Debian :: Where To Put Logout Script

Jan 7, 2011

Where I should to put a logout script? The reason for my question is that I have installed truecrypt, but the application does not unmount the encrypted drives after logout.

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Debian Configuration :: XFCE Logout Doesn't Completely Logout Of System / Solution For This?

Oct 17, 2010

As a normal user I have activated the functions of the Quit applet, i.e. Logout, Shutdown and Restart are active buttons. I am able to restart or shutdown, no problems. But when I use the Logout button I don't get logged out, just returned to the login shell & I am still logged in as my user. I don't have a display manager installed and I do NOT want to use a display manager such as XDM or GDM. How do I get the Logout button to actually logout the user? It appears I am only getting logged out of the x-session, but I want complete logout.

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Debian Multimedia :: Kde 4.4.5 Can't Shutdown Or Logout?

Aug 5, 2010

I just installed debian unstable with kde 4.4.5 on a new hp desktop. Just about everything is working fine except when I try to logout or shutdown by right clicking on the desktop. No matter which option I choose--logout, shutdown, or restart--the screen goes black and nothing happens. I'm forced to do a hard shutdown or use alt-SysRq-B to reboot. I can reboot or shutdown using the command line when logged into kde.

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Debian Multimedia :: Missing Logout In KDE?

Aug 19, 2011

I seem to have no end of strange problems. Ctl-Alt-Del no longer presents me with the logout/shutdown dialog. I have no idea what caused it to disappear. I have to use Ctl-Alt-Backspace to kill X now in order to shutdown, reboot, or log in as a different user. I can't find any setting in kdmrc that might affect this. I'm running straight squeeze. I have been removing and re-installing a variety of packages, (see my post on Kaffeine, e.g.) but have not seen any errors or found any broken packages.

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Debian Configuration :: System Hang On X Logout

Jun 23, 2015

If I shutdown from X the system hangs and I have to yank out the power cord. Same on logout.

ctrl+alt+f1 hangs for a few minutes and then starts a terminal; which does not respond to the keyboard.

There are no tty.conf files in /etc/init .

But inittab looks normal to me and includes tty (1-6)

Executing init 6 from a terminal in X will reboot the system

I was thinking this might be a dbus issue, but I am not sure. I also understand some recent issues exist with SysRq sequences. May be a video card issue,,,

Other than normal package upgrades the only changes were a recent change from a VGA to HDMI cable. I can't see why that would matter

Linux Lugh 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u2 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Debian :: Gnome Won't Save Settings On Logout Lenny?

Oct 9, 2009

When I logout/login to Gnome, and sometimes if I stay logged in for awhile, Gnome resets my desktop settings, especially my remote desktop settings, which is how I remote into this subnet and manage the other web managed things like switches. 1. Can I statically set remote desktop (vino I think) settings so they don't change?2. Are there any gnome applet settings I can change to keep this from happening?

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Debian Multimedia :: Hibernate / Logout Garbles Screen And Freezes

Jul 13, 2011

I have a problem with garbled graphics after resuming from hibernate or logging out (when the screen blinks and goes back to the display manager). It only occurs when I do either, about half the time. What happens is the edges of everything "bleed" horizontally (left to right) in red and green colors and black text on a white background becomes entirely unreadable (but white text on a black background is readable and just looks a little bolder). If I shut down or restart the computer (softly) when the screen has garbled, then it will freeze and not even the SysRq keys work (I have enabled it in /etc/sysctl.conf). Then the only thing left is to do a hard restart (in which case there's a voice saying "System failed VGA test" before BIOS/GRUB loads) or poweroff. Powering it off and then starting it again works fine. I did a google image search and this is sort of how it looks when it freezes: link

Once the screen has garbled (but only if it hasn't frozen) I can use SysRq to issue S E S I S U O to shut it off and then power it on, and that works: then I get a non-garbled command line after sigterm and it shuts off and starts up properly. If I issue B instead of O (to restart) I get the "System failed VGA test" on boot (but it doesn't freeze when shutting down). Hibernation is easy enough to fix by just turning it off (it's not a laptop so I don't need it anyway), but it still happens sometimes when I log out. So as long as I never change users the system works perfectly and this never happens. I've tried GNOME, Xfce4, OpenBox without any DE, gdm3 and SLiM and the problem persists in all of them.

Some system details:
Debian Squeeze i386 (using only software from the stable main repository)
Kernel: 2.6.32-5-686
Video card: ATI Radeon 9600SE (using the preinstalled open source drivers)
Motherboard: ASUS P4P 800-E

By the way: sometimes when it's in the process of shutting off (when the display hasn't been corrupted), after it kills all graphical applications, I can see that the CLI text gets the garbled look, but at that point the poweroff works without freezing. This is the most similar sounding bug that I could find: [URL]. Unfortunately I can't find a solution to it, and most people who have similar problems seem to get either the garbled graphics or the freezes, but not both. Also: how safe is it to keep shutting off with SysRq to recover from this? Can I get disk errors?

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Debian Programming :: Booting Android Emulator Causes User Logout

Jan 15, 2014

I downloaded the ADT bundle for android development and whenever I try to boot an Android Device Emulator either from the eclipse version included in the bundle or from the command line, everything freezes for 1 minute and then a logout from my current Debian user session occurs. In other words, the Debian login screen appears again and all my previously opened applications get lost.

Not even when I run from the command line I manage to fetch any error notification.

I use:
- Debian Wheezy
- kernel 3.2.0-4-686-pae
- jdk1.7.0_09

I tried
./emulator @mydevname -no-boot-anim -show-kernel -shell
but I get the same result: the debian user session restarts

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OpenSUSE :: KDE V4.2 Won't Logout

Feb 23, 2010

OpenSUSE 11.1 - KDE 4.2

Can login to KDE 4.2, use it fine but when I attempt to logoff, it won't. Screen remains the same as before trying to logoff. Tried from root, same result. Only way out is shutdown -r now.

Gnome works w/no logoff problems.

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Fedora :: F15 Freezes On Logout?

Aug 17, 2011

When I click logout under the user menu (top right), the confirmation dialogue appears, and I can click Logout. the dialogue disappears and it starts to logout normally... then it just stops. it freezes once the top toolbar disappears. my tint2 bar stays visable, as well as my desktop background, and i can move my cursor around, but it wont respond to my keyboard. After just letting it stay like that for a few minutes, nothing changes, it doesn't even dim the screen or go to sleep, it just sits there.

I can shutdown and switch users just fine, just not logout.

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OpenSUSE :: Hangs On SSH Logout?

May 4, 2010

I've been using OpenSUSE (11.2) and ssh to access my Ubuntu Server (8.04). The problem is that when I give the shutdown command to turn off the server (sudo shutdown -P now), OpenSUSE hangs and I can't close bash and the computer locks up. I then need to turn my OpenSUSE box off by pushing the power button. Any idea what might be causig this?I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question because I don't think this is a bash problem but I wasn't really sure where to ask this question.

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OpenSUSE :: Remote Logout From KDE 4.5?

Oct 27, 2010

I need to logout from a KDE 4.5 session remotely (via SSH) for a number of reasons. How can I do that from a bash shell?

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Ubuntu :: Why Cannot Run Kill From Logout

Jun 23, 2010

Since the OpenOffice quickstarter effectively disables the shutdown and hibernate buttons under Lucid, I put a command into my .logout to kill the quickstarter:
kill `ps aux | awk '/soffice.bin/ && (/quickstart/ || /splash-pipe/) {print $2}'`
This works fine if I execute it manually, but in the .logout file it seems to have no effect.

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Fedora :: Set Auto-logout On 11 Gnome?

Aug 25, 2009

How doI change the time interval for auto-logout in gnome? Changing the TMOUT environmental variable only works for bash shell.

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Fedora :: Session Logout For No Reason?

Oct 17, 2009

I am using Fedora 11 + kde 4.3.1 + compiz. for several times now my session ended unexpected, I can't reproduce that behavior and so I am looking for a log or someplace to look after such logout to find out what caused or triggered it.

I saw another thread about unexpected logout while browsing, its not the same although it happens to me so far while using firefox / mplayer / Kontact (kmail) .

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Fedora :: Login And Logout Scrips?

Dec 17, 2009

tow simply looking problems, but I don't know how to do it1. Run a script as root after a users login. (not on startup)2. Run a script as root when the user logout.

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Fedora :: Unlocking Screen Causes Logout

Jul 27, 2010

I just installed F13 on my netbook (Toshiba NB205). Whenever the screensaver locks the screen (manually or due to a timeout), the unlocking of the screensaver causes my account to logout and I'm left at the GDM login screen. I've been seeing that the "work around" is to turn off the screensaver lock.

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Fedora :: 14 Runlevel 3, Logout From X Does't Work?

Dec 24, 2010

i performed an upgrade from fedora 13 to 14 on my test fedora virtual machine (vmware player 3) and i have this incredible problem: I normally boot in runlevel 3 and i start X only when needed with the startx command.When I want to exit from the X environment I use the "log out <username>" command on the System menu (gnome is the desktop manager). After upgrading to fedora 14 and applying all the available upgrade, this won't work anymore! I'm able to start the X environment but when I try to logout the window/desktop manager got killed but X remain active, the background image is visible on the screen, no mouse or keyboard interaction is possible.

The system is stiil alive, i can login through ssh, but i was not able to do anything. manually switching the runlevel from 3 to 5 and viceversa with telinit doesn't solve the situation: switching to runlevel 5 cause the login screen to be visualized and i' can login in the gnome desktop environment but when i logout o when a try to switch to runlevel 3 I always obtain the same result: X remain active and unusable, it's impossible to go back to a text console. what can i do ? any of you has experienced a similar issue ?

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Audit Logout Events From Ssh Or Su In 11.0?

Feb 16, 2010

I am trying to setup auditing for NISPOM requirements using the built-in linux audit kernel which uses auditd and audit.rules for setup. I have been able to meet all other requirements, but I cannot find a way to audit user logout actions. My audit.rules file is listed below

#This file contains the a sample audit configuration intended to
# meet the NISPOM Chapter 8 rules.


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OpenSUSE :: Logout Cancelled If VLC Running

Apr 7, 2011

Whenever vlc is running and I try to log out, a KDE window opens and tells me "logout cancelled by vlc". I have to repeat the process. How do I disable this unwanted "feature"? What if Thunderbird, Firefox, LibreOffice, Gwenview etc. all decided I shouldn't log out? Would I have to log out six or seven times? Doesn't sound logical to me.

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General :: Can I Force-logout Other Session From A New SSH

Sep 27, 2010

I sshed into a Linux machine (bash shell) from a public Windows machine (in our lab) and forgot to log out. I'm now back at my seat in another room and I am too lazy to walk back and log out that session; I can ssh into the Linux machine from my current PC though. Can I force-logout the other session from a new SSH session?

When I ssh to the Linux box from my current PC and type users command, I can see that I'm still logged in there; my name is listed twice - one for the current session and another for the session from lab PC.

I don't have root privileges on the said machine, but I guess that shouldn't matter as I'm just trying to log out myself.

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Ubuntu :: Auto-logout On - Enter ?

Mar 9, 2010

Soon after I installed synergy and set up conky and devilspie, I started having problems with the machine loging out automatically.

As soon as I turn the computer on, it auto-logs in, and when I press enter (it seems it works for anything) the machine logs out. After logging back in it's fine however.

/var/log/syslog output:


(Of course there was log more output, but this is the only thing that seems related. Everything else is about "named" and "dnsmasq")

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Ubuntu :: Ssh -X Hangs On Logout When Using Gedit

May 12, 2010

I am using Lucid and am having a problem logging out of a ssh -X connection after I had forwarded an X window during it. I don't know if this is the proper place to be posting such a problem but I can think of nowhere else. Please feel free to redirect me elsewhere.At google's suggestion, I tried redirecting the pipes but that didn't help. I am not sure this helps but I did a verbose output of an example ssh session. I login, open a window, close it without doing anything, and then attempt to logout. It hangs which forces me to use ^c on it.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS System Freeze On Logout.

May 28, 2010

My partner and I share the computer, so we are normally both logged in.

When we come to turn the computer off, one of us will log out then the other shuts down (to have a clean shutdown), but when either one of us uses 'Logout' the system just freezes, no response, nothing, have to turn the machine off via power button.

We can 'switch user' fine, and everything else appears ok but log out fails, I did try reporting a bug on this, but seems to have got taken over with people with dual screens / SLI cards, taking it over and its not the same thing.

I get the 'impression' its a graphics driver issue, I'm using the 'recommended' Nvidia driver (am at work and can't remember which version sorry).

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen After Logout?

Jan 12, 2011

If I try to logout or switch user, I end up with a black screen and a blinking cursor. I can type and the letters show up on the screen but don't do anything. I can do Ctrl-Alt-F1 and then "sudo service kdm restart", but I'd rather fix the underlying problem..Google gives several pages with similar problems but they all seem pretty old (2007), and they don't seem to apply to 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Daemons Being Killed On Logout?

Jan 20, 2011

How do I prevent ubuntu from killing my server daemons on user logout. I have the user irc which I run Unrealircd on but unfortunately I have to be logged into that user in terminal to keep it running, the moment i exit it loses connection in xchat.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Logout At Time Of Day?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to get a script that will auto logout user at a certain time of day.I have look all over the web. All I have found in my hunting is a script that will auto logout user after "x" amount of idle time.

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Ubuntu :: Logout Causes Screen To Scramble?

Mar 12, 2011

Dell Latitude D610 Laptop on a docking station running Ubuntu 10.04 Have 2 monitors, monitor 1 using DVI, monitor 2 using VGA. Extended desktop working as intended out of the box...was not successful getting the ATI Catalyst Control Center to work, but no big deal.The big deal is, when I log out, my screen on the DVI monitor scrambles, and you cannot see the login prompt at all. I get the little drumbeat SFX, and attempt to press enter and blindly enter password, but no login. The VGA monitor remains blank

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Ubuntu :: Stop Automatic Logout?

Mar 15, 2011

I am logged in as a new user and the desktop is logging out.So how do I keep it up all the time?

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Ubuntu :: Making SSH Script Run On Logout

Jul 21, 2011

I'm trying to make a sh script that will kill a program on logout. The issue is, all I know how to do with launching an sh file is making it run on login.

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