Slackware :: 12.2 Is Giving High Response Time For Applications

Feb 9, 2010

I am using Slackware 12.2 on my laptop
compaq presario V2356AP
Intel centrino 1.6ghz
1 GB Ram
and Slackware is installed on 16gb partition with 10 gb free now.When i installed it was fine over a few days slackware is giving me high response time. while playing videos it is getting stuck firefox is giving bad responses and even konqueror.I heard that slackware is one of the fastest linux and is old hardware friendly right

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Ubuntu Servers :: Consequences Of Giving PHP Scripts A High Memory Limit?

May 28, 2010

I have an Ubuntu server running in our small office. Among its many duties is report generation. It uses PHP and DOMPDF (a PHP library for converting HTML/CSS to PDFs for printing). PHP's default memory limit of 32MB is not even close to being enough to pull large amounts of data from the database and generate images/tables/PDFs with that data.

I increased the memory limit to 64MB and that is adequate for reports under 3 pages or so (varies based on table complexity, images, etc). If any user tries to generate a report longer than that, PHP just throws a "out of memory" error and doesn't make the report.

My question is: what are the possible consequences of increasing the memory limit yet again to 128MB or maybe even higher? The server isn't terribly powerful. It has 2GB RAM and 4GB swap space. I know that isn't much but this is a small office and at most I can only see two or three people trying to run reports at the same time. As for security, apache is currently only serving pages in the local network, but sometime within the next year I'll probably have it hosting a public website (currently using a hosting service). Is a high memory limit a potential security risk when exposed to the internet?

EDIT: Sorry, PHP's default memory limit is 16 not 32 as I said. Question still stands, however

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Server :: DNS Fail: Can't Resolve Subdomains, Server Giving Wrong Response?

Jul 13, 2010

I've got a DNS problem I cannot figure out. I've been digging and pinging all day and I've waited for caches to expire and I'm not having much luck.From my desktop mac, I can't seem to resolve

My-Mac:~ sneakyimp$ ping
ping: cannot resolve Unknown host


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OpenSUSE :: Adjust Click Time Response

Mar 8, 2010

how do you adjust the response time of the taskbar menus, such as when you click on the start button on the bottom left of the desktop? My problem is that when I click them, it would delay for about 1 second before popping up the menu. But right-clicking on the desktop popped out fine without any delay though. Is this normal? Where do I adjust the settings for this? I have configured my ATI graphics card succesfully. Direct rendering, desktop animation and everything else is working fine btw.

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General :: Dual Boot Response Time

Nov 5, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10 alongside with Windows XP. Consequently I need to make a choice at boot time. However, I feel that the system is not waiting very long, maybe 5 seconds or so, before going automatically into Ubuntu. Can that time be increased? If so, where or how?

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Networking :: Very Slow Network Response Time / Only On Linux Box

Mar 14, 2010

I've noticed over the past few months that my internet connection speed (D/Ls, browsing) are getting incredibly slow, but only on my linux box (my laptop, for instance, is fine - in fact, I'm dual-booting with WinXP and it isn't happening there, so I think I've managed to narrow it down to the OS alone):

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Server :: NTPD Giving Non Local Time - How To Set

Feb 10, 2011

NTPD on Fedora 14.

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Ubuntu :: Natty Top Panel Is Giving A Hard Time?

May 8, 2011

I hopelessly tried to find answers for my problems but I could not find a single person complaining about this one: I am using a Lenovo G550 laptop (which has an NVIDIA graphics card) accompanied by a samsung screen using TwinView configuration. I have some special effects enabled and they all seem to work fine.

My main problem is: When I double click on the top panel in a window and maximize its size (it can be an application, a directory window or a terminal, anything..) on Natty, I sometimes can reduce its size back by double clicking on the Natty panel and sometimes this does not work! In times this does not work (reducing by double clicking again), I have to use the rectangle button in the panel in order to reduce it back. In times it works, I can simply double click on Natty top panel or left click on the panel, hold it, and pull it down.

What the hell can be the reason? I somehow observed a strange relationship between this behaviour and thunderbird but I am not 100% sure. Can anyone offer some help?

And another irrelevant question:

Is there a way to make the mail/pidgin indicator that turns green when a new message/mail recieved jump or move or do some action? Because when working full screen it is really hard to notice that thing going green. Previously on 10.10 if i'm not mistaken you could make the pidgin indicator jump high and low as a notifier. Is there a way in 11.04 to achieve this?

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General :: Machine Hangs For Some Time After Giving Password

Feb 20, 2011

I m trying to take a console of linux machine using putty. Whenever i connect to the machine and give password details to log into the machine it hangs for some time and then it allow the login.

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General :: High CPU Use - Daily Server Down On Same Time

Sep 2, 2010

I am working on Ubuntu 8.04.3 OS, with this I am getting a problem, Daily my server is down on same time at 4:00 PM. I seems server is down by "kswapd0" process, I am not sure, As I run top command, I got below out put


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General :: High Ping Time On Ubuntu 10.10?

Mar 2, 2011

ubuntu 10.10 with broadcom wireless adapter when i make ping on google i got: time=2000 ms i tested on another computer i got 350 what the problem?

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Slackware :: Lockup - Dell 2350 - Keyboard Stops Working - No Response From Mouse Clicks ?

Dec 5, 2010

I'm installing slack 13.0 in a Dell 2350 for a friend. once installed, it works ok for a while then within some somewhat random period of time, just plain locks up. the keyboard stops working, the mouse cursor still moves, but there is no response from mouse clicks. i was ssh'ed into the machine one of these times to see if i could read the logs during a lockup. the machine stopped responding to the ssh session as well (actually i had an instance of mc running at the time, and the machine still responded to it. when i exited mc, i was stuck in console never-never land). the logs show absolutely nothing. /etc/messages keeps showing MARK long after the lockup. all other logs are not updated since boot. this machine has an i810 chipset, is there a driver issue here?

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Ubuntu :: Speed Up Ubuntu Load / Response Time?

Mar 26, 2010

Is there a way to speed up Ubuntu load time, response time, just over all speed up.

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General :: Change Time (Advanced Eastern Time) On Slackware 8.1?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a linux (Slackware) machine and the time/date is like, June 23rd 2003, 10:00am (It's 11 here) and I am not able to set the time to have it correct. I change the timezome to Montreal but the time is still wrong.

Is there a way to force it to sync with my domain controler or even another online NTP server?

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Slackware :: Stop At Boot Time To Increase Booting Time?

Mar 5, 2010

It looks,slackware is taking too much time to boot. It's starting daemons at boot time.

What are those daemons that i can stop at boot time to increase booting time?

What's the best way to stop starting daemons at boot time?

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Server :: Apache Response "HTTP Request Sent; Waiting For Response" Too Long

Jul 19, 2011

when I try to access any page even small html pages it stays like 3 seconds in HTTP request sent; waiting for response. state..even when I use Lynx locally on the server..bypassing any possible network issues..logs dont show a thing..the server itself is a high end server with nothing running on it apart from apache which is not serving anny clients now, firewall is disabled and hostnamelookups are set to OFF.

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Slackware :: Firefox Bin Keeps Running With High CPU Usage

Dec 24, 2010

For some reason after I close firefox , firefox-bin keeps running and it eats more cpu than when firefox was open, a lot more. Same thing with seamonkey, seamonkey-bin keeps running after it is closed.
Attached are two pictures ,
1) While firefox is running: notice the low CPU usage
2) Firefox closed, CPU is almost 50%

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Slackware :: Slapt-get Slow When Downloading / High It?

Nov 30, 2010

I am a newbie regarding the Slackware, though i have some millage on Ubuntu. Anyway, i have Slackware 13.1 and slapt-get is really, really slow when downloading packages, even when i do slapt-get -update the slowness is just killing me

The second question is somewhat different. How can i view dependencies on which a particular application is depended?

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Software :: Slackware 13 - NTPD Sets Its STRATA Too High

Mar 25, 2010

I have recently installed Slackware 13 (64bit) (Kernel on an Acer Veriton M series with AMD Athlon cpu. I have started ntpd server and from it's log file it seems to be synchronising to each of the three stratum 2 servers specified in the ntp.conf file.

25 Mar 18:27:02 ntpd[4542]: time reset +2.163491 s
25 Mar 18:33:08 ntpd[4542]: synchronized to, stratum 2
25 Mar 18:37:25 ntpd[4542]: synchronized to, stratum 2
25 Mar 18:42:59 ntpd[4542]: time reset +2.282097 s
25 Mar 18:49:21 ntpd[4542]: synchronized to, stratum 2
25 Mar 18:50:17 ntpd[4542]: synchronized to, stratum 2
25 Mar 18:55:57 ntpd[4542]: synchronized to, stratum 2
25 Mar 18:58:57 ntpd[4542]: time reset +2.147508 s

If I invoke ntpdate from another linux machine, that ntpdate reports that the stratum of the ntpd server is too high and won't use it.

transmit( Server dropped: strata too high
server, port 123
stratum 16, precision -20, leap 11, trust 000
refid [], delay 0.02577, dispersion 0.00000
transmitted 4, in filter 4
reference time: cf562778.a310c705 Thu, Mar 25 2010 18:18:32.636
originate timestamp: cf562cdd.048cbee3 Thu, Mar 25 2010 18:41:33.017
transmit timestamp: cf562cd0.56618ce2 Thu, Mar 25 2010 18:41:20.337
filter delay: 0.02579 0.02577 0.02579 0.02579
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
filter offset: 12.68024 12.68024 12.68024 12.68024
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
delay 0.02577, dispersion 0.00000
offset 12.680248

25 Mar 18:41:20 ntpdate[9683]: no server suitable for synchronization found

I have run ntpd on another platform with Slackware 12 (32bit) and never had any problems.

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Slackware :: High Consumption On Idle With A Thinkpad T400?

Oct 29, 2010

My laptop has a very high consumption when running on idle (I mean nothing that write on the disk or video etc..). I read on lenovo forums that people could get 10-12W and I can hardly get lower than 20W. My cpufreq is set to powersave and my cpus are always at the lowest scale.

configure my laptop to save some power. It used to last almost 7h on battery (sadly I don't remember the consumption) on Ubuntu and now it can barely last more than 3h with slackware.

My config is:
T400 intel duo core 3,06ghz
14.1" TFT display with 1440x900 (WXGA+) resolution with LED backlight
Switchable Graphics with Intel GMA 4500MHD and ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 (256 MB)
320GB 7200rpm 2.5" SATA HDD
Intel Wifi Link 5300 (AGN)
9 cells battery

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Slackware :: High HD Activity Bringing System To Crawl When Browser Is Open

Apr 24, 2010

I'm running Slackware 13 with a custom kernel based off of I tend to leave my system on 24/7, as well as my web browser. Originally it was Firefox and now it is Google's Chrome. Usually about a day of leaving the web browser open my HD activity spikes so high that I can barely do anything on the system until I kill the web browser. This has been happening with both Firefox AND Chrome! As soon as the browser processes are killed, the system returns back to normal.

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Applications :: Burn 2 Disc In The Same Time With K3b?

Sep 23, 2010

Can i burn 2 disc in the same time with k3b ?

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Slackware :: Disabling High Intensity At The Video Card Level (text Mode)?

Jun 17, 2011

Kernel, slackware 12.0

When you do 'man bash', you'll see some words are highlighted. I'll say that the video card has used high intesity in these instances. How do I disable this video card capability? Can this only be done by recompiling the kernel? Of course, I am talking about the text consoles, i.e., the video card in text mode.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound From Two Applications At The Same Time?

May 17, 2010

Its unbelivable how crappy Sound in Ubuntu is - i am suffering from this since karmic. Whenever a second appication like Firefox plys a tune my sound in Amarok dies. Even windows 3.1 was able to do this kind of Multitasking and afaik this also was possible WITHOUT this Pulseaudio desaster.

This is my config

aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: VT1708S Analog [VT1708S Analog]
Subdevices: 1/2
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 1: VT1708S Digital [VT1708S Digital]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
(1)ch90045@cyclops:$~/cat /proc/asound/version
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.21.

This sound desaster makes me really think of buying a windows 7 license.

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Ubuntu :: Install Applications Correctly The First Time?

Mar 19, 2011

Background information: So you know how we choose from a list what applications we want associated with a file type? It's a menu full of applications.I've filled mine with different applications I've reinstalled. There are many repeats of application names, with the only difference being most of them don't work. This is due to changing the installation location, via WINEPREFIX. No biggie.I'm also using Ubuntu 10.10. It's very nice!

Problem: How in the world do I get rid of these unwanted list items? It's very hard to find the ones that are good.

Plan B: The easiest solution, so far, is to reinstall ubuntu and install these applications correctly the first time. Then I won't have all of those repeats.

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Slackware :: Clock Shows The Wrong Time In Slackware

May 10, 2011

I've been running arch linux, with my clock set to UTC with no problem. Recently I installed slackware on a different partition. During the setup I chose to set my clock to 'local time' instead of UTC by accident. Now in slackware my clock shows the wrong time. Also in arch it shows the same wrong time.

I booted back into slackware and ran pkgtool to enter the setup again, and changed my time to UTC. But this makes no difference. My clock is still wrong in both slackware and arch. Do I need to reboot after changing my clock settings in slackware before it takes effect? how the clock or the setup works.

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Applications :: Get Last Logged In Date / Time For Vsftpd Users?

Aug 27, 2010

I can't seem to get last logged in dat/time for vsftpd users. They are linux users maintained within passwd groups ect ... i think this is because ftp doesn't actually give them a real session. That being true, how do i get the last logged in time for my ftp users?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: System Time Jumps, Applications Crashing?

Oct 17, 2010

I run a mostly untouched CentOS server, nothing is installed except a server app to store data. The server has been crashing lately - after a year of no problems, so I looked into the logs of it and noticed weird discrepancies in the time around the time it crashs. So I started "watch date >> datefile" and this is what happens:

Code: Sun Oct 17 09:52:45 CEST 2010
Sun Oct 17 09:52:47 CEST 2010
Sun Oct 17 09:52:49 CEST 2010


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: In 5.3 Two Applications Cannot Use The Audio Device At A Time

Sep 19, 2009

I just installed centos 5.1 on my laptop. Then i upgraded it to 5.3. The problem that i am facing is that at a time only one application can use the audio device. Is this some kind of driver problem or an error in Centos? If one application is using the audio device and if i start the other application that also want to use the audio device it simply gives an error like audio device is locked by other application and is muted. In windows XP my audio device is shown as Sigmatel Audio.

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Slackware :: Default Applications In Slackware

May 2, 2011

I am looking for a kind of update-alternatives for Slackware to set default applications. Currently the reason is I want to use "display" as the picture viewer in Midnight Commander. Display is a part of ImageMagick. "MC" keeps looking for something called "GQVIEW", which is not installed, and is now known as "Geeqie". I removed the Geeqie pkg to see if it would help MC use Display. I also added a line in .bashrc like "VIEWER=/usr/bin/display" to see if it would force the issue.

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