Software :: Shell Script To Install List Of Packages In A File

Jan 21, 2010

I want to install a list of packages in the file. i tried using yum install in a shell script, while read -r line do

echo "Package-->$line"
yum install $line
done < file1.txt
if i run this script:


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General :: List Installed Packages In Debian From A File?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a system that will not boot as /usr has been destroyed and I would like to get a list of installed packages before re-installing. I know that it's possible to get this using dpkg or apt, but I cannot run those.

Where in the filesystem is this information stored and what's the best way to get a list of installed apps from the files?

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Software :: What Program To List All Installed Packages In A Text File And Compare 2 Lists

Feb 22, 2011

I need to get names of all installed packages in 2 machines and save them in 2 text files, then I want to compare these 2 files to know the differences between 2 files and from that I could know the differences between 2 machines. Is it possible to do that and what program I could use?

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Fedora :: List Of All Packages Available For Install On F12 Disks?

Oct 25, 2010

Where might I find a list of all packages available for install on the Fedora 12 disks?

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE 4.6.0 - Older Packages Available In Update List

May 7, 2011

I was following this thread: Upgrade kde4.6>
But just before I clicked accept after saying switch system packages to kde4 repo (the one in that thread) I noticed loads of the packages were older than those installed. In the list it has installed (available) and lots of them were all highlighted in red, and the installed version numbers were higher than the available, yet I'm running kde 4.6.0.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Extract List Of Installed Packages Post Install?

Sep 14, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 10.04 Is it possible to get a list of all packages installed after the initial installation?

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General :: Bash - Shell Utils: Convert A List Of Hex To List Of Decimals?

Dec 27, 2010

How can I convert a file with a lot hex numbers into the decimal?

Example: file1

I want to start $ cat file1 | util | cat >file2 and get file2 with smth like


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Server Install Hangs "Updating List Of Available Packages" / Fix It?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm not sure what more to say than what is in the title. The install stops with the message of "Updating the list of available packages".

I can't copy and paste from the log screen, but. code...

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Fedora :: Save "list Of Installed Packages" In A List And Restore?

Mar 28, 2010

how do I save installed packages in a list and restore ...

rpm -qa > installed-software.log
yum install $(cat installed-software.log)
sorting rpm packages by size
rpm -qa --qf '%{SIZE} %{NAME}
' | sort -n

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Programming :: Get A List Of File Install Locations With Make It?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a bit of a problem and the only solution I can think of at the moment is a very tedious one, so I was hoping there would be a better way. What I am trying to do is cross compile the PPPD program so that I can install it on an embedded system (this system does not have make/gcc on it). It was easy to cross compile it, but I can not run "make install" since I'm compiling on a secondary machine. I don't want to install PPPD on this secondary machine (I couldn't anyway, because it was compiled for a different architecture) and I can't run make install on the target machine because there is no make/build system for it.

So it seems like what I would have to do is to manually copy over each compiled file from the build machine to the appropriate location of the target machine. And the only way (that I know of) to figure out how to do this is to manually examine the Makefiles (yes, there are several for PPPD) and figure out which file should go where on the target system. This isn't trivial because it uses a hierarchy of makefiles and the probability of human error for this method is high.

Is it possible that I could run another command that would give me a list of all the commands that make install would perform? Or a list of all files and their target location for "make install"? Or possibly some other solution that I am completely unaware of that would make this task not so painful and error prone?

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Ubuntu :: Install A Tar.gz File With A Shell Script?

Feb 15, 2010

I have to install a program from a tar.gz file. I have extracted it using fileroller, and it contains an installation "shell script" file.

I have no idea what scripts are, or how they work. I tried sudo make/sudo make install, with no luck. how I install this program using the shell script file?

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General :: Install All Packages From Iso File Without Physical Cd?

Jan 2, 2010

I had installed a debian file using#dpkg -i <file>Now package manager gave count error though that debian file got installed.I tried#apt-get install -fIt says want to download 20MB but no internet on my pc so destined to fail.In synaptic package manager I selected broken packages & marked them for removal.I saw file-roller,totem.seahorse,nautilustc. got uninstalled.question ) I just have iso image of my ubuntu 8.04.How can I use it to install all packages that come by default on cd.

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General :: Install Rpm Packages Using File Globbing With Errors

Jun 23, 2011

I found a rpm feature. If you rpm install * and one of the packages fails to install then none of the remaining packages will be installed.

Does anyone know how to use rpm to install packages with file globbing and have rpm attempt to install all of the packages?

I found that --force works, yet I do not want to install over already installed packages.

I doing this because I need to install all of the packages in a directory.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed To Install File Packages

Jan 24, 2011

I get a box from update manager listing all the updates that it think I should download. I try to, and I just get this message afterwards, "Failed to fetch [URL] Hash Sum mismatch". Any solutions?

Edit- I'm running on Ubuntu 10.10 if that's any help.

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General :: Install One Testing Package By Just Modifying Source.list File?

Apr 26, 2010

I want to pick up Python3 from squeeze, meanwhile I would like to stay with lenny with all other packages. Is this possible by just modifying source.list file?

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Fedora :: Install / Remove Packages Written On A Text File?

Sep 9, 2010

I use the show-leaves yum plugin, and sometimes I use that info to remove some unnecessary packages. But that list can be long, so I write them on a text file.

1) Instead of removing packages one by one is there a way to remove all packages written in that text file?

2) Why isn't the output of the show-leaves plugin compatible with the output of "package-cleanup --leaves"?

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General :: List The Removed Rpm Packages Used By Rpm -e ?

Jun 23, 2011

OS: RHEL / CentOS If I use "yum" to add / erase packages, OS will log the info to file /var/log/yum.log.

But if use "rpm -e" to remove a package, there is no related log file to show which rpm package got earsed. I have to run "rpm -qa > /tmp/$TIME", and then diff the /tmp/$TIME file to get the difference.

Is there is command to show the erased packages (erased by using rpm -e)?

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Slackware :: Way To List All Packages By Size?

Apr 2, 2011

pkgtool just lists it in alphabetical order.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Packages - Error File '/content' Not Found On Medium

Jul 1, 2010

I have it running on my system (version 11.1.1) and i have installed only the kernel. i want to install several packages but i can't. yast2 -i bison-devel but i get this error:Error Download failed: File '/content' not found on medium [URL]...

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Software :: Shell Script For Monitoring A List Of IP's?

Sep 16, 2010

I am new for linux shell script, i ve a task to monitor a list of IP's Listen on the Particula Port. I ve list of IP's,from that list i need to monitor. If the prticular IP in the list is not listening on given port num then send a alert mail. Can any one guid me to write a shell script.

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Debian :: List Only Non-automatic Installed Packages?

Apr 20, 2016

How do you list only installed packages that were not installed automatically? I see in aptitude that it will list whether they were installed automatically or not, but it is hard to find them because the are a lot more installed automatically than non-automatically.

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Debian :: List Packages Installed From A Branch?

May 3, 2010

I can't remember if branch is the correct term but I am talking stable, testing or unstable.

i have looked through the dpkg and aptitude man pages but can't seem to find if there is a way to search which packages on the system are installed from a specific branch. Is there a way to do this?

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Debian :: Cannot Locate List Of Essential Packages?

Oct 20, 2010

I fruitlessly tried to understand the mechanism of package clean in Debian. There are two types of packages: the one that are essential for user and dependencies of these packages. How could I found where the list of essential packages is kept in Debian? (in Gentoo it is called world-file)
dkpg -l shows me the list of all packages installed.

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Fedora :: Yum List Installed Packages From Repository

Feb 19, 2010

how to get yum to list all of the packages currently installed from a specific repository?

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Fedora :: Yum : List Installed Packages By Keyword?

Apr 21, 2011

I want to list all installed packages by keyword. For example I want to know what packages were installed related to "game". How can I do that in Fedora?

I tried 'yum list installed', 'you search' ... but still can't find a solution. I'm not a yum expert .

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Fedora :: List Packages On Remote Server?

Jul 8, 2011

I'm trying to list installed packages on a remote server. I don't see a way to do this with either yum or rpm.In particular, I'd like to list installed packages on a remote server, and list only those packages installed from our own repo

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Fedora :: Finding A List Of Renamed Packages?

Sep 1, 2011

I get annoyed sometimes that from one Fedora release to another, some programs get renamed or put into different packages. Examples:

* Gnome's volume control applet. Used to be provided by gnome-media, now it's moved to control-center. Worse, the command itself was renamed from gnome-volume-control-applet to gnome-sound-applet, so I couldn't even try a `yum provides` search to locate it.

* Gnome's Disk Usage Analyzer tool. Used to be in a package by itself, baobab. Now it's provided by gnome-utils.

Is there a wiki or something where the full list of all renamed/repackaged programs can be found? I'm not a Gnome desktop user, so, while I'm sure all the packages I like from Gnome are just there out-of-the-box for most users, it doesn't help me very much. The volume control applet for example is extremely useful for other desktop environments (and Gnome itself really doesn't have much need for it anyway, since they have their own built into the window shell).

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To List Installed Packages

Mar 3, 2010

How can I list what i have installed for current packages, excluding what normally comes with a fresh install of 9.10?

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Ubuntu :: Get Detailed List Of Installed Packages?

Nov 25, 2010

I know I can do a dpkg --get-selections to get a list of installed packages. Is there a way to get the version of the package listed as well?

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Ubuntu :: Get A List Of Packages That I Installed Deliberately?

Feb 23, 2011

In MacPorts, the ports I would be looking for are the requested ports. They have a system so that when you install a port, that port is marked as requested. Also if you want to keep a port that was installed as a dependency, you can set it to be requested manually. Does the Debian system have the same functionality? It seems that there are some utilities that get that done..

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