Ubuntu :: Wheres The Menu Editor At On Xubuntu 9.10

Apr 22, 2010

Wheres the menu editor at on Xubuntu 9.10? (With xfce 4.6.1)? I can't seem to find it.

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OpenSUSE :: Menu Editor: Change Computer Menu?

Sep 8, 2010

I wanna find a way to change the Computer menu from Kickoff.

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Ubuntu :: Me Menu Is Not Installed With Xubuntu 10.04 After Upgrade?

May 3, 2010

Me Menu is not installed with xubuntu 10.04 when I upgraded. Does it have to do with empathy not being default? how would it be installed?

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Ubuntu :: Alacarte Menu Editor Compatibility?

Jul 12, 2010

I've just recently downloaded Lubuntu 10.04 and tried it. It was nice because it was light on my machine.My only problem is, is that it doesn't have a graphical menu editor, and I don't know how to edit menus other than using GUIs.

I've read something about alacarte-menu-editor being able to be used in Lubuntu. I would just like to confirm if it DOES work with Lubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: How To Create Commands For Menu Editor

Apr 17, 2011

Now and then i want to add a command for installed application that hasn't put an icon in the Main Menu. What is missing, that i do not know how to research, are the mysterious pieces of code following the application name in the Command line of the dialog box for making a new Menu entry, invariably including the % sign and letters for options. If i simply write the name, e.g. mc or aiksaurus (magnificent thesaurus), the new entry doesn't work, although it might work through the terminal or Alt+F2.

Needless to say, i will be VERY grateful. I am otherwise installing applications that cannot be used. I love this community and the vision...the love that will replace money and transform this world.

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Ubuntu :: Alacarte Menu Editor Not Working Properly?

Nov 14, 2010

Ive had a look around and couldn't find anything that helped so i thought id ask,i have ubuntu net-book 10.10, the menu editor isnt running properly its really hit and miss i have icons that appear even if ive unchecked them and icons that dissappear even though ive checked them and i also keep having to delete duplicate program entrys in the menu editor and its been a problem pretty much since instalationive tried running Alacart as Sudo and editing the menu in that way but i still have the same hit and miss problem with icons being there at randomim really new to Ubuntu and only know what ive recently picked up reading these types of forums so im not sure if im doing something wron

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Slackware :: KDE Menu Editor: Changes Do Not Persist

Oct 9, 2010

Right click on the "K". Choose Menu Editor.Save changes. However, after that,some changes persist, other changes do not and, additionally, some unexpected folders magically appear on the menu (such as "Office-1, Office-2, etc.). Some folders I created never show on the right place (the main menu) but instead tend to persist on a different submenu (such as "Graphics"). If I move them out to the place I want, they immediatly show back in the wrong place. Regular KDE manuals I've seen do not mention this issue or how to go about fixing it (they just tell you to delete an item when you want to delete it, to save the configuration after you are done, etc). Maybe I should switch to Fluxbox immediately. I use Linux mostly for production and research, and all I expect from a GUI is to let me get things done.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find File-roller In Xubuntu Applications Menu?

Jun 3, 2011

find file-roller (aka 'Archive Manager') in xubuntu's Applications menu. I surely have it; it is the default application for opening archives, I can invoke it from the terminal but I can't just... run it from the Applications drop-down.I even tried the Application Finder with no luck using the keywords file-roller, archive, file, roller, .zip. .tar, etc. No luck.Can anyone else find it on their Applications dropdown menu? Or at least tell me that they can't find it either?I'm curious if I have some configuration glitch, or if this is a bug, or maybe there's just something in the water here.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Wheres Psx In The Software Centre?

Sep 7, 2010

finally came across some rare ps games that i would like play on my laptop.

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Ubuntu :: System->Admin->Language Support Missing In The Menu Editor

Jun 7, 2011

I have no menu entry for System->Admin->Language Support, and it is not present in the menu editor. Which package do I need to install to get this?

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Debian :: Applications Menu Editor For Wheezy Xfce

Oct 31, 2015

With Jessie, I use Menulibre. It's not in the Wheezy repos that I see, However. I read of Alacarte, but it seems to have a list a mile long of other stuff that "needs" to be installed with it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wheres The Md5 Check Sum For 10.10 Netboot?

Oct 30, 2010

after the third time downloading the netbook and installing to sd and or usb i decided to check the md5 but where is the md5 the new download pages bites.. wheres all the mirrors/ the new desighn is a good at waisting space //wheres the md5? bring back ftp style downloads?

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OpenSUSE :: Lancelot Search Doesn't Notice Menu Editor Changes?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a few items in the Menu that refer to the start scripts of extracted Java programs that came as tarballs.Go into the Menu Editor and rename one of these (e.g. to reflect an updated version)Save - Message says "Updating System Configuration"Browse using Lancelot - the old name is not there but the new one is.Search using Lancelot - the new name is not there but the old one is.The new name is only in the search after reboot.Is there anyway to get Lancelot to update the search index straight away after a menu editor change?

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus - Wheres Navigation Changer Button Gone

Dec 18, 2010

On all the previous versions of Ubuntu there was a button I'd press to change between button navigation like this and text navigation like this but I can't find this button anymore so now all I have is button navigation. Theres no reason they'd get rid of that feature so I'm guessing its in there somewhere, I just can't find it.

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Ubuntu :: Custom Icon On Main Menu / Visible Icons Places / System From Gconf-editor

Oct 28, 2010

I'm trying to change the icon on my custom main menu on Ubuntu 10.10 doing this> sudo gconf-editor apps/panel/default_setup/objects/menu_bar.I gave object_type menu-object and custom_icon path as /home/ john/Pictures/menu.png then I checked use_custom_icon but with no luck (notice that I've succeed doing this in a virtual machine with the exact settings)Also I want to have icons on places and system, so I did thisdesktop/gnome/interface and clicked menus_have_icons.what I'm missing?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An Extremely Minimal Version Of Xubuntu Using XFCE - Go With Mini.iso Or The Xubuntu Alternate Install CD ?

Jan 12, 2010

I was thinking of creating an extremely minimal version of Xubuntu using XFCE. I have a Dell Mini 9, a netbook that uses a wireless-g card requiring bcmwl-kernel-source to work.What I would like to do is use either the alternate CD or mini.iso minimal install file to perform a command line install-style installation of the system.So far, what I am thinking (from reading this [url].... article:

HTML Code:

http:[url].....is to start off with these packages to begin with:

slim (if possible with 9.10, unsure if it is still available. in short, i want to use a lightweight display manager)

My opening questions are: Should I go with mini.iso or the Xubuntu Alternate Install CD (or the Ubuntu one)? If so, which one? What additional packages will I need to make the hardware accessible and fully functional? All I can think of so far would be sound (I'd like to stay away from PulseAudio if possible, it wreaks havoc with my computer), my webcam, and the memory card slot, if additional packages are needed for it?What other "core" packages should I include in this list? Should I include Synaptic, or other packages, and why?What do I need to take into consideration, since this is both a directly- and battery-powered computer?

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post regarding a "Ubuntu-Desktop-Minimal"-type system.

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Ubuntu :: Text Editor Column Editor And Regex Search/replace, Incrementing Number Insert?

Jul 25, 2011

On windows I really only used Notepad++ as my text editor, it had two features that I loved.What I need to accomplish is what I would do with Notepad++ column editor.I could have like 100 lines, and place the cursor at a column, and goto edit>column editor, and I could insert an incrementing number. (I could also pad the incrementing number with 0s, this was GREAT for making batch files among other things.)So each line at that column had a number higher than the previous line.The other feature that I used sometimes was a search/replace with regex patterns.Does anyone know of an editor that has those features for linux? I am mostly after the column editor insert feature but if you know of one with both features that would rock.

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General :: Default Editor Can Be Changed In Redhat To Different Editor?

Mar 10, 2011

How default editor can be changed in redhat linux to different editor.

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General :: Can't Boot To Xubuntu And Can't Uninstall Xubuntu

Nov 17, 2010

i installed Xubuntu on my system having a dual boot with Xubuntu and windows xp but when i select to boot on Xubuntu it freezes and gets a message saying that the file hal.dll in system32 cant be found. Before showing me this message i tryed to uninstall the Xubuntu inside from windows xp because several problems showed up after installing Xubuntu. I can boot on windows xp but i cant boot to xubuntu and cant uninstall xubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Edit Applications Menu To To Hide Games They Stay On The Menu?

Jul 8, 2010

When I edit my applications menu to to hide games they stay on the menu. Everything else hides when prompted.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Global Menu Bar Applet For Top Panel / Removed Menu Bar

Jul 12, 2010

I installed the Global Menu Bar applet for my top panel, thus removing the menu bar from most, if not, all of my apps on Ubuntu. I removed the applet, mainly because of how God-Awful and inconvenient it was. Now, I don't have any menu bars on my apps!

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find The K Menu > System Settings > Advanced Tab > Disk And File Systems Menu

Mar 16, 2010

i found a tutorial to auto-mount ntfs drivers at kubuntu start


but i can't find the K menu > System Settings > Advanced Tab > Disk & File Systems menu.it disappeared in kubuntu 9.10?

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Ubuntu :: Not Possible To Right-click On Another Part Of Menu Bar To Change Menu Properties

Jul 2, 2010

I'm brand new to Linux and Ubunto 10.04.On the menu bar at the top of my desktop I seem to have attracted some kind of bug!The Log Out Symbol repeats itself across almost the entire menu bar and I cannot remove it. If I remove other buttons from the menu the space is immediately replaced by more Log Out Buttons.When I hover on the icon I get the message 'Log out of this session to log in as a different user' and when I right-cllick to click on 'Remove from Panel' or 'Move' nothing happens.It is not possible to right-click on another part of the menu bar to change the Menu Properties.

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Ubuntu :: Hide - Remove Menu Icons In The Gnome Menu Bar

Jul 8, 2010

I'm looking for a way to hide the icons in the Gnome menu bar.

The only thing i've found is the gconf-editor and unchecking /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons, but that only affects the System menu and not Applications and Places...


Must be like:

How to disable them ?

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04LTS with Gnome 2.30

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Ubuntu :: Deleting An Applet From The Top Menu Bar And The Entire Menu Bar Disappeared?

Aug 5, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu for about 5 years now. I just installed it on one of my neighbors computers.I tried deleting an applet from the top menu bar and the entire menu bar disappeared. I click on the add new menu bar and it just throws something up on the side. I'm using 10.04. I never had this problem before.

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Ubuntu :: Main Menu Doesn't Show In Global Menu?

Oct 14, 2010

i am using the global menu applet on ubuntu desktop edition. almost all of the apps shows its main menu on the global menu applet, but lyx doesn't. am i the only one experiencing this problem? i am using updated maverick.

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Ubuntu :: No Ham Radio Menu And No Sign Of Hamfax Anywhere In Any Menu?

Jan 7, 2010

I have installed Hamfax via apt which shows up in usr/share/Hamfax.I also installed hamradiomenus from apt but there is no ham radio menu and no sign of Hamfax anywhere in any menu.I checked Main Menu editor and there is a generic entry for ham radio which is italicised showing there's no entries under it.How do I get Hamfax on a menu? I remember adding Hamfax on my old desktop PC and it was immediately available in accessories. How do I enable it to a menu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Has No Menu.lst - ESC To Grub Menu / Solve This?

Feb 15, 2010

9.10 has no menu.lst file and hitting ESC to does not bring up the grub menu. How can we set bootup options or boot an alternate kernel? I would really like to set the resolution at boot time so that my console (Ctrl-Alt-F5, for example) has 80 columns instead of 40. (What a stupid default, gigantic Commodore-64-like text!) It would also be nice if the Login screen could be set to the resolution that I want.

In previous releases, there were ways to do this. In 9.10, I haven't been able to figure out how.

Is there a document explaining all of the radical changes?

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Ubuntu :: Edit The GRUB Menu But Menu.1st Is Missing?

Apr 29, 2010

I want to edit the GRUB menu in ubuntu but Menu.1st is missing.When I open the /boot/grub.cfg from terminal I cant save it.

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Ubuntu :: Add A Main Menu To Customize Right Click Menu?

May 6, 2010

I'm using 9.10 Karmic. Is it possible to add a Main Menu to my right click menu?

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