Server :: LDAP SERVER: Post A Tar.gz With The Working Configuration Files?

Jan 14, 2010

LDAP is endlessly not working, due to difficulties to simply configure it. I even cannot make the first steps of the installations ... It seems so difficult ... After many howto, wiki, reading, re-reading the errors are still there, always different, and not working.Is there an admin, coming from hell, that made running a LDAP server for sharing the basic configuratin files /var.. /etc... of a working LDAP Server in a tar.gz?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup A LDAP Server Using The Yast-LDAP Server Configuration Tool

May 31, 2010

we have a weird problem with our opensuse 11.2 server installation.

We want to set up a LDAP Server using the Yast-LDAP Server configuriation tool.

This indeed already worked weeks ago until....this week.
Maybe some updates??!

I do not know what happend exactly. The server just does not want to start again and throws following error:

Starting ldap-serverstartproc: exit status of parent of /usr/lib/openldap/slapd: 1 failed

This happend after a little check of the configuration, but without a change, with Yast. Google delivered only "reinstall your box"-answers.

So.. i did that. And now the "mystical" part: The SAME ERROR occurs with a fresh vanilla system with a brand new and simple configuration (certificats, database, pw...the first Yast config dialog...). I did not change the way i set it up.

I remember, when i did this the first time with 11.2 on that machine, when no problems occured...everything was running out of the box (except the "use commen server certificate" option...).

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Networking :: LDAP Configuration Error - Can't Connect To LDAP Server -1

May 31, 2010

I'm trying to set up a Linux server and I am new to this. I have gone through most of the configuration using SAMBA 3.0 and when I populate the ldap directory all I get this error before the password request:

Then when I perform an ldapsearch to see if the directory is populated I get this message:

I'm positive all my .conf files are done right.

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Server :: Openldap Client Fails To Connect Ldap Server 'ldap_bind - Can't Contact LDAP Server

Sep 28, 2010

Just installed openldap server on a VM CentOS called 'ldapsrv', it works fine, ldapsearch returns all ldap information.

Installed openldap client on another VM CentOS called 'ldapclient1', configured it with most basic configuration, no ssl/tls etc. but ldapsearch returns error:

ldapsrv is pingable:

Some outputs:

PHP Code:

PHP Code:

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Server :: LDAP Server Configuration In CentOS

Jun 15, 2010

How to setup Ldap Service in RHEL5/CentOS5?

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Server :: SVN Post-commit Not Working

Feb 27, 2011

I have been searching EVERYWHERE for a solution to my problem, I have been sent to the red-bean "answer" so many times I think I know it word by word.Here is my problem, I run a WHM/cPanel server and want to make a repository (/home/<user>/svn) update a working copy (/home/<user>/public_html/dev) to work on a dev. subdomain on each site we have.I have the the SVN part working but can not get anything about the post commit to work. I even simplified it to the point that all the /hooks/post-commit file contained was.

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Server :: LDAP Configuration / Admin Username And Password Are Set Correctly?

May 13, 2010

I have set it up, but I'm not sure whether the admin username and password are set correctly. How do I confirm? Also, if someone has any links explaining the format of an LDIF file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: TLS With Ldap On 10.04 LTS Server Not Working?

May 23, 2011

I have been stuck with this for quite some time now. I have installed ldap and configured it as per instructions fromI am able to query the ldap server without forcing the TLS operation to be successful.But with ldapsearch -d -1 -x -h servername -ZZ -b dc=example,dc=eduI get the error

TLS: peer cert untrusted or revoked (0x42)
TLS: can't connect: (unknown error code).


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Server :: Verify Configuration For Services (httpd, Sendmail ,ldap ,DHCP, DNS, SQUID)?

Aug 22, 2009

How can I verify the following service configuration files/setup are ok with?(in RedHat)

For example, I can use "testparm" to verify the my samba configuration . I want a similar kind of testing option for the above mentioned options.

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Server :: Virtual LDAP Server And Virtual Mediawiki Host - Can't Login With Users From LDAP

Jun 5, 2011

In the past I found some great help on this forum, so here goes. Bare with me because it's a long story. I'll try to be as complete as possible. I've installed and configured OpenLdap on a virtual machine with ip I've added 2 users via LAM. In the ou WikiUsers and the domain is wiki.local.

I've then created another host with ip with mediawiki installed on it. Then I added the extension LDAPAuthenthication. In the LdapAuthentication file I added this code (only the last paragraph is mine, I added the others to show it's location in the script):


$path = array( $IP, "$IP/includes", "$IP/languages" );
set_include_path( implode( PATH_SEPARATOR, $path ) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() );


I know I'm close because I can't register any new users or accounts on the mediawiki site. Although I could before I added the LDAP service. This is indeed all just to test and get to know how LDAP works. That's why it's all virtual in VMWare. I did not really configure anything on the LDAP, i just installed it and chose a domain (wiki.local).

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Server :: LDAP / Message Do Not Enable Referrals Until After A Working Directory?

May 9, 2011

My slapd.conf file

# This file should NOT be world readable.
include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
# Allow LDAPv2 client connections. This is NOT the default.
allow bind_v2
# Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory

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Red Hat :: Configuring Ldap Client / Getting "error Ldap_sasl_bind: Can't Contact LDAP Server?

Mar 13, 2010

i have configured ldapserver on rhel4 for creating address book

following are configuration files on ldap server
include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema

i am able to import this ldif file into database.also when i perform the ldapsearch on this server with command"ldapsearch �x �W �D �cn=manager, dc=example, dc =com� �b �dc=example, dc=com�" i get correct output.

but when i am trying to search from another client machine, i am getting "error ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)"

also when i configured address book on mozilla on server., it is working fine.but not working on another any configuration is missing on client machine.both ldap server and client are configured on rhel4es without any firewall or selinux.

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Server :: Config Ldap Client To Direct Its Authentication To Slave Ldap?

Apr 5, 2010

i have successful secure ldap replication but i could not make ldap client to direct its authentication to slave ldap

here is my config file on ldap client (i am not sure if it is the right place though)

ip : is master ldap
ip : is slave ldap
pico /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
# LDAP Defaults

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Server :: Apache Authentication: Allow LDAP Group OR User Named Guest But Not All LDAP Users?

May 25, 2011

I am using RackMonkey to map out my lab. Unfortunately, due to RM limitations, every user who accesses the site has write access UNLESS they are logged in as a user named "guest". I currently have Apache allowing only the users (sysadmins) in an LDAP group access to RM, but I would like to allow read-only access for other users as well.I found mod_authn_anon, but I am having trouble combining the two authentication methods. I am using Apache 2.2.18 (compiled myself) on SLES 11.1.

This is the common part:


AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider ldap anon
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

This part by itself works for the LDAP authentication:


AuthName "System Admins"
AuthLDAPURL "ldaps://," SSL
Require ldap-group cn=SysAdmins,ou=memberlist,ou=groups,

This part works by itself for guest access:


Anonymous guest
Anonymous_VerifyEmail Off
Anonymous_MustGiveEmail Off
Anonymous_LogEmail on
Require valid-user

But if I have both of the previous blocks enabled at once, then guest access does not work. If I throw in a "Satisfy any", then I am not prompted for a username at all. How can I allow access to this LDAP group and to a user named "guest", but not allow all valid LDAP users to log in?

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Server :: Apache2 SVN Post-commit Script Certificate Error Post-commit Hook Failed (exit Code 1) With Output?

Oct 12, 2009

I am using apache2 with subversion and trying to get post commit script to run an svn update command. All svn commands seem to work fine manually

Everything used to work fine but then the server ip changed and I can no longer access it with the web name and have to use the ip directly

I am using tortoise svn with vista on my work machine

Here is the script

export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
/usr/bin/svn update /home/common/webroot/bob

Here is the result.

Command: Commit
Modified: C:UsersMattDesktopcheckout - bobindex.php
Sending content: C:UsersMattDesktopcheckout - bobindex.php
Completed: At revision: 63
Error: post-commit hook failed (exit code 1) with output:

I think what i need to do is update the certifcate for the apache2, but I'm not sure how to do this, where to put it, and then which of the thousand apache config lines needs to be changed

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Programming :: Ubuntu Hardy - Php-ldap - Can't Contact LDAP Server

Nov 28, 2008

I'm checking with a sniffer and there's activity going on between the client and the LDAP server... as a matter of fact, the sniffer shows that the search is producing one ldap item, however, php says it can't contact the ldap server (after it has bound and everything):

The script is working beautifully on another host with debian.

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Server :: Server Configuration For Small Office Server, Which Smtp, Pop Imap Server And Backup?

Apr 2, 2010

I have installed a linux server in my office to run 16 machines. Its main use will be a internal mail server but will be also running websites.

I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 server x64 and have got apache running.

I am looking for the simplest more robust solution for smtp, pop3 and imap. I have only ever used qmail before and found it a pain to configure and its getting old so I though I should probably try something new. I have not much experience with running pop3 or imap on linux so would love a suggestion on that.

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General :: Open LDAP Configuration Files

Jul 27, 2010

I am trying to set up the LDAP database but it will not really work. Maybe some of you knows the answer.At this moment I get stuck at point 5: Load the LDIF data file into the database.

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Server :: Configuring Open LDAP Server And Clients In Ubuntu?

Jan 29, 2010

i want to configure an Open LDAP server in Ubuntu....and also want it to connect to its clients, i have two machines for testing,one for client & one for server, i followed the tutorials on ubuntu documentation,but did not succeed in making either the client or the server,

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Server :: Ldap Server Login Error When Logged In As Admin

Mar 23, 2010

I am facing login issues when i try to login as admin using phpldapadmin into ldap server. Installed phpldapadmin for administering ldap server from the repository:


2)yum install phpldapadmin

Able to see the default phpldapadmin login page.

ldapadmin throws the error as "Bad username/password.Please try again"

But when i login as anonymous i am able to login but the web page asks whether to create the root domain?

whether anything needs to be done for making it login as admin.

The details of my set up are as follows:

My slapd configuration:

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Server :: Configure LDAP Server For User Authentication?

Sep 26, 2010

I want to Configure Linux LDAP Server for user authentication when my users want to connect to the internet.Also i don't want the user to get the home directory on server. i configured ldap server and ldap client without PAM & SASL.and now with perl i can search in ldap for my client's username & password in ldap.

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Server :: Ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't Contact LDAP Server (-1)?

Mar 4, 2010

I have installed openldap on debian lenny as said here [URL]clients" for both ldap server and ldap client on Now I can make normal ldap successfully but I would like to do secure ldap and replication ldap too. "ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)" here is the error I got stuck with when I follow this link for replication and ssl/tls part[URL]Then I google to find solution and then try these commands

debian:/etc/ldap# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -b dc=webon -x -d-1


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Server :: LDAP Server Vs Client / Export Server's Home Directory To The Client?

Jun 11, 2011

I configured openLdap in RHEL5 on virtual achines,everything is working fine, I created a user called ldapuser,in LDAP server and i created a home directory for ldapuser in my LDAP client, now i can able to login to the both Server and client with ldapuser account....

Now here what am expecting is i want to export my server's home directory to the client, i dont want to create home directories manually in the client machine, i googled about that, and it can be done through autofs.....

what need to be done on the client and server side.

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Server :: FTP Post Processing Server

Sep 9, 2010

A while back I was asking the forum for FTP server reco's, said what I needed and the response from all was only proftpd has post processing functionality.Basically we will have numerous users uploading data at a constant rate and after each successful upload, I would like to fire a script to do some work. The script is nearly done, so I am now looking to see how to do this.Not sure if it matters, but the server is running / allowing via MySQL not the local user's.

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Server :: CentOS Ldap Server Setup

Jul 11, 2011

I am currently involved in setting up an openldap server on a CentOS platform. I am having some issues with getting it set up to the point that I can remotely manage the server via phpldapadmin in a web browser. I am running into an issue when starting the slapd daemon.

See the output below to better understand:

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Server :: Authenticate Samba Server With Another LDAP?

Jan 11, 2011

How to authenticate Samba server with another LDAP Server.
- I would like to set up samba server(CentOS5 samba version 3.0.33)for sharing directory. WindowXP client will can access to samba if username and password match with username and password of another existing LDAP server.

- I only know URL and DN of LDAP server and can not modify anything on LDAP Server.

- Can I config at samba server for requirement above.

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Server :: How To Configure Fresh LDAP Server

Mar 31, 2011

i want to configure Ldap Server in my network i dont know how to configure it. I dont know how it will work also.

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Server :: Configure Ldap Server In Network?

Mar 31, 2011

i want to configure Ldap Server in my network, I don't know how to configure it. I dont know how it will work also.

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Server :: LDAP Address Book Server

Jul 9, 2010

I have created a LDAP Address Book server for my organization. Now the situation is that everybody in my company is not using email clients but they also want to use centralized address book. So I am searching for any web interface tool which can show addresses from my LDAP Server on web browser. Please help me if anybody knows any web interface free tool for accessing address books.

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Server :: Removing Ldap \ Shows Pam_ldap: Missing File "/etc/ldap.conf"?

May 23, 2011

I had a machine that is using ldap, but need to remove it completely.I edited the /etc/nsswitch.conf and removed all references of ldapand renamed /etc/ldap.conf to /etc/ldap.conf.bakI can log in as root, but cannot log in as any user in /etc/passwdIn the /var/log it shows pam_ldap: missing file "/etc/ldap.conf"I am guessing I am missing something else?I never set this machine up for ldap, was here when i got here, so not sure of steps to even put ldap on.

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