Server :: Fail To Log In On NIS Client?

May 11, 2011

I am failing to log in on a NIS client server. I input the login name and takes long to bring password prompt. It then gives an error :Login timed out after 60 seconds. A boot message also appears : No NIS server found when it attempts to start ypbind.

I am stuck since I need to correct the NIS configuration on the server. How do I login then into the server.

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General :: Installation Of SSH Client And Server Fail?

Oct 18, 2009

Below you will see the history of the download and install. This is Ubuntu Ultimate that I am using...

sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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General :: Fail To Log In On NIS Client?

May 11, 2011

I am failing to log in on a NIS client server. I input the login name and takes long to bring password prompt. It then gives an error :Login timed out after 60 seconds. A boot message also appears : No NIS server found when it attempts to start ypbind.I am stuck since I need to correct the NIS configuration on the server. How do I login then into the server.

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Server :: LDAP Server Vs Client / Export Server's Home Directory To The Client?

Jun 11, 2011

I configured openLdap in RHEL5 on virtual achines,everything is working fine, I created a user called ldapuser,in LDAP server and i created a home directory for ldapuser in my LDAP client, now i can able to login to the both Server and client with ldapuser account....

Now here what am expecting is i want to export my server's home directory to the client, i dont want to create home directories manually in the client machine, i googled about that, and it can be done through autofs.....

what need to be done on the client and server side.

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Server :: Nis Client On Centos Not Working With Suse Server / But Works With Suse Nis Client

Jun 25, 2009

I have a Nis server on Suse 11 which is configured using Yast and nis clients on Suse and CentOs .All clients which is on the Suse Os is working fine. But on CentOs , users couldn't login using nis username.I have mounted home directory using nfs in fstab . I can switch to nis users homedirectory only when i am root. But nis users could'nt login on reboot.' ypcat passwd username ' is showing the output . No selinux is enabled in the client .Is there is any problem with Suse server to Centos Client in nis ??

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Server :: DNS Fail: Can't Resolve Subdomains, Server Giving Wrong Response?

Jul 13, 2010

I've got a DNS problem I cannot figure out. I've been digging and pinging all day and I've waited for caches to expire and I'm not having much luck.From my desktop mac, I can't seem to resolve

My-Mac:~ sneakyimp$ ping
ping: cannot resolve Unknown host


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Debian :: Select Web Server, Email Server, The Installation Fail?

Jan 1, 2011

Have anyone try the latest Debian 5 iso CD? I got installation problem. It is the select and install software stage. If I select only

[*]Desktop Environment[*]Standard

I want to select web server, email server, the installation fail.

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Server :: Design An Inexpensive Large Scale DNS Server But Fail To Find Any Metrics Or Methods To Base Scalabilty?

Nov 28, 2010

I'm trying to design an inexpensive large scale DNS server but fail to find any metrics or methods to base scalabilty.Can anyone offer information on building a stable dedicated DNS server? That might be able to scale well.

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Server :: Slave DNS Server - To Act As Fail Over?

Sep 11, 2010

im running two name servers using bind9 in my infrastructure. both are identical distros ubuntu 10.04Both are also receiving updates from each other, so no worries there.The issue is, when the master name server goes down, the slave for some reason doesnt take over and act as a primary name server. Can someone please help me on how to enable this feature using bind9?What basically I want to happen is when the master server goes down, slave will take over the primary role till the master comes back online

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Ubuntu :: All Ftp Clients Fail To Connect To Any Server?

May 11, 2010

At some point my Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop install has stopped being able to connect via ftp to servers. I have several servers that I have accounts to and I have several ftp clients installed on my system, including gftp, Filezilla, and command line ftp tools. None of them can connect to any of my servers.

Here it is from the command line:

> ftp
ftp: connect: Connection refused

I can connect fine with my netbook running Ubuntu, only my desktop has this problem, and of course I use my desktop for development. Do I have a firewall running or something that's blocking my outgoing requests over port 21?

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Server :: NFS Service Start Fail - No Such Device

Dec 23, 2010

rhev-h starting NFS service why occur under issue message?
[root@RHEV ~]# /etc/init.d/nfs start
Starting NFS services: exportfs: can't open /var/lib/nfs/rmtab for reading [OK]
Starting NFS daemon: [FAILED]
[root@RHEV ~]# tail /var/log/messages
2010-12-23T09:32:20.507146+00:00 RHEV exportfs[7834]: can't open /var/lib/nfs/rmtab for reading
2010-12-23T09:32:20.562458+00:00 RHEV modprobe: WARNING: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.3.1.el5/kernel/fs/exportfs/exportfs.ko': No such file or directory
2010-12-23T09:32:20.562508+00:00 RHEV modprobe: FATAL: Error inserting nfsd (/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.3.1.el5/kernel/fs/nfsd/nfsd.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
2010-12-23T09:32:20.563344+00:00 RHEV nfsd[7838]: nfssvc: No such device

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Server :: SFTP Seems To Fail For NIS Accounts Under OpenSSH 5.x?

Jun 23, 2010

I have recently discovered the following: when I attempt to connect to any of our machines that are OpenSSH 5.x (Ubuntu 10 or OpenSuSE 11.x in our case) as one of the users defined in the NIS domain that fails. For instance, me (user bepstein) can SSH into all those machines but not SFTP.I can SFTP into those machines on the network that are OpenSSH 4.x, however (CentOS 5.3 - 5.4, OpenSUSE 10.3).As a user defined locally on the machine (in /etc/passwd ) I can connect via either SSH or SFTP even if the machine is OpenSSH 5.x.Some further discussion of that issue is available here: http:[url]....

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OpenSUSE Network :: Dns Server Fail To Load Zone?

Mar 21, 2010

I have a DNS server with 3 zonesone is dynamic with an associated reverse and one is static
Everything was fine until I added a single host in the staticzone then the server stopped resolving names in that zoneThe only way I could get it to work again was delete the whole zone and re enter the zone and hosts

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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN On 10.04 Server - Routes Fail

Jul 18, 2010

New ubuntu desktop user here. I've been working with Ubuntu servers for over 3 yrs, using Windows as clients. I have OpenVPN running on an ubuntu 10.04 server, and it has worked well with Windows OpenVPN clients connecting. I took those same settings and applied them to this new install of Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop, and now openvpn seems to be failing when we get to the routes (I wrestled with the network-manager "secrets" issue for hours, but that works now).

I performed the following:
sudo openvpn --config fogbank-ny1.ovpn
--all is well, we're connecting/yay then *screech* FAIL--

Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,route,redirect-gateway def1,dhcp-option DNS,route,topology net30,ping 30,ping-restart 600,ifconfig'
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modified
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 ROUTE default_gateway=
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 TUN/TAP device tun0 opened
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 TUN/TAP TX queue length set to 100
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 /sbin/ifconfig tun0 pointopoint mtu 1500
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 /sbin/route add -net <mypublicip> netmask gw
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 /sbin/route add -net netmask gw
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 /sbin/route add -net netmask gw
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 /sbin/route add -net netmask gw
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 /sbin/route add -net netmask gw
SIOCADDRT: File exists
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 ERROR: Linux route add command failed: external program exited with error status: 7
Sun Jul 18 07:17:14 2010 Initialization Sequence Completed

I am using the suggested openvpn routes. If I connect from Windows (actually the .ovpn file is taken directly from the working windows machine).. all is well, routes work fine all traffic is routed thru the VPN -- same way it's worked for over a yar. I assume that this is what is causing networkmanager to fail as well. those logs indicate that it has connected to the vpn, but is probably stopping when it gets to routes.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Server Edition Install Fail ?

Jul 18, 2010

I tried installing Ubuntu LTS 10.04 Server Edition 64 bit on one of my drives today...

The install completed fine until it went to reboot. Then it faills while initializing the graphics. It tries (a purple flash on the screen) then goes to a text based dump on the monitor.

Ubuntu LTS 10.04 Desktop Edition run great on this machine. I'm wondering if the Server Edition confused by multiple instances of a video card? This computer is SLI bridged:


Is the xorg or whatever video subsystem that the server edition uses different than Desktop Edition?

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Server :: Concept Of Fail Over High Availability Mode

Jun 25, 2009

Now that I have setup a proxy server, as a next step I want to run it in fail-over high availability mode, so that if one proxy is down due to any reason, second proxy should automatically be up and start serving requests.

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Debian Configuration :: Installed Nfs-kernel-server On The Server And Nfs-common On The Client?

May 3, 2011

I have installed nfs-kernel-server on the server and nfs-common on the client. Assumeserver

content of /etc/exports is:


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OpenSUSE :: FIrewall Setup / Client Computer Cannot See NFS Server When Scanning For Server - OSE 11.2?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a small home-office network. On that network I have two linux computers, one is a client the other a server.

On the server I have NFS Server setup and mount some NFS exports on the client computer.

On the server I have the firewall on and here it becomes a little tricky.

Since both the server and the client connect to the router the interface (eth1) is theoretically both an internal & external zone.

The router is commercial grade and therefore has a good firewall on it which is also setup. Therefore the firewall on the server is really more of a backup than a necessity. But that's fine, and by having the server's firewall on 'fail2ban' is able to work which I like to have working so I don't want to just turn off the server firewall even though I have good security from the router.

However, when I turn on the server's firewall, the client computer cannot see the NFS server when scanning for server -- done by: clicking on "Choose" next to "NFS Server Hostname" when adding an NFS share in the NFS Client in YaST. Clearly something is being blocked even though I have both "NFS Client" and "NFS Server Service" allowed in the server firewall. The Firewall config. files for these are below.

The Firewall configuration is pretty much "out of the box". That is I have the services I need opened up for the external zone, the other zones are left at their default which means the internal zone, although not used (i.e.: attached to any interface), is completely open.

The perfect solution I guess would be to setup my client computer to connect through a different NIC (perhaps eth0), make that the "Internal Zone" and therefore allow all traffic through to it while still blocking the server from the external zone. However, I cannot make that physical change to my network for now so I am looking for an in between (non-perfect) solution.

In this case I am guessing that means opening up extra NFS ports to the external zone so I have full NFS functionality. I don't mind this because like I said, the router firewall is the main line of defense anyway.

So, given all of the above could someone tell me what I would need to additionally open up in the server firewall to make the NFS server detection work on the client while the firewall was on. Or, if you have a cleverer/better solution without me changing my physical network that would be great.

Hopefully I have written this in enough detail and clearly enough so that all the parameters are clear but if not, feel free to ask me what you like and I'll try to make it clear.

## Description: Firewall Configuration for NFS kernel server.
# Only the variables TCP, UDP, RPC, IP and BROADCAST are allowed.
# More may be supported in the future.

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Server :: Calling Remote Apps On Windows Server From 'buntu' Client

Apr 23, 2010

My desktop is running 'buntu 9.10 and I have recently aquired a couple of half decent servers running Windows server 2003. I have a few windows app's that I use regularly for work that I have had limited success in running with wine or in vm's. I stumbled upon a how to to call apps in a vm to run seamlessly on the host desktop and did some playing and have succeeded in calling app's on my servers from my 'buntu desktop, the command I have set in my launcher for one of them (DIALux)

My question is, can I change the default application/file association in 'buntu with a custom command so I can double click on a file and have it open in one of these remote app's??If I can, what is the correct custom command to be using as using the above doesn't work at all, it just tries to open the file with rdesktop not the remote app.

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Server :: CentOS /Samba Server- XP Windows Client File Sharing?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a CentOS + Samba server and Windows XP client machines. Users, passwords and permissions are entered on the server machine.users and passwords ( same as on the server ) are entered in the XP client machine.When attempting to access a public file on the server using a XP client machine and the IP address of my server, I am asked a user name and password and none of the already entered seem to work. I cannot access the server file (prompted again and again to enter user name and password). What did i miss

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Server :: Run An Openvpn Server On A Openvz VPS - Packets Doesn't Reach The Client

Oct 23, 2010

I'm trying hard to run an openvpn server on a openvz VPS, the problem is packets sent from openvpn server process, doesnt reach the client, so connection is never stablished (I run tcpdump on server and wireshark on client to carefully investigate whats wrong), the first guess is that a kind of firewall is blocking traffic (I tried connecting to server through different ISP's but it's possible the national network provider applied some filtering but it cant be on IP,src port or dst port as I'd tried different configuration.

what about deep packet inspection technics, is it possible to block my traffic?) but at exactly the same time I can transmit UDP packets using netcat from server to the guest. there is no firewall enabled in between, I had tried, tcp and udp, tried both open vpn and openvpnAS and tried any thing one can imagine! the VPN is configured as a routed (TUN) type on debian

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Networking :: Jboss Application Server Fail Over By Using Heartbeat On Rhel5?

Sep 8, 2010

Is it possible to do jboss application server fail over by using heartbeat on rhel5?

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Server :: Service Postfix Restart Fail / Domain Name Config

Mar 4, 2010

I am new to Linux and I am trying to set up a mail server using postfix. I have done all the configurations(hopefully correct) and all the test seems to work except 2 things.

1) Postfix is running but when I try to restart the service it always fails. I checked the /var/log folder and there are no error messages.
2) When I try sending e-mails using outlook, outlook fails to connect to my server.

I am wondering if I have done the configurations properly. I am a little confused in regards to hostname and domain name. When I do a hostname on the terminal I see the hostname that I gave my server. When I do the domainname command however, domain is none. Is it necessary to have a domain to configure postfix? I have myhostname = what should my domainname = to if there is none. If I do require a domain name how to I create one? I need to be able to access e-mail from external clients.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Find Networkpath And Fail To Retrieve Sharelist From Server?

May 2, 2010

I have 2 computer 1 with a ubuntu 10, one with windows 7. I can access the windows 7 computer from Ubuntu, and see all the documents. However I can't access \SAMBA24 which I assume is the Ubuntu. What do i have to do ? I'm a complete beginner at this.Windows 7 can't find networkpath, and Ubuntu says fail to retrieve sharelist from server.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Server - Fail To Login With A Timeout Error When Logging In Via Ssh

Jun 28, 2011

I have multiple computers set up in my home (self education on networking) with one used as the main machine, and the others set up as a variety of server types. The main machine is running Lucid, as gui based os. The others are all running the server version. NO Domain controller is installed, no DNS server is installed.

ALL of the server machines boot to a login prompt, allow user name and password entry, and then will fail to login with a timeout error. After anywhere from 8-15 tries, the login will eventually succeed. Error also occurs when logging in via ssh.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Epic Fail Mysql Install Got Horribly Wrong

Nov 20, 2010

Today I was trying to upgrade mysql and php.PhP went well, thats at the latest version, but the mysql went to 5.5x from REMI. This killed all my websites, no DB and worse.Well I typed the wrong this (totally my fault - serious EPIC FAIL)i typed yum remove mysql not downgrade...This removed plesk and a load of other stuff, and now im screwed.

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Server :: Openldap Client Fails To Connect Ldap Server 'ldap_bind - Can't Contact LDAP Server

Sep 28, 2010

Just installed openldap server on a VM CentOS called 'ldapsrv', it works fine, ldapsearch returns all ldap information.

Installed openldap client on another VM CentOS called 'ldapclient1', configured it with most basic configuration, no ssl/tls etc. but ldapsearch returns error:

ldapsrv is pingable:

Some outputs:

PHP Code:

PHP Code:

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Server Client And Server 2008?

May 18, 2010

I love Ubuntu and last night I wiped crappy windows 7 off my laptop and installed and customised a beautiful Ubuntu 9 OS ( I tried the new 10.04 first but it had some issues for me ). Now, up here at work we got a Domain Controller that is running windows server 2008, I need to be able to RDP into it and mess with it, I tried to use the Terminal Server Client that comes with Ubuntu, and I can see the login screen just fine, but when I try to log in it says incorrect password and wont go through.

Just to make sure it was not my account that was the issue, I went to my boss and used his computer (a MAC running OSX) and I was able to get into the same server with the same credentials, so it has something to do with my computer not my account. Do any of you have any ideas on what the problem could be?

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Networking :: Can't Ping Server From Client But After Run In Server RHEL5

Nov 27, 2010

I have 2 ethernet cards but when I look at the Network configuration in "Hardware Tab" I have another acx wireless network. How to delete that because In my system Idon't have wireless card..probably installed before but want delete it now.


then windows can ping server and resolve ip address and browsing Internet but can't ping [URL]... result is Request time out. ICMP already enabled in iptables.

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General :: Connecting From A Windows7 Client To A Server Through Vnc Server?

Jul 29, 2011

i tried to connecting from a windows7 client to a linux server through vnc server.But its very slow , is there any alternative for vnc . i heard that samba can be used as a remote desktop tool if its true please reply with configuration details.

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