Slackware :: Failed To Run * As User Root, The Gksu-run-helper Program Is Not Found Or Is Not Executable
Jul 14, 2010
error message
"failed to run * as user root, the gksu-run-helper program is not found or is not executable"
Tried googling and checking threads at LQ didnt find a solution or another instance running slackware64 current.. everything built fine, tried and everythings executable...I also have Alien's multilib installed, with only firefox and flashplugin as 32bit, everything else 64bit. I can't open any apps as root by normal user
I've installed a few too many interesting items with Yumex into Fedora-14..
When I click to download an interesting pix, for my editing hobby, I get this here pop-up after saving the pix:
"The program executable (null) could not be found. Make sure that ClamAV/ClamWin is installed properly and check the Fireclam settings."
I searched Yumex for Clam and Fireclam, and they aren't installed, and I don't want it installed, because Clam slows-down the operation a lot in these prehistoric old towers...
Seems I installed a peripheral for Null and Clam, but what could it be..? I've searched through Yumex.. I just can't figure it...
I installed all the "nulls", hoping that would eliminate that irritating pop-up.. It didn't... Seems my only option is to reinstall the OS to get rid of the pop-up.. Is there another option?..
I have installed Fedora 12 on my HP laptop which has got a NVIDIA graphics card. I have got latest F12 kernel 2.6.32 as well as default kernel 2.6.31.I have installed Nvidia Proprietary Drivers and modified grub.conf file for 2.6.32 kernel saying blacklist nouvaue so that it can load NVIDIA drivers ...After that I am able to successfully boot into 2.6.32 kernel with Nvidia Proprietary Drivers.Everything seems to be fine .. But suddenly today when I tried to boot into F12 2.6.32 kernel I got the following error
Code: No Root Device Found Boot Failed, Sleeping Forever
I didn't like my partitioning layout so I have repartitioned and reformatted the drive. I have copied the backed up back onto the hdd, and i have installed grub successfully. Still, when I boot the machine, I get an error message: "No root device found. Boot has failed, sleeping forever.". When installing GRUB, it managed to found /boot/grub/stage1 without a problem, and I have installed it onto the MBR
Does Fedora 11 gnome have that gksu graphical authentication program which allows a normal user to open tools such as that NTFS Configuration Tool to enable full ntfs write support ? I did try to find it with both yum in a terminal, and the package manager, but is not found.
I'm trying to get Xorg running on a Dell 2850.I can't get it to work.I installed xorg-x11-drivers via yum, and used both "Radeon / ati" drivers, including the default vesa.
Here are the main errors (error log file attached):
Could not init font path element unix/:7100, removing from list! (**) RADEON(0): RADEONSaveScreen(2) localuser:root being added to access control list No profile for user 'root' found
and at the end it says:
FreeFontPath: FPE "built-ins" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.
I have a Feadora 12 Live CD. It booted up fine on my 700 Mhz computer. I've since then put a new HDD in with which I intended to install Fedora on. But now i get this message
No root device found. Boot has failed, sleeping forever
What does this mean? How do get the Live CD to boot?
I downloaded fedora 14 64 image then created a bootable flash drive and put the image on the flash drive. I rebooted and tried booting from the flash drive and that's the message I received. What do I do?
I have been trying to run the program unrevoked so that I can flash and root my phone. I want to do this on Linux, but this requires me to run the program as root and I don't know how to do this. I looked it up online and it told me to simply type sudo reflash or gksudo reflash and I tried both, sudo says it can't find the program and gksudo does something then nothing appears to happen.
I'm configuring some security and i'd like to run arpon to a specific device everytime wicd connects.So, if Wicd connects to a wireless, i'd launch gksu arpon -d -i eth2 (for example.) But this doesn't work, because it seems that gksu only works for X apps.I found that if i do: gnome-terminal -e 'sudo arpon -d -i eth2' It works, but it leaves me with a terminal window open, and i'd like to be asked for a password gksu style.I've also tried this: gksu -- arpon -d -i eth2which also works, but the program quits right after it's started.Am i missing something here?
I'm trying to install "ktranslator-0.4" on my slackware64-13.0. When I type in ./configure I get the following mesgs with error:
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu checking target system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
I was trying to install winbind on a RHEL5 machine and I had to reboot the RHEL machine. When it came back up, I'm not able to log in as root or any other user.When I use root and give a random password, it says invalid username or password but when I use the correct password, I get an Authentication failed pop up box (under GUI). SSh window says invalid password for random passwords and the SSH window disappears when I type in the right password.Can you please let me know if I can somehow get back in by stopping any of the services
I can't get a program (wbar) to run directly from my user account, it fails saying "Image not found -> maybe using a relative path?". But if I run su -c "wbar", it shows up and manages to load the image. I think it has something to do with ImLib2 or whatever loads the image. I checked permissions on and it's world-readable and executable. Can libImlib2.a be causing this problem, set to 644? What else should I be checking?
If I have a program running as root, can I have the config files as follow :Code:-rw------- 1 user user 50310 Mar 5 15:16 configfile.confRoot will be able to read the config-files, right ??And only the user 'user' will be able to change the config-files, right ?
Like in the kde desktop there is; "kdesu" for temporary root, such as to open a text to edit. So then does the gnome desktop use "gksu" for it's temporary root ? I now refer to a Fedora 11 install. And how can I change a utility tool to open up as a regular user, (not just only as root) ?
Anyone what this gksu error is about (it repeats it three times)
gksu-2.0.0-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm # gksu ls
GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See [URL] for information. (Details - 1: Failed to get connection to session: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.)
I'm using the IDE Netbeans (text editor) on my /home/michael Ubuntu account. I'm trying to open a file with Netbeans that's owned by root, I can't do this as I expected. So is there a way to run NetBeans as root, or is there a way to give netbeans permission to open/save files owned by root
I'm using sbopkg-0.35.0 in Slack 13.37, and Ponce's SBo-git current repository (but have the identical problem with the official SBo 1337 repository). I have installed GConf & ORBit2 from /extra & have installed the other dependencies (gnome-keyring, & libgtop) via Ponce's repository. When compiling libgksu, it errors as follows:
I have 13.0_64 installed. Found gksu on I downloaded it and followed the links to the dependencies and built and installed each one mentioned. gksu built okay and gave me a package which I installed. If I open the run command and enter "gksu thunar" I get this error
Code: The gksu-run-helper command was not found or is not executable. I'm lost at this point. Forgot to mention that I am running Xfce.
libgmp If you found slackpkg failed for this upgrade because of libgmp not found you will need to grab the gmp package and install manually. This way ought to work:
is it possible to do so? I mean, I want every user to be able to run '/bin/x' for example, as root without entering a password. I know the security risks, but I'm trying this in a risk-free environment which security does not matter very much.
I get the following message when trying to access my 1tb usb drive "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: Error opening '/dev/sdr1': Permission denied Failed to mount '/dev/sdr1': Permission denied Please check '/dev/sdr1' and the ntfs-3g binary permissions, and the mounting user ID.More explanation is provided at [URL].. Really wierd thing is Linux Mint Debian reads it just fine
I just did a full install of Slackware64 on my netbook. Everything was sweet until I tried switching to the generic kernel. Even before this, I noticed when I ran the mount command it listed not sda3, which really is the root partition, but /dev/root as the root partition. This also appears in mtab, but not fstab. So yeah, here are the errors when I try booting into the generic kernel:
Code: mounting /dev/sda3 on /mnt failed: No such device No /sbin/init found on rootdev (or not mounted) bin/sh: cant access tty: job control turned off
I've tried rebuilding the script several times, as well as lilo.conf. But no success I've looked at some similar old threadss here but most of them are related to slackware 12 and older, so I don't know if these issues are related or not.
I recently ran into a problem with my install. I accidentally messed with the bottom panel in my KDE on my root account. This caused my desktop to freeze up. Every time I attempt to restart into my root, it loads, but is completely frozen. Is there some way I can overwrite my KDE config files without starting X server or from a standard user account?
What if I want to install Slackware for my parents so then I no longer have to get rid of virus and malware for them. Is there way so they never have to log on as root? Any way to access CD's and to shutdown computer? I only know how to do those things as root.
After a few hours work I have managed to set up pptd so that my daughter can log into her account at Imperial College. My problem now is that I need to have a script that she can run if she wants to log in. She will have to invoke a couple of root commands and I do not want to give her the root password What she needs to do to set up networking is:
Just installed Slack-13.1 and it looks really good. At least as root. Problem is, I create a normal user, and when I log in as the user, startx just gives me a black screen.
Just recently discovered that for a non-root user the touchpad on my Acer laptop ( Aspire 5720z fyi ) isn't working in X ( KDE or XFCE ). It does work in in tty (at login) and for root it works in both environments.
I'm running 13.1 x64 on it, with the normal security patches via slackpkg. Didn't notice before since I normally use a mouse (and thus I do like the touchpad being disabled so I don't 'tap' away the cursur while typing).
With the recent holidays (with family visits and all) I took the laptop on my lap,.and voila: no trackpad movement.. I did some searching allready, but this problem seems to be solved since a while, and isn't supposed to be in 13.1
FROM RELEASE NOTES Piter Punk for udev and slackpkg work, updating the shadow password system, writing the initial patch for polkit to use a shadow authentication backend so we could consider using KDE 4.4.3, and making tap-to-click work with Synaptics touchpads out-of-the-box,)
/etc/modprobe.d/psmouse(.conf) allready has this commented line: #options psmouse proto=imps