Slackware :: Get Rid Of Ipv6 On Certain Interface?

Mar 4, 2011

Is there possibility to disable ipv6 protocol for given interface? More info:

1. I have PC with 3 Ethernet cards. Two of them up(eth0, eth1), other is down(eth2).
2. eth0 is connected to LAN, so it configured to obtain IPv4 address via DHCP(works)
3. eth1 is connected directly to other Ethernet card in other PC and used by packet generator(tcpreplay utility) in debug purposes. ipv4 is not configured on this interface.
4. I have rebuilt kernel with build-in ipv6 support, because it required to work in LAN with some other PC's.
5. Now all my interfaces got own link-local ipv6 address(like fe80::xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:qqqq )
How to get rid ipv6 on my eth1 debugging-interface? Any unauthorised packet send thru interface wastes whole debugging session. "ifconfig eth1 del " doesn't helps. Can it be achieved using tools available in slackware 12.2 or at least slackware 13.1?

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Networking :: IPV6 Address Appearing On Interface

Nov 22, 2010

When I do ifconfig than IPv6 address is appearing on an interface. However when I run the system-config-network and select to edit same interface than it shows the normal ip4 192.168.1.x address. Why is it like that? ipv4 at one place and ipv6 at other?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable IPv6 On Specific Interface?

May 26, 2011

When I run OpenVPN server - tap0 adapter, it breakes Teredo(Miredo) IPv6 address down. I dont need IPv6 on OpenVPN, so is there any way to disable IPv6 on tap0 completely?

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Slackware :: Disable And Enable Ipv6 Connectivity?

May 7, 2011

I just finished setting up my slack machine as a home server (printers & files) and I noticed that I have an IPv6 address (from ifconfig)... I didn't know I did. I used to work in tech support and when a windows or OSx machine didn't connect properly on a LAN, disabling IPV6 was a common troubleshooting step. Is there a way to easily turn inet6 connectivity off/on in Slackware? (I want to keep the ability to get an IPv6, we will all use those in the future)

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Slackware :: IPV6 Support Slows Opera And Firefox

Dec 29, 2010

Support for ipv6 keeps being put into the kernel and now into browsers.I blacklisted ipv6 in Slackware and that solved the slow internet response until I updated to the latest Opera and Firefox browsers. Both were horribly slow again. Firefox could be reconfigured to kill ipv6 by running about:config as a url and disabling ipv6.

The new Opera 11 is different. I can't find any config to disable ipv6. Does anyone have an idea?I reverted to Opera 10.11 in order to have zippy internet access again, and not "dialup modem" speeds.

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Fedora Networking :: Ipv6 With Tunnel Broker - Better Client For Non Native Ipv6 Connectivity?

Jul 22, 2009

I used to play with gw6c ( a client for tunnel broker ) It works well with fedora9 , fedora 10, but not with leonidas. my rpm is gw6c-6.0-0.4.beta4.fc9.i386.rpm ( a little old!) when I tried to install i have got this: est ncessaire pou w6c-6.0-0.4.beta4.fc9.i386 I try to make a soft link to, but nothing; The question :-Is there a solution for that pb - did you know a better client for non native ipv6 connectivity?

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Fedora Networking :: FC15 IPV6 Wireless Router - No Longer Gets An IPv6 Address

Aug 31, 2011

I have been struggling to get FC15 to act as an IPv6 router for a while now, am sure I am missing something trivial.. The idea is that I have a ppp / adsl connection (this works fine), use the wireless card on my pc with hostapd and dhcpd to provide connections to other pcs (works fine), and radvd to delegate ipv6 addresses.

The issue seem to be that as soon as I turn on ipv6 forwarding (net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding =1), the ppp connection no longer gets an IPv6 address. This means the router cannot ping any ipv6 address outside my network.

If I disable ipv6 routing, my router gets an IPv6 address on its ppp connection, and can ping things such as just fine, however (of course) no packets are forwarded from my network and radvd complains that forwarding is disabled.

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Slackware :: What Is The "proper" Way To Completely Disable IPv6

Mar 15, 2011

Is simply adding "alias net-pf-10 off" to modprobe.conf enough to keep IPv6 completely dead? Should I comment out the IPv6 loopback address in /etc/hosts or anything like that?

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Slackware :: Update Firefox From Browser Interface?

Mar 7, 2011

Yesterday I try to download the latest version of Firefox from the Web Browser Cliente. But something happen...

I receive a message saying there I don't have persmission for this.

Can anyone explain what type os permission I need to grant to my user?

OBS: I know there I can download the installer from the site, but i want to understand this!!

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Slackware :: Blueman-manager Works But No Graphic Interface

Nov 20, 2010

If I click on "Settings ----> Bluetooth Manager" on KDE451 (kde's slack-current) nothing happens ...

If the command line I type Blueman-manager, I get:


What am I doing wrong or what I do?

Slack updated Sat Nov 20 01:28:23 2010 UTC

I am trying to connect my PC to the mobile tele ....

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Slackware :: Wireless Interface On Eth1 - Setup Config Files?

Aug 23, 2010

All rc.inet1 an rc.wireless scripts work well if a wireless extension is on wlan(x). My notebook has Intel Pro 2100 wireless adapter (the ipw2100 module). By the system the card is marked as eth1. If you have a look at rc.inet1(.conf) you see that by default an eth1 has no wireless extensions. how to set up my network.

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Networking :: ATT Uverse DHCP Not Assigning To Red Interface Interface On Smoothwall?

Feb 14, 2010

I just had an ATT Uverse RG installed. However my Smoothwall router that previously worked fine with the ADSL SpeedStream is no longer accepting an address assignment DHCP ip address from this new gateway. (3800HGV-B)Any thoughts ideas or experience working with this hardware? ATT only supports Windows and Mac

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Networking :: Prevent Auto Up An Interface At /etc/network/interface File ?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a ppp0 entry with post-up options like this

mapping ppp0
map none photon-plus motorola
map timeout: 12


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General :: Unable To Use GUI Interface Meant Graphics Interface?

Apr 11, 2011

i am using windows 7 in my laptop and linux is installed on virtualBox but my problem is the screen is showing small in virtualbox is there any way to enalarge the screen to show like windows screen? i did before by using VGA setting but it made problem me i was not able to use GUI interface i meant graphics interface
it was just showing me Command Prompt.

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Security :: Iptables -L Does Not Show In-interface Or Out-interface?

Feb 26, 2011

When I do...# iptables -L...I see rules in my INPUT and OUTPUT chains that look scary:ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere...but these rules only apply to the loopback interface. I tested it and the server cannot be reached on open ports from the outside world. How can I make iptables show the interfaces that the rules apply to?Otherwise, every time I do iptables -L it will scare the crap out of me.

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Red Hat :: Add IPs To A Network Interface As Virtual Interface Like Eth0:0?

Apr 14, 2011

I found multiple sites explaining how to add IPs to a network interface as virtual interface like eth0:0. However I can add IPs to an interface as well using the ip command: ip a a dev eth0 What I want to know is how I can make this persistent on rhel/centos.

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Fedora :: Ipv6 Failing / Why Is So?

Jan 20, 2010

I am new here and Fedora. Currently running Fedora 12 and recieved kernel crashes to which error report shows failure with IPv6.

I have disabled Ipv6 in /etc/sysconfig/network, blacklisted and stop these services.

However why is my Ipv6 failing?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Disable IPv6

Jan 9, 2011

I am experiencing very slow internet speed while downloading files from internet. Although torrent (KTorrent) download speeds are okay. I am using 'rekonq' Web Browser. Konqueror is slower than this and Firefox is the slowest. Thats why I have uninstalled Firefox from my Suse 11.3 KDE. I went through the guides mentioned here:

Disable IPv6 But the images shown here in the first post (by caf4926) [URL] have slightly different configuration from my computer. (My account does not allow me to post attachments). In the pic 2, Do we have to select the option: "User Controlled with NetworkManager" before unchecking the Enable IPv6 option.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Ipv6 Ip From ISP?

Nov 29, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed on my laptop. My ISP natively supports ipv6, but since last weekend, I do not get an ipv6 ip. When I use a live cd however, I do get an ipv6 ip. For as far as I can see, all settings (/etc/network/interface and the settings in network manager) are exactly the same.

Output of ifconfig:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
inet6 addr: XXXX::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX/64 Scope:Link


EDIT: is there a way to let the netwerk be automatically configured as happens during installation? It would be nice to start with a clean and new set of network config files as there were just after I installed Ubuntu on my system, without a full reinstall of my system.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Box Into An IPv6 PIM-SSM Router?

Nov 16, 2010

Capable of multicasting Has anyone been successful with RHEL or Fedora?

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Networking :: Can't Use Ipv6 Although Getting Address?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a problem with my ipv6 connection: although I can't get ipv6 address with DHCP, I can't use ipv6 network. I tried [URL], and the tortoise is static. I want to fix it out , so I use 'ifconfig' to see my network configuration:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:8d:ef:dd:06
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: 2002:d24d:b64:4:250:8dff:feef:dd06/64 Scope:Global


Some people told me that the fisrt ipv6 address was wrong and unsuitable for ipv6 connecting. I tried /ect/init.d/networking restart but it didn't work. How can I use the second address as my ipv6 address and fix the problem out ? Now it seems there is not problem with the ip adress but the route. After watching some video, I suddenly could use ipv6. I did 'ifconfig' again and nothing was different. However, the result from the command 'ip -f inet6 route' changed: the last default route was gone and there was only one default route.

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Networking :: Use Domain Name With IPv6?

Jan 12, 2010

I have installed Bind 9.6.1 on my linux pc. I have to resolve domain name using IPv6 address. I have made following entry in the /etc/resolv.conf file code...

address of the machine on which Bind is running. The problem is that I am not able to ping open-ims.test domain name. If I use IPv4, everything works fine but how to ping domain using IPv6.

I have also made changes in dnszone file by replacing IPv4 address with IPv6 address and also changing A to AAAA.

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Programming :: Interface "eth0" Which Is Down - Wasn't Displayed But Loopback Interface Has Been Displayed

Jan 6, 2011

The following are the output of command "ifconfig -a":


The interface "eth0", which is down, was not displayed, but loopback interface has been displayed. So, how can I make my application display all interfaces, including the interfaces which are down, but excluding the loopback interface?

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Fedora :: Getting Linphone To Work On IPv6?

Mar 5, 2010

I had just installed linphone in Fedora 10 using # yum install linphone and face the following problem. I installed linphone in 2 clients via LAN and using IPv4 address, I am able to call each other. However when I changed the preference to use IPv6 in the network (the network support IPv6), I am not able to call to each other using IPv6 address.

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Fedora Networking :: Add Repository Using Ipv6?

Nov 21, 2010

I want to add repository using ipv6. So, I add a xxx.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/. Just like it:

name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch -

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OpenSUSE Network :: Playing With IPv6 On LAN?

Feb 7, 2011

I decided to enable dual stack on my home 11.3 machine and play with IPv6. I use ifup to assign static addresses to eth0. FYI here are some things I found:

1. YaST doesn't seem to support associating IPv6 addresses to interfaces, it complains that the address is invalid. However you can edit /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0 manually and specify it like this:


and when you restart the networking you will see an additional IPv6 address associated with eth0. Fortunately YaST doesn't mangle the entry when you look at it, but you can't edit it.

2. The SCOPE qualifier is documented in /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg.template, but seems to have no effect. Site local addresses in IPv6 are supposed to start with FE[CDEF] according to this:

The TCP/IP Guide - IPv6 Special Addresses: Reserved, Private (Link-Local / Site-Local), Unspecified and Loopback

Once bound, you can connect to services using the IPv6 address just like normal. You have to use ping6 instead of ping though.

I added an AAAA record to my nameserver and that seems to work. Whether the client software tries the IPv6 address varies. It depends on whether the software asks for the AAAA record and uses it. It seems my web browsers don't. I'm not surprised, since few people have IPv6 tails from their ISP. I'm going to look and see if there is some browser setting I have to adjust. I also have to figure out a way of making sure that only LAN destinations use IPv6.

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Ubuntu :: Disabling Ipv6 In 8.08 Hardy LTS?

Mar 26, 2010

i have found the solution to disabling ipv6 but the command line is not recognised when i enter it.

i open terminal and input sudo gedit/etc/modprobe.d/bad-list/ but the command is not recognised

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Ubuntu :: Disable IPv6 In Lucid?

May 4, 2010

Okay so on WebUpd8 website, (url), I found a way to disable IPv6 and I was hoping to get a little more of an understanding of if I should or not from comments there, but unfortunately I haven't gotten enough to say let's do that. So I figured I might get a better understanding on here.

I am not very familiar with IPv6, but to my understanding its a newer thing that's rarely found currently with ISPs, but can be a security issue now.

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Ubuntu :: How To Access Ipv6 Web-sites

Jun 2, 2010

I am new to ubuntu,or linux and i used to access ipv6 sites in my Win7 .

after googling around,i find the 'tips' did not work at all, e.g.

i typed "insmod ipv6",but the shell responded "no such file or directory". What should i do ,was it so hard ?

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Disable IPv6 On 10.04

Aug 9, 2010

Anyone know how to disable IPv6 but still use IPv4?

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