Software :: OpenSuse 11.3 Installing Octoshape Plugin

Mar 12, 2011

I am wanting to watch streaming video from B2 networks and need the Octoshape plugin. I am using FF 3.6 and Opera 11.1. The file is octosetup_linuxi386bin. Located in my downloads. Support on the Octoshape says do a +Xchmod in terminal. To install. Can't install plugin through one of the browsers.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Installing Flash Plugin In Firefox In Open SUSE 11.1

Jan 24, 2010

I've installed openSUSE 11.1 in my desktop with default firefox as web browser. Whenever surfing graphical sites Its says flash need to be installed and in the Adobe site which package I've to download? (Yat or tar.gz or rpm, etc.. etc..) and how I can install it.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Package-Kit-gstreamer-plugin Requires An Additional Plugin To Decode File

Jul 21, 2010

I just updated my distribution to 11.3 from 11.2. But now this problem occurs when I try to play an mp3. There was no problem before with 11.2.

It also says

The following plugin is required : MPEG-4 AAC decoder

Only certain mp3s have this problem. All gstreamer packages have been installed. What package is missing anyway?

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Debian :: Totem Installing Demuxing Plugin

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to backup some commercial DVD movies which I own. I just want to take them with me abroad without filling up my luggage with DVD cases. So there are no copyright issues here and I will do it anyway, the only point is that if I can convert them to .avi I can save 4 or 5 movies on a blank DVD whereas if I have to copy the .iso images I can only save one DVD per blank DVD. So it's a bit of a waste.

dvdrip doesn't work on this one, so I tried via vlc. It was still running when I went to bed and this morning I had to reboot, I didn't think about it so I didn't check to see whether it had finished or not before rebooting. I decided to check the output file before writing it to a DVD and clicked on it. Totem told me it didn't have the required plugin and asked me whether I wanted to install it. I said yes and was asked for root password. It offered one choice:

GStreamer fluendo MPEG2 demuxing plugin Fluendo codecs to decode mpeg streams I clicked on "install". It started to do something - the mouse cursor turns into a little spinning wheel when I hover over it - and it stayed like that. It's been like that for the last 3 quarters of an hour.

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Fedora :: Installing Android SDK Plugin On Eclipse

Dec 6, 2010

Im trying to install Android SDK plugin on Eclipse. I have failures. I recorded my desktop, check this video for error message and procedure: [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Installing Sun Self-extracting Java Plugin?

Feb 27, 2010

I use ubuntu 8.10 with the ubuntu packaged version of firefox, however i would like to use the latest java runtime environment from the Sun website and NOT use the ubuntu packages. the problem I have is that i do not know where to place the link to my latest java plugin file. Where is the location for mozilla plugins ? the directory ~/.mozilla/plugins didn't exist and even when I created one and put a link there I still had the older version of Java.

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 - Installing Java Plugin V6 UPD18

Mar 12, 2010

I am installing Java Plug-in, version 6, upd 18 so I may play games on pogo. Can I make this happen with a simple apt-get? I don't want to sym link all over the place.

Here is my output when I run apt-get, giving it what I was told to give it...
d@d-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
sun-java6-jre is already the newest version.
sun-java6-jre set to manually installed.
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming.

The following information may help to resolve the situation:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
sun-java6-plugin: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-15-1) but 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.04 is to be installed
E: Broken packages

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Software :: Adobe Flash Plugin Not Installing?

Jan 10, 2010

Have you tried installing adobe flash plugin recently? My distro is slackware 13 64bit, I just can't install this plugin. When unpacked, it gives me a lib only, I believe it is supposed to give me the 'flashplayer-installer, as it has always done before. Now it gives me this '' only.[URL]..


Installation instructions for tar.gz Click the download link to begin installation. A dialog box will appear asking you where to save the file. Save the .tar.gz file to your desktop and wait for the file to download completely. Unpackage the file. A directory called install_flash_player_10_linux will be created.In terminal, navigate to this directory and type ./flashplayer-installer to run the installer. Click Enter. The installer will instruct you to shut down your browser(s). Once the installation is complete, the plug-in will be installed in your Mozilla browser. To verify, launch Mozilla and choose Help > About Plug-ins from the browser menu.

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Software :: Installing Sun-java6-plugin Without The Browser?

May 16, 2011

I need to install sun-java6-plugin on Debian 6. I already have a Web browser installed in /usr/local/, but it seems sun-java6-plugin requires me to install 1 browser from their list in order to install it. The thing is, I don't want to install any of those browsers, and disk space is kind of limited. How can I install jun-java6-plugin without installing a browser which it depends on?

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Software :: Installing Flash Plugin For Opera In FC4

Mar 31, 2010

I was trying to install the flash-plugin rpm so that flash contents can be viewed from web pages. So I downloaded the following rpm from
flash-plugin- el3.rf.i386.rpm
This is the command I used to install it:
[root@station3 developer]# rpm -ivh flash-plugin- warning: flash-plugin- Header V3 DSA signature: N OKEY, key ID 1aa78495
1:flash-plugin [100%]

Now when I am viewing a web page I cannot see the flash contents. When I am running rpm -qa flash* to search if flash is installed or not, its giving the following error:
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h#
101 Header V3 DSA signature: BAD, key ID 4f2a6fd2
I tried removing the package and install it again, removing and installing with --replacepkgs option and I also tried to install it without removing which said that it is already installed.

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Software :: Installing QuickTime Plugin For Firefox?

Apr 5, 2010

I try to install QuickTime plugin for Firefox. How do you achieve this? I want to watch videos on Apple's website and all videos there complain that my Firefox on Ubuntu 9.04 does not have QuickTime.

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Slackware :: Installing Java Plugin For Firefox On 13.1?

Jun 13, 2011

I have an openvz vps and it has a vps admin panel from solusvm for administration.In the vps admin panel is a console (Java), but mine looks like the picture below.I checked in firefox and thought maybe there was something wrong with my java plugin. Everywhere I look I see different instructions with different directories and it was confusing.So I said just do it like slackware and I got the slackware64-current/source/local/jre directory and build jre-6u25xx86_64-1.txz from jre.SlackBuild and then upgradepkg --install-new --verbose jre-6u20-x86_64-1%jre-6u25-x86_64-1.txzI hope I didn't break my slackware.Before I did that, I disabled my flash plugin in firefox according to some instructions before upgrading jre.Then I went to my vps control solusvm vps control panel and went to console. Nothing.Then I remembered I disabled my flash plugin in firefox. so I enabled it. It's works again. I get the same error as in the picture all over again.So if that doesn't make my vps control panel work, what do I need to do to make it work? I tried in windows and it had to install the flasplayer plugin before it worked - Are there more than one flashplayer plugins?

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Fedora Installation :: Error Installing ASF Demuxer Plugin

May 15, 2009

i'm trying to install a plugin witch will let me watch movies in .wmv format. I can't seem to find it. also, i would like to get a converter that will allow to change the format of the video from .wmv to .divx.

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Fedora :: Installing Flash Plugin For Mozilla Firefox

Dec 22, 2009

I have Fedora 12 installed:
Firefox version :
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091216 Fedora/3.5.6-1.fc12 Firefox/3.5.6

I have installed the flash-plugin using yum. Restarted firefox but still not able to play ..... videos.

[root@saurav tonan]# yum install flash-plugin
Loaded plugins: download only, presto, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Package flash-plugin- already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

But I am not able to see it in the plugins list, when I goto Tool >> add-ons >> plugins. I tried about login in the browser address bar, got the list, but its a lot of details, which one would tell me that the adobe flash player is installed. Later I downloaded the tar file and unzipped it and manually placed the .so file in the plugin folder as mentioned in the forums, but no luck.

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General :: Recover A Form In Firefox *without* Installing A Plugin?

Jan 22, 2011

Possible Duplicate: How to recover form information for a webpage in Firefox I typed a couple of paragraphs on a discussion board, but when I clicked the submit button, the site was undergoing (un)scheduled maintenance, and the back button decided to refresh the page, sending my paragraphs into oblivion.A quick web search revealed that Lazarus provides form recovery for Firefox. However, installing a plugin requires restarting Firefox, and even after restarting Firefox (which I haven't done yet), Lazarus can't recover forms it hasn't backed up yet.Now that the horse is out of the barn, I want to do the impossible: restore some or all of the text I typed, without restarting my browser.

Edit: I should clarify. Lazarus is a wonderful solution for preventing future form data loss. This question is for people who have already navigated away from their form and lost its contents, but hope there is some way to salvage the situation. My solution was to get a core dump of the process and grep through it, but there might be a layman's way to do it (for example, somehow get Firefox to load the cached version of the previous page). Thus, solutions that only solve the problem in the future, without addressing the present, are off-topic in this question.

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General :: Packages - Configure The Path While Installing New Plugin?

Jun 3, 2011

Whenever I need to install something on Xentos, I found rpm or tar balls. I want to know what is difference between two. Also if I need to install something for php but I have installed on different folder, how can i give that php path while using configure command in newly downloaded tar.gz package ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 - Installing Flash Player Plugin?

Jun 27, 2010

I am very new to Ubuntu, decided to try it again with the new 10.4. I really need to have flash player plugin installed, but I get this error:
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
E: _cache->open() failed, please report.
I even tried to go through the software center and the extra install through the help site from the firefox browser, but still get the error message.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Plugin For Inkspace In 10.10 - Permission Denied

Dec 12, 2010

I am trying to install a plugin for Inkscape in Ubuntu 10.10. I have downloaded it to the desktop and ran a chmod 777 on the two files but I still can't copy them to the needed folder in Inkscape. I get a permission denied.

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General :: Installing Skype And Flash Plugin On Slackware

Dec 14, 2010

I've downloaded the static .tar.bz2 file for Skype .


Same with Flash, my default browser is Konqueror. explain everything for dummies. I've also created a non-root user (kasu) and when I try logging in, I get the error message; There's no home directory and it can't be created.

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Software :: Installing Adobe Flash Plugin 10 To Firefox

May 28, 2010

I'm trying to add an Adobe Flash Player 10 plugin to Firefox via the Ubuntu Software Center but I get the message:
Sorry, 'Adobe Flash Plugin 10' is not available for this type of computer (amd64)

I also having trouble watching certain ..... videos and sometimes having trouble using some features (like the Full Screen feature in the southpark website videos player).
Using Ubuntu 10.4 64bit

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Software :: Installing Plugin Gtkhtml2Viewer In Claws Mail?

Sep 12, 2010

I'm trying to install the plug-in Gtkhtml2Viewer on my Debian Lenny system for claws-mail. I have installed claws-mail 3.7.5 from backports. When I try to install the plug-in, I get the following response:

mark@debian:~/stuff/debs/source/gtkhtml2_viewer-0.27$ ./configure
checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes
checking whether to use NLS... yes
checking where the gettext function comes from... libc
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for CLAWS_MAIL... configure: error: Package requirements (claws-mail >= were not met:

No package 'claws-mail' found.
Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix. Alternatively, you may set the environment variables CLAWS_MAIL_CFLAGS
and CLAWS_MAIL_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config. See the pkg-config man page for more details.

Since I have version 3.7.5, I would think that the above cited requirement of "claws-mail >=" would be met. However, for some reason, it states that "No package 'claws-mail' found", which is strange.

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Fedora :: Installing Android Plugin For Eclipse - PATH Variable

Feb 27, 2010

I'm fairly new to Fedora (only been using it for about a month) and I'm installing the Android plugin for Eclipse so I can do some development. I am following the directions at the android website and it says to put the path of my downloaded SDK into the system PATH variable. I know how to do this on windows but I have never done it in fedora.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Adobe Flash Plugin - RPM Package File

Aug 17, 2010

I am a 'newbie' to ubuntu (with 45+ years as a 'computer nerd'). I am trying to follow the instructions for installing the Flash plug-in so I can view some of the action on webpages. I get on terminal and the prompt is mike@mike-laptop. The instructions say to key in "# rpm -Uvh <rpm_package_file>". I have tried as many variations of this command as I can think of with no response. I am assuming that my interpretation of <rpm_package_file> is incorrect.

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Debian :: Iceweasel - Installing Adobe Flash Player Plugin

Aug 9, 2009

i am a proud newbie user of debian linux. the desktop i use is xfce. i have iceweasel as the web browser. it cannot access flash content like videos videos and some others because the adobe flash plugin is not installed. i've done the following without success. i downloaded flash_player_10_linux.tar from adobe's site, unpacked it to get but under /usr/lib/iceweasel, there is no plugins folder to put it in. there is, however, a broken link called plugins. then i created a plugins folder under home/myaccount/.mozilla and pasted the file over there. i restarted iceweasel, but it cannot still detect flash content.

then i ran apt-get install of jre and downloaded all java packages. however, while installation it gave an error saying, "cannot overwrite iceweasel/plugins". this came most probably because as mentioned earlier there is no plugins folder under iceweasel to begin with. on running the about : plugins command, i get "no plugins installed". i then deleted the plugins folder from .mozilla and directly pasted the file under usr/lib/iceweasel (since it contained many other .so files). how to enable iceweasel to enable the adobe flashplayer plugin.

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Debian :: Installing Flash Plugin To Terminal - Package Not Found

May 25, 2011

I'm new to this and trying to install flashplugin to the terminal. I entered apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, and it says package not found. What do i do. I can't install yahoo messenger without it or see any videos on ..... or any thing that requires adobe.

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Software :: Flash Plugin Doesn't Work - Error Installing VLC

Sep 19, 2010

i installed the adobe flash plugin (for linux) following adobe's instructions (download, decompress, and copy the correct ".so" to the plugins directory).

however, the plugin is not detected by either videos or firefox (checked using "aboutlugins"). something must be wrong with adobe's plugin version 10.x!

i want to try a firefox extension called "download videos videos as mp4 and flv," which rewrites the videos pages to include a download button which allows you to directly download the video in mp4. however, it requires vlc media player on linux.

i have slackware, and followed the instructions on this page [url] to use the slackbuild from alienbob. i set require_yasm=no.

however, the build produces the errors below (it tries to build with yasm, and it doesn't find "libvpx.a"):


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Software :: Eclipse - After Installing The Plugin Color Theme - Error

May 19, 2011

I'm having trouble with Eclipse. after installing the plugin Color Theme, I will change the color Window > Preferences. The following error appears: Unhandled event loop exception No more handles [Unknown Mozilla path (MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME not set)]

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Slackware :: Installing Java Error - When Trying To Run A Java App With The Firefox Plugin - Browser Crashe

May 29, 2011

Code: ~ $ /usr/java/jre1.6.0_25/bin/java -showversion Error occurred during initialization of VMjava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object

That's the error I get. When trying to run a java app with the firefox plugin, the browser simply crashes if it's the 64bit java or tells me it's not installed if it's the 32bit version.

I'm at a loss as to what to do. I think it has something to do with leftover gunk from a previous version I misinstalled(Is that even a word?) Anyway, the only thing that google could come up with was a solution for windows which laid blame on Bill Gates for having a bunch of pf (java prefetch) files stuffed into c:windows for no apparent reason. The solution was to delete them, but I can't seem to find the java prefetch folder in linux. The method I used is downloading the rpm from the rpm2tgz then installpkg then cp to firefox plugins folder.

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Fedora :: Running The Zotero Openoffice Integration Plugin In F13 Under The Openjdk Plugin?

May 31, 2010

I',m having trouble running the zotero openoffice integration plugin in F13 under the openjdk plugin.It's known top be not working as per The problem lies in some permissions as reported here -fedora-linux/However i want to know if there's any progress on it, since i dont have privilege to install it in my lab computer. Also i found this old bug reportwhich seems to have something done.If anypone has any idea please post, else i think i need to file a new bug report.EDIT: I'd be glad even if someone can guide me to write local policy (.java.policy) to enable the plugin

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SUSE / Novell :: Flash Plugin For Mozilla Plugin Doesn't Work

Nov 26, 2009

I am using openSUSE 11.0. This OS installation gives firefox 3.0.5 Beta. I had installed new version of firefox at /usr/local/bin/firefox. I had placed link of this firefox at /usr/bin using this command ->


linux-snvz:/usr/bin # ln -s /usr/local/bin/firefox/firefox firefox My older firefox contains the flush plugin. So i can easily played ..... video's in my browser. But now my new browser saying that it doesn't have flash plugin. I was tried to install flash plugin once again.


Even after installation also my browser is again without flash plugin.

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