Software :: Apps And Suggestions For Press Quality Projects

Sep 19, 2010

Because of my background with computers, my current employer decided to throw me into a project designing some advertisements and pages in our store's catalog. This was my first time doing anything like this. They gave me QuarkXpress and I learned as I went. Since I use Linux, I would much rather use Linux to do this type of work in the future. I have downloaded Scribus and ICC profiles (color profiles). The press we went with uses CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black) for primary colors. Is there anyone who has done professional printing or design that went to press in CMYK (or anything) that has suggestions for doing this type of work in Linux?

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Ubuntu :: Press C To Continue To Wait Or Press S To Skip Mounting Or M For Manual Recovery?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm randomly getting 'Continue to wait; or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery...' or something like that at boot ((it flashes very quickly)- If I don't press anything, I'm prompted for my password (I configured it to login with password) and the desktop loads...

I'm using Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 -> Ultimate Edition Home

I was using my 1TB hdd to dual-boot linux, windows, and for storage...Yesterday, I imaged the linux partition, and restored it to an approximately 66GB partition I created on a 150GB hdd...Besides the 66GB partition, the rest of the 150GB hdd is 'unallocated space'... That's when the above message started...Below are screenshots of the fstab and partitions as they are now...

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Ubuntu :: Is There A Suggestions Box Anywhere

Oct 13, 2010

Is there a suggestions box anywhere? Not for technical bugs (i.e. things that don't work properly), but for features that are currently not included or that could be improved.

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Ubuntu :: Need Alternate Application Suggestions

Jun 14, 2010

I'm looking for an app similar to the Disk Usage Analyzer. I would like it to treat each HDD and partition separately instead of the way Disk Usage Analyzer treats them all as one giant HDD filesystem.

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Slackware :: DVD Backup Software Suggestions

Jun 30, 2010

This isn't truly Slackware specific but I thought who would know better than the Slackware community. My issue is I am tired of being tech-support for my in-laws trying to keep their XP and Vista desktops functioning and would like to convert there setups to Linux. Their needs in terms of applications etc are very basic, primarily internet surfing and photos. The one application they use very frequently is a DVD backup software that runs on XP called DVD X Copy, and basically it is a one click rip and burn process for them to make backups of their DVD collection. I personally do not own and have not used such applications before so I am not familiar with some alternatives. I know of lots of programs that Rip or Burn DVD's very well but what I am looking for is a dead-simple way on Linux for them to maintain that functionality. Anything involving more than a couple steps would be challenging to them as they are very inexperienced PC users and slightly technophobic. I looked on Wine to see if the program would run under Wine but did not see it listed in the database.

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General :: Distro Suggestions Fpr PIII 450 W/ 768MB Ram?

Jan 31, 2011

What do folks suggest for the system listed in the title? It is an old gateway box with the original Phoenix BIOS. Currently I have Ubuntu on it and it was working ok till I went from 9 to 10, since then it has been acting up. I run it basically as a backroom server, (file server, home automation, media), but it doesn't get hit hard. I'm looking for something lighter than Ubuntu.

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General :: Suggestions For Starting Out With Linux System

Jul 19, 2010

I'm unhappy with Microsoft, and Apple has slowly lost its appeal due to unsolvable problems with my iMac G5. Are there any especially good books or hints about how to start for

1. buying a system with Linux on it
2. Using either an iMac or another machine that I can install Linux on it
3. low cost ways of getting Linux systems

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Software :: Samba Suggestions On Group Permissions

Jan 14, 2009

I have a user community of about 2000 users and a samba server running on AIX that currently hosts a read-only share for the whole company.

path = /mypath
guest ok = Yes

But now I have been requested to make this share available as read-only for some users and completely inaccessible to everyone else. The number of users who will have access is probably a few hundred and I expect users to be added/removed on a daily basis. Some of the users have unix logins, while others do not. Because of this, I hesitate to mess with user mapping because I would have to manage this every day, unless I do something with a script.

Can someone suggest a scheme I can use to deny everyone except for certain users without having to use user mapping?Someone here in my office suggested we use hosts allow or deny, since the users who will still have access are located on the same subnet. However, there is a distinct possibility that a small number of people on a few other subnets will need access. Is there a way I can specify hosts allow but still allow specific users from other subnets?Forgive me if this question has been asked before. I'm sure it must have been, but I am having trouble doing a search of the archives that will give me advice about this particular problem.

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Ubuntu :: Official Way To Make Suggestions And Feature Requests?

Feb 23, 2010

What is the official way to make suggestions and feature requests? I have a few!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Audio Capture Suggestions?

Apr 3, 2010

I want to record some streaming internet radio talk shows and music performances on NPR, and I'm wondering what my options are in Ubuntu. I'm looking for something that can output high quality lossless files in several formats, hopefully including mp3 and ogg.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Suggestions For Video Editing Software

Sep 1, 2011

I've never done any video editing before and I had some ideas that I wanted to pursue. Being that I've never done it, I don't know what programs are out there.Does anyone have any suggestions of good editing software that is both high functioning and is fairly easy to learn and use?I'm currently running ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Hidden Mimized Apps \ Reach Apps That Minimized Them Self And Are Not Shown In The Top Menu?

Apr 30, 2011

Some minimized apps no longer appear in the top menu and by that are no longer accessible.For example firefox with the minimize addon or Jungel Disk backup service.How can I reach apps that minimized them self and are not shown in the top menu?

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Debian Configuration :: Unable To Find Any Suggestions On Settings To Change In Bittorrent Client

Jan 9, 2011

I am currently using Debian Lenny and am having problems with my pptp vpn client. I can use the following software for as long as I like without my pptp vpn connection dropping out:
(1) iceweasel
(2) icedove
(3) gtk-gnutella

If a use a bittorrent client, however, my pptp vpn connection drops out within a few minutes. I have tried these bittorrent clients: transmission, deluge, tixati. Enabling or disabling the firewall makes no difference.I have searched and Debian User Forums but have not been able to find any suggestions on settings to change in a bittorrent client.

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SUSE :: Which Is Best Method To Back Up Projects

Feb 4, 2010

I am working on linux administration. I need to backup my project folders regularly. Which is the best method i can choose to backup. I know that I can schedule it through cron. Is there any other best way.? If not where can I get good document about cron. I am using suse linux enterprise server 10 sp3.

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General :: Need Any Open Source AI Projects

Dec 27, 2010

Are their any open source AI projects out there? i just read an old text on neural networking in C++ and would love to paw through someones code.

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Networking :: Networkers - Getting The Wifi Projects?

Aug 14, 2010

i study in the network department in SUST (sudan university for sience and technology) and we are going to be asked for doing the graduation project next term..i need some about WIFI projects or any related thing that is simple and applicable.

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General :: Any Projects On Shell Scripting?

Dec 6, 2010

Just give me any project on shell scripting .. to start working on it and practice my self ..

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General :: Run Two Different Projects At The Same Time From Codeblocks?

Mar 25, 2010

is it possible to run two different projects at the same time from codeblocks?

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Programming :: How To Build VS2005 Projects

Feb 3, 2011

I need to create a SW project both for Windows (written with MS Visual Studio 2005) and Linux. Currently I have a build script for windows and another for Linux. I would like to build the project for both platforms on a single PC. Is there a way of building VS2005 projects with Linux (not using Cmake)?

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Programming :: Looking For Educational Bash Projects?

Sep 14, 2010

Have you ever seen a hobbyist electonic Kit? They have projects that try to teach what each type of component does. Is there such a thing for Bash? It would tend to be aimed at tasks that are suitable for bash and not attempt to go over the line of what is better suited as a compiled program. Intuitively I think maybe something that timestamps files; when you download them, or anything else that would keep a home PC better organized is practical.

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Programming :: Compile (gcc) Using Code From Other Projects?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm trying to write a helper for the mount utility (mount.truecrypt) and there are some things in the util-linux-ng package that would be helpful. For example, in fstab.c, there is a lock_mtab() function. I want to be able to do something like:


#include "fstab.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])


But I don't know how to compile it. I was trying (naively) something like:


$ gcc mount.truecrypt.c fstab.c -o mount.truecrypt

But I guess the problem is fstab needs a whole bunch of other stuff. Should I just build the entire util-linux-ng package and then use the output somehow? If anyone is interested in mount.truecrypt (to be compatible with mount and /etc/fstab) you might be interested in giving me a little bit of guidance. I've got enough code to build the actual truecrypt command thus far. In fact, it's useable, but not robust (ie, doesn't lock the mtab, etc). You can browse the source for util-linux-ng here: [URL] and download a tagged release here:[URL]

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Fedora :: Anjuta Cannot Create GNOME 2 Projects

Apr 10, 2010

I've been wanting to write a small program for personal purposes in GNOME using Anjuta. I've noticed something strange when I start a new project. I have various options, a GTK project, SDL, XLIB, and GNOME Applet, but no GNOME project? I have the GNOME development libraries installed as far as I know, but the option to create a GNOME 2 project just doesn't appear.

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Ubuntu :: Programming Languages For Projects \ Which Ones The Best To Learn

Mar 25, 2010

have a previous background in internet programming languages such as XHTML, DHTML, CSS and javacsript. I would like to start programming and managing my linux system (like an expert) and starting on linux projects also. My question is which is the best programming language to learn: C, C++ (may b even C+), python, Perl etc... I'm learning BASH right now cause I know its a necessity for linux systems. but what would you guys suggest after that I learn.

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General :: Making Projects On Basis Of RHCE

Aug 14, 2010

I am currently doing RHCE. I want to make projects on basis of this.

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Server :: SVN And SSH - Creating Directories For Projects In Repo

Feb 18, 2011

I am setting up an SVN server (svn+ssh) that will be used by students at the university where I work. I was considering in the beginning, one single repository and eventually creating directories for each project inside the repository. It seems to me now, that it is not very secure way of doing things. The directory on the server will be with rights 770 and this means that every student can come on the server and sweep out the whole repository.

Also mistakenly or not, every student can 'svn delete' the whole repository, which could be a nightmare to recover from. An issue might be to create groups and then assign users to groups and then create many repositories and each repository to be assigned with group. This means that I will have to manage tens or hundreds of repositories -- maybe not very common task. What is an optimal solution for this working environment.

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Software :: Error In Building Projects In Kdevelop

Sep 18, 2009

1. I have fedora 9 installed, i installed kdevelop using command yum install kdevelop. so i think all the dependencies must have been resolved.

2.Built a new project in the category C++ -> KDE ->Simple KDE Application

3. then i tried to build it with "run automake and success" in the build tab. It was successful.

4. however, with the option "Run Configure" in the build tab again, I got the following:

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Programming :: Setup The References To Other Projects In Python

Mar 11, 2010

I am developing a system in Python that includes an engine and multiple front ends. I am doing the engine and a curses front end together and will add additional FE's later. My problem is that I don't know how to get my front end to import the modules from the engine. I have them set up in Eclipse (using Pydev) as separate projects, but in the same workspace.

I've been a developer for years, but this is my first Python project, and I'm also fairly new to Eclipse. I guess my question is, How do I set up the references to other projects of my own making?

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Programming :: Small Projects In C++ Using Advanced Features

Feb 4, 2010

Can any one point out links to some small projects w.r.t C++ ? Now when I say small projects. It doesn't mean building a calculator or matrix multiplication programs, nor does it mean building games, nor does it mean dealing with databases,

What I actually want is to use the advanced features of C++ like:
ii. Nested friends
iii.Virtual functions
iv. Operator overloading (not merely '+', '-') but '[', '<<' also

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Fedora :: How To Write Java Or C++ Programs As Projects In Eclipse?

Nov 18, 2010

I printed Bruce Eckel's book "Thinking in Java" and Bjarne Stroustrup's book "Programming Principles and Practice Using C++". They are just great.I installed Fedora 14 with java development features including Eclipse IDE.Now I want to be able to recreate the examples from the books and experiment over them in Eclipse.I have been working for a while with python and django merely in the terminal and gedit without Eclipse.Please, help me to get started. How can I write my Java or C++ programs as projects in Eclipse?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Share Database Tables Between Projects?

Jan 5, 2010

If any real hassle using a database between web sites. Not obviously phpBB but rather various projects that need a common read access to maintain a relation

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