothing of the commandline yet.

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General :: What Best Distro To Install?

Jul 2, 2010

I bought laptop HP ProBook 4520s (Core i3, ATI Mobility Radeon 4350, 4GB 1333MHz Ram).I'm looking for the best Linux distro to install on it. With which distro do you think it will cooperate best?I had a problem with Ubuntu 10.04 (stripes when playing video).

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General :: Using Ubuntu 10.10 - Looking For New Distro (GUI)

Dec 25, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu 10.10 for a few days now, it is a nice OS but at times I feel its bloated and feel even slower than windows xp or even my windows 7 which I'm dual booting. I'm looking for a distro that's similar speed wise to windows xp while still being relatively easy to use/install as well as a gui.

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