Slackware :: Using GRUB2 And Want To Boot Slackware In Different Resolution

Sep 10, 2010

I have, for awhile, had Ubuntu 10.04 as my main OS. I decided to go back to SW13.1, and added it in as dual-boot, with grub2 as my bootloader.

grub sees/boots SW fine.

But SW boots in 640x480, and is fugly, to say the least.

How do I change this? Grub currently runs at 1024x768. And in lilo, it's easy as pie to change the kernel boot resolution.

How do I do this in grub2? (Notice I said grub2, because it's MUCH different than grub, as far as config files and the like)

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Slackware :: Grub2 Cannot Boot Windows 7

Dec 9, 2010

menuentry "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)" {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ntfs
set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 3850d16450d12980
chainloader +1

This is automatically generated after installed ubuntu 10.10. It shows black screen with a flashing cursor after press enter.
Grub 0.97 also does this with:
title win7
fallback 2
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /bootmgr
chainloader /bootmgr
savedefault --wait=2

But the weird thing is my usb stick can boot windows 7 successfully with the same configuration. Whats wrong with that? How can I do with grub.cfg?

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Slackware :: 13.1/ubuntu10.10 Dual-boot Grub2

Feb 17, 2011

I have read that installing ubuntu 10.10 will inevitably install grub2 with it(unless you use flash drive workaround). i am wondering how slackware 13.1 reacts to grub2.

Does it go on like nothings changed (if configured correctly)? Or does it freak out and have a fit? If slackware doesn't play nice with grub2. i don't think i will use ubuntu 10.10.

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Slackware :: How To Chainboot Slackware From Grub2

Jun 7, 2010

I've made a mini installation of slackware64-13.1 onto my friend's computer. He already has Ubuntu and Windows partitions that are being handled by GRUB2. I thought the best thing to do would be to have lilo installed to the partition root (on /dev/sda3) and let grub2 chainboot. I've been reading about adding custom entries to the grub menu and things look like they're working but then I reboot and there's no Slackware option.

Currently I've got this file in /etc/grub.d/41_slack. It is executable.


#!/bin/sh -e
echo "Adding Slackware"
cat << EOF
menuentry "Slackware" {
set root=(hd0,3)
chainloader (hd0,3)+1

When I run "sudo update-grub" this is the output


lewi@benny:~$ sudo update-grub
Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-22-generic


So it has found the slackware partition (not because of my menu entry though?) but when I reboot there's no menu entry there.

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General :: Installing Slackware On IDE Hard Rive Boot From Slackware DVD?

Jan 23, 2010

I try to install Slackware to my IDE hard drive and boot first from Slackware DVD. After I loaded huge.s kernel, and tried to partition the hard drive using fdisk by entering "fdisk /dev/hda", I found out that the partition size is max to 3 Gigs instead of 80 Gigs.

I think the kernel is looking at my boot disk, which is around 3 Gigs. How can I make so that it looks at my IDE drive instead at my boot drive? Is there any manual that shows me how to install Linux from scratch this means I want to wipe out all my hard disk and install Slackware Linux there?

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Slackware :: Install Puppy 525 On Slackware 13.37 PC As A Dual-boot Using LILO?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm trying to install Puppy 525 on my Slackware 13.37 PC as a dual-boot using LILO. Puppy is living, all on it's own, in sda6, a 6 GiB partition. It got there by using the Puppy Universal Installer and selecting a 'Full' install, not a 'Frugal' install. I cannot find 'LILO' type instructions, only 'GRUB' type instructions.

Has anyone succeeded in doing a hard drive install of Puppy with the LILO boot loader?

Edit: I'll probably regret it, but I used Puppy's GRUB installer.

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Slackware :: Dual Boot Of Slackware 13.1 And Windows Server 2008?

Oct 27, 2010

I installed Slackware 13.1 and Windows server 2008, I also installed LILO in MBR, I Found I can boot into slackware, but can't boot into Server 2008. then I use command bootsect/fixmbr. now I can boot into server 2008, but the problem is I can't boot into slackware. I try to install lilo to supper sector. it's not works. I only can boot my slackware by a USB stick.who can help me to solve this problem? I really need these two systems.

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Slackware :: Can't Boot Updated Kernel Slackware Current

Jan 5, 2010

I updated my kernel in slackware current but can't install lilo, when i was with my old kernel it gave an error about not finding the sda drives (they were named hda before the upgrade).I booted into the slackware 13.0 dvd and modified fstab and lilo.conf replacing hda with sda but lilo still gives an error of not finding sda drives.How can i install lilo so i can boot into my sistem??

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Slackware :: Dual Boot With Lilo On Btrfs - Slackware 13.1?

May 29, 2010

I just did a fresh install of slack 13.1 on a separate drive to the one I was previously using. I've been having trouble getting lilo to work, so that I can choose between either drive. Lilo is currently installed to /dev/sda, with the old system on /dev/sda1 and the new installation on /dev/sdb1. I keep getting errors like these:

Code: Fatal: Trying to map files from unnamed device 0x0011 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)
I managed to install lilo from the old system by copying the kernel image from the new system into the /boot/ directory and running lilo. I am now on the new system and trying the same thing in reverse but it isn't working. I have searched around a bit and there's a lot of talk of chroot-ing into the other partition to run lilo. I don't understand why the process isn't working both ways though. I can't run lilo on my new installation even with the two kernel images in the local /boot/ folder. Is this something to do with btrfs or am I missing something to do with lilo? This is my lilo.conf file. I am trying to run lilo using this file from my new installation on /dev/sdb1 and getting the error given above.


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Slackware :: Unable To Boot Slackware Off SUSE GrUB?

Nov 1, 2010

I've a multiboot machine and I recently installed Slackware64-13.1 on sda33. I added menu entry in SUSE boot loader and configured menu list as per [URL].. it returns GrUB error 15. Here is my menu list entry for Slackware -


###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: other###
title Slackware64-13.1
root (hd0,32)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda33 ro hdd=scsi


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Slackware :: Windows 7/Slackware Dual Boot, Different Discs?

Sep 19, 2010

My new job requires I use Windows and as such I put a second HDD in my laptop for the purposes of Window/Work The issue is that Windows will not install on this second disc (Windows cannot create partition or install to disc). I got around this by installing Windows to the first disc, then the second then putting Slackware back on the first but then I suffer the "Bootmgr cannot be found, press ctrl + alt + delete to restart".

I am using Lilo and I have never really had an issue dual booting them on the same disc (Admittedly over a year ago) but it is of the utmost important I have them on separate Discs. Has anyone encountered this and/or know a way around?

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Slackware :: Boot In Clean Copy Of Slackware 13?

Oct 9, 2010

A friend of mine threw me an OLPC (original model with 1GB of storage) that he was trying to put slackware in. He managed to install a minimal installation, but now it asks for the e2fstools (the stuff to run fsck on ext(2/3/4) partitions) which he didn't install (he formatted the "disk" as a single jfs partition). Is there any reason why it would want to have those tools given that there are no ext(2/3/4) type filesystems in that machine? And is there any specific init script (or udev rule) that can be edited to make it not try and check ext(2/3/4) partitions?

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Slackware :: Slackware + Other Distros Networks Boot With PXE?

Oct 3, 2010

I successfully managed to install slackware on a laptop with a broken optical drive, no floppy drive and no option to boot from USB stick, with the invaluable help of AlienBOB's guide: some of the packages could not be installed during the installation. The fatal errors seems to occur randomly and the packages that I later had to install by hand were the following:-git-java (can't recall exactly what it was about)-linux-howtos-kdebase-workspace

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Slackware :: Slackware Won't Boot In Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Jan 21, 2010

So I got slackware 13 from the website and created 4 partitions (primary) and left some (100GB) space as I planned to install windows 7 in that. After installing slack, when I booted from windows DVD (rtm) in partition section it said I already have 4 primary partition so windows cannot used the rest of space despite the fact that it was free (windows even grayed all options like new partition and format etc. for that space). So I thought I'd create 2-3 primary partition for linux (slackware) so that windows can use the free space and make it a primary partition.

So, Next I formatted with slack (3 partition, 2 Primary, 1 extended, total space for slack 50GB) and after its installation I worked my way with windows, but it just created one partition of 100Gb, won't let me create any saying all primary partitions are created. Anyway, I created that partition and installed windows 7. But it messed up my lilo (slack won't show in boot menu) neither can I create any new partition.

After all I reformatted again created 2 partitions for windows (that actually became 3 as windows 7 create 100Mb separate partition for system). Installed windows correctly. Then I booted with slack , which allowed only creating 1 partition as 3 were already there. So I created 1 extended partition, in which I created 4 partition 1 to mount for /boot (100M), 1 for /swap (3G), 1 for home (10G), 1 for / (35G) everything worked fine till I reached last point to install lilo. At that point it said cannot install Lilo (I tried all options simple, expert, install to MBR etc.) but it just won't install. Anyway, after that it said you can install it manually so I clicked OK. Then it said setup complete, remove disk and press alt+ctrl+del to reboot, which I did. But there is just windows 7, no slack ?

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Slackware :: Starting Installer Via Grub2

Aug 30, 2010

I have a 16GB flash drive with grub2 installed on it so I can boot Linux iso's in place of burning 200 CD's. I looked at the isolinux.cfg file and came up with this:

menuentry "Slackware 13.1 64bit" {
linux /boot/slackware/13.1/64-bit/bzImage initrd=/boot/slackware/13.1/64-bit/initrd.img load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 rw SLACK_KERNEL=huge.s root=/dev/ram0

However the kernel panics because it cannot mount the root file system. It gives me the options of using my partitions. What should I put for the root parameter?

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Slackware :: Booting A USB Stick With GRUB2 And Labels

Feb 14, 2011

Here's the idea -- be able to boot slackware 13.1 DVD from a USB stick, but without using anything like an initrd or loading the contents of the slackware install all into memory first. So the USB stick is behaving like a hard drive (but with one disadvantage, just don't take the usb stick out while you're using it!). It has the advantage of saving on memory though .

In the above thread I had this idea working ok but only with slackware 13 and earlier. In fact I still have the CF card with it on, and it works fine. Only snag is it won't work with the newer 13.1.

Right now, I'm trying to use qemu for the following (not what I wrote above!). The idea is to use qemu to install a minimum slackware 13.1 to the USB stick, set it up and then boot from the USB stick itself (so I'm using the USB stick as the storage medium as opposed to say a hard drive image file).

So let's say (this is what I'm doing) I boot slackware 13.1 (32 bit) and make two partitions;


I then do a minimal installation of slackware (just "A" and jed from "AP"). Lilo is not installed as later I'll be using GRUB2 to try to boot.

I'm using a slackware package, grub-1.97-beta4-i486-1.tgz for slackware 13.1/GRUB2.

I then boot off the slackware 13.1 DVD but at the boot screen I choose to boot from /dev/sda2 which is the linux install I created earlier. Success, it boots ok and I can get into the slackware 13.1 install on the USB disk (which is /dev/sda2).

I then label the ext3 partition by using e2label;


And also change /etc/fstab;


Now I need some sort of bootloader to put onto the USB stick so I don't need the DVD any more. To do this, I'm trying to use GRUB2.

But here's the problem!

When I install slackware onto the USB stick using qemu, that partition is /dev/sda2. It's the first usb/storage medium that slackware detects so it gets the name sdaX. (X=1, fat partition, X=2 EXT3 linux).

But here's the problem. Suppose I take the USB stick over to another PC with a hard drive already inside it. Slackware would see the hard drive installed in that PC as (say) /dev/sda1 and the USB stick would then become the second drive, so /dev/sdbX (X=1, fat partition, X=2 EXT3 linux).

If I specify a specific device (lets say /dev/sda2) then it won't work in another system because if I take the example above, another PC with a hard drive installed in it the USB stick becomes /dev/sdb2 and the GRUB2 boot program would be expecting /dev/sda2 which won't work. What I need to do is to somehow find the install, the root on the USB stick automatically without having to specify it manually.

So here's what I've tried with grub (First thing I did was to install grub with grub-install /dev/sda).


Snag is it dosen't work :-( I get this booting from the USB stick:


If I try this:


I get a very similar result ....


So what I'm wondering is .... if the "search" line in grub is doing the searching for the root GRUB2 needs to use to boot from - how can I tell the next line, "linux /boot/vmlinuz-huge-smp- root=...." where to boot from? I can't use /dev/sda2 or /dev/sdb2 because if I try the usb stick in a different PC the stick will be a different device name. Trying to use LABEL= or /dev/disk/by-label/USB/ also dosen't work .

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Slackware :: Grub/ Grub2/ Lilo - Can't Install Any Of Them Properly?

Nov 15, 2010

I usually install grub straight away after an install but this time it hasn�t worked for some reason after installing 13.1 on a new lappy. I have tried grub, grub2 (from sbo) and lilo; nothing I install into MBR will boot my slackware installation, I have to use the boot USB stick every time.

grub-legacy would be my preferred one so i�ll ask for help specifically with that. This is what im doing so far -


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Slackware :: 12.2 - 1920x1080 Resolution

Sep 2, 2010

After 2 weeks of the nightmare that is KDE4 I've been driven back to S12.2 and the sanity of KDE3.5.

However, I'm unable to get higher res than 1024x768. Monitor is a BenQ G222HDL and card is an ATI Radeon HD4760.

Relevant section of my xorg.conf is:

As you can see I've mucked about a little bit with alternative drivers and resolutions and poked around via google without anything obvious popping up, but I suppose the driver is the issue. # randr only ever gives me 'can't open display'. I realize this is a new monitor on an older OS. Should I try the xf86 drivers from ATI, or will running xorgconfig do the trick with such a new card?

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Slackware :: Can't Get Name Resolution From The Server?

Apr 1, 2011

Recently I have upgraded to Slackware-current (13.37.0) (fresh and full installation). In Slackware-13.0 I used the following command to bring up the ADSL connection: `ifconfig eth0 down; pppoe-start /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf' But in Slackware-current with the above command I cannot get name resolution from the server. So after searching and some trial and error I noticed that to bring up the ADSL connection in Slackware-current I have to invoke `pppoe-start' twice as follows:

`ifconfig eth0 down; pppoe-start /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf'
`pppoe-start /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf.ORG'
where `pppoe.conf' is linked to `pppoe.conf.ORG'


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Slackware :: Unable To Set Resolution On 13?

Jan 30, 2010

I'm having problems setting the resolution on my slackware.

Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 600
default connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm
800x600 61.0*
640x480 60.0

I ran xorgsetup but nothing changed. I guess it's something with the vga, but I have no clue about that. why I can set only these small reslutions ?

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Slackware :: Take Current Windows7 (x64) Setup And Make It Into A Dual-boot Setup With Slackware 13.0?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to take my current windows7 (x64) setup and make it into a dual-boot setup with slackware 13.0 (x32) and am hitting a brickwall. I guess I would like to know if I can salvage the situation without formating my windows drive. I fully intend to, but I had hoped to not do it this month. I'd like to get dual boot going so I can master it and acquire all the files/drivers I'll want and then format and do it 100% right next time.

Currently I have windows setup on a 3x 500gb Raid0 onboard array which itself has been flawless. After I shrunk my current partition size to give me about 25gb of free space I proceeded to setup Linux, and I was unable to perform the cfdisk portion for partitioning the array for Linux.

I tried using cfdisk:
/dev/hdx (a1-a3,b1-b3)
/dev/sdx (a1-a3,b1-b3)

I even attempted to locate with: cat proc/partition and tried using cfdisk on every device it located. It always said it was either an unknown partition table and should I start at zero, or bad partition. I was of course too concerned over my windows setup (which has almost 1tb of stuff I have not backed up) to go any further into the unknown.

PS: I have used Slackware before, back at 8.1, 10, and even a very brief interlude at 12.0, this is my first attempt on this computer however with 13.0, it is currently running fine on my laptop and my PS3 (Laptop is even dual booting 7/Slack13. Albeit without raid)

Phenom 9850
M2N-SLI Deluxe (Nvidia AM2)
4x1gb of 1066 kingston hyperX
3x500gb WD Caviar Black Sata2 3.0

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Slackware :: Get 13.37 To Remember Screen Resolution?

Jun 7, 2011

I've installed Slackware 13.37, it's working well in general There is no xorg.conf file How do I get it to remember my screen resolution? (I'm using a CRT monitor and often adjust the default resolution) Having to change the resolution after each startup is not ideal I tried using my old xorg.conf file from Slack 12.2 with my resolution settings.

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Slackware :: Keep Constant Screen Resolution?

Apr 8, 2010

When i startx, the resolution of the kde is 1280 - that's awful, for my monitor it needs to be 1152x864, so everytime i startx my slackware i have to go to system settings and set the proper resolution...

What should i do in order to set one resolution-size so it will keep it that until i changed it, and everytime i start the X i will be that type of resolution ?

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Slackware :: 13.1 : Resolution Limited To 1024x768?

Jun 4, 2010

Can't make Slack 13.1 to run at more than 1024x768. No problems where with 12.0-13.0. Here are portions of my xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log:


Section "Monitor"
HorizSync 31 - 81
VertRefresh 56 - 75
Section "Device"


Note the last line marked (**) - "from config file", but I only have 1280x1024 there ! And what does that mean

(II) NV(0): Using fuzzy aspect match for initial modes
(II) NV(0): Output VGA2 using initial mode 1024x768
(--) NV(0): Virtual size is 1024x1024 (pitch 1024)

And KDE/Display only offers up to 1024x768 too. Didn't try NVIDIA driver yet but 13.0 had no problems with the same monitor,similar Card and nv driver.

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Slackware :: Resolution: Virtual Terminals @ LVDS But X @ VGA?

Apr 25, 2010

Not a deal breaker but annoying nevertheless: EeePC 900a with KMS, external monitor plugged in, lid closed and .xinitrc running this line before the window manager:


xrandr --output LVDS1 --off --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080

Works fine, except: Virtual Terminals are at the native LVDS resolution 1024x600 meaning that they only use the upper left hand corner of the 1920x1080 monitor. Why? (Or maybe I should say that their resolution is right - the font is correct, not huge - but the VT is limited to 1024x600.)

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Slackware :: Slow Dns Resolution With A Netcomm Router?

Jul 26, 2010

i have a nb5plus4w modem/router at home which acts as a dhcp server on my lan. upon connection it instructs the clients to use as a dns server (which is the ip address of the router) and linux machines are happy to use that in /etc/resolv.conf. now the issue is that under these conditions dns resolution is sloooow. there have been some discussions on the net saying that the router is not a 'real' dns server (don't know what that means), but the only way i have been able to get around the issue is to edit /etc/resolv.conf to use my isp's dns servers and then chattr -i the file so that dhcpcd doesn't change it.

this approach works for the desktop and even though it is ugly it's effective. the laptop is a different issue. if i take it out of the house i have to chattr -i and let the new network put it's dns addresses in and then change it all back when i get home so, the question is... can i do something to stop doing chattr and get the dns performance of a windows machine (dns resolution is quick on the windows machines)?

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Slackware :: Stuck With 640x480 Screen Resolution

Sep 7, 2010

I made a total reinstall of Slack 13.1 the other day and all went seemingly well. After a lot of experimenting and deciding I wanted the disk partitioned differently, a reinstall felt about right. But when I started X the resolution was all too low. xorg.conf was adjusted with the properties of my screen (GDM 4011P). Once upon a time, the Xorg config-tool would ask me my opinion, but now it flashes by and I have to live with what it comes up with.

The nVidia driver was installed (legacy for GeForce 3). I know the config is read, because it fails parsing if I have kHz with the sync-figures. But it otherwise disregard my wish to run at 1280x1024. In XFCE I can run the nVidia configuration tool, but it offers only auto, 320x240 or 640x480. The screen is too small for me to click "ok" on several occasions. The machine is capable of 64bit, 2GHz. But I installed the 32bit version of 13.1, it has 1,5GB RAM.

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Slackware :: Unable To Restore Xorg Resolution?

Aug 30, 2010

When the power twitches, and X is displayed on the current tty. the display resolution is somehow lost. When the system is rebooted and X restarted, the resolution displayed (and the best offered) is 800x600.My resolution of choice is 1280x1024, and none of the configuration files appear to have been changed.The X resolution is unaffected if another tty was displayed at the time. (I am often working on two or three consoles as well as what X is using)In the past it has been sufficient to comb through the file system and delete all the temporary files and caches that seem to be associated with X. I have never been sure if this was actually any sort of solution to begin with, but in any case it no longer seems to work.

Slackware64 13.1
Gigabyte: ga-p31-s3g
Intel q8400 (quad Core2)
Matrox g450 32mB (PCI)

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General :: Unable To Change Screen Resolution On Slackware 12.2

Mar 8, 2010

I am unable to change mu screen resolution in slackware 12.2. I am editing the xorg.conf in "etc/X11/" with nano. My graphics card is a ATI with 64MB RAM. My monitor is capable of 1280x1024 @ 60Hz. Heres the xorg.conf:

# File generated by xf86config.
# Copyright (c) 1999 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: .....

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General :: Slackware 13.1 Screen Resolution Settings Not Recognized?

Feb 19, 2011

I am loving Slackware, but my Westinghouse monitor is having a hard time recognizing the screen resolution. After typing in startx, I get a black screen. I can plug my box into my trusty test monitor, change the res to a config that the Westinghouse will recognize,then switch monitors and all is fine.How can I edit the res and have Slackware remember the settings? This happens every time I reboot. I am logging in as root, I have not added a user yet at this point.

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