Slackware :: Wicd Keeps Dropping WiFi Connedtion

Jul 16, 2011

wicd keeps dropping my wifi connection most of the time I can just tell wicd to reconnect the connection never stays up for more than 10 minuets with out doing other times it looks like it connected when it didn't other times it times out when obtaining the ip address in these 2 cases I have to run "etc/rc.d/rc.wicd restart
then tell it to connect sometimes posting on forums requires me to copy my text hit submit hope the connection is still up maybe restart wicd there a bug in wicd or python ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: WiFi Dropping And Dropping Speed

Feb 25, 2010

As soon as i'm starting to copy a large file enough file (>700Mb) to my ubuntu box (connected to an Asus router via wifi) from a Windows 7 client (connected to router via ethernet cable) i get a dramatic drop in speed. upload starts at 1,0Mb/sec with a ping to ubuntu box at <1ms, and in 2 minutes it drops to 200kb/sec with a ping of over 1000ms! The ping increases with every second in a linear progression.

To exlude router as a possible problem copying to a windows 7 notebook connected to router via wifi results in an average of 2,7Mb/sec with an average ping of 150ms.

MB Model: Asus P5B Deluxe wifi
OS: Ubuntu Server 9.10 + desktop installed
Wifi configured via GUI

2. lsusb

3. wlan0

4. lsmod

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Lab Computers Dropping WiFi Connections

Jan 5, 2011

Our school has a small 3-computer lab in the preschool department where the kids come in and simply use Firefox to access some educational websites. Due to logistics in the building they're in we had to go with a wireless solution in the following setup:

- Apple Airport Extreme WAP
- 3 HP DX2200 desktops running Ubuntu 10.10
- 3 Trendnet TEW-664UB USB wifi chips

All was running great until we got the computers installed on site and now they are constantly dropping the wifi connection if they are even able to connect at all (which is highly hit or miss).

10.10 picked up the USB wifi card as soon as we plugged them in and showed the available networks, but actually obtaining and keeping connections is a nightmare at the point. The computers are in very close proximity to each other (only about 2-3 feet between computers) and the WAP is in the next room (other computers and mobile devices are able to connect to the WAP with full signal from the same room/location). Thats about all the detail I have off the top of my head, could this be an interference issue with the wifi cards or does this sound like an Ubunutu issue? Again we have had multiple other devices in that room all able to connect seamlessly.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: WiFi Connection Dropping At Irregular Intervals

Jan 5, 2010

In summary, I am using openSUSE 11.2 x64 on an Acer laptop with a wireless AR928X card. I can connect to my WEP-secured network when I boot up. After some time (it might be minutes, it might be hours), I am prompted for my WEP password again. This never works, despite being the one which gets me on-line at start-up!. The only solution is a reboot. The problem is intermittent and doesn't seem to depend on my on-line activity. I have tried the following with the same result:
Traditional using IFUP
Enabling / disabling IPv6 support

I tried installing the compat-wireless package through YaST and then managed to get no internet connection at all. Went back to KNetworkManager and things "worked" again until I was prompted for the WEP code. I have openSUSE 11.2 x64 working on my office laptop without problem and can connect to my home network without any problem. My issues are with my personal laptop. I have reached the stage of booting into Windows 7 as my default option so that I can access the internet reliably. What I can do to diagnose and repair the problem - could it be that the card is going into powersave mode? If so, how do I stop that happening? I'd prefer to be on openSUSE but need to be able to rely on the internet.

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Ubuntu Networking :: EeePC 901 Dropping WiFi Connection - Need New Driver?

Jan 5, 2010

Here's the situation: I've got an eee pc 901 running Ubuntu 9.10 netbook remix. I'm using it to connect to a WPA-encrypted wireless network on a WRT54GL running dd-wrt. It mostly connects and works ok, but sometimes it just stops working for no apparent reason (the netbook still shows itself as connected), but you can't get anywhere until you manually disconnect and reconnect. Other times, it will drop the connection, and then quickly reconnect (or sometimes not). Obviously, this behavior is pretty irritating. At first I thought the problem was with the router, but I checked the logs there and they all seem fine, and other computers on the same router don't have this problem. Looking at "dmesg | tail" on my netbook, I see a lot of instances of the following error, which I'm thinking is probably the problem:

[11137.762233] ERROR!!! RTMPCancelTimer failed, Timer hasn't been initialize!
[11142.872797] ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 4(4) BSS returned, data->length = 440
[11152.883274] ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 5(5) BSS returned, data->length = 556
[11152.883529] ==>rt_ioctl_siwfreq::SIOCSIWFREQ[cmd=0x8b04] (Channel=11)
[11163.952056] ERROR!!! RTMPCancelTimer failed, Timer hasn't been initialize!

I searched for that error message and I found this Ubuntu bug report: [URL] that describes symptoms that match mine. In that report, a poster mentions that he compiled and installed a new version of the wireless driver from the Ralink website, and it fixed his problem. Do you think installing a new driver would be good? Or has that updated driver already been added to the kernel since that bug report was filed? I've never compiled a kernel module before.

One other thing, I also see repeated instances of these lines (or similar ones) in dmesg, which look like they could be related.
[44096.275923] RX DESC f30ca000 size = 2048
[44096.276885] <-- RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory, Status=0
[44096.281404] --> Error 2 opening /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/RT2860STA.dat
[44096.281424] 1. Phy Mode = 0
[44096.281435] 2. Phy Mode = 0
[44096.309841] 3. Phy Mode = 0
[44096.314533] MCS Set = 00 00 00 00 00
[44096.316196] <==== RTMPInitialize, Status=0
[44096.316280] 0x1300 = 000a4260
[44096.401269] ==>rt_ioctl_siwfreq::SIOCSIWFREQ[cmd=0x8b04] (Channel=11)
[44096.472502] ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 1(1) BSS returned, data->length = 116
[44096.472977] ==>rt_ioctl_siwfreq::SIOCSIWFREQ[cmd=0x8b04] (Channel=11)
[44106.768056] ra0: no IPv6 routers present

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Keeps Dropping The Wifi Signal?

Dec 12, 2010

I've got a Belkin F5D8055 v1 wifi usb adapter. I use the rt2800usb driver for it. Strangely it uses only 54 Mbit/s instead of 300 Mbit/s. I thought it was ok, since I use the wifi only for accessing the internet. However, the network manager keeps dropping the signal, and I can't understand why. I'm close enough to the router.

wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:"MyHomeRouter"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.447 GHz Access Point: 00:22:2D:06:2C:50


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Debian Configuration :: IPTables Logging Rules Dropping WiFi Connection

Dec 1, 2015

I'm trying to use these cookie cutter rules that I found. But every time I use them, after a few seconds my wifi connection goes dead. The exception was the first time I used then. Which lasted me a couple of minutes.

By dead I mean I can no longer open a webpage or ping google.

iptables -N LOGGING
iptables -A INPUT -j LOGGING
iptables -A OUTPUT -j LOGGING
iptables -A LOGGING -m limit --limit 2/min -j LOG --log-prefix "IPTables-Dropped: " --log-level 4
iptables -A LOGGING -j DROP

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Debian Hardware :: Intel 3160 - WiFi Dropping Association Regularly

May 12, 2015

I have three Toshiba S55 laptops running debian 8 or ubuntu 14.04 with Intel 3160 internal wifi cards.

In a heavily congested WIFI environment all these machines will regularly lose their associations with an ASUS RT-AC68U 802.11AC AP whether running ubuntu 14.04 or debian 8. The AP is 5 feet away.

I have upgraded the 3160 /lib/firmware to the latest available on the Intel website.

The association will generally be lost within 1 to 10 minutes. The behavior is very repeatable.

I have removed all networking tools except for wicd. However, the same behavior is observed using network manager.

If I plug in an rtl8812au based 802.11ac dongle the connection in identical situations lasts forever.

logfile around the problem time:

*** OpenVPN is often the first to notice the link is down

2015-05-11T12:30:07.105004-07:00 s55t ovpn-hitnet[9781]: TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
2015-05-11T12:30:07.105174-07:00 s55t ovpn-hitnet[9781]: SIGUSR1[soft,tls-error] received, process restarting

*** This always follows the failure reported by OpenVPN

2015-05-11T12:30:07.233906-07:00 s55t kernel: [30897.194045] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
2015-05-11T12:30:07.233918-07:00 s55t kernel: [30897.195689] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
2015-05-11T12:30:07.233918-07:00 s55t kernel: [30897.195691] cfg80211: DFS Master region: unset


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wicd Disconnects Wifi When Scanning?

Oct 29, 2010

I have an hp compaq 6720s laptop dualboot vista/ubuntu lucyd.My wireless card is Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02), controlled by wicd 1.7.0 (gnome network manager connects/disconects the net continuously).The problem is, any time I do a scanning with wicd or from command line to see the wifi nets around,my wireless is disconnected, then it connects again because is set to automatic reconnection

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Ubuntu :: Replaced Windows 7 Starter But Want To Change Back As It Keeps Dropping Wifi Connection?

Jul 1, 2011

I installed ubuntu 11.04 on my dell inspiron mini 10. I replaced windows 7 starter but i want to change back as it keeps dropping my wifi connection.

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Slackware :: Configure Wifi Adapter In Slackware 12.0 / KDE Does Not Detect Any Wifi Device?

Jan 30, 2010

i tried following the readme file included in the driver of the usb network adapter but seems its not exact.

any ideas on how i can configure it manually? KDE does not detect any wifi device. .(of course since no driver is installed yet).

i used my desktop (win***)with DSL connection and installed the driver of the usb net adapter.. made it as the access point. . so my laptop detects the desktop as wifi spot.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wicd & WiFi-radar Fail To Get IP Address

Jan 16, 2011

When trying to connect to a wireless AP, neither wicd or wifi-radar are able to obtain an IP. With wicd, a string of various hex/dec characters flow by, with an eventual error. This happens with both WEP and unencrypted APs (- the hex/dec). With wifi-radar it simply fails, but not every time. NetworkManager connects with zero problems every time; though I prefer to not use NetworkManager, so please spare me of such replies. Someone please tell me why there should be only one wireless manager in Ubuntu that works? I have used wicd since before gutsy gibbon, and it always worked fine until the last two versions, Lucid, and Karmic. What is occurring in Ubuntu which over time breaks these excellent applications? I have tried this with four different wireless cards, and all suffer either identical or similar issues. Those chipsets are Broadcom, two RealTeks, and an Intel.

I really wish to emphasize that this post is not a request for a lecture on why I should use only NetworkManager, or why I should go find another distro. With something like Linux, maybe we could push a little harder, and have maybe say, two, wireless managers that actually work? I would honestly like to see more than two, but one is not enough. It baffles me a bit why new versions of Ubuntu mangle some perfectly good applications, but not others. In IT, surely networking, IP4, WEP, basic wifi technology, etc. has not changed so much that every six months whole new programs should need to be written to connect to a wireless access point. Nor should old ones need much tweaking. What's going on? With such boastings of repositories abundant and brimming with free apps, why does anyone want to make NetworkManager the only app that works?

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Software :: Wicd WiFi Connection Fails - Bad Password -wpa2

Nov 27, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on a PackardBell notebook and have just got an Orange Livebox 2 for broadband connection(after years of dial-up as no adsl in my area).

I am trying to connect via WiFi to the Livebox to configure, but neither NetworkManager nor Wicd will connect. NM sees the Livebox but simply fails to connect after trying; Wicd says "Bad password". The WPA2 password I have entered is definitely correct, and I have connected without any problem from an AcerOne under Linpus.

I have also tried to connect using Wicd and an ethernet cable, and this doesn't connect either, returning "Connection Failed: Unable to Get IP Address"

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wicd WiFi Connection Fails / Bad Password Wpa2

Nov 27, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on a PackardBell notebook and have just got an Orange Livebox 2 for broadband connection(after years of dial-up as no adsl in my area).I am trying to connect via WiFi to the Livebox to configure, but neither NetworkManager nor Wicd will connect. NM sees the Livebox but simply fails to connect after trying; Wicd says "Bad password".The WPA2 password I have entered is definitely correct, and I have connected without any problem from an AcerOne under Linpus.I have also tried to connect using Wicd and an ethernet cable, and this doesn't connect either, returning "Connection Failed: Unable to Get IP Address"

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Ubuntu Networking :: Gets Internet Connection Via WIFI Using WICD As Network Manager?

Jul 7, 2011

I have a Ubuntu 10.04 laptop that gets its Internet connection via WIFI using WICD as network manager, and Windows XP desktop with no Internet connection. What I want to do is share my Internet connection from my laptop with my desktop via a Ethernet cable. But i have no idea what to do. How do i go about doing this?

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Slackware :: Can't Install Wicd-1.7.0 In Slackware 13.0 / What Got Lost?

Jan 17, 2011

(Background: my wireless worked fine for a long time using wicd- and then all networks became hidden. The wicd website said there was a bug in and to upgrade.) I obtained wicd-1.7.0.tar.bz2 from Slackware man pages recommend "installpkg <name>". I did "removepkg wicd..." and then install. Installpkg said it could not install it because it did not end in .tgz,.tbz,.tlz, or .txz. I changed the name to wicd-1.7.0.tbz(assuming that was equivalent) and did installpkg again. That gave "Verifying..., Installing..., Warning: package has not been created with 'makepkg'. Package wicd-1.7.0.tbz installed."
There is no entry for it in the Kickoff Application Launcher. There is an entry for it in /var/log/packages. There is in /etc/rc.d./rc.wicd a script marked executable. Can anyone see what got lost?

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Debian Hardware :: Intel AC 7260 WiFi Not Work In Jessie LXDE With Wicd

Feb 5, 2015

My wifi does not work in the actual debian testing jessie lxde amd64 with wicd version (fresh install). What I've done:

0. Fresh testing jessie install (offline and ignored the question for adding iwlwifi)

1. Adding following sources:
deb jessie main contrib non-free
deb-src jessie main contrib non-free
deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src jessie/updates main contrib non-free

2. apt-get update

3. apt-get install firmware-iwlwifi

4. modprobe -r iwlwifi ; modprobe iwlwifi

So searching the web just brings up the wheezy way solution (backport new kernel and iwlwifi).

But in this case, actual jessie testing kernel is already installed by default and so the actual 43 firmware-iwlwifi

Some information:
Code: Select all# dpkg -l |grep -i iwlwifi
ii  firmware-iwlwifi                      0.43                              all          Binary firmware for Intel Wireless cards

Code: Select all# dmesg | grep wifi
[    7.890216] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: irq 107 for MSI/MSI-X
[    8.478878] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware iwlwifi-7260-9.ucode
[    8.479867] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: loaded firmware version op_mode iwlmvm
[    8.553105] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: Detected Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless AC 7260, REV=0x144
[    8.553193] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Enabled

[Code] ....

I must add: lxde Debian uses Wicd, so network-manager is not installed !

Wicd seems to be the problem. After changing to network-manager, everthing is ok.

Next install with the official Jessie release, i will look, why wicd not work out of the box.

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Slackware :: Internet Dropping For Short Burst

Jan 1, 2010

I'm running Slackware 64 on an HP AMD Turion X2 Dual Boot with Vista. I'm using WICD from KDE 4.?. I am having trouble with my internet connection dropping. Any software that it internet based seems to hang. After 45 to 90 sec the net seems to come back up. If the software doesn't hang I've been able to check WICD and the connection appears to be fine, but it isn't very descriptive, just that I am still connected. It can be an inconvenience for Firefox but is horrible for any online game.

The game drops you in the middle of a fight or lock the game up. I don't know that I've always had this issue but I can't recall these inconveniences at the beginning of my Slack install. I also can't make a connection to a given install or system tweak. Lastly I haven't seen anything in my searches on the net. But hopefully this isn't the only incidence. AND much as I hate to say this, I am not seeing this from Vista and my family has been on line all week from Windows and aren't having the issue.

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Slackware :: Wicd Client Gtk: How To Get Rid Of It

Nov 12, 2010

on my laptops I used to use Wicd with the Gtk GUI. However, now there is a KDE client, which I want to use instead, from now on:

Wicd Client KDE

I installed it, and it works quite well, so far. However, whenever I logon to a KDE session, the older Gtk client is started, too. I then have both Wicd clients sitting next to each other on my panel bar, and I have to manually kill the Gtk client. How do I get rid of the Gtk client in KDE, permanently? BTW, my laptops are running Slackware 13.1 stable with all patches up to now and some additional software from various repositories.

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Slackware :: Skype Incoming / Outgoing Audio Dropping Out

Aug 20, 2010

I just started using Skype and I am having a problem with the incoming/outgoing audio dropping out. The videoconference will start normal the connection being perfect. The guys on the other end can see me perfectly and can hear me loud and clear for the first say...10-20 secs but afterwards the outgoing audio from my part is dropping off and they can not hear me anymore. They can still see me. I can still be seen on the other end and typing and the share screen works perfect from my part or from their part but they can not hear me anymore..

Or there are days when it goes the other way round. The incoming sound would be dropping out. I can still be seen and heard on the other end and typing and the share screen works prefect but I am not able to hear them. I am using Slackware 13.1 on a XFCE desktop installed from the official DVD downloaded from the official site and the sound works perfect. I have no problem watching videos and hearing the sound in ..... or any other audio-video streaming sites.

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Slackware :: Wireless Keeps Dropping - Using Edited Rc.inet1.conf

Jan 22, 2011

I wanted to save a bit of ram and so removed wicd from startup. I deleted rc.wireless.conf and edited rc.inet1.conf as per the instructions. A connection is made at startup but it seem to drop quite often ( not too hard to restart, but a bit of a pain ). I am running a k-2.6.37 with a zydas usb zd1121 chip


# /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf
# This file contains the configuration settings for network interfaces.
# If USE_DHCP[interface] is set to "yes", this overrides any other settings.


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General :: Install / Use WICD On Slackware 13?

Feb 6, 2010

I have no idea where to start with WICD. I know it's on the Slackware 13 CD and where it is on the cd but from there I'm really just lost as what to do with the files there and such.
I'm so used to Windows and programming on Windows in C# .NET and tweaking/hacking there that I have no idea where to really start with Linux so if you have any special tips or places to go to read up on stuff so I can maybe figure out more about Linux and this I'd like that a lot.

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Slackware :: Enabling Encryption Using Wicd?

Sep 26, 2010

I have been using wicd successfully for some time, lately with slackware 12. However, when traveling I sometimes find a place that gives an error message "encryption must be enabled".Probably this means that wpa-supplicant must be set up right, but I do not know how to do that.I have wicd starting at startup, then I type wicd on the command line until a prompt does not return, go to a different window, type wicd-client, then start kde and use its link to start wicd. So frequently this works fine; I get a connection to something I have a user name and password for, or am in a coffee shop where no such are required. But sometimes I get the above message. This happened to me in a coffee shop in Helsinki where I was given a user name and password, but still got the above message and could not proceed.

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Slackware :: How To Get WICD To Work With Wireless

Mar 10, 2010

My area does not have broadband, but I am able to get 3G on my cell phone. So, I've been tethering it to my laptop when needed, but what I'd like to do is set up my Slackware 13.0 box (which is configured to run as firewall/router/dhcp server so that I can just turn on my phone's wireless router program, and then share it out over the whole network in my house. I'm using a Gigabyte b/g wireless card, which has the RT61 chipset in it. I have NO problems at all getting the wireless card to work with just setting up rc.inet1.conf. The only problem here is when I need to take my cell phone with me, I will not be able to simply turn it back into a WAP, and have my Slackware box auto reconnect to it.

This is why I started looking into using WICD. I do NOT run X, so that's why WICD fits the bill, since it has a cli version. First I tried installing the version that came on the CD. No dice there. I removed that package, and tried the 1.7 package that's on the mirrors under current. I used slackpkg to install it. WICD will run, see wlan0, sees my WAP and a few others, but it fails to connect. It attempts to up the interface, and use dhcp to get an ip, but it fails everytime. My phone's WAP program only does WEP, but I can't get WICD to get an IP with our without WEP enabled. I made sure that my rc.inet1.conf file does not reference any interfaces.

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Slackware :: Wicd And Usb Tethered Phone?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm running Slack13-64 and using wicd for my network connections. Is there any way that I can get it to recognize my usb tethered phone? I have a HTC Touch running WinMo, and when I plug it in it becomes eth1.Is there a way that wicd can find it? It only picks up eth0(Wired) and wlan0.

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Slackware :: WiCD Shows The Password?

Aug 1, 2010

In the template of Wicd, when I am outside the textbox, then everything in the textbox looks like this

(actually is was a big dot instead of a *) But whenever I clicked in the box, the text was shown

mypassword Is this something common on WiCD? And is there anyway I can fix it?

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Slackware :: WICD Will Not Allow Encrypted Connections?

Jan 16, 2011

I've seen posts revolving around this issue on many different forums but none really have given and answer to the problem that i've seen thus far. so I'm trying to connect to a wireless network with WPA/WPA2 encryption. Every time WICD gets to the point where it searches for a DHCP server but cannot aquire an IP address. This only happens if the network is encrypted though. If I take the encryption of the network I can connect no problem. Looking in the wicd.log file I find a few errors that I have searched for but cannot find any answers.

2011/01/16 15:19:37 :: Connecting to wireless network The_Welchs_Media
2011/01/16 15:19:37 :: Running command ['wpa_cli', '-i', 'wlan0', 'terminate'] failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2011/01/16 15:19:37 :: Putting interface down
2011/01/16 15:19:37 :: Releasing DHCP leases...


I'm kind of lost as to why I'm getting the no such file or directory outputs along with the PSK generation failure.

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Slackware :: KDE4 Wicd Startup - Turn Off?

Mar 13, 2010

I once had wicd running at KDE startup as I was just playing around with it. The problem is I now have turned off rc.wicd and don't want to use wicd any more. Every time I start KDE it still asks for the root password which I cancel and it then tells me it can't connect to wicd's dbus. This is getting really annoying as I have been trawling through my ~ looking for the setting that starts this up. I just want wicd turning off completely and this message to go away.

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Slackware :: Wicd Hangs At Dhcp Stage

Jan 10, 2010

I've been using wicd since starting out with 13.0 and it works flawlessly when using three different WPA wireless networks and a couple of wired networks. But, every time I get on a virgin train and try and connect to the internet via the open wireless network, wicd just hangs at the dhcp stage. If I stop wicd and edit rc.inet1.conf to contain this:


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Slackware :: Wicd No Longer Bringing Up Wlan0?

Jan 15, 2011

I have recently started using this laptop as a host for tinkering with vmware. I have wicd installed on it, which normally brings up wlan0 and connects to the nearest configured wireless lan automatically.

Vmware has installed another, virtual, NIC on the host, called vmnet8. I configured it in /rc.d/rc.inet1.conf with a static IP.

Now when I boot up the laptop vmnet8 starts up and running and correctly configured, but wlan0 doesn't. I have the wicd icon in my systray but it doesn't find a network, even when i click on it and refresh etc. I have to open a terminal and "ifconfig wlan0 up" in order to get the NIC up. Then wicd works fine.

Networking configuration in Slackware looks like a bit of a nightmare frankly (why i usually use wicd!) so I thought i'd ask you chaps before messing about too much.

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