Software :: Missing Config Files In Ubuntu 10.10

Jun 24, 2011

Regardless of the fact that editing these files is necessary for good functioning of my system, my standard 10.10 ubuntu installation seems to lack these files:


Am I the only one who witnesses this in ubuntu? Perhaps I need to apt-get install some things? Knowledge about these files is important for my study.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Config - Change / Add From The Default OpenSSH Config Files To Get Tunnelling To Work?

Jul 10, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu Server 11.04 with OpenSSH, trying to create an ssh tunnel (for web traffic) to it from my (also Ubuntu) laptop. This is the command I'm using to create the tunnel:

Code: ssh -ND localhost:8080 george@ I had it all working on a virtual machine.. which was deleted What settings/lines do I need to change/add from the default OpenSSH config files to get tunnelling to work? I've Googled and AllowTcpForwarding is set to yes, as is X11Forwarding.. but it still doesn't work. Chrome can connect to the server, but says the connection was closed before any data was sent.

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Ubuntu :: Ubuntu 9.10 + NTFS-Config And Files Missing From NTFS Partition?

Apr 22, 2010

First off let me say that I love working with Ubuntu. It's a great OS to learn Linux on. Now on to my problem. I have a laptop that dual boots. Ubuntu 9.10 x64 and Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Been working just fine. I was using NTFS-Config to auto mount the Win7 partition during startup of Ubuntu. It has been running fine. I am able to move files between the linux partition and the NTFS partition with no problem. Now I've come across a problem. I big problem. Just this week I installed VirtualBox onto Ubuntu. I started creating virtual machines. 6 in all (3 Win 2k3, 1 2k8 and 1 Win7). I was saving the virtual machines to the NTFS drive as this was by far my largest drive. I used a directory titled "virtualbox" under the c:/users/public directory. This setup was working great. Was able to get my vm's patched and up to date. Created several snapshots. Basically I was a happy camper.

Last night I booted into Windows 7. OS started fine. I was just surfing the web. After that I rebooted the system and entered Ubuntu and started Virtualbox. I tried to start a vm and it complained that the virtual harddrive was missing. I checked to make sure that the path was correct for the virtual drive and discovered that the entire virtualbox directory that I created on the NTFS partion was gone!!! Everything else was in place and intact including music and large video files that I had downloaded to the Ubuntu partion and moved the the NTFS partion.

I save these virtual machines???? Should I abandon using NTFS-Config. This is somewhat critical since I had took sometime to create this test lab and to have it disappear from simply booting into Windows 7 is crazy.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Missing Compiz Config Settings

Nov 22, 2010

Searching for what appears to be "missing" CompizConfig settings in the CompizConfig Settings Manager. How to change the "Cube" into a "Cylinder" and how to enable floating windows (windows that seem to hover just over the cube when it is rotated. Were these eliminated? They were both available in 9.10.

System: Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat
SubSpecifics: SuperOS [URL]

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network - Missing Packages / Bad Config

Apr 24, 2011

I'm having problems with networking. I just installed Debian 6 SServer LAMP and it didn't autoconnect to internet. I plug in the internet to my eth0 (default) port, and I keep getting timeouts. I found that dhcp3-client was not installed and fixed that. My etc interfaces has this for eth0: Auto eth0 Iface eth0 inet dhcp What other packages or config do I need to make the internet work? It's missing something basic that wasn't setup properly. I do get the correct dns address to my isp provider when I check etc resolv.conf. It just can't dhcp discover.

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Fedora :: System-config-network Bin Missing?

Nov 5, 2010

I looked around, but found no results that really matched and I would like to point out that I am fairly new to linux, so this may be a very obvious answer to some of you.I am running fc12.i686, installed from a disk in the back of a book for a class. No one else in my class is having this issue.When I select System > Administration > Network I am given this error: Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/system-config-network" (No such file or directory). I am not so new to not realize that this file is not there, which I confirmed with an "ls -a". My question is, is there any way that I can download and install that bin? Or perhaps replace/repair it with the disc? It was supposed to be in the original install and my have been, the only thing that I have done in the /usr/bin/ directory is I tried to install Java (6.22 I think it was), which told me it installed correctly but didn't work when I tried Minecraft.

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Server :: Missing Of In VMplayer-3.1.3

Jan 24, 2011

Recently i installed VMPlayer-3.1.3 Linux version in RHEL-5.4 installation is done,but file is missing so that i cannot customise the network settings.

My host machine(RHEL-5.4),consists 2 nic card and each having 192.168.x.x,172.20.x.x ip address.In My guest machine i configured 2 virtual nic.I want to customise these nic.

Also i want to bridge the host machines eth0 to vmnet0 and eth1 to that i can customise the virtual nic's.

I did these settings in windows and it is working,but this is the first time i am installing vmplayer in linux.

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Software :: Can Package Missing Files From Missing OS RPMs

Jul 16, 2010

How to properly integrate these RPMs into our system?

Option 1: we could take those missing OS RPMs and install them?
Option 2: can we package the missing files from missing OS RPMs into the existing Linux-xxx.rpm?

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Ubuntu :: Restore Default Panel - Message Appeared On Boot Up Saying A Config File Was Missing Or Couldn't Load

Sep 1, 2011

I recently lost the default panel from the top task bar, a message appeared on boot up saying a config file was missing or couldn't load - or something to that effect. I didn't realise to what it was referring until the computer (an Acer One) completed its start up and I could see the desktop

How can I restore the panel? (graphic from my other Ubuntu laptop attached showing the default panel appearance)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Files From Hdd Missing \ Files That Were Located On C(vista) Cant Access Any Of The E Ones?

Mar 7, 2011

I changed to wubi last night, i decided to go that way cause i was informed it was a safe way to try giving it a try for linux and ubuntu without any special effort needed to be payed and easily deleted if i am not pleased.Thankfully i am pretty satisfied with the results, i pretty much dealt with most of the issues i have faced so far successfully and i am running it ok beside one important thing.See i am using my laptop, which has a hdd of 250GB.On my Vista there are 2 different hdd C+E by default, they separated my hdd.So while i have windows on C and E is pretty much used for my additional data(see movies, music etc) when i installed wubi i installed it on E, thought it would be better and it had more space.

Now though, while i can access threw ubuntu all my files that were located on C(vista) i cant access any of the E ones, and search file dont helps either.The "vista hdd" as ubuntu describes it, its a 250 gb disk on computer, which means it should contain both of the vista disks.But sadly thats not the case.i cant seem to be able to find them anywhere.

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Ubuntu :: 'Add Printer' Missing When Running System-config-printer

Aug 1, 2010

I want to add my printer to ubuntu 10.04. When I run the system-config-printer (System->Administration->Printing) I can't choose the "Add" in the menu bar (ctrl+n does not work either).

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Ubuntu :: Won't Update Some Config Files

Jan 28, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu on a partition install. It is dual-booted with my Windows 7. Anyways, everything worked fine for a while, until I pressed ctrl+alt+F2. Then it went to this weird full-screen-mode command line thing. It asked for my login so i did, and then it asked for my password, which I then entered. And then I really don't know what I did, but at the end I pressed ctrl+alt+delete, which instead of going to like a task manager, it restarted my computer.

I then booted into Ubuntu again, and it started giving me errors about how it won't update some config files, and then it won't load up like the desktop and the panels. All I see about booting is the default Ubuntu background when you login and nothing else. No panels, no icons, nothing, just the background.

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Ubuntu :: Config Files Not Reinstalling?

May 11, 2011

I mistakenly deleted /etc/apache2/port.conf, so I tried to reinstall the package with "apt-get", but nothing. I dug myself in deeper by thinking a script skipped it because the directory was there, so I removed it completely. After reinstalling using "apt-get install apache2", the folders came back, bot non of the config files where there. I am now lost. How can I get them all back?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - What Config Files Have Entries For USB

Jun 8, 2010

A while back I suddenly lost USB support on one of my computers. At first I thought it was a HW problem but I'm not completely sure. What configuration files have entries for the USB, especially at startup, so that I can check them against the ones on my working computer. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.

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Programming :: Search The String "Listen" In A Few Files (config Files)?

May 9, 2011

I'm trying to search the string "Listen" in a few files (config files). I madefind /apps/apache* -exec grep -H Listen {} ;but the result list is very long. How i make a "grep -v" whith this command?

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Ubuntu :: Where NVidia X Config Files Located

Jan 22, 2011

Where are they located? What file I cant find it.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall The FTP Servers They Won't Start Because The Config Files Are Gone?

Mar 31, 2010

I built out a headless VMWare v2.0.2 Server. I managed to work all that out but now I'm having some trouble getting my virtual machines on the server. I installed both proftpd and vsftpd but neither server lets me log in. 'Login Failed' is always returned (using the only account on the machine - created during the install).

So I decided to install samba, but samba chokes on large files. I tried over and over again to copy a 10GB VMDK file over samba and it gets to 5% or so and suddenly tells me there is a network problem and dies (which there is no network problem as these machines are all on the same subnet plugged into the same gigabit switch).

So now I'm back to FTP. Unfortunately when I ran apt-get remove proftpd, it didn't remove any of the config files (/etc/proftpd/*) so I manually deleted them. Now when I try to reinstall the FTP servers they won't start because the config files are gone. What's the apt-get syntax to completely uninstall these servers as if they had never been installed so I can start clean? I really don't want to have to do a complete system re-install just to fix 300KB FTP servers.

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Slackware :: What About Config Files During Upgrade

Nov 13, 2010

During upgrade the system ask me what to do about config files. K to keep old ones then other options to change config files to the new system and backup old one with *.old extension and 2 other options I don't remember. What do you think is the best choice if I have changed my xorg.conf, my layout and my fonts.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall Apache2 - Recreating Config Files

May 11, 2010

I've deleted /etc/apache2 and did run:
sudo apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install apache2.2-common
to get the default config back.

But starting the server via:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2
results in:

Syntax error on line 161 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
Invalid command 'Order', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
line 160-163 look like this:

<Files ~ "^.ht">
Order Allow,Deny # line in question
Deny from all

The funny thing is that the exact same definition is in a debian lenny server config on another server. So why did this install a not working config?

I just removed apache2 via:
sudo aptitude remove apache2
sudo rm -r /etc/apache2
and reinstalled it via:
sudo aptitude install apache2
which also did not fix the config bug?

For testing I installed apache2 on another ubuntu 9.10 and did just copy the folder /etc/apache2 to my local installation - this fixed the problem. Still, why cant I reinstall apache2 with a working config?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Unneeded Config Files Automatically?

Jun 18, 2010

1) Whenever a new release of Ubuntu comes out, I've always done a full replacement (Booted up live CD, formatted / and formatted /home) to ensure there's zero incompatibilities, including configuration files in my /home. That has, finally, gotten annoying and I was wondering what the actual chances of a configuration file causing problems was in the 6 months that Ubuntu was released in. Also, special consideration for Gnome 3 (aka gnome-shell) coming out with the current gnome configs.

2)Any way to remove unneeded config files automatically? I don't always use purge when I remove a package just in case I want to reinstall it, well weeks later I def don't want it, is there an apt or dpkg command that will automatically remove them after the package is gone? I know autoclean and autoremove handle orphans and unneeded .deb's

3) How stable is Sidux in reality? Ran it in a VM and had a few errors every so often while using it, but i wasnt sure how much of that was the fact it was a VM. Some say its stable enough for daily use, some say it breaks every other day

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Ubuntu :: System Settings / Config Files Copied Over To New Install?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm interested to hear what config/settings files - or whole folders - you've managed to simply copy over from your previous installation and have working in the new. This can be either for specific programs or for parts of the system, but I suppose most of what people would find useful is getting some of their programs back to how they had them. These can be individual files or whole folders, but if there is a settings folder for a program but only one of the files is actually worth copying, just mention the one file and what it does. Also interested in hearing from KDE and Xfce users, for the benefit of those of us who have multiple desktop environments in the same system. (Besides, even those with only Gnome will use some of the great KDE apps like Amarok and K3b).

Here are my contributions:
(~/ denotes your home folder; any subfolders starting with a period [.] are hidden files or folders)
~/.cache/rhythmbox/covers (the folder containing all your album cover art displayed in Rhythmbox)
~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts (any scripts you added to Nautilus will be in this folder)
~/.lyrics (the folder containing all your song lyrics displayed in Rhythmbox)
~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml (Rhythmbox's database file; if you were forced to edit this because of some incorrectly displayed tags, don't forget to copy it over).
~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox/plugins/ (Rhythmbox's plugins folder; plugins should be accessible when you restart Rythmbox).
~/.bash_aliases (Terminal command aliases you may have created will be in this file).
~/.gconf/apps/nautilus/preferences/%gconf.xml (Nautilus folder preferences file)
~/.mozilla/firefox (Folder for Firefox settings, cache, bookmarks, etc. If there are 2 or more subfolders with names like 2tb4r91t.default just copy over the latest one, and make sure profiles.ini points to it)
~/.thunderbird (Mozilla Thunderbird folder with all accounts, emails, settings, etc)

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Ubuntu :: Grub Won't Show Anymore After Clean Up The Config Files?

Aug 7, 2010

After I used Ubuntu Tweak to clean up ALL the config files, I retsrated and Grub won't show the menu anymore. I'm still able to get to the latest kernels though but I want to log in to my windows.

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Semicolons & Hash Characters In Config Files?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm messing with my samba config file. For line comments, some use a number sign/pound sign/hash symbol, while other lines use a semicolon:

############ Misc ############
# Using the following line enables you to customise your configuration
# on a per machine basis. The %m gets replaced with the netbios name
# of the machine that is connecting


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Ubuntu :: Alter Config Files After Install From Custom Live Cd?

Apr 24, 2011

I'm building my own ubuntu variant for low resource systems at the moment. It's based from the ubuntu 10.10 minimal install (12mb iso). It uses openbox as the window manager and SLiM as the login/display manager.

What I would like two know is how to have a few config files that are on the live cd to be altered for the installed system. Specifically, SLiM autologin, but I'll probably find other things to change aswell. Basically a sort of "first boot script".

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Fedora :: Keyboard Commands In .config Files?

Aug 23, 2011

I've installed the packages required to use a wiimote as a remote control in Fedora, and am currently trying to write a config file to use the wiimote for Clementine.My file currently looks like this:

# This is the wminput-clementine file
Wiimote.A = KEY_F6 #Play/Pause


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OpenSUSE Install :: Where Are The Desktop Config Files Kept

Sep 25, 2010

I just re-installed 11.3 KDE. I kept my old /home directory on a USB drive. Now I would like to replicate my panels. Where are the desktop config files kept?

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CentOS 5 :: Remastering CD - Editing Some Config Files?

Mar 12, 2011

I made some changes in my CentOS for example edit some config file. I wanna apply these changes in cd of CentOS because in this way I don't have to edit each of my CentOS one by one.

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall (including Any Config Files) And Reinstall The Windows Manager

Jun 11, 2011

I've destroyed my desktop.

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and I would much like to uninstall (including any config files) and reinstall the windows manager.

Is there a set of commands I can run to achieve this?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Modify Files Like Shadow Or Config

Aug 3, 2011

1- how I can deactivate selinux and the root password on fedora 15?

2- I can't use copy, cut past in the GUI !!

3- even with (su -) I can't modify files like shadow or config !

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OpenSUSE :: Purge Config Files Of Uninstalled Applications?

Sep 20, 2010

When I remove an application from YaST does it remove its config files too? If it does not, is there any command by which I can remove the config files for all the uninstalled applications?

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