Software :: Clone Of KFIND For GTK?

Feb 13, 2011

Kind is a powerful file search utility. Someone would know what would be the lightweight alternative to this great kfind program under GTK (so no gnome, nor kde) for old machines?

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Ubuntu :: Kfind Not Workig Properly

Mar 22, 2010

I have KDE 4.4 from the backports PPA.kfind is not working properly when searching for Contents. Sometimes it finds just a couple of results, sometimes it finds nothing. I know the files have the selected containing text. For instance, it finds a string in two dtd files, while it should also have found it on two js files under the same directory tree.

Additionally, when I delete files from kfind, the list is not refreshed automatically as it used to do in KDE 4.3.This is driving me crazy, because I'm doing a lot of programming this week and need to find strings on several files.What alternative application for KDE I could use?

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Fedora :: Clone Partition And Put It On Another HDD?

May 7, 2010

Is there a way to clone a partition (40GB) and put it on another partition (on a another hdd) with the size of 20GB? The partition that is cloned is using only 3 GB of 40 GB.

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Fedora :: How To Clone 13 Workstation?

Jul 14, 2010

Is there a straight forward way to clone my F13 workstation for the purpose of setting up a new computer quickly? Looking for the best approach to pursue.

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Ubuntu :: Use DD To Clone One Disk To Many

Jan 25, 2011

I was thinking about make a clone machine. I was thinking about use a old computer that have some SATA connection. One disk is source and then I add some other disk to destination. I going to have Linux on USB stick. I have look at dd and it look nice but what I can see it only use one disk to another.
dd if=/dev/hdx of=/dev/hdy
is it possible to add more then one destination?

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Ubuntu :: Clone USB Stick To Another?

Jul 28, 2011

I have linux installation which is on USB flash drive...there are two partitions. how to clone it to another USB. I tried manualy creating partitions on new flash drive and manualy copyng files but this doesn't work.

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General :: Getting Clone Of HDD - CVS Server

Sep 10, 2010

A linux cvs server is of 250 GB, I have to replace all data to a new 500 GB hdd with intact of data. How will I do that?

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General :: Clone Entire HDD In Red Hat 9?

Jan 16, 2011

I Have a Red hat 9 Installed in our Site With 5 Partitions Which work's as a Server for 3 clients .I wanted to clone the entire H.D.D of the system to a new one, So then if i have a problem i can restore it back.For Example I use Nortron Ghost for Windows Systems( but Without Portions)

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General :: Subversion - How To Clone A Tag

Apr 7, 2010

I'd like to be able to clone a tagged module, but have not succeeded with this attempt:


Does anyone know if it is possible to clone/copy tags like this at all? Or must I find another way of doing this?

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Server :: RHEL - Clone HDD ?

Mar 4, 2010

Currently my server use SAS 146G 10K. This hdd is in mirror mod. But space in current hdd is not enough. So, my plan is clone current hdd to other SAS 300G 10K.

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Software :: Looking For A Clone To Rhythmbox?

Dec 18, 2010

i am looking for a Clone to Rhythmbox ?

abraca - A simple and powerful graphical client for XMMS2
amarok - easy to use media player based on the KDE Platform


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Software :: OSS Citrix Clone Available?

Apr 15, 2011

Does anyone out there know of a Open Source, Free, Linux solution that would mimic the Citrix server/thin client model? I have an office of 20 laptops, that I would like to put a thin client on, and offer 20 windows desktops to them through it. Can anyone think of a way to accomplish this?

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Debian :: FireFox Clone SwiftFox 3.6.3

Jun 8, 2010

For those who are lusting for FireFox, there is SwitFox 3.6.3 which is optimized version and had .deb package, Try it see if meets the expection. [URL]

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Debian :: Clone A System That Uses Spanned HDs Via LVM?

Oct 1, 2010

i recently installed Debian Lenny on my dad's EEE 900A. I initally tried Ubuntu's 10.04 version but it gave me problems with the WiFi function keys. Debian took me a while to configure based on the excellent Debian EEE wiki, and everything's so much saner now.

I installed Debian Lenny using LVM2, spanning the files over the built-in 4 GB SSD and a plugged-in 8 GB SDHC card. I followed the instructions in this wiki to set it up. I was wondering if there's a way to easily clone this system so that if my dad accidently screws it up the in the future, he would be able to restore it back easily. Obviously, he would have to make backups of his documents, etc. on a separate drive so he can restore them back after the cloned image with the basic drivers, partitions, apps, etc. is restored.

Here's the system's info. There are three partitions on /dev/sda (the SSD) and one partition of /dev/sdb (the SDHC card). /dev/sda3 and /dev/sdb1 have been combined to create a Volume Group, called 'vol-1'. 'vol-1' has two Logical Volumes - 'root' and 'home'. The file system on all partitions is reiserfs.


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Fedora Installation :: How To Clone A Install

Jun 1, 2009

I'm new to fedora (still trying it out) but have many years of experience on other distributions -- mostly gentoo. Anyway, I'm wondering if someone can tell me what all is needed to clone a fedora install. I cloned the partitions, updated fstab with real device node entries (removed all the UUID stuff), and modified grub.conf with the same changes (as well as all the normal/misc changes needed in /etc for things like hostname, network, ethx naming, etc). However when I try to boot it complains that it cant find the old UUID.

I thought this might be specified in the initrd but I uncompressed it and couldn't find any reference to the uuid anywhere. Where does fedora keep this UUID information at? Right now I'm just trying to clone a mythdora box to another one but in the past I've configured a single gentoo install and cloned it on dozens of other computers.

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Fedora :: How To Clone Image Of Drive With F12

Mar 19, 2010

I have a dual boot of winxp and fedora 12 on a sata laptop hdd in an external USB enclosure. I need to use the hdd for something else, so I want to create a clone image of the drive that I can later restore to a different hdd I put into the enclosure. What is the best method of doing this? Can I boot up into Linux on my external and create a single cloned image and save that image to the internal hdd on my computer? If so how do I do this? Is it a native function of Fedora or do I have to install a separate program?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Login To GUI After Clone

Apr 8, 2011

I am having a problem logging into the GUI after I cloned this system from another drive. System A and System B are essentially identical except for hostname, IP, and some nfs mappings. System B's HD went bad. I bought a new drive of the same size, but Western Digital instead of Samsung. I used CloneZilla to copy all of System A's drive to the new System B's drive. I mounted the drive into System B, booted with a SUSE 11.4 Live CD, and edited fstab and menu.lst to reflect the ID of the new drive. Everything works well until it gets to the graphical log in screen. I can't log in as either the user or root, however if I change the session type to "console", I can log in just fine.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Clone The 11.4 To A New Disk

Sep 9, 2011

I used opensuse three years ago. Then I moved to ubuntu, because it was easier for me to use ubuntu at that time. Now, I move back to opensuse again. But I want to know how to clone the opensuse system to another hard disk. I mean I have my opensuse well, I do backup to my opensuse system and restore it to another harddisk with the same partition.

When I used ubuntu, I used a very good small open-source software, named 'Ucloner'. You can find it at ucloner - Backup/restore/clone your Ubuntu, and make Live-Ubuntu. - Google Project Hosting . It is very handy to backup the ubuntu system and restore or clone it to a new harddisk. Especially, when restoring the system, the grub can be installed to the new harddisc automatically with the UUID of the new harddisc (very amazing). But it is only for ubuntu. I am looking for a software with the similar function.

I have tried Clonezilla. No problem to do backup and restore. But I failed to boot the restored system even with the same harddisc. I know it is the problem of GRUB. Even reinstalling the grub, I still can not boot into the system.

My question is

1. is there any software that allows me to backup the opensuse and restore it to another harddisc with the grub installed to the new harddisc automatically?

2. If no software for question 1, what software or application is good to backup and restore the opensuse and how to reinstalled the grub to the new harddisc with different UUID?

3. Since the Ucloner is open-source, is there anybody having interest in change the ucloner code to fit for opensuse? I guess there should be much change, because ubuntu and opensuse are linux both?

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Ubuntu :: Can DD Completely Clone An SD Card

Mar 19, 2010

I have come across an issue when cloning an SD card.I have a SheevaPlug, which is a low power ARM based computer. I used an Intel based HP laptop running Ubuntu 9.04 to clone the 4GB SD card of the SheevaPlug. The card contains 2 partitions: the boot image, and the root filesystem. I did this using dd directly from one 4GB card to a second 4GB card (sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc), and also by dumping the first card to an image file and then from the image file to the second card.

The process worked successfully in that the SheevaPlug seems to run fine off the cloned card, but here�s the strange thing: when I use Gparted to examine the original card, it shows it has 2 partitions. However, when I do the same with the cloned card, Gparted detects no partitions at all. Ubuntu seems to mount the partitions fine as well. Anyone have any idea what might be happening? I thought DD was supposed to perform a bit-for-bit copy of the whole device given the parameters I used, and that Gparted should therefore show identical results no matter which card it was looking at

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Ubuntu :: Re-Creating Grub After HD Clone?

Apr 9, 2010

I tried to recreate my Grub setup after restoring a backup tar file to a new hard drive. Here is what I did.

I created a tar backup of my working 9.10 server install. I used fdisk to create the same partition structure as the old hard drive:

sda1 Primary bootable ext4 (83)
sda2 Extended
sda5 Linux / swap (82)

I mounted the new drive with the newly created partitions on the current system and extracted the tar backup to the new sda1 partition. I then recreated all the directories which were excluded in the tar backup (mnt, media, home, proc, sys, etc).

I then shut down, unplugged the old OS hard drive, plugged the new hard drive into the same cable as the old OS HD and powered it up. It told me that there was a GRUB error.

I did some looking around and found that I could use an Ubuntu Live CD to fix/install Grub on that hard drive. I burnt a 9.10 desktop CD, booted, installed Grub and here I am.

I am having a difficult time figuring out the GRUB commands.

This is what I was planning on doing:

1. Pop in the Live CD, boot from it until you reach the desktop.
2. Open a terminal window or switch to a tty.
3. Type "grub"


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Ubuntu :: How To Clone Monitor Resolution For TV

Jun 23, 2010

How to change the resolution of my tv to be the same as the monitors. I mean cloning ..

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Create Clone In USB

Oct 2, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed in my desktop and is working fine. I would like to clone the Ubuntu with all my settings etc to a USB Flsah drive so that I can take it with me during travel.I don't want to reinstall in USB FLASH rather I want asis Desktop Ubuntu in USB FLASH.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Best Way To Clone / Transfer OS Across HDD

Dec 23, 2010

What's the best way to transfer across one hdd to another? I want to avoid setting up my kubuntu 10.10 instance again and hoping there's a way to easily clone it across.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mac Address Will Not Clone?

Apr 7, 2011

Bit of a strange one, to get internet I have to clone my MAC address on eth0. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 64bit and have had a couple of strange problems.

1. If I run macchanger after login and set the mac to the correct one everything works perfectly. But as soon as I reboot it reverts back to the old mac.
2. If I use the network settings (i.e., the tray icon in the top right) to spoof the mac, then I get no connection. Eventually it does connect (I'm talking about a 10 minute wait) then I get kicked off after a few minutes.
3. If I edit the /etc/network/interfaces files there is no setting for et0. All that is in the file is:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
If I add the settings for et0 then I get the same problems as in 2. The settings I've been adding are.
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
hwaddress ether 01:02:03:04:05:06 (obviously with a different MAC)

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Ubuntu :: Backup Or Clone Install To Usb Hd?

May 25, 2011

I have ubuntu 10.10 installed on 1TB HD. I would like to back up the full hd, on a 2TB usb HD I have. I would like an easy way to clone/backup the full installation, so if my hd fails I would be able to book the usb hd to get files or do a full reinstall. I have tried dd, but not certain if it worked correctly.Also tried clonezilla and that did not work

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Ubuntu :: DD Disk Clone For Some Partitions

Jun 11, 2011

I have a 160Gb Hard drive with 3 partitions. sda1, sda2, sda3. sda1 & 2 are just under 20 GB each. the other 120 GB is free space. I have so many 40GB hard drives! I would like to copy (with dd) the MBR, sda1 & 2 to a 40GB hard drive and be able to just use that so I can free up my 160GB hard drives. Typically when I want to clone something, the drives are equal or larger than the original. I'm not too sure about this, and if I use code (show below), will I also get the MBR? #where sda is the 160gb with 3 partitions and drive sdb is a 40GB drive with 2 partitions.

dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sdb1
dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sdb1
Also, is there a way I can do this with 1 line, or have both dd operations running simultaneously?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Git Clone Is Very Slow

Aug 2, 2011

git clone is very very slow..This internet is capable of 630 kb/s and git is only cloning it at 30kb/s-80kb/s from git:// and I am trying to make a custom kernel. I am the IT for my company. And I am trying to make a new kernel for our linux server. I am still somewhat new to Linux, but I know for a fact over the several T1's we have fused it shouldn't be this slow.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Backup Or Clone

Aug 9, 2011

I have a file server running in an office that's mostly used for file sharing and a scanner saves pdf files to the server. I'm running the latest LTS ubuntu server edition and I really only have ssh installed and samba. My question is that I've done so much to the server as far as premissions and configuration and I'd like to make a clone of this to another computer and not sure how I would do this?

I'm not sure if clonezilla or something like this can perform this task? I basically just have a very old computer and now I have another very old computer that I want to make into a spare just incase something happens to the original. Any recommedations on how I would accomplish this?

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Hardware :: How To Clone A Hard Drive

Feb 13, 2009

how to clone a hard drive i managed to change the drive (12G) on the wife's old laptop for a spanking new 60G where i will be able to install Slackware.Even though her operating system is Windows Millenium everything went smoothly for the transfer , i used an older version of Gparted (0-3.4.10 i think).

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General :: Git Clone Behind A Proxy Server

Jun 28, 2010

I want to clone a linux bridge repository. i'm behind a proxy server.

The command :

gives the following error

I've done
1 - sudo apt-get install socket
2 - in my home directory, a shell script called "" was created containing #! /bin/bash (echo "CONNECT $1:$2 HTTP/1.0"; echo; cat ) | socket git://MYPROXY 3128 (read a; read a; cat )
3 - chmod +x

Still not getting.

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