Software :: Sending Same Command To All Windows In Screen?

Mar 3, 2010

I just have one question that is it possible to send same command at the same time to all windows in screen on Linux.

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Software :: Using Screen Command/feature - How To Fix Windows Scrolling

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how it's possible to fix so that scrolling of text works.


I ssh somewhere if I work here ls or more huge text file then I can easy have x=100 or even 1000 lines. it's possible to scroll up and down in the window to se text etc. Then I start screen cmd... then I only have that amount of screen hight and width of the original screen visible from the first window when I started the screen function. How do one configure so that it is possible to scroll indefinite if I for instance do a more command on a text file with some 1000 lines?

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OpenSUSE :: Sending A Command Line SMS?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm trying to send a text message from the command line to a cell phone. Right now I'm working with gnokii but it isn't panning out. I ranCode:echo "This is a test message" | gnokii --sendsms +17191234567 -r but it isn't working. The output I get is this

GNOKII Version 0.6.27


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Ubuntu :: Sending Mail From Command-line?

Jan 5, 2010

I have kubuntu 9.10 and I would like to configure Ubuntu to can send mail from command line with mailx. I've saw that I need to install a MTA. But I don't know wich install and how.

I follow this tutorial:


But when I try to send a message, in the mail.log says me:

Jan 5 10:21:33 david postfix/smtp[3795]: 41AEA41DBE: to=<>,[]:25, delay=1086, d
elays=1022/0.01/32/32, dsn=4.7.0, status=deferred (host


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General :: Sending Email / It Hangs When Run The Command?

May 3, 2011

I'm using Linux 11.04 and just installed the most recent version of Postfix. I'm trying to send a simple email (through a relay) but when I run the command

sendmail FROM: SUBJECT: hello world this is a test email .

It just hangs there. There is nothing in /var/log/mail.log or in any of its accompanying files.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Sending Main From The Command Line?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm installing a 10.04 server remotely - it's basically an RSYNC host for backups. I've got one minor issue - it's really more of an annoyance, but I would like to have it solved.When sending e-mails, the messages come in addressed to three destinations - when it's only supposed to be sent to one. What's worse is that the two additional addresses are based on the hostname of the machine.Let me explain: I use this command:Code:mail -s Testing email@somedomain.comI then compose the e-mail and send it. The mail arrive a few seconds later but addresed to the;;hostname@hostname.domain.comThe "" has the actual word "from" in the address. I've installed many, many servers like this in the past and this is the first time that anything wonky with email has happened that I couldn't fix or explain. The machine is running postfix and I installed the bsd-mailx package to get the command line "mail" command (I used to install "mailx", but this seems to work just like the old package).

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General :: Sending Remote Command To Background Process + Out Log?

Feb 1, 2010

Because of my English skills I'll try to explain this subject as best I can, thank you for understanding. Fisrt of all, I am running some program on my slackware in background (using standard method - &). I need to make a script, which allows sending command to this process on my machine from another one. Furthermore this program have to be logged out (standard output f.e. ./myprogram > log.out.txt).It might be a separate Program A which runs my Program B but it cannot be screen, because it is not working like I'd like to and it cannot be java, because it's slow and working not the best so to speak

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Software :: What Is Different From Sending Call Command Within Minicom 2.5 And Echo It?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a router with linux firmware and attached to it a USB modem with which I can do both data and voice.Any other command send through echo method works ok. I was able to send SMS, edit phonebook and many many other stuff, but not make a call.So what is different from sending the call command within Minicom 2.5 and echo it?

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Debian Configuration :: Ssh Doesn't Work After Sending Reboot Command

May 2, 2011

last week while I was using ssh to the computer1 inside a NAT as usual, I made another tunnel from the computer1 that I was connecting to, to another computer2 inside that NAT (ssh and after making some changes in computer2 I typed reboot. The computer2 rebooted but the tunnel totally hung and I had to kill it in my laptop. Since that day I haven't been able to ssh to the computer1 as I am used to.

Here is some more information:

debug3: authmethod_is_enabled publickey
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /home/une/.ssh/id_rsa


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General :: Rsync Command - Sending Incremental File List?

Feb 14, 2010

I received the following output from an rsync (3.0.0) command that was executed:
sending incremental file list
sent 77214 bytes received 484 bytes 155396.00 bytes/sec
total size is 254531170 speedup is 3275.90
What does "sending incremental file list" mean?

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General :: Sending Messages Directly At Command Prompt Of Client?

Jun 11, 2010

Can I make my messages directly appear at client from server? Normally we type
tailf /var/log/messages
to see messages sent by other machine. So can I send my messages directly at command prompt?

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General :: Command Line Sending Of Mail Attachments ( DB Backups)?

Dec 17, 2010

I'm am not remotely familiar with the linux operating sytem and just need a simple 'cut and paste solution' that will allow me to send .gz files as mail attachments, from the command line.Recently I moved my website to new hosting company, they are using cpanel and I have set up a couple of commands; the cpanel scheduler runs them for me as required.

1.creates an mysql dump and saves it to folder ( in root of my space )Works fine.2. delete the file created above, after 15 mins. Also works fineWhat I really want to do is email the .gz to myself before it is deleted, this is were I am stuck.This is possible ( I believe ) but it is beyond my understanding and ability to write the scipt/command that will make this happen.Please make any instructions really simple and clear as I am really new to this.on the server and this information is provided below and may be helpful to you (but I certainly to not know anything about this type of stuff)

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Server :: EHLO Command Not Recognized On Sending Test Mail

Jul 8, 2011

Ehlo command not recognizing while sending test mail to outside network from postfix. When I am trying to test a mail within the network it is successfully happening ehlo.

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Software :: Sending Commands To A Screen Session?

Aug 7, 2010

I have several screen sessions running, one of them named 'test'. I want to send a simple command to there without attaching the screen, so I do:

screen -S test -X ls

But when I attach the screen to see if it has done something, nothing is different... How can I send commands then? Of course the 'ls' command is not what I want to do, but it's just an example in how this is not working.

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Software :: Look For Free And Well Known Fax Command Line Tools For Receiving And Sending Faxes?

Apr 19, 2011

I am looking for free and well known fax command line tools for receiving and sending faxes I wan it to save receive faxes in pdf format with file name included with caller phone number and date of receive:

for example:
and any other format that I want.

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Software :: Sending Commands To A Screen Session Owned By Root

Jan 27, 2011

I am a linux newbie. I have a situation where I need to send a command line -X command to a screen session owned by root from a nonprivliged account. The command is executed by a shell script, which in turn is executed from a PHP script. Is there a way to make this work?

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General :: "shutdown" Command Allow A Parameter To Determine The Pause Between Sending SIGTERM And SIGKILL?

Jan 1, 2011

The man page seems to indicate no. There is /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt on Fedora. It has a hard coded pause in it, but there's got to be a better way than to change that script.

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Software :: Open Screen As Daemon Will Not Execute Command Unless Screen Is Opened?

Aug 5, 2011

In a nut shell, I have a program called OpenSim which is a 3D virtual world emulator. My ISP provides me with dynamic DNS so I have written a program that compares my external IP to the IP in a file called Regions.ini that OpenSim uses to go out to the Internet. If the IP's are different then I need to change the entry in the Regions.ini file and reboot OpenSim. The program works except for the fail safe I put in in case OpenSim crashes during shutdown which happens one in a while.Here is the code:Quote:


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Software :: Scripting Screen Command To Start A Split Screen By Default?

May 27, 2010

I'm trying to use the screen command to start a split screen by default.

I know once I am an in `screen`, I can type C-a S to get a split screen. But is there a way to specify this as an argument to the `screen` command so it starts automatically with a split screen?

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Box - Windows Stays In The Middle Of The Screen Small And Doesn't Adjust To The Full Screen

Aug 7, 2010

I have windows installed through virtual Box now but i have some questions. When i make it full screen it goes full screen but Windows stays in the middle of the screen small and doesn't adjust to the full screen. Can you make windows completely take up the full screen Can i access folders on my ubuntu drive ? i have a file in downloads i want in windows but don't want to reinstall it

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Ubuntu :: (Grub - Windows 7 - Unknown Filesystem) - Screen Goes Blank And Screen On-button Begins To Blink

Jan 26, 2011

The day started as usual until I got the very bright idea to install Ubuntu. A new OS along side W7, that sounded great. I checked some guides on the Internet, it was all very straight forward. Install it and Grub will show you the OS:es when you boot up. I installed Ubuntu, rebooted. After the BIOS messages the screen goes blank and my screen on-button begins to blink, as if trying to find a signal, I press enter, it reboots instantly. After BIOS messages I get to a screen that says "GRUB error: uknown filesystem grub rescue>"

I've looked through everything here and nothing works. I've tried to fix the mbr-thingy using Windows Repair and even though it says "one partition was updated with new boot-thingy" when I reboot, I get into that very same grub rescue. I think my setup has something to do with it. I run RAID0 (2x360Gb hard drives), first having C: at 50Gb and then the rest as F: for programs and such. What I did was that I shrunk the F: part and then used that as partition for Ubuntu. Also please have a look at these screenshots, my partitiontables and such seems completely wacky to the raid: Where should the boot-loader go? I'm very, very new at this. I've had Ubuntu Netbook remix on my netbook for a time but still treat me as an utter beginner.

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Software :: Using Windows Screen Savers - Using .scr Screen Saver Files

Dec 22, 2008

I've been a Linux user for years but just recently I decided to take the plunge and use Ubuntu Linux as my primary OS (with Windows on the side for any games that don't run well in CrossOver Games).

Anyway, one thing I was curious about was whether or not I could get some of my Windows screen savers to work on Linux. Specifically I had been using "Blue Screen", a cute little ss made by SysInternals that emulates various versions of Windows BSODs.

The file comes as a .scr file (like all Windows screen savers). I wanted to know if there was any program that converted .scr files into Linux compatable screen savers. If not, that's still OK as I've now been rocking "Electric Sheep"!

I'm running Ubuntu Linux 8.10 on a HP DV9000 with an 1.7GHz Intel Centrino Duo processor, 2GB ram, and an nVidia GeForce Go 7600 graphics card.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cant Boot Windows 7 / Getting A Black Screen And Windows Does Not Load?

Mar 21, 2011

i have just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a pre installed windows 7 system. Ubuntu is working really well but the only problem is that when I try to boot into windows,

I get the windows sign and then I get a black screen and windows does not load. It seems to be an easy problem to solve because I can actually boot windows 7 in

safe mode with no problems at all! The problem is there when I try to boot windows 7 normally. To be honest I only need windows for a project that uses MSQL server.

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SUSE :: Get The Option To Choose Windows Or The Installer At The Windows Boot Screen

Sep 16, 2010

I'm new to linux, and I'm just trying to learn OpenSUSE. I just installed it and I have a few quick questions. #1 I accidentally installed the "OpenSUSE Installer (LOCAL)" on Windows 7, so now I get the option to choose windows or the installer at the windows boot screen. I ended up just installing OpenSUSE on a completely different HD (my original intent) from a burned DVD, so this installer is useless and I don't know how to remove it.

#2 After installing opensuse on my second HD, the boot screen is now SUSE's instead of Windows, and I can choose suse's desktop, the suse failsafe, windows 1, and windows 2. Windows 1 brings me to the windows boot screen with the choice i mentioned above (windows or the local installer i accidentally installed), and windows 2 i assume is my second windows partition which is just my SWAP file, and selecting it does nothing (which would make sense if thats all it is).

My question here is how do I make it so my default boot screen is the windows one with an option between windows 7 or suse? Or would this require reinstalling the system? If it does and its simple enough to explain please do I wouldnt mind removing it and reinstalling at this point, I would just wipe my whole second HD from windows.

#3 I have a netgear adapter. unfortunitly i'm not at home right now and I don't remember the model, so I'll provide that this evening if necessary. What I do know is they do not have a driver for linux. I've found ACX100, but I didn't find my netgear adapter listed on their website. I also found NDISWrapper, but thats for XP and I still don't know if that'll work. I will of course try both unless someone here has a better solution. If anyone knows anything that will work on any netgear adapter for linux please let me know, if not then I'll provide the model later on.

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Ubuntu Security :: Rebooting From Windows - When X Is Starting Up Before The Login Screen Comes Up It Will Flash A Screenshot From Windows

Oct 31, 2010

I have a dual-boot with windows and linux. Sometimes if I reboot from windows into linux, I notice that when X is starting up before the login screen comes up it will flash a screenshot from Windows. Has anyone ever noticed this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Windows 7 - Blank Screen With My TFT Screen Displaying A Msg "Out Of Range"

Jul 8, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 along side windows 7 ultimate. But the problem is as soon as I switch on my computer. There is only a blank screen with my TFT screen displaying a msg "Out of Range"

Then suddenly Ubuntu loads without showing any option to load windows 7.

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General :: Gnome - Configure The Definition Of "full Screen" To Make Large VNC Windows Behave Nicely On A Dual Screen Setup?

Dec 15, 2010

In my corporate environment, I'm required to run a Windows machine that acquires a VNC session on a machine in the server farm. My windows machine is dual head with different resolution monitors ( 1600x1080 on left and 1920x1200 on right). If I create a VNC session that spans the monitors, then maximizing a window in the VNC session causes it to stretch across both my monitors.

Instead, I want a "maximize" event to behave like it does on my windows machine -- I only want to maximize to the display that the window is on.

How can I define what, what I'll call, "maximize regions"? Regions in the VNC graphical plane where when I click "maximize", the window only expands to the region it currently ( and mostly) resides in.

Can I do this in gnome, X, xrandr, or some other magical interface?

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General :: Run A Second Command In Same Screen Session?

May 5, 2011

I'm starting the first command in screen like this: screen -d -m -S testen -t lalala watch df -h Now I have a screen session running in background and I can reconnect at a later time. But how can I run a second command (in a new window) in the same screen session?

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General :: Goes To The Start Of The Command In Screen

Jul 30, 2011

After running a command that spits out a lot of output in screen. I drop to Copy mode and try to find where the command start. This becomes very very challenging when there are lots of lots of similar text to sift through. Is there a way for me to quickly scroll to where my command starts?

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Ubuntu :: Command To Turn Off Screen?

Jun 25, 2010

Is there a command to turn off the screen? What is it?

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