Server :: Working In Terminal Environment On Server ?

Jun 8, 2010

Running web service and dhcp only on 1pc of a 4pc lan. Optomized minimal slackware 13.1 install (no GUI)on 30g fireball for only one user (myself):

Question is howto work properly in terminal environment: the rule of thumb is not to work on system as root to maintain root's integrity; since i do not have /home for users - what identity do i create to work on files safely? Can you adduser identity without /home as to not work as root? I found 'netgroup' but i am not sure that setting up the id of other machines on lan is what need to do?

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Ubuntu :: Server Sudo Password Not Working In Desktop Environment

Mar 11, 2011

I have installed ubuntu-desktop and can log in fine. Whenever I start Synaptic, etc and am prompted for my password I am told it is incorrect. I reinstalled ubuntu server and tried the same thing with xubuntu-desktop and I experience the same thing.

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Server :: Configure Email Server In Cloud Server Environment?

Jun 15, 2011

I have installed the Apache, PHP and MYSQL in the rackspace cloud server environment. Can anyone please guide me How can I configure email server in that with postfix or some other with multiple domain.

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Server :: Basic Postfix And Dovecot Mail Server For A Test Environment?

Sep 16, 2009

I did a a basic install of postfix and dovecot instead of using courier-pop and courier-imap. This is only send and receiving e-mail locally within the test network 10.7.0.X and 10.0.0.X. I used:


my postfix.conf is;

PHP Code:


This is the error when I send an email from a local machine on the 10.0.0.X network.

PHP Code:

Jan 20 17:05:48 testbox postfix/smtpd[2491]: warning: Illegal address syntax from unknown[] in MAIL command: <test@> 

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Server Virtual Terminal / Display Not Working

May 4, 2010

Clean install of 10.04 Server 32 bit.Only services OpenSSH Server and Print Server.Machine boots and can be accessed through ssh.Virtual terminals (cntl-alt-1,2,3,4,... do not result in video to the monitor (no sync) or a display.If I type blind, I can log in, ssh back to my other machine, and create a file. So the virtual terminal is there and listening to the keyboard and running, just not creating a display.

This machine has been working fine with 08.10 for quite time up until yesterday, so I don't believe it is a hardware problem.Any ideas why the video on the virtual terminals would not work?

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Server Client And Server 2008?

May 18, 2010

I love Ubuntu and last night I wiped crappy windows 7 off my laptop and installed and customised a beautiful Ubuntu 9 OS ( I tried the new 10.04 first but it had some issues for me ). Now, up here at work we got a Domain Controller that is running windows server 2008, I need to be able to RDP into it and mess with it, I tried to use the Terminal Server Client that comes with Ubuntu, and I can see the login screen just fine, but when I try to log in it says incorrect password and wont go through.

Just to make sure it was not my account that was the issue, I went to my boss and used his computer (a MAC running OSX) and I was able to get into the same server with the same credentials, so it has something to do with my computer not my account. Do any of you have any ideas on what the problem could be?

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Server :: Install Desktop Environment On VPS And Vnc Into It?

Apr 14, 2010

I own a VPS (Virtual Private Server) and I would like to install a desktop environment on it. After installing the desktop enviroment, I would like to install a VNC server on the VPS, after that I would like to be able to configure the VNC server remotely via SSH and then log in using VNC to connect to that VPS. Is that possible? The reason I wanted to do that is because I want to use their internet connection to browse the web, their speed is like 6 times faster than mine because they have backbone which I can't afford.

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Server :: Use Novells ZLM To Manage Environment?

Jun 14, 2011

distros: suse 85% / redhat 15%

Anyone use novells ZLM to manage their Linux environment? if not what do you use? (patching, config etc) and how do you like what you use?

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Server :: Set Up BIND In A Non Domain Environment?

Nov 23, 2010

I am setting up a new infrastructure which led me to install BIND in a non active directory (new) environment.
With that stated I don't have any .com nor any domain setup so im unable to dig my network domain; Im only operating via workgroup.
Is it still possible to setup BIND dns even though I dont have a domain (i.e., setup?
Reason being is I want to be able to ping host names/connect through host names and able to resolve then using BIND as my main name server.

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Server :: Web Development Environment Setup?

Feb 21, 2010

I have been looking around the web and forums for a while for the best way to set up a development office. I havent really found many specifics. I am with a new company is just starting to really take their development services seriously. We've added a couple developers and designers in the last month. I am trying to figure out a the best way to set up our environment.

We have a couple dedicated virtual servers with Media Temple. Currently, we develop everything under a subdomain of a domain we set up for development. When the site is ready to go live we move the site to its own domain. I cant believe this is the best way to go about things. So, what do you guys suggest as a setup? Software, versioning, etc. We have the ability to setup a test server in house and then push out changes to the production server but not really sure if that is needed.

We do mainly Wordpress development. If this should be posted in another area,

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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphical Environment For 11.04 Server

Jun 3, 2011

The 11.04 does Ubuntu Server installed with graphical environment, I'm getting a gnome graphical environment, but I wonder if there are other functional graphical environment with Ubuntu Server, the idea is that it serves to maintain the network and have tools for such end.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Environment Variables In Server 10.04

Jul 4, 2011

I always have to google about setting environment path variables when I install new software. My basic problem is that I dont know whether these variables need to be set globally or not. I have read a number of mails/tutorials which say that Environment variables should be set by simply doing an export EDITOR=nano export EDITOR

additionally I have read that it should be written into /etc/bash.bashrc

But are these really global variables or local? I want the variables to be set
even after I have logged out.

so I could also write the variable here...


or here


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Red Hat / Fedora :: XFS Font Server And XWindows Environment

Feb 8, 2010

I am having a problem with the xfs font server and the Xwindows environment. I'm using the RHL9 kernel with RTLinux, the application has been running fine for years on multiple systems, but recently we changed CPUs and now I'm periodically getting microscopic fonts (1 out of 5 reboots). The other times the fonts come up perfectly normal. I've tried changing settings for xfs and XF86Config but nothing seems to work. I've checked the system logs but haven't found anything. I'm running out of things to look for.

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Networking :: Do Enterprise Audit Of Server Environment?

Sep 27, 2010

One of our customers is looking at enterprise audit of their data center (primarily consists of Linux servers) We suggested them towards a SNMP based tool that has some limitations. Any other recommendation is welcome...

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Server :: Built An Environment Can Be Load About 5000's Ppl?

Dec 21, 2010

my boss wanna to built an Server Environment can be load about 5000's ppl online in the same time now there r have one server: Inter Xeon E5504 2.00GHZ 8GB memory , if i used apache system is redhat, how many can it loads.

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Server :: Installing A Lms Known As Ilias On A LAMP Environment?

Feb 4, 2011

I am installing Ilias 4.1.4 is the lastes stable version on a Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit server with all the dependencies satisfied.


Download and install on a Ubuntu 10.04 server. Now just when all the steps are done I log out since now the installation has finished immediately upon logging out I am at following URL (the installation has just finished)



Fatal Error: ilInitialisation::initClientIniFile called without CLIENT_ID.

I start searching net for above error and do not get any useful information.After some time I press back button and accidentally reached



and see some sort of screen that asks for a client ID. How can I get rid of this error


Fatal Error: ilInitialisation::initClientIniFile called without CLIENT_ID.

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Server :: Difference Between CGI And SHELL Environment Variable?

Sep 8, 2009

I have a application on linux , I can excute it in command line . but when I invoked it via CGI(perl) , it can not excute successfully , so I suspected that there is something different between SHELL and CGI environment , but I haven't figure out what the difference is .

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CentOS 5 Server :: Set MySQL Environment Variable?

Sep 17, 2010

I have successfully installed XAMPP on CentOS. I can access PHPMyadmin from my browser. So my mySQL installation is OK. I need to set Environment Variable. I am confused about the path directory.

For an example in windows the path was:

%MYSQL_HOME% -------> C:xamppmysql

What will be the path for CentOS $MYSQL_HOME? Under LAMPP folder I did not see the "mysql" folder

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Server :: DHCP Server On CentOS 5.5 Not Working - When Connect Any Devices To Eth1 They Don't Get Any IP

Dec 2, 2010

I'm no expert on DHCP. My problem is that i have a CentOS 5.5 server on which i want to install a DHCP server. I have two NICs where eth0 has access to the internet and where eth1 should act as an DHCP server.

I have installed dhcpd and this is how my dhcpd.conf file looks like.


ifconfig looks like this


When i start dhcpd on eth1 i get no error messages but when i connect any devices to eth1 they don't get any IP. I cant find anything in any logs about devices trying to get an IP address. I dont have any firewall rules in iptables.

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Server :: Postfix Relayhost Not Working, If Domain Hosted On Same Server, But MX Points Outside?

Jun 23, 2010

i compiled and install postfix, and i using relayhost that point to my ISP. but my "DNS server" is on the same server where is installed postfix. and there is running apache with vhosts so i have domain that hosted on same server and in zonefiles of my domain my MX records points to Google Apps, to google's MX servers. But when i try send E-mail via sendmail to it not deliver mail to Google Apps totally, if i try to send to another E-mail everything fine it deliver it. so finally i done research this problem in Internet. And find that need to disable deliver mail to localhost(localdelivery)as i think postfix understand that the domain point to the same server where postfix have itself. and try to deliver mail local. but zonefile MX record even the domain on same server can point to another server outside. So i disabled localdelivery in postfix. and problem not fixed

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Fedora Servers :: Install On A Server In A Professional Environment?

Feb 22, 2011

I was wondering what version of Fedora I have to install on a server in a professional environment. At the moment I install the Fedora 14 (minimum) version 64bit. Is this a good choice?

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Web And Mail Server On Desktop Environment?

May 27, 2011

Before setting up a dedicated web- and mail-server system, I want to learn it by setting both up on my desktop environment. So far I can only find how-to's which are based on server install iso's.

Is it wise first to install a mail server by using i.e. [URL]. Get it up and running and then install a lamp server using [URL]

Both servers must use my own IP address which is related to my own domain I also need to understand how to incorporated these.

My desktop is Ubuntu 11.04 2.6.38-8-generic x86_64.

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General :: Set An Environment For Financial Process Exchange Server?

Mar 13, 2011

am having difficulties to set an environment for Financial Process Exchange server. i am running on CentOS release 5.5.

[root@Nagios ~]# $PATH
-bash: /usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_16/bin:/root/bin:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_16/bin: No such file or directory

what should i do next ? I have installed the J2sdk1.4.2 and file has located here

drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Mar 15 03:55 j2sdk1.4.2_16

in bash_profile i also added
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc


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General :: Installing A Desktop Environment On A Centos 5.5 Server To Run VNC ?

Apr 27, 2011

I've done the following:

But when I connect via, VNC I get a minimalist screen and console.

I ran "startx" and got this:

I need to get a real desktop environment running on this box.

Centos 5.5.

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General :: Configure Graphical Environment On Ubuntu 9.04 Server?

Nov 23, 2009

I'm very new to the Linux world, so be gentle. I've been trying to configure the server to run a graphical interface. I have read numerous configuration guides and posts, but nothing seems to fix the issue. I tried to change the run levels from 2 to 5,

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Server :: Install "GNOME Desktop Environment?

Jun 16, 2010

I am trying to install "GNOME Desktop Environment" on my server. i used the following command: yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" I got it from this tutorial: [URL].. Now when i started the installation on my centOS 5 server. i got the following error please see this image: [URL].. Now i wanted to know how can i fix that issue.

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Server :: Ubuntu Versus Centos In A Large Web Environment

Mar 8, 2010

I have been a RPM-based distribution guy for a long time (redhat,centos,suse). We have a large shared and dedicated web environment that is starting to require more and more linux. I am in a position to switch gears and move to ubuntu if it makes sense. Things that are important to me are:

1. ease of deployment (both servers and websites themselves)
2. patch management
3. documentation

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Server :: URL Redirection In Reverse Proxy Apache2 Environment

Apr 28, 2010

I have a webserver apache2 on debian Lenny. I am using gateway as Dom0 and rest of the operating systems are different Dom's .Using a xen virtualization setup.

I want to have a few websites
I did set up a reverse proxy environment for doing this.

Dom0 LAN IP ----> Gateway (where reverse proxy is set)
DomU1 LAN IP ----> (here and both are hosted.)
Domu2 LAN IP ----> is here.

Configuration on Dom0 of sites and
Virtual Host Configurations on Dom0 in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ (on gateway)

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
ProxyRequests off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all .....

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Server :: LDAP SERVER: Post A Tar.gz With The Working Configuration Files?

Jan 14, 2010

LDAP is endlessly not working, due to difficulties to simply configure it. I even cannot make the first steps of the installations ... It seems so difficult ... After many howto, wiki, reading, re-reading the errors are still there, always different, and not working.Is there an admin, coming from hell, that made running a LDAP server for sharing the basic configuratin files /var.. /etc... of a working LDAP Server in a tar.gz?

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Server :: Working At The Command Line With Ubuntu Server Edition?

Jun 30, 2010

Whilst I have used GUI-based Linux distros for the last few years, I am now struggling somewhat when it comes to setting up a server from the command line. All the howto's I've read so far tell you how to set up certain things, but I don't know what I actually need to set up.Rather than asking the same questions all over again on a forum like this, and generally being a bit of a noob, I wonder if there's a resource somewhere that someone could direct me to in order to know what I need to do to set up a fileserver.

The hardware is all done, and I will probably set up a router distro like IpCop to manage the network, but I'm rather lost as to what packages I need, and how to know what the server is/isn't doing.I've used plenty of command lines in the past (ms dos, amiga dos, BASIC programming etc), just not a linux command line. All I've ever done is mount a few drives, use nmap and started x

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