Software :: X Locks Up Soon After Login On Red Hat 9?

Apr 30, 2011

Just a little bit of back history here. I created this server when Red Hat 9 was the latest greatest thing and it has been running like a champ ever since. Recently, it started locking up when I would enter X11. I thought the problem might be a power supply as it was making some noise, I switched it out, got rid of the noise, but, not the lock up.I have to admit, I am not much of a tinkerer when it comes to Linux, I will install and get the things I want to work working, then leave it alone, typically it runs for years and years with no problem. Nothing has been installed or changed on this box. Absolutely everything works fine, with the exception of X11, which did work for 10 years. Now it freezes within 1-5 minutes of logging in (if I stay at the username and password screen it seems to run fine). If I run the failsafe windows manager, it seems to also run fine. If I run KDE or Gnome, the mouse will still move around the screen, but, nothing will respond.

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Ubuntu :: New 10.10 Locks Up After Login

Jan 24, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on an older PC along side Windows XP. Everything boots fine in Ubuntu, until I log in. At this point I just get a blank purple window. No icons or start menu or anything. I am able to log in fine in safe mode.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 9.10 Karmic Locks Up During Login?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm having one heck of a time getting Ubuntu to run on a Mac Mini. The OS installs flawlessly. It's after the install that the problems start. As soon as I input my username and password the Circle icon for loading appears and nothing happens beyond that point. Mind you I've installed Ubuntu at least 20 times and I'm about fed up with it.I've installed Fedora-PPC and Vine Linux. They both allowed me to login without any problems. I just want to install and run Ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Computer Locks Up And Then Goes Into Login Screen?

Aug 6, 2010

Recently, ive been having this problem with ubuntu in which while im watching a movie and thus not doing anything else, everything locks up except for the sound (if i attempt to move mouse doens't work) and then it goes into the login screen. Previously, ubuntu would fade away into the login screen.

So is there any way to prevent ubuntu from going to the login screen if the user is not moving the mouse? non-fading login screen?

edit: oh and i also have this sometimes occuring problem where i type my password to login, it logs in, and then it immediately goes back to login screen. A second login works. probably not relevant

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General :: One Incorrect SSH Login Attempt Locks Out For An Hour?

Mar 23, 2010

I've never observed this problem neither did any of my colleagues trying to SSH into the same system. If I try logging into my server using a wrong username and then press ^C to terminate or exhaust my password attempts, I am locked out for at least an hour. Is there something I can do on my end to fix this problem?

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 LTSP Locks Up After 23rd Login?

Sep 3, 2010

I am currently running LTSP on Ubuntu 10.04. It is a dual gig nic setup with 16GB of ram and dual AMD quad core 2.4s. I installed all the latest updates as well as likewise-open so we can use AD authentication. When testing the configuration in the lab, I boot 32 clients that successfully reach the login screen. Here comes the interesting part, I can log in, using all unique AD accounts, up to 22 clients. When I attempt to log in to the 23rd client LTSP hangs. If I restart a client it will retrieve an IP address, but TFTP will eventually time out. All of the clients are connected to a Gigabit switch along with the server so network speeds are not an issue. When I run system monitor it only shows 3.6GB of memory in use and the processors are all under 10% utilization. I have beating my head against this issue for 2 days .

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Ubuntu Networking :: Laptop Locks Hard On Login Screen If No Ethernet Cable Plugged In

Jul 15, 2011

Acer 5250-BZ475 laptop, fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04. Boots up beautifully as long as an ethernet cable is plugged in. Otherwise, I get to the login screen and have just enough time to start typing in my password before the entire system hangs hard - no mouse, no keyboard, can't even get to a terminal, nothing. Have to hard power off the machine.

It seems to be a problem with the wireless card trying to initialize, but there doesn't seem to be a bios option to disable wireless on this laptop, so I'm a bit at a loss as to how to fix this problem. By the way, wireless works fine if I boot up with a cable connected - I can see all the wireless access points in my area no problem. I just can't boot without a wired connection, which makes my laptop more or less useless when I'm away from home with it.

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Ubuntu :: Using The Tab Key As Cap Locks

Aug 6, 2010

after my last topic that i got working, i realised i have the same problem as i did in windows, but cannot find a fix by google. and this is exactly why im not using capitals at the start of my sentences.

my cap locks key is broken and i want to use the tab key as my cap locks key. is this possible and how do i do it. i'm a linux noob

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Ubuntu :: Locks Up After Less Than 5 Minutes Of Use?

Aug 18, 2010

I have to type this quick because Ubuntu will lock up on me.The screen goes black, the cursor does NOT move, and the only way to recover is to do a hard reboot. This happened when I had windows XP installed as well, only it would reboot the machine after 5 minutes.I barely have time to open one program and it locks up.Could this be a hardware issue?I tried taking out the video card I had bought, thinking it would solve the problem, but it does not.

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Fedora Installation :: 12 Install Locks Up?

Feb 26, 2010

I have installed Fedora 12 from the DVD with no apparent issues. It then had me reboot. The color bar goes all the way across the bottom of the screen and Fedora 12 turns white. The screen goes blank and the light is on for the floppy disk. Keyboard does not function and my LCD monitor says no input signal.If I hit esc key while it is trying to boot I see a lot of things being loaded but it is to fast to read what happens last.---------- Post added at 07:31 PM CST ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM CST ----------By searching the forum I found that by hitting esc repeatedly I can get to the Grub menu. Once there I edited the command line and added a 3 at the end of the line.I am now logged in as Root.

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Fedora :: PC Locks Up - Switching Off Only Way To Recover It

Aug 7, 2011

I'm running Fedora 15 64bit on a HP Elitebook 8740w. I have both Gnome and XFCE installed, and have only noticed this problem while using XFCE, but that may just be because I am using XFCE more than Gnome (that's another story - which I won't go into!). Anyhow, twice in the past 3 days I've been in the middle of using the PC, and it has "locked up". By that I mean, using the keyboard and mouse have no effect. The display does not change, moving the mouse does not move the cursor from it's current position. And keyboard commands seem to have no effect (I've tried ctrl-alt-backspace, ctrl-alt-delete, and alt-F1, alt-F2, etc.). The only way I can continue using the computer is to hold in the power button until it powers off.

I suspect, but can't be sure, that it may only be a problem while I'm in XFCE. The reason I say this is that the first time it happened, I was trying to do a screen capture using The Gimp while in XFCE. Today I also tried to do another screen capture (again whilst in XFCE), and X kicked me out back to the login prompt. I then logged into Gnome and was able to successfully do the screen capture. Later in the day I was using XFCE and programming in SpringSource Tool Suite, when the "lock up" occurred again, requiring me to switch the PC off again. I've had a bit of a look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old and it finishes like this. I'm not sure if it is enough info to track down the problem though?


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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Freezes/locks Up On First Boot Almost Every Day?

Jan 6, 2010

It gets stuck on the boot screen with the status bar, or on the loggin screen. The only solution is to reset. After that it is usually fine for the day and will reboot fine, it's a dual boot and my boys use windos on it a couple times a day also, that's why it's getting rebooted so much.

Any possible reasons for this? Or, how can I kill the boot image and get a text based boot screen? I tried Startupmanager, but it doesn't seem to work on 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Using Cdrom Locks Up System?

Feb 19, 2010

whenever i try to burn mp3 from a disk in the cdrom, the system will freeze up solid, keyboard, screen, mouse, the whole shebang. ubuntu will see an audio disk in the cdrom, and i can play some tracks off it (sometimes), but trying to copy it to mp3s will crash everything after about 2-3 minutes. somewhere between tracks 2 - 4. anyone else have issues? i have tried a different cdrom, and cables... and i hate to say it but it works under windows.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Locks On Startup 50% Of Time

May 13, 2010

I've experienced this problem with a distribution upgrade and then subsequently with a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04. Basically half the time that I boot up Ubuntu, it completely locks up with the following messages on screen (Sorry, I had to take a picture since it was locked up)However, when it does boot correctly, it pauses for just a moment after displaying the above text, and then displays a few additional lines, after which it goes on to boot 'normally'.

The next lines show 'plymouth' and 'ureadahead' processes being killed. If these lines show up the boot continues normally, otherwise the boot process hangs at the first picture.It is pretty frustrating to have to perform a hard restart during nearly every other boot, and the hangs seem almost completely random. Sometimes, it happens a couple times in a row, sometimes I can boot normally several times in a row. It also doesn't seem to be related to a cold start, versus a restart.

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Ubuntu :: Freezes / Locks - Up / Non-responsive?

Aug 30, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04. I have a HP Pavilion Dv7 Laptop, 4GB of ram, An AMD Turion X2 processor, my main HDD is 250GB Samsung and my other internal HDD is a 250GB Western digital. I am Very new to Ubuntu and the forums, So i wish to apologize if this is posted in wrong section. Now on to my problem, While using my computer the screen will go gray(all open windows), and my HDD light stays on. I never had this problem before on my other computer that has Ubuntu on it too. And as i said every window goes gray and the HDD light stays on and it happens randomly. It will come back to normal some times but others i have to Force Power down.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Randomly Locks Up?

Sep 19, 2010

Once in a while, my mouse pointer will just lock up and then when I try to kill the X server by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Backspace on my keyboard, it quits the desktop and it shows my wallpaper. It does not go back to the login screen. How do I fix this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Screensver Locks Even After Disabling?

Nov 22, 2010

I have disabled the screensaver from locking the computer and asking for a password. I did this by unchecking the box in System > Preferences > Screensaver which says 'Lock screen when screensaver is active.'

However, the screensaver still locks the screen.

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit on an HP Pavilion dv5.

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Ubuntu :: Locks On Shutdown When Via Terminal?

Dec 6, 2010

When I try shutting down Ubuntu (10.04) via the terminal (sudo shutdown now) it locks on the splash screen. I doesn't doe that when I shutdown with the button.

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Ubuntu :: System Locks Up On Restart

Feb 2, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my old Toshiba Satellite laptop. I'm dual booting with another Linux distro - ZenMini Everything works O.K. running Ubuntu but I can't restart the system with out it locking up. I have to power down completely from Ubuntu. I don't have any problem restarting with ZenMini so its obviously an Ubuntu problem.

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Ubuntu :: Run Program When Screen Locks

Feb 7, 2011

I would like to run a command when the screen locks, and another when it unlocks. I work in a shared office space. When I leave my desk (and the screen locks) I would like the webcam motion capture software 'motion' to run, in order to record anyone who uses my computer when I'm gone. Likewise when I come back and unlock the screen I would like it to pause.

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Ubuntu :: Locks Up On The Install Screen?

Mar 1, 2011

When Ubuntu loads on my laptop (micron gx3, pentium 4) it freezes on the install screen. Is there something about my hardware that might cause a problem? I looked @ the other micron GX3 forums and didn't see the same case

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Ubuntu :: Computer Locks Up Slows Way Down?

Jul 9, 2011

About a week after installing 11.04, I started noticing that my computer basically locks up after leaving it for many hours. When I come back, I cant get any programs to respond. I click on Firefox and it takes about one minute for it to finally respond. If I try to launch Konsole, it locks up too. But suddenly all programs start responding at the same time, after about one minute.

This is very frustrating and I just feel the problem is zeitgeist. Of course I am not sure because I cant even run System Monitor to check the problem since I cant run any apps for about a minute. By the time I run System Monitor everything is working again.

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General :: Duplicate Ids In /proc/locks

Mar 30, 2010

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga) 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5xen (Xen release for virtualisation)

I'm trying to track down a problem with a utility that used to work and now hangs indefinitely. Since its hanging, I suspected a locking problem, and went to have a look for the process ids in /proc/locks; I get:

148: FLOCK ADVISORY WRITE 30279 ca:21:49153 0 EOF
148: -> FLOCK ADVISORY READ 30282 ca:21:49153 0 EOF

Now as near as I can tell this shouldn't be my problem, since the two ADVISORY locks - one READ and one WRITE - shouldn't conflict with one another. But I'd like to understand it all the same. I haven't been able to find any kind of definitive guide for the format of /proc/locks entries, but what I did find in the manuals specifically states:

"Each lock has its own line which starts with a unique number. "

Which is obviously not true; both of my lines start with the same number. Also, since most search engines don't seem to play nicely with symbols, I can't find any reference to what the "->" means.

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General :: SuSe 11.3 - System Locks

Nov 28, 2010

I am having problems with suse 11.3 after upgrade. system locks, so would like to know what logs to start looking into for clues as to what is going on.

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Server :: Locks Table During Mysqldump?

Dec 7, 2010

We are running an adserver with mysql as the database. We backup the database every hour and lately noticed that ads doesn't get delivered at the time of backup. The database size is 1.2 GB in which a single table ifself is 1.1 GB. Googling around the problem says this may be due to lock table feature in mysqldump and disabling it might solve the issue but i'm afraid whether this would be a problem. Can anyone please explain what lock table means and will it be a problem if i disable it or may be any other alternative solutions/assitance (other than master/slave or replication since we cannot afford it at this time) would be really helpful.

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Ubuntu :: 9-10 Locks Up After Close A Program

Feb 2, 2011

I can click to close a program to close it and it will lock. No matter what I do; (click on EDIT OR FILE, etc, the system will lock. This happens several times each day. I shut down using ALT + SYSRQ + R, S, E, I, U, then B for a soft shutdown. I have used Ubuntu before, but this is a fresh install after having problems with the computer. Computer is a Dell 2400.

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Fedora Installation :: 12 - Splash Screen Locks Up ?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a Dell Latitude E5500. For some time I've been installing different distros on it to find which is best suited for my needs. I've tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mandriva, openSuSE, Fedora, and several others. So far, openSuSE takes the cake in terms of what I need, speed, usability, etc. However, I have a soft spot for Fedora and I'm trying so hard to make things work, but I'm kind of at the end of the road unless you guys have some suggestions.

I was in the IRC chat for Fedora asking around, and one user was kind enough to point me in this direction, which made sense as to why I was having issues.


I was having mixed results, but I had also installed from a Fedora KDE LiveCD. I decided I'd try the full DVD release of Fedora 12 64 bit, so I installed it this evening.

To my disappointment, even the nomodeset parameter does nothing. I get to the blue screen where there's some kind of logo in the center that fills in with white. After it fills in, an F appears. That's where it stops. It just goes no further. Further adding to the confusion is the fact that the fix lists a kernel there, indicating (to me at least) that the kernel listed is when a fix was deployed. I have a newer kernel than that, and despite that I still have these issues.

So needless to say, I'm using my laptop as testing grounds to plop a different distro than Ubuntu on my laptop and 2 servers full time. I really want to make Fedora work, but at the same time I have to use what works for me. Not being able to boot and log in is kind of a big deal. :P

Is there anything I can do or try? I want to keep the OS's I run all the same, so if Fedora 12 bombs out on this laptop, it has no chance on the other servers I plan to run at work. So far openSuSE is running without a hitch but I'd really like to give Fedora 12 a chance....

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Mouse Button Locks

Sep 30, 2010

I downloaded Fedora 13 (x86_64) just two or three days ago, and installed it in VMWare Workstation. The problem that I am having is that the OS will randomly think that I am holding down the left mouse button, which I am clearly not. I only installed the base system (development pack), and did not add any of ther other repositories. I would really like to be able to use Fedora 13, and not just have it sitting there on my HDD, and also use it as a server operating system (because of the configuration tools)

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Fedora :: Suspend / Hibernate Locks Up System?

Jun 16, 2011

Suspend / hibernate locks up my system.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.2 - System Locks Up When Using USB Mouse?

Feb 12, 2010

At first I thought this was a scanner problem, but I've found that if I'm using the mouse while I'm scanning or sometimes just flipping back and forth with my usb kvm the keyboard and mouse become useless. If I'm scanning while I use the mouse, the system locks up. Here is what I'm seeing in /var/log/messages.

After executing xsane:

Feb 12 11:10:41 bnmlinux xsane: io/hpmud/musb.c 1987: invalid usb_open: Permission deniedFeb 12 11:10:41 bnmlinux xsane: io/hpmud/musb.c 1987: invalid usb_open: Permission deniedFeb 12 11:10:41 bnmlinux xsane: io/hpmud/musb.c 1987: invalid usb_open: Permissi
on deniedFeb 12 11:10:41 bnmlinux xsane: io/hpmud/musb.c 1987: invalid usb_open: Permissi


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