Software :: Failing HD And Knoppix Not Seeing Data Partition

Mar 11, 2009

The HD in my Sony Vaio suddenly won't boot and all attempts to repair it have failed. All I care about at this point is recovering the data, so I tried to access it with Knoppix. After a "dirty drive" error message, I was able to view the contents. The problem is that it seems to only be recognizing the Sony recovery partition and not the Windows/Data partition. The drive size is detected at less than 10 gigs when it is actually 250GB. I am completely green when it comes to Linux. How can I access the data partition so I can back it up to an external USB drive?

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Software :: Recovering Data From MD Array (using Knoppix)

Jun 2, 2011

I had a major OS crash (Gentoo) maybe 2 months ago and completely neglected my system. Now I want to recover all my mirror raid data back so that I can restore the system. My plan is this:

1) copy all data so that I can have a backup
2) rebuild system with some HW upgrades

First step is to get the data out. I managed to boot with Knoppix and I have full access to my ext2 partitions. My mistake was to create the mirror partitions and these are not working now. I copied my /etc/mdadm.conf into /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf in Knoppix and then tried to start the services. This is what I got:

knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ /etc/init.d/mdadm start
knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ /etc/init.d/mdadm-raid start
Assembling MD arrays...failed (failed to load MD subsystem).

I can see the partitions:


These are my current ideas:

1) Can I change the filesystem type from mdraid to ext2 or ext3 safely?

2) How can I mount these raid filesystems so that I can copy my data?

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General :: Knoppix Data Recovery Ownership Permissions?

Jun 4, 2011

I use Linux but have a computer with windows I use for gaming. It died and put the hard drive into another computer and used knoppix to recover my files. I looked at the ownership of the windows files and the owner is knoppix. Now I am concerned that ownership will not work on my new Windows computer (when I finish building it, that is). Since I don't get into Windows much I have no idea what those permissions should be.

If I copy them with owner knoppix can I even access them in Windows to change the ownership to whatever Windows will accept? If I change the ownership before putting them on a CD with knoppix, can I write the CD? I will have to use the hard drive on the new windows box so will not have access to the files later (unless I also copy them to my Linux computer for safekeeping). At least I know the ownership changes to make with Linux.

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General :: Restore Overwritted Data Of Knoppix Formatted 2nd Drive?

Jan 12, 2011

whilst installing knoppix 6.3 to my sda, i clicked use all drive and my sdb drive is showing no files in it? has it wiped them out?

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Fedora :: Knoppix Can't Access Main Partition?

Feb 28, 2010

I would like to try to install the nvidia drivers on my F12 box.fter two failed attempts, one of which required me to completely wipe F12 and reinstall (i.e. right royal pain), I would like to be more careful for the next attempt.The problem is that if I try to upgrade to nvidia drivers, and they don't work, I need a way of backing the installation. But, if the driver upgrade fails, then the OS won't boot. I tried going in with a Knoppix live DVD, but it could only access Fedora's /boot partition, not the main OS mounted on /. Therefore, I couldn't change undo the selection of the nvidia driver and back out.The output of mount is:

# mount
/dev/mapper/vg_machine-lv_root on / type ext4 (rw)


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Programming :: (KNOPPIX) Running Other Scripts From

Jun 9, 2011

Every time I try to run another script from my file, it pops up and says permission denied. I've also tried running the scripts manually after stopping the script yet it still gives the same error.

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General :: Saving Data From A Failing Drive?

Dec 29, 2010

An external 3½" HDD seems to be in danger of failing” it's making ticking sounds when idle. I've acquired a replacement drive, and want to know the best strategy to get the data off of the dubious drive with the best chance of saving as much as possible. There are some directories that are more important than others. However, I'm guessing that picking and choosing directories is going to reduce my chances of saving the whole thing. I would also have to mount it, dump a file listing, and then unmount it in order to be able to effectively prioritize directories. Adding in the fact that it's time-consuming to do this, I'm leaning away from this approach.

I've considered just using dd, but I'm not sure how it would handle read errors or other problems that might prevent only certain parts of the data from being rescued, or which could be overcome with some retries, but not so many that they endanger other parts of the drive from being saved. I guess ideally it would do a single pass to get as much as possible and then go back to retry anything that was missed due to errors.

Is it possible that copying more slowly — e.g. pausing every x MB/GB — would be better than just running the operation full tilt, for example to avoid any overheating issues? For the "where is your backup" crowd: this actually is my backup drive, but it also contains some non-critical and bulky stuff, like music, that aren't backups, i.e. aren't backed up. The drive has not exhibited any clear signs of failure other than this somewhat ominous sound. I did have to fsck a few errors recently — orphaned inodes, incorrect free blocks/inodes counts, inode bitmap differences, zero dtime on deleted inodes; about 20 errors in all.The filesystem of the partition is ext3.

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Fedora :: Recover Data From Failing Hard Drive

Jun 26, 2010

Using F12 with a LVM Volume, Single disk with OS on and boot partition. The OS HDD is getting i/o errors, but will still boot to the login screen. I've removed the HDD and connected it to a Fedora Live OS on my laptop, connected the HDD and it registers as :

[root@localhost]# fdisk -l /dev/sdd
Disk /dev/sdd: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000e0069

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdd1 * 1 26 204800 83 Linux
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sdd2 26 30401 243991201 8e Linux LVM

And it tried to mount /dev/sdd2 to view and see if I can recover some files.
[root@localhost]# mount /dev/sdd2 /mnt -t ext4[root@localhost james]# mount /dev/sdd2 /mnt -t ext4
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdd2,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

Any way to mount the partition to allow me to try and get some data back, or if trying to do a full backup of the drive you can get it to ignore i/o errors.

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Ubuntu :: Gain Access To A Failing Partition?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm working with a laptop that will not boot into windows (the sole partitionI'm working on a laptop that recognises that a windows partition is present in ubuntu live CD but will not mount it so that I can gain access to the system to recover files. I get this error:

Failed to mount: '/dev/sda2': input/output error
What I want to know is how to force mount the partition so that I can gain access or any other method that will allow me to recover those files

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Debian :: Failing To Boot After Resizing / Home Partition

Jan 9, 2010

I used gparted in PartedMagic to resize my /home partition from 360GB to 160GB, and create a new FAT32 partition out of the remaining 200GB.My /home directory only had about 9GB worth of files in it and as far as I can tell there was no reason for any of them to be anywhere near the portion which was deleted. So the resizing and creating the new partition seemed to go fine. Then I rebooted and it got stuck while booting into Debian.

I tried checking my BIOS for an IOMMU option but there doesn't seem to be one at all. I also only have 4GB of RAM so I don't know why it thinks I have 4.75GB.

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General :: Don't Have Permission To Read DATA Partition; Partition No Longer Visible

Oct 30, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu 10.10 for just under a week. Recently, a partition called 'Data' has disappeared, and all my music and documents along with it. The folder is not to be seen in Places or on my desktop. My only way of finding it is to go to terminal. But when I try to open it there I get an error saying I don't have permission to read it. In Puppy Linux and SliTaz I can easily find the partition and read it. What should I do to bring it back in Ubuntu?

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Software :: Gparted: Joining 2 Partition Ext3 Within One Partition (data Saved)?

Dec 11, 2009

I usually repartition a disk by backing up, deleting the partitions, formatting them and repartition. I just did a 200 gig backup (so i am safe) and i want to join 2 (ext3) partition together, sdb1 (data4) and sdb5 (data5) into one big partition. Is there a way to do it without scraping the data in sdb5 (data5). It would save me from rewriting the data back to that new partition (200 gig is time consuming).

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OpenSUSE :: Delete Files On Data Partition Slow Because Trash Is Located On Home Partition?

Aug 18, 2011

KDE 4.6 - opensuse 11.4.

I have a separate ext4 partition which contains all my data (music, movies, etc). When I delete files from this partition it is very slow because it copies files from my data partition to the Trash folder in my home partition. How can I avoid this? Can't the trash be configured so that it uses a trash folder in each partition instead of copying files to another partition (which is slow).

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Ubuntu :: Recover Data Off The Partition?

Jan 16, 2011

Well, my laptop slid off my couch and crashed down onto hardwood floor. The hard drive is shot. I was using grub and had both ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 on it. Can't load either OS.

What options do I have for trying to recover data off the ubuntu partition? I tried loading livecd...for some reason, it won't work. Does livecd require a working harddisk?

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Ubuntu :: Split Partition With Data?

May 2, 2011

Is there any way to split partition, in which my ubuntu 11.04 is.I don't wanna loose data, but I dont wanna reinstall it too.P.S. Now I have 750gb HDD, I want to split off 100gb~ for dual boot win7

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Hardware :: What Does Hidden Data Between MBR And A First Partition Mean

Sep 1, 2010

I have SATA Western Digital 120GB 5 yeras old hard drive. There are four primary partitions. In order FAT-32, JFS, EXT4 and the last SWAP. Yesterday I copied the third ext4 partition with Clonezilla. Everything was OK. But Clonezilla issued therey strange for me message (and upsetting): "Hidden data between MBR and first partition" It was about 32KB. Clonezilla copied this hidden part as well as MBR. Clonezilla sugested that these hidden data may be used for some technical reasons. Now my questions:

1. What does it mean hidden? I partitioned disk with GNU fdisk.
2. Where they may come from these hidden data?
3. Should I be aware of them? Is it possible this is a some kind of hardware virus?
4. How to clean disk?

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General :: Recover Ext 4 Partition And Data?

Aug 27, 2009

Well i have an 20GB HDD (/dev/sdb) formated with ext4 and has very important files on it .All of sudden something went wrong and the 20GB partition has been lost . Now how do i have to recover that partition and primarily recover those files . Gparted shows no partition on it but unpartitioned space .

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General :: JFS /data Partition Full

Feb 8, 2010

I have a 10gb partition I use for data. The /home is there, and I mount any other data partitions (like /music stuff) onto /data. These other mounted partitions add up to something like 60gb of diskspace, but since they're just mounted on /data, I believe they only take up 4096 bytes per mount point.

Some time ago, I found that the /data parition was full. There was only 330mb of data in /home, so I was perplexed. I found a cache dir under .opera that reported itself as having 132TB (yes, that is terrabytes) of files. I thought deleting the offending directory was the answer, so I deleted that cache dir and every file or subdirectory in it, but the /data partition is still like 99% full. I am a wee bit confused.

This very full /data partition is my only jfs partition. The other mounted filesystems are either ext3 or ntfs. Is it possible that the journal of this filesystem is corrupted? Or is hidden somewhere on the /data parition, taking up a bunch of space? (I obviously don't know enough about filesystem to know whether or not this is a likely scenario.) Is it possible to zero out (or delete and re-create) the journal, if so? The only other thing I can think of is to move all the /home data off, delete the partition, then re-create it and move /home back. I will do that if need be, but I'd rather learn something from the experience, weird as it is.

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Software :: Set Up RAID For Data Partition?

Jun 22, 2011

I'd like to set up RAID for my data partition.

My data are in /dev/sda5 (ext3).
There's an empty partition /dev/sdb5 (ext3).
I want /dev/sdb5 to be a mirror image of /dev/sda5, the command to invoke should be :

mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda5 /dev/sdb5

My question is : how to ensure that the synchronization is done by copying data to the empty space and not the converse ?

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Debian :: Recovering Data From Deleted Partition

May 16, 2010

I was trying to delete a logical drive in windows xp and the damn disk management tool in windows not only deleted my other windows partition but also my linux /data ext3 partition. Now I have a unallocated space in place of these partitions. The data is still there but the entries in the partition table have been removed. So how do I recover my partition. I was trying to use the following tutorial. [URK]

I used the sudo parted /dev/sda -- and then rescue START END command and could get back the /data partition. But it gives me the following error while mounting the partition. mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda7, missing codepage or helper program or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so.

What does this mean. How to I fix this? Also when I try to recover my windows partition using parted it scans for a while and then does nothing. It doesnot ask for writing the lost partition in the partition table. What do I do?

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Fedora :: F11 Not Seeing CentOS Data On Shared Partition?

Sep 3, 2009

I created an ext3 partition to be able to share data or files between CentOS 5.3 and F11 (and possibly other distros...) on /dev/sda5. I created the folder under /mnt and edited fstab and it's mounting ok and it lets me write to the drive.

But it's only seeing the files I wrote to it in F11, not the files or folders I created in CentOS; not even the text files created in gedit. I read some messages on here, and made myself the owner of the folder (data2share) and rebooted and it's still not seeing the files.

Might it be because F11 is using ext4 and CentOS is using ext3 ?? To test that theory, I started my external usb drive that's also formatted ext3 and it's seeing those files just fine. So I'm stumped.

Here's the output from /sbin/fdisk -

Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x8f97908e
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System


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General :: Windows - Using A Home Partition That Already Has Data?

Jan 24, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu side by side with Windows. I have a big NTFS partition that has a folder with the same name as my username (let's say "joe"). Inside "joe" I have my personal files. Outside "joe" but still in the partition, there is random stuff that doesn't really belong anywhere, or now useless programs that I had to install there because the main Windows partition ran out of space. If during the Ubuntu installer I choose to use that partition as /home and make a user called "joe", will everything work fine?

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Ubuntu :: Partition Of Drive Without Losing The Data?

Apr 7, 2010

How can I do partition of my drive without losing the data?

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Ubuntu :: Partition Ext3 Without Losing Data?

May 26, 2010

because what i was looking for was complicated, i am going to edit post

I have laptop with ubuntu on it. I have one ext3 partition with ~220GB.

I want to delete ubuntu and create two ntfs partitions (50+170GB) so i can install windows 7 later.

how to do that using GParted Live CD?

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Ubuntu :: Shrink A Partition Without Losing Data

Jun 24, 2010

I am completely ubuntu right now, and I need to create a partition for XP without losing all the work I have on ubuntu. How can I shrink ubuntu's partition to make a 15 gb partition for XP without losing data?According to Gparted:

sda = ubuntu
sda2 = swap
sda3 = extended

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Ubuntu :: Partition Unreadable - How To Recover Data

Jul 6, 2010

I installed windows 7 over an existing xp partition and windows 7 made a 100 mb partition as some sort of windows swap space thing. This basically made my ubuntu partition unreadable, even with gparted. How to recover this data?

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Ubuntu :: Manually Assign A Data Partition?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a hdd of about 225gb when i installed ubuntu it gave a nice split down the middle on the partition and a 3gb swap. I tried to manually assign a data partition but was unsuccessful; kept getting a root error and couldn't fix it so i let it do it automatically.

Now win7 has a 60gb partition and the rest is on ubuntu side.

How can i give win7 more room? qparted for linux side or partition magic on win side?

Which will be easier for me?

My goal was to give win7 around 80gb and ubuntu about the same or less and make a third partion and name it "Data". Data will be storage for both os's or whatever.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Data From Sata Hd Partition

Sep 4, 2010

Ive installed ubuntu for the first time today, i have a hdd of 500gb, that had 65gb occupied with music, movies and games.

What i did during installation:

it asked me where to install it, so i created a new partition of 100gb ext4 type, to install it there, and i was going to leave the rest for the data, but it wont let me do it, so i went back and selected the "exchange type swap linux 0x82 type" for the 400gb partition.

Then installed it, and now i cant find my data, and i have only 100gb of space in the hd, if i use the "disc utility" i can see the other 400gb, and change partition type, but i dont want to lose my data..

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Ubuntu :: How To Recover Data - Ext4 Partition

Dec 8, 2010

I unknowingly formatted my whole 160GB hard disk to ext4 file system from Fat while installing Ubuntu. Now my hard disk has only one ext4 partition. recover my old data.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data From A Formatted Partition?

Dec 19, 2010

I just installed kubuntu 10.10, replacing an older installation. I have three hard drives one of which had all of the data I wanted to save, about 500gb. I repartitioned and formatted the other two drives and made sure that the data drive would be mounted but not formatted. When I booted into my new installation, the data drive was blank. I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I had just upgraded the file system from ext2 to ext4 before starting the installation.

I've been trying to recover my lost partition with testdisk. The website has instructions for recovering a formatted partition. It looks like it's working until the instructions tell me to choose Boot and RebuildBS, which I don't see as options. Can anyone give me any advice on how to recover? How did this even happen? Has anyone had a similar issue with installation?

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