General :: Rsync Command - Sending Incremental File List?

Feb 14, 2010

I received the following output from an rsync (3.0.0) command that was executed:
sending incremental file list
sent 77214 bytes received 484 bytes 155396.00 bytes/sec
total size is 254531170 speedup is 3275.90
What does "sending incremental file list" mean?

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General :: Rsync Not Doing Incremental Backups?

Jan 21, 2010

I am using rsync to backup dirs on my ubuntu server onto a NAS (which is mounted onto the filesystem), but the problem is that it is constantly doing full backups rather than doing incrementals and I am not really sure why. After doing a bit of expermienting with the script I noticed that if I just backed up a home dir (/home/user) the incremental backups work fine. If however I was to back up a dir like (/home/domain/user) it always does full backups.I have tried various different scripts but still the same end result. The latest script is a variation on the a script found on the samba rsync examples webpage, see below...

# -- backup to nas using rsync
# This script backups files listed in BDIR to the BSERVER. The verbose output along with the date is listed in the LOG_FILE specified
# verbose output


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General :: Sending Find Results To File - List Too Long

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to do a
find /photos/* -type f -mtime +365
to find all my pictures that are over a year old, but I keep getting argument list too long. How can I view what all the results are, even if it just dumps it to a file that I have to open?

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Ubuntu :: Rsync Like Incremental Backup

Oct 20, 2010

when rsync is finished the update, or in the meantime - i need to move the updated files to a different location - like date +%Y%m%d something or what ..the reason is, because of the development, i need the modified files, but all of them, not just the last one - so i have to store them daily, but i dont want to store the whole dir - just that few files which are updated does it make sense?

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Server :: Using Rsync For Incremental Backups?

Jan 29, 2010

Can I use rsync for incremental backups of the running linux server?

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General :: Rsync Command - For File Backup ?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm going to be using this command to back up my files:

Should I change anything or is it ok?

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Software :: Rsync Incremental Backups To Be Restored?

Dec 2, 2010

With the --backup and --backup-dir= options on rsync, I can tell it another tree where to put files that are deleted or replaced. I'm hoping it fills out the tree with a replica of the original directory paths (at least for the files put there) or else it's a show stopper. What I'm wanting to find out applies when I'm restoring files. Assuming each time I run rsync (once a day) I make a new directory tree (named by the date) for the backup directory. For each file name/path in the tree, I would start with whatever is in the main tree (the rsync target) and work through the incremental trees going backwards until I reach the date of interest to restore to. If along the way I encounter a file in an incremental, I would replace the previous file at that path with this next one. So by the time I get back to a given date, I should have the version of the file which was present at that date. Do this for each file in the tree and it should be a full restore.

But ... and this is the hard part, it seems. What about files that did not exist at the intended restore date, but do exist (were created) on a date after the intended restore date. What I'd want for a correct restore would be for such files to be absent in the restored tree (just as they were absent in the source tree on that date). How can such a restore be done to correctly exclude these files? Wouldn't rsync have to store some kind of sentinel that indicates that on dates prior, the file did not exist. I suspect someone might suggest I just make a complete hard linked replica tree for each date, and this way absent files will clearly be absent. I can assure you this is completely impractical because I have actually done this before. I ended up with backup filesystems that have so many directories and nodes that it could take over a day, maybe even days, to just do something like "du -s" on it. I'm intending to keep daily changes for at least a couple years, if not more. So that means the 40 million plus files would be multiplied by over 700, making programs like "du -s" have to check over 28 BILLION file names (and that's assuming the number of files does not grow over the next two years).

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General :: Rsync Incremental Backups Rather Than Full Backups?

Nov 12, 2009

How do you get Rsync to do incremental backups rather than full backups? At the moment I have a script that will create a backup folder (if it doesnt already exist) then copy the source files into the backup directory with the command

rsync $VERBOSE --exclude=$TARGET/ $EXCLUDE --exclude '/Ls-wtgl1c8/**' -rt --delete $source/ $TARGET/$source/ >> $LOG_FILE

Target is where the files will be backed up to Sources is the dir(s) to be backed up Exclude files is the list of files not to backup
log file is where the output will be saved to. At the moment it only does full backups, but I would only like to do incremental, how would this be achieved? Am I missing out an option in the Rsync that is required.

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General :: Rsync Would Keep Sending The Files Over And Over Again?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm trying to using rsync to backup some files, about half a TB. It's now it a state where it keeps sending the same files everytime it runs. for example:

rsync -av /data/source/* user@host:/data/dest
sending incremental file list

I then verify those files are copied over. then the next time it runs it does the same thing

rsync -av /data/source/* user@host:/data/dest
sending incremental file list

any idea why it's getting stuck on these files? I've tried to wipe the whole dest directory out and start over but no luck.

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Server :: Making Incremental Copies/transfers With Rsync In Cygwin?

Mar 21, 2011

As an example, I have two servers, sm-i222 and fileserv. sm-i222 is a Win2k3 system running cygwin. fileserv is a linux box running RHEL 4.7. sm-i222 maps /cygdrive/c to the c: drive and /cygdrive/d maps to the d: drive(actually a single 4TB RAID). from the sm-i222 server /cygdrive/c I call a small script from the crontab. The internal IP for fileserv is See below.

cd /cygdrive/d/fileserv/home
rm -rf /cygdrive/d/fileserv/home/*
rsync -avz -e 'ssh -c blowfish' root@* .

These three lines perform well in that they make a full transfer of the fileserv:/home/ directory on fileserv to the appropriate place on sm-i222 using rsync. I use rsync instead of scp because I have to traverse subdirectories and symbolic links in the /home/... filesystem on fileserv. What I'm looking to do is use rsync to do an incremental transfer/backup of only the files that have changed since the last full backup. I'll manage the times I do this manually or in crontab. A colleague says this is do-able, but not how. says this is do-able but not how. Cygwin says this is do-able... see I believe what I'm looking for is a single rsync line like I have above that only transfers the changed files on fileserv to sm-i222.

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General :: Incremental Copy Command Similar To Windows?

Jul 28, 2011

Any please help me for incremental copy command similar to windows.commad for copying in windows is c: source xcopy *.* destination /s/c/d/q/yany similar command is there in linux as I m new in Linux

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General :: File Command + Total Retrun List?

Oct 30, 2010

With file command we can get the file type. File returns a unique answer for each file type. I want to get the total list that file can return for linux & solaris. For example, I have a partial list of file's return output. Unfortunately I can't see the total list from manual page.

ASCII C program text
ASCII C++ program text
ASCII C program text, with CRLF
ASCII C program text, with very
ASCII English text
ASCII English text, with CRLF line


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General :: Command - List Only Access Time And File Name?

Mar 19, 2010

How do I list only access time and file name? For example if I do ls -l --sort=time then


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General :: Pass A Paramter To A List Of Command In Another File?

Apr 19, 2010

I am attempting to write my first ever script from scratch and making some progress.

My first shell script file executes a list of commands contained in a second file. I need to pass a parameter to this command file how do I do this?

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General :: Copying Open And Incremental File?

May 6, 2010

I'm getting a video from a camera connected to the computer and saving it to a constantly increasing file.

The thing is that I'm trying to make a non-stop copy of this file over the network (i.e. using scp, rsync or something like that).

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Server :: Rsync Error - Command To Backup Image File

Oct 6, 2010

when i use rsync command to backup my image file , it shows the following error message.

bash: line 1: /usr/bin/rsync: Argument list too long
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver]
rsync error: remote command could not be run (code 126) at io.c(463) [receiver=2.6.8]

The command which i used is rsync -avrl -e ssh cms@server:/data/cms/data/images/* /mnt/Backup/Intranet_cms_backup/images

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General :: Command To List The List Of Folders / Within The Folder

Jan 28, 2010

one command to list the list of folders/ within the folder.

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Networking :: Rsync Sending Data From The Client To The Server?

Jun 29, 2010

shed some light on what I am doing. I am wondering if I just havehings back to front.Server (MESH):Fedora 13Firewall ports open tcp 22(ssh), tcp 873(rsync)sshd service started

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General :: Sending Email / It Hangs When Run The Command?

May 3, 2011

I'm using Linux 11.04 and just installed the most recent version of Postfix. I'm trying to send a simple email (through a relay) but when I run the command

sendmail FROM: SUBJECT: hello world this is a test email .

It just hangs there. There is nothing in /var/log/mail.log or in any of its accompanying files.

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General :: Sending Remote Command To Background Process + Out Log?

Feb 1, 2010

Because of my English skills I'll try to explain this subject as best I can, thank you for understanding. Fisrt of all, I am running some program on my slackware in background (using standard method - &). I need to make a script, which allows sending command to this process on my machine from another one. Furthermore this program have to be logged out (standard output f.e. ./myprogram > log.out.txt).It might be a separate Program A which runs my Program B but it cannot be screen, because it is not working like I'd like to and it cannot be java, because it's slow and working not the best so to speak

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General :: How To Add Such Filter To Rsync Command Line

Oct 27, 2010

I'm trying to understand rsync filters .. but it isn't goig to well.I want to rsync only files with a specific extension (.gz.des3). Could someone please tell me how to add such filter to the rsync commandline (not a seperate filter filer).

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General :: Sending Messages Directly At Command Prompt Of Client?

Jun 11, 2010

Can I make my messages directly appear at client from server? Normally we type
tailf /var/log/messages
to see messages sent by other machine. So can I send my messages directly at command prompt?

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General :: Command Line Sending Of Mail Attachments ( DB Backups)?

Dec 17, 2010

I'm am not remotely familiar with the linux operating sytem and just need a simple 'cut and paste solution' that will allow me to send .gz files as mail attachments, from the command line.Recently I moved my website to new hosting company, they are using cpanel and I have set up a couple of commands; the cpanel scheduler runs them for me as required.

1.creates an mysql dump and saves it to folder ( in root of my space )Works fine.2. delete the file created above, after 15 mins. Also works fineWhat I really want to do is email the .gz to myself before it is deleted, this is were I am stuck.This is possible ( I believe ) but it is beyond my understanding and ability to write the scipt/command that will make this happen.Please make any instructions really simple and clear as I am really new to this.on the server and this information is provided below and may be helpful to you (but I certainly to not know anything about this type of stuff)

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General :: Rsync Command Inserting User Home Directory?

Apr 7, 2011

Why would rsync insert a user's home directory path in variable expansion when run via cron, but not when run manually. The gory details... Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 6) Linux 2.6.9-67.0.20.ELsmp The script (parts anyway, and simplified)...


. /home/bea/.bash_profile
echo rsyncloc=${rsyncloc} >> ${log}


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General :: Rsync Error Message For Command - Files Could Not Be Transferred

Aug 10, 2010

I have rsync error message for this command,

rsync -avr --delete --exclude lampp/tmp/* /opt/* /backup/opt/
rsync -avr --delete --exclude data/session/* /var/www/html/dmcatholic/* /backup/dmcatholic/

The error message is here.


sent 1917154 bytes received 384128 bytes 5731.71 bytes/sec total size is 12220966785 speedup is 5310.50 rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(892) [sender=2.6.8]

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Fedora Servers :: Incremental Tar Creates Wrong File?

Sep 6, 2010

set up incremental backups with crontab. I just discovered that tar is not actually incrementing the tar files. I first created the tar files, then in crontab I have:

cd /; tar -cpf --incremental --exclude-from=/root/ExcludeFromTar.txt mnt/PATRIOT/bkp/home.tar home

I only just discovered that this creates a file whose filename is "/--incremental". I also tried using tar's -G switch instead of --incremental:


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Software :: Sending Thread To Zombie List?

Feb 1, 2010

these are the functions I am using for creating threads..

#include "mythread.h"
/** Global Data **/
tcbList_t *readyList = NULL; /* Ready list */
tcb_t *runningTCB; /* Currently running thread */
tcb_t mainTCB; /* Starting threads's TCB */


The function endThread() currently simply ends the entire program, not just the terminating thread. I need to modify the function endThread() so that it will place the terminating thread on the zombie list and switch to the next ready thread if the ready list is not empty. If the ready list is empty then endThread() should switch back to the main thread (the state of the main thread was saved in "mainTCB" by initiate())... and, in createThread() space is malloc'd for the thread's TCB and stack. This space should be freed...

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General :: Sending File Via Netcat?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm using something like this to send file from one computer to another:To serve file (on computer A):

cat | nc -l -p 1234 To receive file (on computer B): netcat 1234 > can I do the opposite? Let's say I have file on computer B and I want to send it to A but not the way I wrote above, but by making computer that's supposed to receive file (A) be 'listening' server and connect computer that's 'sending' file (B) to server and send the file? Is it possible? I think it might be but I'm not sure how to do this.

In case my above explanation is messed up: How do I send file TO 'server' instead of serving the file on server and then taking it FROM it (like I did above)?

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Ubuntu Servers :: MySQL Incremental Backup - Binary Log File Names

Mar 15, 2011

I am currently using a script to backup my Ubuntu 10.04.1 system. The mySQL databases are backed up separately from the the system / data.

My problem is with the mySQL incremental / binary log backups.

The problem is that the binary log file(s) are always named xxxx-bin.1.

Up to about a month ago the binary logs were named xxxx-bin.000001, xxxx-bin.000002, etc.

I did make some changes at about the time that this change in file naming ocurred, but I can not identify what, if any, setting I may have changed that has caused all of the binary log files to always have the same name.

My back up script uses both mysqldump and mysqladmin flush-logs to create the binary logs.

All of the setting for mysqldump and mysqladmin are contained in the my.cnf file.

The my.cnf file contents that are relavent are as follows:


The statements in the backup script that do the backup are:

mysqladmin flush-logs


mysqldump | gzip > $DB_BACKUP_DIR/$ARCHIVE_FILE #Note: delete-master-logs in my.cnf

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General :: Test File Sending Speed?

Jul 6, 2011

program to measure speed of sending file from one computer to another

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