Fedora :: 15 Rdesktop Clipboard Not Shared

Jun 2, 2011

I have a fully patched newly installed F15 x86_64 installation, with gnome-rdp used to run rdesktop to various Windows servers I manage. (rdesktop-1.6.0-11.fc15.x86_64) On F14, and most other Fedora's if I copied something on the Linux clipboard, I could paste it to the Windows server I was remote desktopped onto, and vice versa. However, on this installation this has ceased. The clipboard is no longer shared.

On a whim, I tested and found that when run from the command line as rdesktop -g 1024x768 hostname that the clipboard works. Thus the fault is with GNOME-RDP. gnome-rdp-0.2.3-8.fc15.x86_64

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Software :: Run What Windows Users Typically Call A Clipboard As A Network Service On My Small LAN / Clipboard / Notepad?

Mar 18, 2011

I'd like to have a Linux machine run what Windows users typically call a clipboard as a network service on my small LAN (about 10 machines). More specifically I am looking to have Linux run the clipboard service centrally in the LAN with both Windows and *nix machines able to connect to it as opposed to the peer-to-peer sync model that I am seeing in almost all of the applications I've discovered thus far.

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Fedora :: Rdesktop With -rsound:local Not Working?

Jul 19, 2010

I haven't tried this yet except on my FC13 x64 install, so I'm not sure if it's x64 related. I poked around the forums and saw other people mentioning things they tried, so looks to be an issue in general. Unfortunately, I haven't found a solution that's worked for me.

I'm trying to get the sound from my Win7 box over to my FC13 box while using rdesktop. I'm using the "-r sound:remote" option to get the sound to stay with my Win7 box (gotta listen to my tunes while I work). I've tried other sound:* options (local, alsa, oss) all with no luck. I know sound works on my FC13 box as I've hooked up some speakers to test. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction for something else I could be missing, I'm trying to convert from Windows, so be gentle. btw - I've also tried tsclient with the same result. so I'm thinking *something* is missing, but not really sure what to check for. I have to be missing *something* here. When I RDP from another Windows machine to my Win7 box, the sound works fine, just doesn't work when I try from my FC13 box to my Win7 box? Here is some additional details, I can provide the output of alsa-info.sh if that may help as well.

rpm -qa rdesktop
rpm -qa alsa*


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Fedora :: High Display Resolution For Rdesktop ?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm using rdesktop to remotely access a winxp box from F14. However I'm not getting high resolution. Please help me to get high resolution. The machine is at the same lan and no bandwidth problem here.

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Fedora :: Use System Clipboard In Termal Vim?

Jan 19, 2010

I want to use system clipboard of vim in the termal of X mode, not text mode. But when I type reg command in vim, I haven't seen the system clipboard, And I can't copy the content of vim to other applications, such as firefox. My version is as follows : Fedora release 12 (Constantine) I have installed vim rpms as follows:

rpm -qa |grep vim

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Fedora :: KVM-QEMU With Libvirt Clipboard Synchronization?

Dec 18, 2009

I'm running a Windows 7 guest using Virtual Machine Manager to launch my "console" to the VM. I believe it uses VNC to connect to the console. I'd like to have clipboard synchronization so I can copy from the host and paste to the guest.

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Software :: CUPS Installation / Shared Printer And Not Able To Access Shared Printer From Any Of Fedora Machine?

Jul 21, 2010

Installed fedora/configued samba, shared printer and i am not able to access shared printer from any of the fedora machine. I am able to access the printer /shared folder from windows machine. I dont know the process of cups installation.

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Fedora Networking :: Vpnc On F12 Broken / Rdesktop Client Opens A "black" Window And Goes No Further?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm having problems with vpnc on F12 that work fine on F10 and F11. On F12, I can connect and can do some activities, but so far I noticed the following (show-stopping) issues:Attempting to connect to an Oracle database using either sqlplus or TORa hangs and eventually times out. I tried both the 11G and 10G instant clients.Copying a file to the host via a smb:// mount in nautilus freezes. An empty file is created though.
A rdesktop client opens a "black" window and goes no further. I attempted to downgrade vpnc on my F12 workstation from vpnc-0.5.3-4.fc12.x86_64 to vpnc-0.5.3-3.fc11.x86_64 to no avail. I also downgraded libgcrypt too and this didn't help either. Moreover, I upgraded these to the F13 rawhide version - still no luck.

I also confirmed on a F11 virtual machine that these work and that it doesn't work on 2 x64 and 1 x386 F12 machines. (The configuration and the host are the same in all cases.)

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Software :: Cannot Open Shared Object File - Error While Loading Shared Libraries

Mar 2, 2010

I have an application consisting of different processes and all these processes are linked to shared libraries. I start the application (spawn all the different processes) as say user1. Now with the application up, if I run a process p1, the process gets activated and works. However, if I start the same process p1 as a different user, say user2, which is completely different from user1 the process complains of

"error while loading shared libraries:...."

I set LD_RUN_PATH both in compile and runtime environment. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set correctly in both places.

All the above works if I set the absolute path of the required shared libraries in /etc/ld.so.conf file and rebuild the /etc/ld.so.cache

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Software :: Error While Loading Shared Libraries - Cannot Open Shared Object File ?

Aug 16, 2010

Alright, just loaded a fresh copy of OpenSuSE 11.3 x64, went to update manager and let it update, came back and computer was shut down. After booting it back up, I cannot update any software, nor run any commands.

Here is my output:

Code: error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I've tried searching for this error, some people came back saying to run this:


But all that happens is this:


Nor ls work either so I'm stuck and thinking about a reinstall.

I don't understand how this system could be so messed up after a failed update.. Used to trust SuSE, not sure anymore after this incident..

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OpenSUSE :: Error While Loading Shared Libraries: Libpng12.so.0: Cannot Open Shared Object File

Nov 9, 2010

Installed Skype but it wont launch. Running the latest Opensuse Gnome. Ive uninstalled it and reinstalled several times but always with the same error. When I try to run it from terminal I get this:

ig@linux-ljqk:~> skype
skype: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Ive just now uninstalled skype and tried reinstalling it again via yast, but now I get the following error [PK_TMP_DIR|dir:///var/tmp/TmpDir.xftzR0] Repository already exists.

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Ubuntu :: Error While Loading Shared Libraries: LibOpenThreads.so.12: Cannot Open Shared Object File

May 5, 2010

just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and installed the flightgear package and the fgfs-base package. I ran fgfs from a terminal and got this error:

$ fgfs
fgfs: error while loading shared libraries: libOpenThreads.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So then I did:
sudo apt-get install libopenthreads12
and it gave me these errors:


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Ubuntu :: Error While Loading Shared Libraries: LibGLU.so.1: Cannot Open Shared Object File

Aug 3, 2010

I'm trying to run Kega Fusion on my laptop, which can now FINALLY run Linux (ATI drivers finally work on it), and I can't get the emulator to work..

brandon@brandon-laptop:~/Desktop/Fusion$ ./Fusion
./Fusion: error while loading shared libraries: libGLU.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
brandon@brandon-laptop:~/Desktop/Fusion$ uname -a
Linux brandon-laptop 2.6.32-24-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 5 09:20:59 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Help? I have the ATI proprietary drivers installed. I tried without them and it still wouldn't work. (And OpenGL is seemingly working as Compiz Fusion is running. I also tried with Compiz disabled but the same error pops up).

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Ubuntu :: Error While Loading Shared Libraries: Libgtk-1.2.so.0: Cannot Open Shared Object File

Aug 21, 2010

I'm running lucid 32-bit. I get this error when I try to run the installer for Unreal Tournament GOTY:

Verifying archive integrity... All good. Uncompressing Unreal Tournament 436-multilanguage.goty Installer. /home/computer/.setup1548: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory computer@computer-desktop:~/UnrealInstall$ I tried installing libgtk1.2 (as told by some people in other threads), but couldn't do that:

E: Couldn't find package libgtk1.2
However, I checked that I do have libgtk2.0
So what should I do?

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Slackware :: Ark: Error While Loading Shared Libraries: Liblzma.so.0: Cannot Open Shared Object File

Jan 26, 2011

After finally getting my wireless/graphics drivers working yesterday (thanks to this forum ) I startx to realize that not a single KDE/Qt application will launch, along with Firefox, or Chrome/Chromium. (I did a full install from the DVD, not deselecting anything, and when I upgraded to -current, I also did the same.)

Ark said:


ark: error while loading shared libraries: liblzma.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

but I managed to fix that one by commenting out 'aaa_elflibs' in /etc/slackpkg/blacklist (on a recommendation from #slackware), and running slackpkg upgrade-all again, but that's the only one (afaik) that was fixed. Ark still doesn't work, but it doesn't show that error anymore. When I run it, a box pops up that says "Unable to find Ark's KPart component, please check your installation."

Kate still says:


kate: error while loading shared libraries: libkemoticons.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Now, konsole, firefox, and Chromium's errors are a little different.



konsole: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libphonon.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN9QMetaType15registerTypedefEPKci

Firefox and Chrome basically say the same thing


/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.13/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/skypebuttons.so: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData11detach_growEPii

again, I am completely baffled here, as I had kate, konsole and ark running before I upgraded to -current.

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Hardware :: Blender: Error While Loading Shared Libraries: Libpython2.5.so.1.0: Cannot Open Shared Object File

Mar 16, 2010

I want to run blender in Ubuntu910,but get below

test@ubuntu:~$ blender

blender: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.5.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Programming :: Create A Shared Memory And Some Shared Objects?

Jun 11, 2010

I want to create a "Shared Memory" in linux, then create multiple "Shared Objects" that can access to a Table for example; And one of them can write something into the Table and the other can access and read it, so that these operations can be handled by programmer! I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and I've set it's runlevel at 3 (I have commandline environment now!) I've searched the Internet so much, but couldn't find a good sample code for this! I have no experience about it and need your help to introduce me a sample code about it and advise me how to compile and use it with "GCC"?!

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Ubuntu :: Shared Folder Is No Longer Shared After Rebooting?

Aug 13, 2010

I have two partitions: one for Ubuntu 64-bit and another one with the format NTFS only for keeping documents. I have shared one folder of this NTFS partition, but every time I reboot the PC (or shutdown and start again for that matter) the folder is no longer shared.Why?How can I prevent this folder to be un-shared when I reboot the computer?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Everything Except Rdesktop?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm trying to slim down the ubuntu liveCD using the instructions from the following link: [URL]

My objective is to trim ubuntu down and leave nothing but the ability to do remote desktop and use network-manager to manage the network. Everything else is not important... so no clipboard no sound no 3D no USB... nothing except network and rdesktop with the regular gnome desktop with a panel for the network-manager applet

I managed to trim the final ISO down to 290MB but I need it around 100MB and if possible 50MB.

I do want to keep the ability to do "sudo apt-get install openoffice" in the future though....


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General :: Rdesktop Server - How To Set It Up

Dec 11, 2010

I want to manage Linux machine from another Linux machine with rdesktop. And I can't find how to set up a rdesktop server on Linux (Arch).

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CentOS 5 :: Where Is Rdesktop In GUI Menus

Sep 14, 2009

I installed rdesktop with yum from the centos "base" repo. I assumed it would then automnatically appear in the gnome and/or kde menus - but I haven't found it so far. Am I looking in the wrong place - or do I have to install it in the menus somehow? If so - where do I find instructions on doing this?

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Ubuntu :: Rdesktop No Sound With Win 2008 R2?

Feb 25, 2011

I am having some problems getting rdesktop working with sound. From what I understand, I should be able to use the following to allow sound support:

rdesktop -r sound:local [server ip address]

I can see that Windows says that it's outputting sound to a "remote audio", but there is no sound. If I connect to the same server with a windows rdp session, everything seems to work great.

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Software :: Keep Rdesktop From Closing Applications?

Jan 13, 2009

I use rdesktop on SuSE 11 to connect to several windows 2003 servers.

Whenever I disconnect, like by accidentally hitting the close button, all my applications on the server are closed and my session is closed.

I would like them to stay open. The windows guy here showed me how it's not happening with his remote desktop on windows XP.

Is there any way to change this?

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Ubuntu :: Start A 5.10 Without GUI + Autorun Rdesktop

Mar 27, 2011

i would like to know how to start a Ubuntu boot without GUI and autorun rdesktop after start of Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: U 10.04 - Where Is Clipboard Setting ?

Oct 1, 2010

I'm NOT asking about clipboard managers like Glipper, Parcellite, GNOME itself should let configure clipboard behaviour: package "gnome-settings-daemon" includes "Clipboard management" - this is installed and running by default.[URL].. But - where I can make settings of clipboard ?

I have thing, in "gnome-control-center" - there are many applets, corresponding to gnome-settings-daemon plugins. But I can't find no clipboard setting. Where is it ? I remember, in past (maybe it was in KDE desktop (?)) I could set, if my X selections should be added to "ctrl-c" list and vice versa or not. This is what I need.

But once again - I do not ask about installing Clipboard managers. I'm asking - where is standard GNOME clipboard setting in Lucid.

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Ubuntu :: Clipboard - Where Are My Screenshots?

Apr 2, 2011

Where in God's green earth does ubuntu put screenshots/clipboard related material? I've made like 5 screenshots but am totally unable to locate them. Great Scott! In windows I know where there at!

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Fedora Networking :: How To Access Shared Windows Files From Fedora System?

Mar 24, 2009

How can I access shared Windows files from a fedora system

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Access Fedora 10 Shared Folder From Windows

Aug 17, 2009

Linux OS : Fedora 10 (No graphical mode)Windows OS : XP and Windows Server NT...I am able to access from my windows to linux using following step//fedora10 ip username of admin and password...I am able to view the admin and shared printer of fedora 10.When i try to enter in the admin folder i am not able to access it. It is giving error "Access is denied".

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Print To Shared Windows Printer From Fedora

Feb 20, 2011

I am trying to set up printing on my Fedora 14 laptop, on my home network.


- Home network, single subnet, the desktops are connected to the switch portion of my Linksys via Ethernet and all have static addresses. Name resolution between them is via hosts file entries. The router is running wireless (WPA2/AES/DHCP) to accommodate my laptop which is dual boot XP Pro and Linux Fedora 14.

- The printer is an HP Deskjet F4180 printer. It is attached via USB to a Windows XP Pro box and shared. The XP box is wired and static ip.

- I am able to see all the shares and print to the shared printer from any of the Windows boxes, wired and wireless, including my laptop when I run Windows on it.

- My Fedora 14 is working fine on wireless, using Network Manager and KDE desktop. I am able to access all the Windows shares on both of my wired desktops. One desktop is XP Pro, the other is Windows 7.

This is what happens when I try to set up printing on Fedora:

- I go to Administration / Printing and click to Add a Printer.
- I am prompted for the root password twice, which I put in.
- I select Network Printer / Windows printer via samba and click on Browse...
- It finds my WORKGROOUP and machine name mig29 and prompts for user ID and password which I type in.


the user ID and logon on Fedora is different from the one on Windows. During setup I am prompted for credentials. It seems to me that somewhere down the line Fedora supplies not the credentials I supply but my local user ID and password and it obviously fails.

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General :: Rdesktop USB-redirection Save Removal?

May 16, 2011

We have several HP Thin-Clients of type t5545 in use. We redirect USB-Media to the terminalserver. Because the t5545 runs a debian customized by hp, we can treat it like a debian in some way.First, I'll explain how usb-redirection is configured: automatically mount it to /tmp/tmpfs/media /tmp/tmpfs/media is redirected as disk "Z" via rdesktop-parameter -r disk:sharename=path in case of removed usb-media udev will run a script to umount -l the device and delete the mountpointThe environment:

Thin-Clients run linux: root@mac-addr:/tmp/tmpfs/media# uname -a
Linux mac-addr 2.6.26-2-686 1 SMP Wed Nov 4 20:45:37 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
Terminalserver runs Windows Server 2008 R2


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