General :: Distro Suggestions Fpr PIII 450 W/ 768MB Ram?

Jan 31, 2011

What do folks suggest for the system listed in the title? It is an old gateway box with the original Phoenix BIOS. Currently I have Ubuntu on it and it was working ok till I went from 9 to 10, since then it has been acting up. I run it basically as a backroom server, (file server, home automation, media), but it doesn't get hit hard. I'm looking for something lighter than Ubuntu.

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General :: Recommended Distro For HP Omnibook XE3 (PIII 1GHz)?

Oct 25, 2010

I have an old HP Omnibook XE3 that I want to use for P2P, Sopcast, viewing videos etc. I wanted to set up Ubuntu og Kubuntu but was not sure if the laptop could handle it. What do you guys think? Which distro would suit me best?

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Slackware :: Where I Can Send Bug Reports Or Suggestions About Slackware Distro?

Feb 4, 2010

I found out that package 'qt-4.5.3_063bded-i486-3' in slackware-current has no html docs. I learn qt4 programming and I need this docs. So I got qt-4.6.1 from the official site, built, installed and use the mainline version 4.6.1 instead of recommended qt from the KDE git brunch. Honestly I see no difference between slackware's 4.5.3 and mainline 4.6.1.Is there place where I can send bug reports or suggestions about slackware distro? I really like this simple, fast, reliable and completely clear distributive and I want to help to improve it.

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General :: Suggestions For Starting Out With Linux System

Jul 19, 2010

I'm unhappy with Microsoft, and Apple has slowly lost its appeal due to unsolvable problems with my iMac G5. Are there any especially good books or hints about how to start for

1. buying a system with Linux on it
2. Using either an iMac or another machine that I can install Linux on it
3. low cost ways of getting Linux systems

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Ubuntu :: Install Arch On An Old PIII Compaq

Jan 22, 2011

I have managed to install Arch linux on an old PIII compaq, now my question is this:

I have seen many fancy pictures of a nice Arch GUI, but all i get after install is

My guess is that it boots up in to a Shell , but how do I get to the GUI form here or have I failed from the start.

Not a guess any more Im in a shell. when i "ls" i see all the folders in "/"

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General :: Distro - Nominate A Disastrous Distro From Past Or Present

Jan 9, 2010

nominate a disastrous distro from past or present that was simply AWFUL and what exactly was so bad about it?

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Ubuntu :: Is There A Suggestions Box Anywhere

Oct 13, 2010

Is there a suggestions box anywhere? Not for technical bugs (i.e. things that don't work properly), but for features that are currently not included or that could be improved.

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Ubuntu :: Need Alternate Application Suggestions

Jun 14, 2010

I'm looking for an app similar to the Disk Usage Analyzer. I would like it to treat each HDD and partition separately instead of the way Disk Usage Analyzer treats them all as one giant HDD filesystem.

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Slackware :: DVD Backup Software Suggestions

Jun 30, 2010

This isn't truly Slackware specific but I thought who would know better than the Slackware community. My issue is I am tired of being tech-support for my in-laws trying to keep their XP and Vista desktops functioning and would like to convert there setups to Linux. Their needs in terms of applications etc are very basic, primarily internet surfing and photos. The one application they use very frequently is a DVD backup software that runs on XP called DVD X Copy, and basically it is a one click rip and burn process for them to make backups of their DVD collection. I personally do not own and have not used such applications before so I am not familiar with some alternatives. I know of lots of programs that Rip or Burn DVD's very well but what I am looking for is a dead-simple way on Linux for them to maintain that functionality. Anything involving more than a couple steps would be challenging to them as they are very inexperienced PC users and slightly technophobic. I looked on Wine to see if the program would run under Wine but did not see it listed in the database.

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Software :: Samba Suggestions On Group Permissions

Jan 14, 2009

I have a user community of about 2000 users and a samba server running on AIX that currently hosts a read-only share for the whole company.

path = /mypath
guest ok = Yes

But now I have been requested to make this share available as read-only for some users and completely inaccessible to everyone else. The number of users who will have access is probably a few hundred and I expect users to be added/removed on a daily basis. Some of the users have unix logins, while others do not. Because of this, I hesitate to mess with user mapping because I would have to manage this every day, unless I do something with a script.

Can someone suggest a scheme I can use to deny everyone except for certain users without having to use user mapping?Someone here in my office suggested we use hosts allow or deny, since the users who will still have access are located on the same subnet. However, there is a distinct possibility that a small number of people on a few other subnets will need access. Is there a way I can specify hosts allow but still allow specific users from other subnets?Forgive me if this question has been asked before. I'm sure it must have been, but I am having trouble doing a search of the archives that will give me advice about this particular problem.

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General :: Best LXDE Based Distro/distro That Supports LXDE?

Dec 15, 2010

Lubuntu is nice - but it seems the LXDE version is not as up to date as Fedora LXDE Spin or even Debian squeeze with LXDE installed. I do like Chromium on Lubuntu though... its faster and a nice touch. I am looking for a lightweight 64-bit distribution for my main laptop (it is by no means "old" or "low spec" but I like that Lubuntu starts up in like 2 secs).

LXDE version seems not to be recent (esp in 10.04 version which seems to work more stably for me - with Nvidia drivers etc)64 bit install is currently a pain - requires first install of minimal CD or alternate CD both of which required wired Ethernet, then install of lubuntu from PPA. Native 64-bit support would be nice. Linux Mint LXDE, for example, is also only 32-bit.

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Ubuntu :: Official Way To Make Suggestions And Feature Requests?

Feb 23, 2010

What is the official way to make suggestions and feature requests? I have a few!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Audio Capture Suggestions?

Apr 3, 2010

I want to record some streaming internet radio talk shows and music performances on NPR, and I'm wondering what my options are in Ubuntu. I'm looking for something that can output high quality lossless files in several formats, hopefully including mp3 and ogg.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Suggestions For Video Editing Software

Sep 1, 2011

I've never done any video editing before and I had some ideas that I wanted to pursue. Being that I've never done it, I don't know what programs are out there.Does anyone have any suggestions of good editing software that is both high functioning and is fairly easy to learn and use?I'm currently running ubuntu 10.04.

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Software :: Apps And Suggestions For Press Quality Projects

Sep 19, 2010

Because of my background with computers, my current employer decided to throw me into a project designing some advertisements and pages in our store's catalog. This was my first time doing anything like this. They gave me QuarkXpress and I learned as I went. Since I use Linux, I would much rather use Linux to do this type of work in the future. I have downloaded Scribus and ICC profiles (color profiles). The press we went with uses CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black) for primary colors. Is there anyone who has done professional printing or design that went to press in CMYK (or anything) that has suggestions for doing this type of work in Linux?

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Debian Configuration :: Unable To Find Any Suggestions On Settings To Change In Bittorrent Client

Jan 9, 2011

I am currently using Debian Lenny and am having problems with my pptp vpn client. I can use the following software for as long as I like without my pptp vpn connection dropping out:
(1) iceweasel
(2) icedove
(3) gtk-gnutella

If a use a bittorrent client, however, my pptp vpn connection drops out within a few minutes. I have tried these bittorrent clients: transmission, deluge, tixati. Enabling or disabling the firewall makes no difference.I have searched and Debian User Forums but have not been able to find any suggestions on settings to change in a bittorrent client.

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Networking :: Why Doesn't Distro 9.0 Setup Work For 13.1 Distro?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a linux box set up as a multi-purpose server for my home with three Windows client PC's. The linux box is based on a slightly modified Slackware 9.0 distribution using Linux 2.4.20 and an unfortinately old, slow AMD processor with a miserable 512Kb RAM. The linux box serves the CIFS file system to the Windows boxes, runs the SQUID HTTP proxy, the Apache web server, a print server, does masquerading, mail serving and a very effective firewall using iptables.

This system, although slow, has run perfectly for several years.Let me say that again - This system works perfectly.I had decided that now is the time to upgrade the hardware, so I bought a Gigabyte LGA775 motherboard which has two 1Gb network interfaces on it, an ASUS 256Mb PCI-E display card, 2Gb of DDR3 RAM, an Intel Core2-Quad processor and a bunch of 500Gb SATA drives to set up a RAID5 array (but I intend that the system boot off one of several 40Gb PATA drives I have).I set up the processor, motherboard, display card, RAM, a SATA DVD Drive and a 40Gb PATA hard disk in a "breadboard" layout and installed distro 13.1, being careful to set up the static IP for the local network, dhcpcd to get an IP address from the cable modem (my internet connection) and to enable ip_forward in the network configuration.

Then I installed a script invoked by /etc/rc.d/rc.local which installed all the SAME iptables rules as my old Linux box. There was one minor glitch when I had to change 8 occurrences of "-d ! $LOCAL_NET to" "! --destination $LOCAL_NET" but that was no problem. I also set up /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts , the BIND server files etc. etc. exactly as in the old box.

I am able to ping (this is at the heart of Australia's internet hub network - if it's down the whole bloody thing is down) and have the system find the correct IP from the designated nameservers and contact that server with a return trip time of 35ms. I am able to run a telnet session from one of the Windows boxes and edit files on the Linux server. So both network interfaces work and I've got them the right way around.I am able to run FTP on one of the Windows boxes and connect through to, although it seems to hang when I try a DIR (but then so does the old linux system).

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Software :: Looking For Community Or Social Networking Software Suggestions

Nov 13, 2009

I am currently working on a volunteer project to build a socializing community site for several affiliated religious communities. All the basic things like, a shared calendar, blogging, email, any suggestions?

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General :: How To Add A Distro

Jul 14, 2010

I have Windows and Pclinuxos on my machine. I get the option of selecting either when I boot up. I now want to add Mandriva One, giving me three choices. I've created a new partition for Mandriva and the table now looks like this:


I have tried installing a third OS (Windows + 2 distros) in the past but still only got two choices - Windows and the last installed distro. The first distro was still in the machine but not showing on the boot up screen. I've tried to read up about chainloading but don't really understand it.

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General :: How To Know All App Of A Distro

Feb 28, 2011

How can I know all the tools and app that comes with a distro, for example Debian 6 ?I can see that linux distros have a lot a small , medium apps (natives like cat, join, paste, etc; and 3rd party like iwconfig, etc=)So , how can I know what i have with a linux distro ?

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Hardware :: Where Bottleneck Is And Any Suggestions To Bypass That Bottleneck?

Nov 18, 2010

I am trying to copy a lot of data at once.In an effort to do that I plugged in two usb desktop disks to my machine at once and started copying from to both disks at once. The data I'm copying was from two different mounted disks. Mounted disk 1 was being copied to USB desktop external hardrive 1 and Mounted disk 2 was being copied to USB desktop external hardrive 2.It was a lot slower than doing only one copy at a time. Can anyone tell me where the bottleneck is and any suggestions to bypass that bottleneck?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: HP Server Hardware Suggestions?

May 24, 2010

I'm making faulty tolerant system for management purpose. I have been looking for HP based systems, but have heard that there's problems with RAID setups. I prefer to have RAID 1 to the server so wont matter one HDD loss...

The other has "HP Smart Array P410i/256MB BBWC".Is there any possible problems when looking these?And if anyone has any other hardware setup that works, suggestions are welcome. The server will run one management software and nothing else, so not much load for it but reliability is critical.

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General :: Need New Distro Installable From USB?

Oct 28, 2010

I would like a new linux distro. I've been using ubuntu for like 2 years or more and I'm just done with it. Some things that I want out of the new distro are:
Since I like learning, I want the distro to NOT be so user-friendly. I want a challenge. Just anything new to learn would be amazing. I need wireless support out of the box though, since that's the only source of internet I have around here.. I need it to be installable from usb, since i'm using a netbook without a cd drive.

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General :: Can't Decide On A New Distro?

May 9, 2010

I've had Ubuntu (8.10) on my netbook in the past and I really liked it. I'm currently running Fedora and feeling like I should "change it up" again. I've played around with Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid a little, and so far I'm very impressed. I've always wanted to try Arch, but I'm worried I won't have the driver support I need for all the non-standard hardware in a netbook.

Does anybody have a suggestion for a new distro to try? I'm preferably looking for something feature-rich over light-weight, and something that I can have up and running with a minimum of configuration (at least partially working).

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General :: Which Distro To Run On A Slow SSD?

Aug 7, 2010

I bought an Eee PC 1000, the Linux SSD model, a couple years ago. I ended up putting Easy Peasy (then called Ubuntu Eee) onto it, only to be dissatisfied with the speed. Then I put Windows XP on it, and with a LOT of tweaking it ran sort of okay. Now I pulled it out and dusted it off but I want it to run Linux.

It has the Intel Atom 1.6ghz processor and 2gb of RAM (I upgraded it) so there's no lack of power there, but the SSD is extremely slow; it has a small write buffer, but when you do anything slightly significant you can feel the system stutter every second or two as the SSD halts everything while it dumps its full cache to disk. I'm talking serious stutters, and the cache isn't very big; to get Firefox to not stutter I had to move all caching into RAM and disable history (even just writing the history log to disk froze the system with every webpage).

Anyway, I hope I've given you a decent idea of just how slow this SSD is. With that said, is there a Linux distro that is optimized for an extremely slow hard drive but decent powered system? I'm not looking for something underpowered because the processor and RAM are plenty powerful, I just want something that perhaps is optimized for not writing to disk often.

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General :: KDE Distro With ATI Support ?

Feb 6, 2010

I didn't know where to post this, but I hope I get an answer. I'm not new to Linux, but I'm not a super user either. I've been distro hopping for years, until I found Mandriva 2010. I love it, but whenever I install the ATI drivers I get a Kwin has crashed error every time I start up. So I tried openSuse 11.2, it's a pleasant distro implements KDE well, but I got the same results with openSuse.

My question to you guys is, what current KDE distro has the best support for ATI cards? Or is there a way to get either KDE or openSuse working correctly? I've tried everything I found in other forums to no avail.

My specs:
XFX HD Radeon 4770
AMD Athlon II X4 625
2 GB of Ram

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General :: Different Distro On A Server?

Apr 6, 2010

My question is, is it okay (for example) if i have an Ubuntu desktop and i will connect it to a Red Hat PC Server. Will it do? or should i have to have a same distro for both Desktop and Server.

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General :: Which Distro Is Best Coded

Apr 9, 2010

I have used Linux since 2007. I have find chance to try Ubuntu, Debian, Suse, Arch.

Question is Which distro is best coded?

I believeall distros can have same functions and Many distros is good for me. I dont have any problem with any of above distos. So which is best according to their base code system

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General :: Looking For Distro For Best Documentation?

Apr 14, 2010

I am looking for a distro that have good quality -not quantity- documantation. that is, It should be right, clear and even newbie can apply them.

Which distro is suit for it?

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General :: RDP Only Distro, For Legacy PC's?

Apr 16, 2010

Where, I'm looking for a Linux Micro-distro which let me do certain thingsWhat I want?I want a linux distro which I CAN install on old PC, Pentium 2/Pentium 3 PC, from 600mhz to 900mhz and from 128MB Ram to 250MBWhat I want that this distro does?Well, I want a distro that I can configure DHCP so automatically get the assigned IP/DNS info.his distro should boot directly to an RDP (Remote Desktop protocol) Client, just that. Automatically should connect to a predefined server which will ask for the user credentials, this windows shouldn't be closeable or if can be close automatically should re-open until the user enter his/her credentials.The distro should have a file or a way in which an administrator can choose/change the server to which the user will connect.

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