Software :: Keep Rdesktop From Closing Applications?

Jan 13, 2009

I use rdesktop on SuSE 11 to connect to several windows 2003 servers.

Whenever I disconnect, like by accidentally hitting the close button, all my applications on the server are closed and my session is closed.

I would like them to stay open. The windows guy here showed me how it's not happening with his remote desktop on windows XP.

Is there any way to change this?

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General :: Closing Lid Causing Applications Not To Work

Jan 16, 2011

Running Linux Mint 9 isadora - After closing the lid I have problem with wireless not working and sound will not work. I have to restart the computer.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Applications Are Loosing Top Bar Containing Buttons For Closing They Hang Up?

Mar 3, 2011

I have openSUSE 11.3 with GNOME desktop.

I start up the machine and face the following problem after some time passes.

1. applications are loosing top bar containing buttons for closing, maximising minimising. they hang up afterwords.

2. i was downloading using firefox and found that instead of downloading files to download folder it is downloading in root. i tried to move files from root to other folders but it is giving "permission denied" message. Later i noticed it has lost all its history, bookmarks.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Everything Except Rdesktop?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm trying to slim down the ubuntu liveCD using the instructions from the following link: [URL]

My objective is to trim ubuntu down and leave nothing but the ability to do remote desktop and use network-manager to manage the network. Everything else is not important... so no clipboard no sound no 3D no USB... nothing except network and rdesktop with the regular gnome desktop with a panel for the network-manager applet

I managed to trim the final ISO down to 290MB but I need it around 100MB and if possible 50MB.

I do want to keep the ability to do "sudo apt-get install openoffice" in the future though....


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General :: Rdesktop Server - How To Set It Up

Dec 11, 2010

I want to manage Linux machine from another Linux machine with rdesktop. And I can't find how to set up a rdesktop server on Linux (Arch).

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CentOS 5 :: Where Is Rdesktop In GUI Menus

Sep 14, 2009

I installed rdesktop with yum from the centos "base" repo. I assumed it would then automnatically appear in the gnome and/or kde menus - but I haven't found it so far. Am I looking in the wrong place - or do I have to install it in the menus somehow? If so - where do I find instructions on doing this?

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Fedora :: 15 Rdesktop Clipboard Not Shared

Jun 2, 2011

I have a fully patched newly installed F15 x86_64 installation, with gnome-rdp used to run rdesktop to various Windows servers I manage. (rdesktop-1.6.0-11.fc15.x86_64) On F14, and most other Fedora's if I copied something on the Linux clipboard, I could paste it to the Windows server I was remote desktopped onto, and vice versa. However, on this installation this has ceased. The clipboard is no longer shared.

On a whim, I tested and found that when run from the command line as rdesktop -g 1024x768 hostname that the clipboard works. Thus the fault is with GNOME-RDP. gnome-rdp-0.2.3-8.fc15.x86_64

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Ubuntu :: Rdesktop No Sound With Win 2008 R2?

Feb 25, 2011

I am having some problems getting rdesktop working with sound. From what I understand, I should be able to use the following to allow sound support:

rdesktop -r sound:local [server ip address]

I can see that Windows says that it's outputting sound to a "remote audio", but there is no sound. If I connect to the same server with a windows rdp session, everything seems to work great.

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Ubuntu :: Start A 5.10 Without GUI + Autorun Rdesktop

Mar 27, 2011

i would like to know how to start a Ubuntu boot without GUI and autorun rdesktop after start of Ubuntu?

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Fedora :: Rdesktop With -rsound:local Not Working?

Jul 19, 2010

I haven't tried this yet except on my FC13 x64 install, so I'm not sure if it's x64 related. I poked around the forums and saw other people mentioning things they tried, so looks to be an issue in general. Unfortunately, I haven't found a solution that's worked for me.

I'm trying to get the sound from my Win7 box over to my FC13 box while using rdesktop. I'm using the "-r sound:remote" option to get the sound to stay with my Win7 box (gotta listen to my tunes while I work). I've tried other sound:* options (local, alsa, oss) all with no luck. I know sound works on my FC13 box as I've hooked up some speakers to test. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction for something else I could be missing, I'm trying to convert from Windows, so be gentle. btw - I've also tried tsclient with the same result. so I'm thinking *something* is missing, but not really sure what to check for. I have to be missing *something* here. When I RDP from another Windows machine to my Win7 box, the sound works fine, just doesn't work when I try from my FC13 box to my Win7 box? Here is some additional details, I can provide the output of if that may help as well.

rpm -qa rdesktop
rpm -qa alsa*


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Fedora :: High Display Resolution For Rdesktop ?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm using rdesktop to remotely access a winxp box from F14. However I'm not getting high resolution. Please help me to get high resolution. The machine is at the same lan and no bandwidth problem here.

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General :: Rdesktop USB-redirection Save Removal?

May 16, 2011

We have several HP Thin-Clients of type t5545 in use. We redirect USB-Media to the terminalserver. Because the t5545 runs a debian customized by hp, we can treat it like a debian in some way.First, I'll explain how usb-redirection is configured: automatically mount it to /tmp/tmpfs/media /tmp/tmpfs/media is redirected as disk "Z" via rdesktop-parameter -r disk:sharename=path in case of removed usb-media udev will run a script to umount -l the device and delete the mountpointThe environment:

Thin-Clients run linux: root@mac-addr:/tmp/tmpfs/media# uname -a
Linux mac-addr 2.6.26-2-686 1 SMP Wed Nov 4 20:45:37 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
Terminalserver runs Windows Server 2008 R2


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Ubuntu :: Copy Paste Is Not Working While Using Rdesktop?

Apr 23, 2010

I've tried rdesktop and grdesktop.. But i can't do copy and paste operation within windows XP machine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rdesktop Webcam Forwarding

Apr 30, 2010

At work we are planning on migrating XP machines to ubuntu, and from there connect via remote desktop to a Windows Server 2008. That part is working perfectly, but our problem now is how to set up ubuntu to "share" the local webcam, so it can be used from the remote session in the server. Going through rdesktop man page there is a redirection option, but doesn't say anything about USB devices.

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Ubuntu :: Rdesktop Does Not Show What The Remote User Is Doing

May 1, 2010

im using "rdesktop -u username ip" in the terminal to connect to a windows machine on another lan.

i can connect and see plus control the desktop but i cant see what the user is doing and neither can the user see what im doing on his machine.

is there a way with rdesktop or another app that i can use that allows me to control the remote user's machine and at the same time allow him to see what im doing and visa versa ?

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Ubuntu :: Rdesktop Full Screen Mode?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm using UNE 10.10. When I connect to a windows pc in full screen mode using grdesktop I can get out of full screen mode fine by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Enter but when I do so grdesktop/rdesktop does not appear in the list of running applications and there's no apparent way to get back to my RDC. The rdesktop process is still running as seen by the ps command. How do I go about getting the window back? Could Unity be the problem??

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Debian :: Simple X Rdesktop Client For Xfce

Feb 4, 2011

I'm looking for a really simple X rdesktop client to run under xfce desktop.

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General :: Set The Default Resolution To Be 1024x768 When Use Rdesktop?

Apr 5, 2011

I like to use rdesktop at resolution 1024x768. But without adding the parameter "-g 1024x768", it always connects me via 800x600. Is there a way to change the default value to be 1024x768 so I don't have to keep telling the system?

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General :: TinyCore Using Rdesktop With Turkish Language

Apr 2, 2011

I am using Tiny Core Linux. I installed Turkish Keyboard with LoadKmap. But When I connect XP Remote Desktop with "rdesktop -ktr" I cannot use "ĞŞıI". Keymap isn't correctly working.

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Software :: Rdesktop 1.6 And Windows Server 2008?

Aug 1, 2010

I can get a connection to Windows server 2008 using rdesktop 1.6, but after a few seconds the connection is dropped and I get a message of and internal licensing error. I think rdesktop 1.6 uses rdp 5.x, and WIndows server 2008 uses rdp 6, but there must be some way to get a linux terminal server client to connect to Windows Server 2008.

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Software :: Rdesktop To Secure Win Server (Using SSL Certs)

Dec 4, 2009

Getting connection reset or time out when trying to rdesktop to a Win2003 server that has been upgraded to use SSL for server authentication. (See [URL]). Works fine connecting to other Win2003 servers, just not the secured ones. I'm using Rdesktop version 1.6.0 on Linux Fedora and also SUSE. To connect to the secure servers, Windows clients use the updated RDP client - version 5.2. As a workaround, I attempted to set up an SSL tunnel for rdesktop but wasn't successful in connecting through that either:

ssh username@ -L
rdesktop localhost:1024

Has anyone been able to use rdesktop to connect to a win server that has been configured to use SSL server authentication for RDP connections?

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CentOS 5 :: Autostart Rdesktop 1.60 Failure Using Sessions GUI

Oct 1, 2009

I am trying to build a fat client on an old pc. I have CentOS 5.3 installed standalone. Basically when the user turns on the pc, it automatically logs into a linux account and the desktop appears. I have installed rdesktop 1.60 to connect to a Win2008 server. From the command line or from a launcher icon I created on the linux desktop everything works fine. What I want to do is for the system to automatically execute rdesktop after the automatic login to linux. So I used the Sessions GUI. (Go to System, then Preferences, then More preference, then Sessions.) Within the Sessions GUI, I clicked on the "Startup Programs" tab and click on the "Add' button.

I type in :
rdesktop -f servername (where -f gives you full screen, and servername is the name of the windows server)
This works a couple of times, then it fails. When you reboot the linux pc, it will auto login, then show the rdesktop screen for a split second, disappears and then it shows the linux gnome desktop.

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Debian Multimedia :: Create Rdesktop Launcher Under Xfce?

Feb 6, 2011

Howto create an launcher for rdesktop on xfce desktop? I'd like a very simple gui, asking me just for the ip address or server name.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rdesktop Window-size Cannot Be Changed?

May 19, 2010

Whenerver I try to log on to our Windows 2008 R2 server via rdesktop, the window stays at the same small size. I can neither enlarge the window at the borders nor maximize it. Alt+Ctrl+Enter simply gives me the same window-content on the full screen with the rest simply grey.

Is that normal behaviour for rdesktop? Is there an alternative?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rdesktop Connection Reset By Peer

Jul 15, 2010

I've happily been using rdesktop to access my MS Vista desktop from Ubuntu (Hardy) for a few months until a couple of days ago when it stopped working. Now if I try connecting I get the following:


I don't believe anything's changed on the client (Ubuntu) side. The Vista box is occasionally connected to a corporate intranet via VPN and it was after such a session that rdesktop stopped working, so perhaps a Windows group policy was modified during the session. I've checked the basics - can ping from Ubuntu, can access port 3389. Have deleted ~/.rdesktop and ~/.tsclient.

Digging around the Vista client I noticed in Control Panel > System Properties > Remote that in the Remote Desktop sub-panel the Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication setting is enabled and that the other two are greyed out. Now, I don't know whether this setting has been changed but I suspect that it might be the problem.

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about Windows to know how or even whether I can change this setting to Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure) I've poked around the group policy editor (gpedit.msc) but no joy.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Login Into Windows 2008 Using Rdesktop?

Nov 11, 2010

I have problem with login into Windows 2008 server usning rdesktop 1.6. While I'm connect Windows 2008 host, prompts username and password i get an error: "Wrong username or password" but i'm sure that username and pass are correct (I can connect this server using windows Remote Desktop). My OS is Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit.

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Ubuntu Networking :: RDesktop Permanent Connection Risks?

Jan 1, 2011

I have successfully setup a connection from Ubuntu 10.10 to Windows XP Pro via rDesktop, which of course was quite easy, but I intend to do permanently setup via my computers on the same connection. Like KVM switch, but what kind of risks or problems could come up? What kind of tweaks could I apply to add extra security? I would like to do a ssh connection between them, but I have had major issues with it in the past. What kind of options do I have?

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SUSE :: Add-on Manager (newbie) Rdesktop, Sever 2008?

Feb 1, 2010

hi i've searched the forums and haven't found anyting, so i'm posting. Linux SuSe 10. not sure of exact version. The remote desktop will not connect to windows server 2008. I'm assuming that i need to update rdesktop. So i go the Novell Add-on manager and point it to my ftp server with the extracted rdesktop files in the driectory. I can see the linux desktop accessing the folder with the files but a get an error. How do i install the new rdesktop using ftp and the Novell Add-on manager? it seams that the add-n manager is lookikng for a file listing the add-ons.

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Ubuntu :: Rdesktop Does Not Show Remote User Actions

May 4, 2010

im using "rdesktop -u username ip" in the terminal to connect to a windows machine on another lan. (my local machine is Ubuntu 10 and remote user has Win7)

i can connect and see his desktop, plus i can control the remote mouse, but i cant see what the user is doing and neither can the user see what im doing on his machine.

is there a way with rdesktop or another .deb app that i can use that allows me to control the remote user's machine and at the same time allow him to see what im doing and/or visa versa ?

i also tried VNC veiwer and it too does not give me the required results. is there something that the windows owner need to do ?

i need this for showing users how to do certain tasks on their machines.

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General :: Remote Desktop (linux Rdesktop) To Windows 7 Timing Out?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a remote desktop session to a Windows 7 Workstation that keeps timingut/disconnecting after a minute or two of idiling. Also, sometimes it disconnects while I am in the middle of using it.I have tried turing off all NIC power saving options, the sound option for remote desktop, and all the go to sleep power saving options. I don't have any issues with remote desktop connecting to various Windows Server 2008 R2 Machines and VMs.

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