Server :: Chkconfig Runs Script With Different PATH Values?
Oct 7, 2010
I have a question regarding the user that chkconfig runs as. My chkconfig script calls some other scripts to start up a tomcat instance. But the secondary scripts use %JAVA_HOME and for some reason the user it's running under doesn't have that defined. I can call the scripts directly as the root or as another user and it works properly. But I added an echo in the script and when chkconfig calls the script it has a much smaller $PATH and no $JAVA_HOME.
I would like know in which file is the machine name, os type and processor architecture stored in? I would like to know the path to those files where the value for os is i386 and machine i686 is something like this, in which file the systemuser and the number of users of that system is stored
/usr/src/redhat/RPMS/ ...
In these files i686 and I 386 is stored as directories and not as values but I want them as values in the file.
I'm on a CentOS server and for the past hours I have been trying to unsuccessfully make a script that will start a binary and keep it running if anything goes wrong with it.
have to create a webhost on an running fedora server which runs multiple webpages + a coldfusion serveri have to add an coldfusion virtual host to these.what i would do:*crate a new user & group*enter vhosts.conf and copy an existing host and modify it for the new one.*create an new folder and copy the main files (phpstarter and webroot) *chown the files for the right useri think an apache graceful would be needet
As mentioned in "man swapon" priority value is between 0 and 32767. BUT usually if we add swap devices without giving the priority, their priorities are set as -2, -3, -4 and so on; values which does not fall between 0 and 32767.Why is it so ? Any ideas ? However, I know we can change them through "swapon -p". But, if do not wish to do so, it uses -2, -3, -4 only. Like below,
Code: [root@server ~]# swapon -s Filename Type Size Used Priority
when i give service postgresql status command. i get the following.ostmaster (pid xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx) is running...The issue is my postmaster service is running in multiple process ids.As a result my cpu usage becomes high.How to resolve this. my postmaster service need to be run under only one process id
I migrated joomla to my new server and noticed that the script doesn't have the permission to edit it's own configuration file and write to the cache folder. All my files are owned by root, which I guess isn't a good idea.
As what user do the PHP scripts run? Or is this system specific? I don't want to chmod all files to 777 so I'd just like to change file and folder ownerships to the user that is executing that script.
The rsa was generated from server using as CN Common name.
GoDaddy's website adds the extra names to a CSR you provide, does the checks and grants the cert.
My problem is that whilst the certificate works fine on the server (from which the csr was created), it comes up with two errors when restarting apache on remote servers.
1>> Certificate common name does not match server name 2>> SSL Library error - check private key:key missmatch.
I donn't understand how these keys could ever work as no reference to the private keys of the remote servers is ever used in creating the UCC certificate.
I'm running a Minecraft server off of a dell T110 with Ubuntu 10.1 installed, as I haven't had a chance to install Natty yet. The problem is, it's running very very slowly, past the point where I could say it's the hardware's issue.
I have an intel xeon (2.4ghz quad core) in there, with 2gb of RAM. 2gb isn't much, but the computer runs slowly even when the MC server itself is off.
I'm talking super super slow, like, the cursor doesn't even show up all the time. It disappears frequently and things take a while to render/open, a site like facebook takes about 20 seconds to completely load.
This is my first ubuntu install, so I'm kind of new to it. The only problem/solution I could think is that I may have installed the 32bit version on a 64bit processor. I don't think I did, butttt that's the only thing that occurs to me
I have debian lenny, when I run an application is slow to load (example: iceweacel open and it takes, I can hold him iceweacel work normally), I tried to change from gnome to another and the same thing, went down some services (samba, squid) and nothing. I open a terminal and it takes, I want to duplicate it and do it fast. From a terminal without X (tty1) with root run mc and moves quickly, also run as root "sudo mc" and takes to boot.Any action done with sudo it takes to run.
Can not be what it takes to make starting the applications, not the PC because it is new, and from one moment to another I began to pass this
The sudoers file is fine, in the log's nothing unusual, since other PC take long to enter samba.
I have a box that is Rec Hat Linux 5.4 with Apache server 2.2.3 . I'm told there are multiple vulnerabilities in Apache httpd, that version 2.2.16 or later is better. However, I did a package update this week and 2.2.3 is where I sit. Is there a newer version that will run or a patch for 2.2.3? Upgrading Red Hat is not an option.
I have a server and i think that my server is under Ddos attack. i see that server is not having much load and only few process runs but my site opens very slow. i executed the following command on my ssh:
I want to write init.d script, I find some material (It will be wonderful, if you will give some more materials to read) and i have nice script, but it says
Code: service test_script does not support chkconfig
Where I can read about how to add chkconfig support to the script?
I want dovecot to start at boot and I can't seem to get this to work.Initially, I installed chkconfig and tried to run "sudo chkconfig dovecot on". This generated a whole bunch of errors about upstart and insserv not getting along properly. I patched chkconfig according to a post on this page:URL...
Code: /sbin/chkconfig --level 3 kudzu off Is there any other way of doing it . for example by modifying parameter of any file.
Basically i want kudzu to be disabled during the first run of the machine after installation. I have full access to the filesystem without starting the machine(its a virtual machine).
Usually I use LINUX and I can set the running scripts under /etc/init.d and I can check this with 'chkconfig'. But now by Solaris I got "chkconfig: not found"
i am trying to add a script on rc6.d using chkconfig but it doesn't work. I am missing something but i dunno what. I try with a test script /etc/init.d/test cat test
# # test test # # Author: Maurizio Marini # # chkconfig: 2345 98 02 # description: this is a test
I installed a new squeeze serverXen Hypervisor runs the server as Dom0 anda virtual Windows XP.The server runs samba, postfix, dovecot, squid, cups and hylafax with a Frritz ISDN card (module fcpci.ko).The used memory of Dom0 rises slowly (about 5MB /h) until the system crashes.As a workaround i installed a reboot every 24 hours.htop shows normal behavior.The system is already in production, so i can't stop services to track this bug.I need some hints how to debug the running system to find out, where the memory gets lots.
I want to be able to create a service so that the bash script will run every time the server boots up.
I am running CentOS 5.
I have been reading about chkconfig and creating a file in /etc/init.d for chkconfig to handle but I cannot seem to get it to work whenever I 'chkconfig servicename on' and then 'service servicename start'
When I do chkconfig --list my service is listed there.
Can someone provide me with a sample of the file I need to create in /etc/init.d and how to get everything running?