Programming :: Copy A File Securely To Remote Host In JAVA?

Feb 2, 2009

I am looking for an API in JAVA which gives me functionality to copy a file to remote host in secure manner like (SCP).

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Applications :: Scp Copy A Directory And Its Contents From A Remote Machine To Local Host

Oct 8, 2010

For the life of me I can not figure out what I am doing wrong with scp to copy a directory and its contents from a remote machine to my local host. I have no issues with getting a single file but would like to just save time and get the whole folder in one command.

Here is what I have tried:

scp user AT remoteMachine:/home/username/folderIwant user AT localMachine:/folderIwant this gives me a permission denied error and try again and received disconnect from localHost to many authentication failures

scp user AT remoteMachine:home/username/folderIwant . says can not find file or folder

I am sure this is something easy that I cant remember, and searches gives me local to remote not remote to local and trying to make the local to remote suggestions I read to work remote to local have not worked.

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Programming :: Script To Copy Files From One Host To A Group?

Mar 31, 2011

I have one script that goes through some IPs:

# This is a script to copy files from one host to a group of


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Programming :: Accessing Server From Remote Host?

Mar 2, 2011

i have made a java web server which works on localhost.but now i want to capable it handling many clients at a clients running on different computer need machine name or IP address of server computer.How can i do this in java?

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Programming :: Java Program To Display IP Address And Host Names In Wireless?

Feb 25, 2011

"Java Program to Display IP Address and Host Names in Wireless".

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General :: Remote Copy File

Aug 3, 2010

I would like to use the command rcp to copy file from remote server ( linux ) to local pc , what is the command ?the remote server name is lnx_srv , the path is /tmp/ora_file1.txt , the linux login id is ora_usr , the .rhosts have released to ora_usr the localhost pc path is c:OraI read the help page of windows , tried the command rcp lnx_srv.ora_usr:/tmp/ora_file1.txt c:Ora , but not work , the error is "rsh: can't establish connection" , Can advise what is wrong ? what comamnd should i use ?

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Ubuntu :: Use Swat Securely From A Securely Location?

Aug 6, 2010

How can you use swat securely from a securely location?

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General :: Copy A File From Remote Directory

Aug 4, 2011

How to copy a file from remote to local directory and vice versa using ftp bat script file in telnet.

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General :: Remote File Copy Through Archiving Software ?

Oct 6, 2010

I need to back up a fold on a remote machine to my local box; the remote hd does not have enough space archive it, neither does my local box. I know there's a cantrip to pipe scp through gzip (or similar), but I don't remember the syntax.

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Software :: Using Dd To Copy An Image File To A Remote System?

Apr 7, 2010

I am trying to get the dd command to successfully copy a disk image to a remote system.Right now I am testing out the syntax by trying to copy the /dev/sda1 directory of the subject computer. The command syntax that I am using is the following:Code:dd if=/dev/sda1 ibs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror | (ssh of=/roarchive/test obs=4096)The user account running this command is root, and the account does have key-based authentication between the source and destination computers. The command does not return any error messages, but when I check the directory on the destination system, the expected output is not there.

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General :: Bash Script That Read From File And Ping Remote Host

Feb 13, 2011

Q=What will this do?
A=This will read from /root/Desktop/iplist (or anywhere you want to put the list) after it reads the ip it will ping the ip two times. If the remote host is up then it will write the ip to a log. If the ping fails it will display it on the screen, write the ip to syslog so that you can do remote logging, and last it will send the ip by email to a user or a group of users.

#wrote by Zach Underwood feb-12-2011
#test and wrote on centos 5.5 with sendmail
rm -f /root/Desktop/iplog #This will remove the good iplog
exec 9</root/Desktop/iplist #put full path the file where ip list is. Make sure that the ips are listed one per line.
while read -u9 ip
ping -c 2 $ip > /dev/null 2> /dev/null # ping and discard output
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # check the exit code
echo "$ip is up" >> /root/Desktop/iplog #write the ip of the hosts that are up
echo "$ip is down" # will show on the screen the ips that are not up
logger -p auth.notice "$ip is down" # will write the down host to syslog
echo "$ip is down" | mail -v -s alert > /dev/null 2> /dev/null #will send mail users about host down

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Ubuntu :: Secure Copy: Overwrite Remote File With Sudo?

Mar 18, 2011

My situation:

Host A: need sudo to access the file
Host B: need sudo to access/overwrite the target file

How to copy a file from host A to host B without creating temporaries? Is it possible?

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General :: Why Dolphin Makes Local Copy When Play A Remote .avi File

Oct 15, 2010

i am using dolphin 1.5 in kde 4.5.2. whenever i try to access movie file from remote samba server. dolphin copies the movie file to somewhere in local hard disk. so, i have to wait until a big file transferring complete. i know that it happens when i open .avi using mplayer. if i open the same remote file with kmplayer, it will player immediately instead of making local copy first. however, kmplayer is very slow and sounds and video stream breaking up, (i am sorry i do not know right english expression for this) i suppose this is not related to mplayer configuration. this seems to be dolphin problem. can i make dolphin to stop copying samba share to local disk and play instantly? there is a video in videos. it is comparing how dolphin and nautilus act differently when i play remote samba share movies.

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Programming :: Script To Copy Paste Text From One File To Another (overwriting Part Of The File)?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a .txt-file with ~50.000 lines of numbers, generated by a mathematics program. From this file, I need line ~ 1.100 to line ~16.000 (these lines are always the same btw, this may make the solution easier, dunno) to be copy/pasted to another file, where the lines ~500 to ~15.000 (also, every time the same) should be overwritten by the aforementioned lines...I haven't found or come up with anything that works yet, mostly I find solutions to copy everything from one file to another but I can't find something to specifically overwrite a part of a file with part of another.

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General :: How To Send A Large File Securely

Aug 28, 2011

I need to send large files from a Linux machine to another using cryptography. The sender machine knows the recipient IP but not vice-versa. I don't need strong cryptography and prefer higher-speed less-secure solutions.

There are no problems with presharing crypto keys but I'd prefer not dealing with SSH users creation.

I think to HTTP PUT over TLS, but I never had experience with it and I prefer to hear which are the possible solutions. I know that it can listen as a daemon but I don't know anything about cryptography. So pipeing with OpenSSL may be a solution.

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Programming :: Copy One File Content To Multiple File

May 28, 2010

I wanted to copy one file to multiple new files. I have an idea to write a script and do the operation. But here i m looking for any particular command to do this operation.

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Programming :: Set File Path For Different OS In Java

May 11, 2011

I'm fighting my way through JAVA. But have hit another wall. Basically I need to to set paths in java so it can set/read files/director for Linux,Mac and windows.

The tutorials I'm using says to do this through the FileSystems class eg


However this reports it is missing, so a look on line says I need the headers so I set them with


This gives the following error

This has me totally confused as the tutorial shows this and checking online shows this, do I need to link in libraries or something like that?

I'm using the latest Ubuntu 11.04 and netbeans.

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General :: Mount A Windows File Share Securely (encrypted)?

Jan 15, 2009

I'd like to find a way to mount a windows file share securely (encrypted) as I'll be communicating over the Internet.

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Ubuntu Security :: Securely Delete File In TrueCrypt Volume

Jan 4, 2011

This one being Ubuntu 9.10 (yes, I know I really should upgrade). I keep a number of confidential files in a TrueCrypt container which is a standalone file in my Documents folder. I'd like to delete some of these, but I want to do it as securely as I can, but I believe if I simply hit 'Delete' with the file selected it'll move the file to the Deleted Items folder. This, I assume, means that the file is taken out of the encrypted volume and stored unencrypted in the Deleted folder.

I've been reading a little about the Shred command, and there seems to be some question about whether it works effectively with a journalled file system; and since I have no idea whether I'm using a journalled file system, or how to find out, I'm treating Shred and other over-writing secure deletion tools as ineffective for now.

With this in mind, can anyone advise me how I can protect the file stored in the TrueCrypt volume, and delete it in place, without taking it out of the encrypted area? And, further to that, can anyone tell me whether in fact the file is actually secured while it's in the encrypted volume? For all I know, just opening the volume may result in copies being made somewhere (apart from RAM).

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Programming :: Script - If Telnet Root Hostname Fails Then Try To Ssh In - Error "Unable To Connect To Remote Host: Connection Refused"

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to make an SSH script for my place of employment. This script, I want to go out to the server hostnames we have specified (in another file) and change a users account password. We use Kerberized telnet, so if telnet root hostname fails, I want it to use ssh username hostname and use the old password (specified). If both fail, I want it to ask the user what the port should be and input the port in the ssh command.

But I'm having a issue having it try telnet root hostname and if it fails then, try to ssh in, I have no clue how to have it proceed. Is it an if statement? Here's the telnet failed message: telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

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Programming :: [Java] Append Something To Each Line In A Text File?

Apr 15, 2009

I am thinking of appending something to each line in a text file with Java. I prefer not write a new file with content appended from the old one.That 'something' would probably be Time Stamp when the file is created (which is same for each line).I am not sure Java provide some easy way for it or not

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Programming :: Create A .bin File From Java Source Code?

Jan 4, 2010

i am trying to generate a linux executable data (bin data) from my java source code.

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Programming :: Script To Copy File Remotely?

Oct 5, 2010

Any sample script that will copy file to remote server.I'm doing it on a manual process using SCP parameter

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Programming :: Parse And Modify File Without Creating A Copy?

Nov 4, 2010

I don't think this is a "perl one-liner" of find and replace. I'm trying to auto-fill some information in a listing of files. The simplest example is that in the files the following exists:

I would want the script to find this and populate it with something like -- Date : 20101004-1758

I have a few more similar fields to autofill, and I'd like to do this from within a larger perl script I'm developing to process these files. So, how I perform in-place file modification from within a perl script?

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Programming :: Copy Lines From Multiple Files To One File Using Sed -w?

Aug 25, 2010

I've been trying to sort this out for several hours and I?m totally lost? I?ve been searching around, but haven?t found the solution to my problem. I have a directory with 100 files. I need to copy 10 lines of each files (let?s say from line 45 to 55) into one unique file. So I guess I could use sed ?w, but I didn?t manage to write the right script. I also tried using a loop to create 100 different files, each one with the 10 lines) to concatenate them later on. But I only got 1 file, not 100.

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Programming :: Restore Copy Folder&file Permission ?

Dec 16, 2010

I have files and folders various permissions.I copied the files and folders to X server.But I forgot to copy of the permissions.Like is hereHow can restore the permissions?

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Programming :: Script To Read File And Copy It To Other Detination?

May 15, 2010

I have file in which i have some paths, i want to write a script so that it can read the file and copy the files from the paths to some destination folder which i will specify in the shell.

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Programming :: Bash Script To Copy Specified Extension File From A Directory?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a directory and sub-directories (4 or 5 depths). There are several type with extension in them (*.mp3, *.wma, *.jpg, etc). I would like to copy the whole directory to another location recursively but only *.mp3 files.

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Programming :: Write A Shell Script Which Will Check A File Name In A Dir And Copy It?

Apr 2, 2010

I am a novice to the shell script. In my system from db server the log files are enerating with the name log1.txt,log2.txt..... It is capable of keeping 10 files at a time in dir called /db/sis/log1.txt. I want to copy the log1.txt to another directory when ever it generating by attaching the time stamp to it for the back-up purpose. this files will be there for a period of 24 hours. after that the back-up dir should be cleared and it start copying again the fresh file from the same dir.

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Programming :: Waiting For File To Copy Before Continuing Processing (Python)

Mar 25, 2010

I have a Python script that copies a couple of DLL's and EXE to a directory before running the EXE. It can be a fresh copy or the files can already be in the target directory and are then overwritten. The script uses shutil.copy() to copy the files and that works but as the files are copying processing continues and the script tries to run the files mid copy, causing an error.

I need a way to wait for the files to finish copying before the script continues. Putting the thread to sleep isn't good enough, calling os.system("copy ...") also doesn't work, using os.path.exist() won't work because the file will exist during the copy.

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