Fedora :: Keyboard Commands In .config Files?

Aug 23, 2011

I've installed the packages required to use a wiimote as a remote control in Fedora, and am currently trying to write a config file to use the wiimote for Clementine.My file currently looks like this:

# This is the wminput-clementine file
Wiimote.A = KEY_F6 #Play/Pause


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Ubuntu Servers :: Config - Change / Add From The Default OpenSSH Config Files To Get Tunnelling To Work?

Jul 10, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu Server 11.04 with OpenSSH, trying to create an ssh tunnel (for web traffic) to it from my (also Ubuntu) laptop. This is the command I'm using to create the tunnel:

Code: ssh -ND localhost:8080 george@ I had it all working on a virtual machine.. which was deleted What settings/lines do I need to change/add from the default OpenSSH config files to get tunnelling to work? I've Googled and AllowTcpForwarding is set to yes, as is X11Forwarding.. but it still doesn't work. Chrome can connect to the server, but says the connection was closed before any data was sent.

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Ubuntu :: Config File That Determines The Commands To Do On Bootup?

Mar 31, 2010

I am using Ubuntu server 9.10. Also for shutdown and restart too.

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General :: How To Check For Https In Commands Config File For Nagios

Jul 29, 2010

I have a few questions to ask, so please pardon me

1) How to check for https in commands config file for Nagios? I only know how to check for http, not sure for https.

2) The log file in Nagios, is it possible to extend Nagios's plugins (or are there already have plugins existed) so that we could actually make use of the log file to check for status of each and every services in different hosts, instead of looking through the log file manually which can be very time-consuming if the list is very long.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Modify Files Like Shadow Or Config

Aug 3, 2011

1- how I can deactivate selinux and the root password on fedora 15?

2- I can't use copy, cut past in the GUI !!

3- even with (su -) I can't modify files like shadow or config !

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Fedora :: Can't Open Kword As Root (need To Edit Config Files)?

Sep 14, 2010

Always had this problem on F13... if I run kword from console as root I get.kwordkword(14580): Session bus not found

KCrash: Application 'kword' crashing...
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory


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Fedora Networking :: Config The Httpd Apache Server To Upload Files

Jan 6, 2011

my task is to store the data to a file at server sent via HTTP POST, i written suitable cgi script in C, but the PROBLEM is that i can't complete the task, I guess i require server permission to do so, how to configure server or how to get access right from server to store data to a file.

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Ubuntu :: Get Into The Terminal From Keyboard Commands?

May 6, 2011

I upgraded to 11.04 today and wanted to reconfigure so that I could have the desktop cube again. Once I started trying to switch my settings for the cube configuration compiz asked whether I wanted to turn off various features and apparently among them was the control bar on the side and top of the screen. Now I log in to Ubuntu and I get my workspace and that's it. No control bars, just the workspace. I need to know a few things:

1) Has anyone else had this problem?

2) How do I get into the terminal from keyboard commands?

3) What terminal commands do I need to bring back at least the main toolbar so I can access programs.

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General :: Custom Keyboard Commands?

Apr 18, 2011

I found that Linux Ubuntu has custom keyboard commands.his is awesome.What I'm trying to do, is make a command that will shut down the computer with a single button with no dialog windows.For you know, being grounded nd stuff.I found the command for it is "shutdown" with a few options.But when I tested it, being bound to pause/break, it did nothingAm I writing the wrong code, as I'm not using any options, or is this not possible?

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Ubuntu :: Wildcards In Keyboard Shortcut Commands

Feb 7, 2011

I want to make a keyboard shortcut that runs the following command:

smplayer /tmp/Flash*
This is to play things as ..... videos etc. in smplayer using vdpau instead of the laggy flashplayer

The wildcard * works in terminals, but not in the command of the shortcut or in the Alt-F2 launcher... Could anyone point me to what I could write instead?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts: Using PIPE For Multiple Commands?

Aug 28, 2010

Searched the forums for solution & am not seeing oneWrote a simple script to find Trash folders on Lucid and delete them

sudo find / -regex ".*Trash[-]?[0-9]+?" | while read -e line


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General :: Keyboard Input Time Is More For Typing Commands?

Aug 15, 2010

While typing commands it takes more time to type.let me know on how to correct this

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Debian Installation :: Preseed : Keyboard Config Not Taken Into Account?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm trying to automate Squeeze 6 installation with preseed.cfg, but the keyboard configuration (fr) is not taken into account.Given the debconf logs, it seems that the language is set before preseed.cfg is read. So I added "console-keymaps-at/keymap=fr locale=fr_FR" to the syslinux.cfg kernel line.That skips the installer keyboard selection page. But in debconf logs I can seed "Setting debconf/language to en".What am I doing wrong ?Here are the related options I set in preseed.cfg. I can't find an exhaustive debconf options list, and their exact meaning ; does anyone know of one ?d-i debian-installer/locale string fr

# The values can also be preseeded individually for greater flexibility.
d-i debian-installer/language string fr
d-i debian-installer/country string FR


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Ubuntu :: VI & Keyboard Config On A Newly Installed Laptop?

Jan 7, 2010

I've just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop, and when I'm on vim, I can use arrow key normally in command mode, but in editing mode, if I use them, it print a letter, capital case + new line and doesn't move the cursor.

In putty I would try to play with the different type of keyboard settings (ESC[~, Linux, Xterm R6, VT400 etc...), but here, I don't know what to do.

At the installation time, I choose French/French keyboard.

Extra Question :


It's said to have GRUB2 by default, but at boot time it says Grub 1.97 beta...

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Ubuntu :: Change Commands Executed By Gnome Keyboard Shortcuts?

Jun 28, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS, but wanted to use Banshee instead of Rhythmbox. After running Code: sudo aptitude install banshee I wanted to bind my "Media" button on my keyboard to run banshee; unfortunately, it still wants to run rhythmbox. Where can I change the default command executed by these keyboard shortcuts? I can't seem to find them in gconf-editor under apps/metacity/* and googling has proved fruitless in finding where this configuration file is located.

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Software :: Possible To Move Mouse Pointer Commands On A Standard Keyboard?

Jul 29, 2010

As you know it is possible to move the mouse pointer with the numlock keys on a standard keyboard. I would like to know what are the commands for moving the pointer up, down, right, and left? I plan to reprogram different keys/shortcuts to do those mouse functions instead of the numlock keys.

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Ubuntu :: Commands - Sudo Kill -9 -1 - Screen Became Blank - Keyboard Not Responding

Jul 11, 2011

I am learning linux commands. I just wanted to see what happens when I type


The screen became blank. Keyboard was not responding. I couldn't do a proper shutdown. I switched off computer by pulling out the plug. When I restarted, I heard a series of beeps (approximately 10 beeps). Then I was dropped to the grub prompt. The problem now is I can not type anything into the grub prompt, because the character 'c' is continously printed across the screen like this:


I couldn't stop the character 'c' from printing (I tried pressing Esc, Ctrl+C)

The solution is easy. I can reinstall grub from a livecd. Or even reinstalling the entire operating system wouldn't take more than 30 minutes. But I want to know:

1) What exactly happened to grub? What stage does this error belong to (1, 1.5 or 2)? What is the error number?

2) How can running "sudo kill -9 -1" affect grub?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcut To Search Through Past Shell Commands With Regular Expression?

Jul 14, 2010

Note: I have made a thread similar to this before, but the title/contents were too botched to repair.I know that using C-r you can search for past bash commands containing a particular string, but how would you search for past bash commands matching a particular regular expressionIs there a keyboard shortcut for that or do you have to use a shell command?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Config The Network Config ( IP Address ), Due To The Error Of Network Manager?

Jan 17, 2010

When I install the FC11 by using"Install or upgrade an existing system"or"Install system with basic video driver"mode...Point 1, I can't config the network config ( IP Address ), due to theerror of network manager...Point 2, I can't enter into the text mode to do the installation steps.Remark:The machine is provide Web,DNS, and Mail Server on the NET ( Internet )

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General :: Server Terminal Keyboard Shortcut "F5" To Run Commands Sudo Apt-get Update

Sep 10, 2010

I was wondering is there a way to bind say "F5" to the command sudo apt-get update so I can press one key to write this into the terminal?

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Programming :: Search The String "Listen" In A Few Files (config Files)?

May 9, 2011

I'm trying to search the string "Listen" in a few files (config files). I madefind /apps/apache* -exec grep -H Listen {} ;but the result list is very long. How i make a "grep -v" whith this command?

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General :: Execute Example.sh Files Like Other Commands?

Jun 23, 2010

I just want to know that how can I execute a example.sh (script) from command-line like other Unix commands. Please write full procedure

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Ubuntu :: Won't Update Some Config Files

Jan 28, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu on a partition install. It is dual-booted with my Windows 7. Anyways, everything worked fine for a while, until I pressed ctrl+alt+F2. Then it went to this weird full-screen-mode command line thing. It asked for my login so i did, and then it asked for my password, which I then entered. And then I really don't know what I did, but at the end I pressed ctrl+alt+delete, which instead of going to like a task manager, it restarted my computer.

I then booted into Ubuntu again, and it started giving me errors about how it won't update some config files, and then it won't load up like the desktop and the panels. All I see about booting is the default Ubuntu background when you login and nothing else. No panels, no icons, nothing, just the background.

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Ubuntu :: Config Files Not Reinstalling?

May 11, 2011

I mistakenly deleted /etc/apache2/port.conf, so I tried to reinstall the package with "apt-get", but nothing. I dug myself in deeper by thinking a script skipped it because the directory was there, so I removed it completely. After reinstalling using "apt-get install apache2", the folders came back, bot non of the config files where there. I am now lost. How can I get them all back?

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Slackware :: What About Config Files During Upgrade

Nov 13, 2010

During upgrade the system ask me what to do about config files. K to keep old ones then other options to change config files to the new system and backup old one with *.old extension and 2 other options I don't remember. What do you think is the best choice if I have changed my xorg.conf, my layout and my fonts.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - What Config Files Have Entries For USB

Jun 8, 2010

A while back I suddenly lost USB support on one of my computers. At first I thought it was a HW problem but I'm not completely sure. What configuration files have entries for the USB, especially at startup, so that I can check them against the ones on my working computer. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.

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General :: Commands See Files, Bash Doesn't?

Sep 10, 2010

This is a really odd bug I can't seem to figure it out. Basically, commands like ls can see all the files in the current directory, however when I go to execute the file it will give errors like "file not found", even when it most obviously is. If you look at my command history in the screenshot, you can see I can ls into a directory and see it's contents. When I try to run the file, I get the "no such file or directory" error.

However, if I type simply 'vm', I can't use tab completion to complete the directory name, and my third command is me typing 'vm' and hitting tabtab, it lists a bunch of vmware specific tools instead of the subdirectory name. I can then ls and see my current directory contents, and it will list only the single subdirectory. However, then I tried to use the full filepath from root to run the file, still to no avail. If anyone has any insight,

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OpenSUSE Install :: Where Are The Desktop Config Files Kept

Sep 25, 2010

I just re-installed 11.3 KDE. I kept my old /home directory on a USB drive. Now I would like to replicate my panels. Where are the desktop config files kept?

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Ubuntu :: Where NVidia X Config Files Located

Jan 22, 2011

Where are they located? What file I cant find it.

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Software :: Missing Config Files In Ubuntu 10.10

Jun 24, 2011

Regardless of the fact that editing these files is necessary for good functioning of my system, my standard 10.10 ubuntu installation seems to lack these files:


Am I the only one who witnesses this in ubuntu? Perhaps I need to apt-get install some things? Knowledge about these files is important for my study.

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