Software :: Firewall For SQL Injection Using Neural Network?

Oct 8, 2010

I am trying to implement a new project on Artificial Neural Network based Web Application Firewall for SQL Injection.which language is better for this ??i think to implement it as free and opensource linux based or cross platform project??i need some links to get a good source code of firewall for this.also give some links to this topic??anybody interested with this topic pls contact me to

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OpenSUSE Network :: Firewall Logs Are In /var/log/{firewall,warn,messages} - Clutter?

Mar 25, 2011

I suspect this is an initial configuration bug. All firewall logs seem to be going to all
three files. That causes a lot of clutter in the log files, and makes it difficult to see whether there are any serious problems being logged.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba And Firewall / Samba Is Not Working When Firewall Is On?

Jul 26, 2010

Samba is working correctly if Susefirewall2 is off. I have added Samba client and Samba Services for extern access but samba is not working when firewall is now on. Which services should I also add ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Increase Network Security> Personal Firewall?

Apr 7, 2011

I want some advice for making my system more secure. I want deactivate any network connection that is unnecessary. Only my browser and the update ability of zypper should have access to the internet. On windows there are personal firewalls.

How can I block internetaccess for all other programmes on openSUSE?

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Networking :: Firewall Rules To Add VPN Network Into LAN Network

Jun 4, 2010

I greet you at the same time ask me to help with a problem I have and I could not solve. Within the requirements I have is to connect a network that is connected by VPN to my LAN.The detail is I could have connection to the network by adding a network card (eth3) on the firewall and connect to the VPN router (DLINK) cable network, but I can not reach the other estin that are in the VPN.

It should be noted if I add a station within the network: 10.30.1.X/24 has no problems connecting with the other destinations.Physically this router is inside my 10.30.1.X DATA CENTER another wan.

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OpenSUSE Network :: IP Range In Firewall?

Mar 29, 2010

I am trying to add a custom allow rule in the firewall for a range of IPs from -, what exactly am I supposed to enter in the source box? I believe I have to add two separate rules for 102 and 103, and I put /24 at the end of both, is this correct to get the whole range of IPs?

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.4, CUPS, And The Firewall?

May 25, 2011

1. Under openSUSE 11.2, I allowed printer sharing through CUPS by setting the Firewall to Allow Services of CUPS in the External Zone section. I don't see the CUPS option in the Allow Services of the Firewall under 11.4, any zone. Is my system missing something?2. If I turn off the Firewall, the client computer can see the printers, even get the broadcasted names. If I put port 631 in TCP of the Advanced setting of the External Zone, the client computer can see the printer too, but I know I read somewhere that putting 631 in the External Zone is basically allowing printer requests from the entire internet.

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Networking :: Hooking Up A Firewall Into A OS X Network?

Feb 25, 2010

I am a networking admin of a network running a mac osx server Running the Darwin 9.8.0 kernel. My goal is to get a firewall computer running ubuntu with the program IQfirewall. My networking hardware goes ( __ cat 5 cables)

*internet* _____DS1___ cisco router_____ a small switching hub___OSX server___a ProCurve switch ___ a cat 5 box____ routers ___ computers.

from what i have read I want the server to act like a gatway/firewall and sort of have the server forward packets to the OSX server.How would I get started. IQfirewall uses a GUI interface and I can later copy my rules if you would want to see them. it is based off of iptables

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 Acting As Router Firewall

Mar 29, 2010

switched recently to 11.2 and it works fine for me as workstation I want to set up a router separating a part of the network and also acting as a firewall/proxy... Configured 2 Ethernet Interfaces, checked Ip forwarding in Yast but it does not forward the packets from the "internal" to the "external" network. Hovewer after I set up my router as default for machines on internal network I can ping the external interface but no adress on external network (particularly the one of the default router) !!! From the router I can reach both networks and the net via default gateway on external. Tried to:

a) switch firewall completely off
b) iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
c) masquarading internal adresses to the external network

my interfaces configuration looks like:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:D4:E3:A2:7B
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::213:d4ff:fee3:a27b/64 Scope:Link


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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 Users - Check Your Firewall

May 19, 2010

We have reason to ask this of you following some strange firewall behaviour - But don't panic If you use openSUSE 11.2 and you think: Your Firewall should be running You are not sure but think it should be check and report back here.

This is how to check:

Go to Yast > Security and Users > Firewall

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OpenSUSE Network :: Disable Ping On The Firewall?

May 27, 2010

I did a shields up test and it told me that 1056 ports were stealth but that my pc responded to ping and was visible on the net. How do i fix this?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Allow Openvpn Service In Firewall?

Jul 13, 2010

I can't get my openvpn work if the firewall is on , and I also don't see any option to allow openvpn service in firewall allow service.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Firewall Setup For OpenMPI - Can't Get To Run

Jul 24, 2010

I'm trying to get OpenMPI (a parallel programming library) working on my home system. I have just two machines on it now, t61 and quad, connected through a router. (Which is also connected to cable modem for internet.) I can ssh between the machnes, mount directories with NFS, etc. However, I just can't get the OpenMPI to run. The OpenMPI message board suggested that the most probable cause is that the firewall is blocking TCP. I don't know how to tell if that's the problem, and can't find any manual for the SuSE firewall, while the various Wikis &c that pop up in a search don't provide any information that addresses my problem.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Blocking SMTP On Firewall?

Aug 19, 2010

Ok here's my setup :

SuSE 10.0 X86 32 acting as my internet gateway and firewall.

eth0 is my internal interface network IP dsl0 is my internet connection and is a single ip PtP connection to my ISP.

My internal network is masquaraded onto the external network.

I run an smtp server on my gateway box that I need to be accessable to both the internal and external networks.

However I want to prevent machines on the internal network from establishing connections to external smtp servers, but still alow them to connect to the smtp server on the gateway to send email.

NOTE I do not want to force attempts to connect to [URL] 25 to be re-directed to my internal server I just want to drop or reject the connection.

The firewall up until now has just been configured through YaST, but am not afraid to edit script files if needed

The reason for doing this it to prevent spambots from being able to send through my isp, I keep my own machines clean but sometimes get asked to disinfect machines for other people (family members etc), where I need to connect to the outside world to get updates/virus defs etc, but don't want them spamming from my network.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Firewall Rules For Specific OS?

Aug 26, 2010

can I deny the access to my server for a specific OS? I have one PC which I want to give it acces from winxp, but if it's boot into ubuntu I want to deny all access to my server, same IP, same ethernet card

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OpenSUSE Network :: Suse Firewall Blocking Vnc Over Ssh?

Sep 8, 2010

I've setup vnc over ssh tunnelling however the Suse firewall seems to be blocking it. On the local host I have this in ~/.ssh/config:LocalForward localhost:5900 The problem is that this only works when I either disable the firewall or add an exception for VNC. Both of these actions defeat the whole purpose of ssh tunnelling since they leave my VNC port open to the outside world (very insecure).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Accessing A Machine Behind A Firewall?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm in the situation where I'm trying to create 2 private networks using ESX server, all behind a NAT router (static ips are used). I used an openSuse11 vm as a router and was able to configure it so that a machine on one private network was able to access the public network. The problem I have now it that I need to be able to access a machine on the private network from the public network using a different set of IP's.

So if a machine in the private network has an IP of I should be able to ping it using or some other IP. I have never done this before and after reading up on iptables and linux routing I feel more confused than before. Is it possible to add IPs to eth0 (public) and have them mapped to machines on a private network eth1 or eth

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Configure YaST Firewall

Mar 5, 2011

I'm looking forward to the release of openSUSE 11.4, which I'm looking to install as an Internet facing gateway on a mini-ITX machine with 2 Ethernet cards. As such I've been reading up on the YaST Firewall trying to find out to configure it, and there's one thing I'd like to be able to do: 'stealth' all the firewall ports.

In other words, if someone were to hypothetically do a port scan of my external IP address, I would rather they not know whether any of the ports on my gateway are open or closed, so instead of replying with the status of those ports the packets get dropped. I've been able to do this with a product called Astaro Security Gateway, which I currently have installed on a second hand Dell Optiplex machine, but I am now looking into the possibility of installing this as a virtual machine inside an openSUSE 11.4 host (extra level of security) and would like the same functionality for the host OS.

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Block An Outgoing Firewall

Mar 11, 2011

How I can refuse an outgoing connection on opensuse firewall by default outbound policy is permissive, and the p2p I explicitly deny an outgoing, according to protocol, remote port and local port.

But I can add rules as how to run opensuse firewall rules are permissive only for inbound traffic and so I can not specifically deny an outgoing connection.

Before using fwbuilder is very powerful and configurable but now I'm with suse for convenience but want to know if you can do what I want, if not I will have to use fwbuilder.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.4 New Install, How To Operate Firewall?

May 25, 2011

I have done a new install of 11.4 and as with previous versions, I have to go to YAST2 and disable the firewall before I have internet and local network access. Finally I must find out how to do this correctly.

How to I change the default firewall to allow me internet and local network access without disabling it completely? Also I am unclear about the function of Novel Network Armor? What does this do?

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Ubuntu Security :: Firewall Settings In A Network With It And XP

Jan 18, 2011

I run a small (cabled) network between a desktop with XP with two printers hooked to it and a laptop with Ubuntu 10.04.1 64b. I can approach and use these printers from my laptop and filesharing works also. BUT ... this only works when my Ubuntu firewall (Gufw 10.04.5) is switched off. I am operating behind my router_modem which has a hardware type of firewall switched on at all times so I presume I'm safe. Now my questions:

1. Is this really safe enough?
2. What kind of settings would Gufw need to be able to use it AND use my mini-network for printing? I have no experience whatsoever with firewall rules and settings.

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Networking :: Deploy A Firewall For Wireless Network

Jun 18, 2011

i wanted to deploy a firewall for my wireless network. low power footprint & small device that can be installed with linux to create a small firewall appliance.i might try configuring shorewall on it.

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General :: SED Usage To Delete An Injection?

Apr 28, 2011

Trying to delete injected code (one line) into multiple .php and .html files of a server with sed command but it seems there is a problem with sed when " and / are included in the string to be deleted.The string that needs to be deleted is <img heigth="1" width="1" border="0" src=""> However the last part of the string (id=########) is not constant (the number is variable) so I used the following:find /home -type f -iname index.html* -o -iname index.php* -o -iname index.html* -o -iname index**| while read FILE; do sed -i "s|<img heigth="1" width="1" border="0" rc="http:\*">||g" "${FILE}"; doneFor some reason it successfuly deleted the injection on .html files but NOT in .php files

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Security :: Protect Server From Url Injection?

May 20, 2010

I am facing problem on my Linux server, those runing php sites, most of the time hacker upload file in my website and take the control, and hack the sites, shoot the thousands of mail etc

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Fedora Networking :: Get Firewall To Allow All Connections To Local Network?

Aug 8, 2009

I want to write a custom rule to allow all connections to the ip addresses on my local network ( through ...99) but I don't know how. I know adding a custom rule asks me to read a file and put it in "iptables" format, but I don't know how...

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Fedora Networking :: Make The Internet Go Through The Firewall To Network

May 14, 2011

I am new with IP tables stuff and i have a problem....i have a pc Contain a fedora OS and i want to make a small network (4 PCs Contain XP OS) and using the pc of fedora OS as a firewall i want to Prevent the ping (i think it called(ICMP)) in the privat network and prevent one of the PCs from Browsing internet(prevent port 80 and 81 as i think) and i still don't know how to make the internet go Through the firewall to the private network...

Note: WAN = eth0
LAN = eth1

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OpenSUSE Network :: 2nd IP Adresse On Eth0 But Different Firewall Zone?

Jan 30, 2010

I tryed to setup a second IP address with yast on a openSUSE 11.2 on eth0 as eth0:2nd but with a different firewall zone. But SUSE firewall just see eth0.

I want to define with services are available on with IP address. Also with custom rules I can't specify a destination IP.

So now can I do this with yast? Or have I todo this manually without SUSE firewall?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Firewall - Can Open All Ports For One IP Address

Apr 27, 2010

I have a couple of openSUSE 11.2 machines and each is directly connected to the Internet (they are not behind a router, firewall, etc). I want them to be able to communicate without any firewall restrictions, but keep the firewall rules for all other IP addresses. Is this possible? the software package I'm trying to use randomly chooses a port to use in the range of 32768-61000 and I don't feel comfortable having a port range that wide open on both machines.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Properly Open Port Through Firewall?

Sep 27, 2010

I have properly configured my router to open a port for Transmission and Vuze. The OpenSuSE firewall settings are somewhat confusing, however. How do I add a port specifically for the BT protocol? I know it's the firewall causing issues, because when I shut it down, my BT apps roar to life, and die with a whimper when I turn it back on. In Ubuntu, opening a port in the router is automatically configured in the firewall; that is apparently not the case with this distro.

So, when I go to Yast Firewall, I see "allowed services" under the tabs available. When I hit that tab, I see a dropdown menu that contains services such as NetBios Server and Samba Server. Am I choosing one of those available and adding a port to it? Am I adding a custom service via the Advanced settings, and if so, why isn't there a way to label the service so that it shows up under allowed services?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring Squid Firewall In SUSE?

Dec 3, 2010

.i need to configure squid in my company how to install and configure squid in my SUSE server...

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